Seems like there are a few different issues in "the naming of cats" or coins, which is a "difficult matter, it isn't just one of your holiday games." his own way, Eliot anticipates the planned matrix of uses and keys for a "cat" or address, and how it is key... and while "you may think me mad as a hatter"... I'll get
...back to the point, of names.
Names are descriptors & pointers. They have their own identity, associations and baggage. They call on metaphors and experiences for people -- and these metaphors and experiences, simply linked by the name - not necessarily any content, but perhaps the naming is signaling intent... so CRW wants to take acer with the metaphor and what it points to...
1. Should it be a currency name or something else for this smallest unit? If it is a currency name then it has to be local or have some link to a local unit.
2. Should it be a unit referring to an intended use of CRW other than currency?
Such as (a) keeping time (bitcoin is a timestamp system per satoshi), or (b) computing / processing, (c) communicating
3. Should it have a name which has a geographic/historical meaning, or should it be named after something with a global meaning? This one is slippery, because everything starts local - so the very idea of a global anything may be wrong... it's just different local communities who have converged on a solution - so it's not actually global but UNIVERSAL, that we mean... but universal isn't it either, because not everyone comes to the same converged usages or patterns -- but some do. Think of it as the "bow and arrow" problem. All over the world separate human populations all came up with the bow and arrow independently.
I agree with Stonehedge's point... but I like "ore" in it's English meaning as the raw material.
I also like "arrow" -- because of the way that technology popped up independently everywhere and because it isn't passive. Arrows fly. You could lose some arrows or loose a flight of arrows... anyway...
No right answer, and I suspect some trolls might have some fun with this... but it is an actual question that the team would like community feedback on.
Something has to go in the code updates which are being finished.