Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
March 27, 2017, 07:03:02 AM |
Please see this post about a recent experience that one of our community members had with C-Cex. As always we advise people to trust exchanges with the minimum amount of coins possible at any one time. Please exercise caution.
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
March 27, 2017, 07:26:17 AM |
After some notifications from users in germany and another in malaysia, we've decided to bring online a few more DNS nodes as well as electrumx nodes. Currently online is quebec, singapore, bangalore, and frankfurt. Since most of our users haven't had any issues im trying to focus on some spots of the earth that may not be covered as greatly.
awesome ! reaction time of the CROWN team is great, even on weekends, sync is going great again ! Thanks to the team
March 27, 2017, 08:01:00 AM |
CRW Statistics & Tron Earnings Calculator free to send me a PM with feedback/suggestions on how to improve the tool! 
March 27, 2017, 08:21:05 AM |
@urban_idler I find much of what you said thoughtful and insightful. I am looking for a good, solid altcoin to invest my time/$ into, so as for my issue with the "robbed" claim I made, it goes against all the I believe in for any coin that claims to be a decentralized coin to do certain things. Among those things is to remove any, and all, choice from the community about who pays what to whom and for anyone to take x% off the top of a block reward of a solo miner. I have not, as of yet, decided how much time, labor, and/or $ I will invest in CrownCoin; however, even if I go all-in, I will not waiver from those 2 core beliefs. From my perspective taking a mandatory 50% off the top is a kin to being a reverse Robin Hood (taking from the poor and giving it to the rich); even the Church only demands 10% (  ). Hey ComputerGenie, great to hear that you guys have sorted it out with infernoman. We are looking for fairplay DEVs who would be willing to help us with Crown Revolution  Massive amount of work to be done 
March 27, 2017, 09:13:23 AM |
Hey ComputerGenie, great to hear that you guys have sorted it out with infernoman. We are looking for fairplay DEVs who would be willing to help us with Crown Revolution  Massive amount of work to be done  Don't look at me, I'm far too lazy and far too bipolar to stick to timelines. 
If you have to ask "why?", you wouldn`t understand my answer. Always be on the look out, because you never know when you'll be stalked by hit-men that eat nothing but cream cheese....
Activity: 2982
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
March 27, 2017, 09:59:47 AM |
hello friend sorry for my stupid question but where we can mine the crw i got a farm of s7 thank for your time  [ONLINE POOLS] Also and ... ... lodiff and hidiff ports ...  ... #crysx Lets get that into the OP tanx mate ... the top left hand corner of the pool explains the important areas for the miner ... crown - 1025 / 5025 - alpha c7x64 ... this mean simply ... < the coin pool name / coin being mined > - < the port / ports - low diff first ( lodiff ) / high diff second ( hidiff ) - < stage designation which is the level of testing it is at > ... coin mined - crown ... lodiff port - 1025 ( for cpu / small gpu miners ) ... hidiff port - 5025 ( for heavier hash miners / rental hash ) ... level designation - which tells where the pool is at with testing and bugfixing ... as this is a new pool - it is at alpha stage and will be moved to beta ( different colour also ) when all 'base' testing is completed successfully ... the address currently is the same as the pool address ( ) but will change when the different servers are finished and running ( pool / stratum / daemon servers ) ... tanx again ... #crysx
Activity: 2982
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
March 27, 2017, 10:01:25 AM |
Hey ComputerGenie, great to hear that you guys have sorted it out with infernoman. We are looking for fairplay DEVs who would be willing to help us with Crown Revolution  Massive amount of work to be done  Don't look at me, I'm far too lazy and far too bipolar to stick to timelines.  hahaha ... ahahah ... hehehe ... ahem ... <whispers> me too  ... #crysx
March 27, 2017, 10:36:23 AM |
looks very good and interesting, is there some sort of way to calculate aditional costs and income?`is there a good and easy guide to explain how thrones work?
March 27, 2017, 11:04:34 AM |
I dont get the use of the crowncoin wallet, now I want to make withdrawal it is not responding, no synchronising also, No youtube video on the wallet use also. I cant remember getting a message when subscribing for the wallet and wallet is requesting for one. I informed one of the campaign manager through PM but no response.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
March 27, 2017, 11:08:38 AM |
I dont get the use of the crowncoin wallet, now I want to make withdrawal it is not responding, no synchronising also, No youtube video on the wallet use also. I cant remember getting a message when subscribing for the wallet and wallet is requesting for one. I informed one of the campaign manager through PM but no response.
Can you provide more information? Are you using the latest version of the wallet? There was a mandatory update about a month ago. I'm not sure what you mean about campaign manager. If you have a problem in future, please post on here or contact a member of the dev team.
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
March 27, 2017, 01:27:31 PM |
After some notifications from users in germany and another in malaysia, we've decided to bring online a few more DNS nodes as well as electrumx nodes. Currently online is quebec, singapore, bangalore, and frankfurt. Since most of our users haven't had any issues im trying to focus on some spots of the earth that may not be covered as greatly.
It is an honour to tell you that the servers now are doing great here in the south east of asia... After 2 days not syncing my wallet, it took only few minutes to complete the sync...better and greater than before... Great work and so much thanks to all...Cheers... Thanks waveodell, I'm glad everything is up to speed now ! I also had some issues during the initial sync, Now i'm sure that it was because of the low node count in the area  If anyone else has connection issues please let us know ! We're trying to stabilize the network, and bring some more electrumX servers online. Now that I have a proper snapshot using digitalocean droplets, I can drop nodes all over the world, with very little time involved. In turn this will help strengthen main net and electrum network for future endeavors.
March 27, 2017, 02:03:30 PM |
I dont get the use of the crowncoin wallet, now I want to make withdrawal it is not responding, no synchronising also, No youtube video on the wallet use also. I cant remember getting a message when subscribing for the wallet and wallet is requesting for one. I informed one of the campaign manager through PM but no response.
Can you provide more information? Are you using the latest version of the wallet? There was a mandatory update about a month ago. I'm not sure what you mean about campaign manager. If you have a problem in future, please post on here or contact a member of the dev team. Or join our private chat, the team will help you out
March 27, 2017, 08:01:35 PM |
I dont get the use of the crowncoin wallet, now I want to make withdrawal it is not responding, no synchronising also, No youtube video on the wallet use also. I cant remember getting a message when subscribing for the wallet and wallet is requesting for one. I informed one of the campaign manager through PM but no response.
Can you provide more information? Are you using the latest version of the wallet? There was a mandatory update about a month ago. I'm not sure what you mean about campaign manager. If you have a problem in future, please post on here or contact a member of the dev team. I downloaded the app yesterday, Now that i saw the coin grew, i remember I deposited some, few months back. i like to retrieve it to an exchange.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 27, 2017, 09:08:48 PM |
Wow, thrones doubled in 2 days!  Good for the network! It's just... The first 200 ip's are diverse. The last 200 ip's are in huge ip-blocks. Don't wanna spread any FUD, but imho, a normal, organic, growth looks different. We need more diverse masternode owners! If anybody holds more than 10.000 crw long term, please set up a masternode!
March 27, 2017, 09:14:55 PM |
| updateUpdated the look and feel and added responsiveness for mobile devices. The Tron Monitor and Help Center are still being developed, stay tuned!
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
March 27, 2017, 09:18:18 PM |
Wow, thrones doubled in 2 days!  Good for the network! It's just... The first 200 ip's are diverse. The last 200 ip's are in huge ip-blocks. Don't wanna spread any FUD, but imho, a normal, organic, growth looks different. We need more diverse masternode owners! If anybody holds more than 10.000 crw long term, please set up a masternode! I wrote "doubled in 2 days"...they have been doubled in just 8 hours!

Activity: 87
Merit: 10
March 27, 2017, 10:02:43 PM |
Wow, thrones doubled in 2 days!  Good for the network! It's just... The first 200 ip's are diverse. The last 200 ip's are in huge ip-blocks. Don't wanna spread any FUD, but imho, a normal, organic, growth looks different. We need more diverse masternode owners! If anybody holds more than 10.000 crw long term, please set up a masternode! I wrote "doubled in 2 days"...they have been doubled in just 8 hours! Chaositec can respond more specifically, but I believe what you noticed were the thrones hosted on NodeVPS coming back online. So those aren't actually new nodes -- just a new server and programming backend to add capacity at NodeVPS...
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
March 28, 2017, 12:35:06 AM |
@urban_idler I find much of what you said thoughtful and insightful. I am looking for a good, solid altcoin to invest my time/$ into, so as for my issue with the "robbed" claim I made, it goes against all the I believe in for any coin that claims to be a decentralized coin to do certain things. Among those things is to remove any, and all, choice from the community about who pays what to whom and for anyone to take x% off the top of a block reward of a solo miner. I have not, as of yet, decided how much time, labor, and/or $ I will invest in CrownCoin; however, even if I go all-in, I will not waiver from those 2 core beliefs. From my perspective taking a mandatory 50% off the top is a kin to being a reverse Robin Hood (taking from the poor and giving it to the rich); even the Church only demands 10% (  ). Fair enough I can respect that, also gives me something to think about... My veiw on the % is that full nodes provide just as much value/security to the network as mining does, so why not split it 50/50.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
March 28, 2017, 12:39:31 AM |
Bounty is still available 😀
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
March 28, 2017, 12:45:16 AM |
hello friend sorry for my stupid question but where we can mine the crw i got a farm of s7 thank for your time  [ONLINE POOLS] Also and ... ... lodiff and hidiff ports ...  ... #crysx Lets get that into the OP I should have time tomorrow afternoon to do this, im flat out ATM, helped someone else set a throne up tonight, 1:44am and up for work at 7