CRW Statistics & Tron Earnings CalculatorFor any newcomers and potential investors, welcome!
Use the following tool to get a quick and easy overview of the CRW network and the income your Tron(s) will generate. want to jot a note, and say that from my perspective one shouldn't look at the tokens as an investment -- but an experiment. If you understand what the experiment is, and want to take part in it -- then you can accumulate tokens in different ways, but the easiest way is to buy them.
The ideas behind the experiment are outlined at a high level in a brief set of papers, the Crown Papers, which are available on the website.
The implementation details of the project are a work in process. The next step will be the release of an API which will handle the "conversation" between applications and the trons (nodes) managing them. The API will enable an application economy, in which trons will offer applications, developers of applications will negotiate revenue sharing arrangements with the trons running their applications and users will be able to pay for the applications using CRW. The purpose of the API isn't to be a tool for the core team to develop apps and make money -- it's will be a tool that just comes with the platform and is there to enable node operators and developers to build businesses or experiment with.
While the Tron Operator and Developer community is getting comfortable with the API, work will continue on tightening and accelerating the functionality of the Crown core, which will just be focused on keys and transactions - nothing else to distract it.
And along the way there will be a steady drumbeat of other features being integrated in different ways -- Infernoman has a nice list of what he knows he wants to make sure we get baked in. And we will welcome ideas from the community -- while the broad plan is set -- the details/implementation of anything can almost always be improved.
I bring up the API and quote LucD88's reference to the throne yield calculations just to illustrate that while the throne returns from the block rewards are interesting -- the real opportunity for the platform will be building out applications and uses. The thrones will be able to earn revenues from the applications they provide -- and this is important to note -- because if the project is core team is able to build what is envisioned - then each throne is functionally a cloud service provider and depending on the configuration and tools utilized by the tron operator -- one throne could be, effectively, an elastic service provider. Because the thone gets a proportional share of the block reward -- but in the application sharing, the bulk of the revenues will go to the tron which provides the compute capacity for the application....
This is why Stonehedge's post about how he has built and has his tron's running as a primitive "tron swarm" is probably worth going back and reading if you are curious.
Since, the "marginal economic value" of a CRW token will arguably be the price at which a node operator would buy the token to place in collateral for operating a sort of "crown cloud franchise" versus letting it be used in exchange -- the bottom line that this whole discussion maps back to is what a reasonable price for a token might be. And that will depend on the vigor of the application economy which entrepreneurs set up on the Crown platform... which hasn't happened yet.
But that's kind of how I think of it and it gives folks a little bit of a structure for trying to figure it out for themselves. As stated -- this is all an experiment which is in process -- and to an extent it's success will depend on having enough people believe it will be successful to work to make it successful.
The encouraging feedback from the market price at this point isn't that the team has accomplished their goal yet -- but it is that some of the folks out there watching are starting to believe. Now the team has to deliver.