[2017-01-27 21:46:45.263] Possible block solve diff 29969507946342.382812 !
[2017-01-27 21:46:45.636] BLOCK ACCEPTED!
[2017-01-27 21:46:46.017] Solved and confirmed block 450328 by 1NrV55iVXdsDwoQYLnZK7DQMbhEmFDZyeV.barraccooda.025
[2017-01-27 21:46:46.017] User 1NrV55iVXdsDwoQYLnZK7DQMbhEmFDZyeV:{"hashrate1m": "766T", "hashrate5m": "770T", "hashrate1hr": "760T", "hashrate1d": "754T", "hashrate7d": "465T"}
[2017-01-27 21:46:46.017] Worker 1NrV55iVXdsDwoQYLnZK7DQMbhEmFDZyeV.barraccooda.025:{"hashrate1m": "4.96T", "hashrate5m": "4.67T", "hashrate1hr": "4.88T", "hashrate1d": "4.9T", "hashrate7d": "4.86T"}
Block solved after 163% diff shares.
3rd block solved by this miner/address, congratulations!
https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/block/000000000000000000096453b092e098538f56fb6889ec601cfa037ecb6ee540The share count/best share is still not resetting on the main pool so please ignore the reported value.
This is the first block solved and submitted with the new code that's designed to submit code as quickly as possible across the different pools to help propagate it even faster than the relay network can.
It was found and submitted at 45.263 on the DE pool which then confirmed it at 45.636:
[2017-01-27 21:46:45.263] Possible block solve diff 29969507946342.382812 !
[2017-01-27 21:46:45.636] BLOCK ACCEPTED!
It was simultaneously sent to the main pool for submission there; the main pool is 130ms ping away from the DE pool.
The main pool then submitted it at 45.332, only 69ms later - which is exactly half the ping time and then the main pool confirmed it at 45.567
[2017-01-27 15:46:45.332] Possible remote block solve diff 29969507946342.382812 !
[2017-01-27 15:46:45.567] BLOCK ACCEPTED!
So it was actually confirmed at the main pool
earlier than at the DE pool where it was found, because the main pool's hardware is much more powerful than the DE pool.
This would mean the block was propagated faster across the world than either pool could have by itself since it was propagated from both sides of the world at approximately the same time, making chance of the block being orphaned as small as possible. This is the new "remote" code I've been working on for some time in ckpool and is why there were so many restarts of the pool in the last month to implement.