Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
February 11, 2017, 10:15:19 AM |
Is the guide currently up to date with the correct folder names/file paths? Everything is fine until I get to adding "./ && ./configure && sudo make install -j 2" and I get "./ 9: autoreconf: not found"
We've found that they work for ubuntu 14.04 but 16.04 and 16.10 they do not. One of the other guys should be able to chime in shortly. But there are bin's available at, I'll give it another shot tomorrow. I was using the latest ubuntu. Here's the script that I use to compile on 16.10. It sets a non persistent page file. #!/bin/bash sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/swap/ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/cache/swap/myswap bs=1M count=2048 sudo mkswap /var/cache/swap/myswap sudo swapon /var/cache/swap/myswap sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get install git-all dh-autoreconf pkg-config build-essential libtool autotools-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-all-dev -y sudo apt-add-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y mkdir -p src && cd src git clone -b master cd crowncoin/ ./ && ./configure && sudo make install -j 2
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
February 11, 2017, 11:39:53 AM |
I've just updated to the latest version (120061) and verified I'm on the correct chain. But when I try to do a "throne start", I get:
Not capable throne: Could not connect to
I verified that I can actually telnet to this IP and port (besides I've not changed anything on the server except for updating the client). What is the issue here?
Is the throne.conf stored in the folder crown or crowncoin? I renamed ~/.crowncoin to ~/.crown. I don't have a throne.conf in it (except for the default), since I have the required output in the throne's wallet. At least that used to work fine with the old client - do I need one now after the update? alright now that i know that, are you trying to run the throne locally or remotely? and by locally i mean hot node. so the funds for the throne would stored on the throne instead of in a remote wallet. Yes, I'm trying to run a hot throne. (But I'm happy to change that, whatever is easiest.) I'm not 100% on this but I don't think throne.conf allows you to run a hot Throne. I'll do a test a bit later when I'm back in front of a computer. My throne doesn't have a throne.conf, except an empty one that seems to be autogenerated. I just want to run it, in the simplest possible way - up until now that was to have it "hot" and just run "throne start <password>" on the actual server. That seems to no longer work for me. I'm happy with any other way that works - awaiting your test results. Thanks! happiness mental satisfaction and consideration is a cater pillar of any task to complete it beautifully..
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
February 11, 2017, 12:37:43 PM |
Is the Throne guide currently up to date with the correct folder names/file paths? Everything is fine until I get to adding "./ && ./configure && sudo make install -j 2" and I get "./ 9: autoreconf: not found"
Yeh sorry about that. The guide was built using Ubuntu 16.04. If you have the choice id use that version.
Activity: 1136
Merit: 1196
February 11, 2017, 03:59:13 PM |
You should be able to setup a hot node using by adding the throne options to the crown.conf file. Shouldn't need the throne.conf at all for a hot node. Make sure to use an external IP address that has port forwarding enabled to port 9340. I need to get some sleep before i start debugging anymore. I've been working on the pool to try and get it ready for Crown payments  throne=1 throneaddr=<External IP Address> throneprivkey=<crown-cli throne genkey> I've all that in my .crown/crown.conf. The server is a VPS, so its IP is public and there's no firewall or anything else that would block the port. In fact, I have 80 connections, including many incoming ones; I also verified that I can telnet to the address/port combination ( This used to work with the old client, and I haven't since touched the configs or the network configuration at all.
Use your Namecoin identity as OpenID: 1 domobKsPZ5cWk2kXssD8p8ES1qffGUCm | NMC: NC domobcmcmVdxC5yxMitojQ4tvAtv99pY BM-GtQnWM3vcdorfqpKXsmfHQ4rVYPG5pKS | GPG 0xA7330737
February 11, 2017, 08:04:22 PM |
The Crown team would love to get some help from a professional marketing guy, a person who can spread this idea further  PM me
February 11, 2017, 09:45:15 PM Last edit: February 11, 2017, 09:57:14 PM by ACP |
You should be able to setup a hot node using by adding the throne options to the crown.conf file. Shouldn't need the throne.conf at all for a hot node. Make sure to use an external IP address that has port forwarding enabled to port 9340. I need to get some sleep before i start debugging anymore. I've been working on the pool to try and get it ready for Crown payments  throne=1 throneaddr=<External IP Address> throneprivkey=<crown-cli throne genkey> I've all that in my .crown/crown.conf. The server is a VPS, so its IP is public and there's no firewall or anything else that would block the port. In fact, I have 80 connections, including many incoming ones; I also verified that I can telnet to the address/port combination ( This used to work with the old client, and I haven't since touched the configs or the network configuration at all. Same problem, I'm getting incorrect port for mainnet but I have many connections and conifg is same. Let me guess, regenerate the throne because of the fork?
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 11, 2017, 09:53:00 PM |
You should be able to setup a hot node using by adding the throne options to the crown.conf file. Shouldn't need the throne.conf at all for a hot node. Make sure to use an external IP address that has port forwarding enabled to port 9340. I need to get some sleep before i start debugging anymore. I've been working on the pool to try and get it ready for Crown payments  throne=1 throneaddr=<External IP Address> throneprivkey=<crown-cli throne genkey> I've all that in my .crown/crown.conf. The server is a VPS, so its IP is public and there's no firewall or anything else that would block the port. In fact, I have 80 connections, including many incoming ones; I also verified that I can telnet to the address/port combination ( This used to work with the old client, and I haven't since touched the configs or the network configuration at all. Same problem, Working on it now, The VPS, does it have the funds stored on it as a hot node? or are you storing the funds locally? Just about to try and set one up myself now.
February 11, 2017, 09:58:11 PM |
You should be able to setup a hot node using by adding the throne options to the crown.conf file. Shouldn't need the throne.conf at all for a hot node. Make sure to use an external IP address that has port forwarding enabled to port 9340. I need to get some sleep before i start debugging anymore. I've been working on the pool to try and get it ready for Crown payments  throne=1 throneaddr=<External IP Address> throneprivkey=<crown-cli throne genkey> I've all that in my .crown/crown.conf. The server is a VPS, so its IP is public and there's no firewall or anything else that would block the port. In fact, I have 80 connections, including many incoming ones; I also verified that I can telnet to the address/port combination ( This used to work with the old client, and I haven't since touched the configs or the network configuration at all. Same problem, Working on it now, The VPS, does it have the funds stored on it as a hot node? or are you storing the funds locally? Just about to try and set one up myself now. Everything is ran on the vps, because we have many thrones and many vpsSame problem, (edit) I'm getting incorrect port for mainnet but I have many connections and conifg is same. Let me guess, regenerate the throne because of the fork?
February 11, 2017, 10:07:32 PM |
sudo ./crown-cli throne start Not capable throne: Invalid port: 0 - only 9340 is supported on mainnet.
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 11, 2017, 10:30:48 PM Last edit: February 12, 2017, 12:37:02 AM by infernoman |
You should be able to setup a hot node using by adding the throne options to the crown.conf file. Shouldn't need the throne.conf at all for a hot node. Make sure to use an external IP address that has port forwarding enabled to port 9340. I need to get some sleep before i start debugging anymore. I've been working on the pool to try and get it ready for Crown payments  throne=1 throneaddr=<External IP Address> throneprivkey=<crown-cli throne genkey> I've all that in my .crown/crown.conf. The server is a VPS, so its IP is public and there's no firewall or anything else that would block the port. In fact, I have 80 connections, including many incoming ones; I also verified that I can telnet to the address/port combination ( This used to work with the old client, and I haven't since touched the configs or the network configuration at all. Same problem, Working on it now, The VPS, does it have the funds stored on it as a hot node? or are you storing the funds locally? Just about to try and set one up myself now. Everything is ran on the vps, because we have many thrones and many vpsSame problem, (edit) I'm getting incorrect port for mainnet but I have many connections and conifg is same. Let me guess, regenerate the throne because of the fork? You shouldn't need to regenerate inputs because of the fork, if you have multiple vps' you could try switching to a cold node setup? It would give you a bit better security, and the ability to control all of the thrones from a single wallet, rather than having to navigate to each of the VPS' to start them if they go down. That won't fix the hotnode problem, but i'm just about done my coffee, and getting into everything now. I'll let you guys know what i find. Right ! finally recreated, just working on finding the issue now.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
February 12, 2017, 12:35:00 AM |
I've knocked up more spacific guides for Ubuntu 16.10 and 16.04. If you would like to create an OS spacific guide using the ones below as a template, we can arrange a bounty. [THRONES]
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
February 12, 2017, 12:45:30 AM |
EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
Has anyone seen this or any idea of what is causing it?
EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:20 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:20
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=14 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:20 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250218 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250218. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250218 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250218. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 UpdateTip: new best=0bf1b97508f8dd8bc57cf2151b01fe4a8e25410f1a7039e3ee79487509cd768c height=1250218 log2_work=73.564956 tx=1313247 date=2017-02-12 00:44:57 progress=1.000000 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Throne payment to 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payments size: 2 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 3QJmnh :-, 600000000 number : 0 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN :-, 400000000 number : 1 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250219 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250219. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Throne payment to 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payments size: 2 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 1CudxMYJNa7gqo6MEy4CrNgZLXNzoQ1pRE :-, 600000000 number : 0 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN :-, 400000000 number : 1 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250219 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250219. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:27
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:27 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:28 receive version message: /Crown Core: version 70040, blocks=1250218, us=, them=, peer= 2017-02-12 00:46:28 Added time data, samples 17, offset -6 (+0 minutes) 2017-02-12 00:46:28 nTimeOffset = -6 (+0 minutes) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 Misbehaving: (0 -> 1) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 ProcessMessage(reject, 42 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:46 Misbehaving: (1 -> 2) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 ProcessMessage(ping, 8 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:46 Misbehaving: (2 -> 3) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 ProcessMessage(getheaders, 1061 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:46 socket recv error Connection reset by peer (104) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (0 -> 1) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(reject, 42 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (1 -> 2) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(ping, 8 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (2 -> 3) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(getheaders, 1061 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (0 -> 1) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(reject, 42 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (1 -> 2) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(ping, 8 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (2 -> 3) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(getheaders, 1061 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:58
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:58 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:47:02
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:47:02 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:47:06 connect() to failed after select(): No route to host (113) 2017-02-12 00:47:07 socket recv error Connection reset by peer (104) ^C miner@daemon4:~/.crowncoin$
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 12, 2017, 02:18:31 AM |
EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
Has anyone seen this or any idea of what is causing it?
EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:20 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:20
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=14 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:20 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250218 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250218. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250218 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250218. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 UpdateTip: new best=0bf1b97508f8dd8bc57cf2151b01fe4a8e25410f1a7039e3ee79487509cd768c height=1250218 log2_work=73.564956 tx=1313247 date=2017-02-12 00:44:57 progress=1.000000 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Throne payment to 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payments size: 2 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 3QJmnh :-, 600000000 number : 0 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN :-, 400000000 number : 1 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250219 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250219. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Throne payment to 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payments size: 2 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 1CudxMYJNa7gqo6MEy4CrNgZLXNzoQ1pRE :-, 600000000 number : 0 2017-02-12 00:46:21 Payouts: 1FmYfPNcKWp6uQnVgmcz1tewHkKHZBfZYN :-, 400000000 number : 1 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Using non-specific throne payments 1250219 2017-02-12 00:46:21 CheckBlock() : Found payment(1|400000000) or payee(1|3QJmnh) nHeight 1250219. 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessages(mnw, 137 bytes) : Exception 'CDataStream::read() : end of data' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length 2017-02-12 00:46:21 ProcessMessage(mnw, 137 bytes) FAILED
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:27
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:27 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:28 receive version message: /Crown Core: version 70040, blocks=1250218, us=, them=, peer= 2017-02-12 00:46:28 Added time data, samples 17, offset -6 (+0 minutes) 2017-02-12 00:46:28 nTimeOffset = -6 (+0 minutes) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 Misbehaving: (0 -> 1) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 ProcessMessage(reject, 42 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:46 Misbehaving: (1 -> 2) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 ProcessMessage(ping, 8 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:46 Misbehaving: (2 -> 3) 2017-02-12 00:46:46 ProcessMessage(getheaders, 1061 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:46 socket recv error Connection reset by peer (104) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (0 -> 1) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(reject, 42 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (1 -> 2) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(ping, 8 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (2 -> 3) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(getheaders, 1061 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (0 -> 1) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(reject, 42 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (1 -> 2) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(ping, 8 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:47 Misbehaving: (2 -> 3) 2017-02-12 00:46:47 ProcessMessage(getheaders, 1061 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:46:58
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:46:58 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:47:02
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
2017-02-12 00:47:02 ProcessMessage(inv, 37 bytes) FAILED 2017-02-12 00:47:06 connect() to failed after select(): No route to host (113) 2017-02-12 00:47:07 socket recv error Connection reset by peer (104) ^C miner@daemon4:~/.crowncoin$
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
************************ EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type crowncoin in ProcessMessages()
Looks like your connected to the old nodes which means you need to update your wallet to can you also please claim your address using auxminingaddr= in your crown.conf file. Please post that address when your done, and ill get it added to chainz
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 12, 2017, 02:19:50 AM |
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 12, 2017, 03:40:14 AM Last edit: February 12, 2017, 04:40:33 AM by infernoman |
Just setup a fresh linux vm in under 10 minutes, syncing now. Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64) #!/bin/bash curl -sSL -o crown.tgz tar xzf crown.tgz --no-anchored crownd crown-cli --transform='s/.*\///' sudo mv crownd crown-cli /usr/bin/ rm -rf crown* fully synced in less than 30 { "version" : 120061, "protocolversion" : 70040, "walletversion" : 61000, "balance" : 10000.00000000, "darksend_balance" : 0.00000000, "blocks" : 1250390, "timeoffset" : 0, "connections" : 12, "proxy" : "", "difficulty" : 13494045.78497791, "testnet" : false, "keypoololdest" : 1486869903, "keypoolsize" : 1001, "paytxfee" : 0.00000000, "relayfee" : 0.00010000, "errors" : "" } Sat Feb 11 22:49:38 EST 2017 Found the fix and the issue for the hot throne, nothing too major and I can release a client fix for it shortly. Going to talk to the team to see if they would like to make a release for it or not, but it will not require everyone to update. to put everyones mind at ease guys just going to put this out here. If you find an issue with something and your certain your config is okay. Then check the Dash github. and type a short statement explaining the issue. With the last one being "hot node" if you search that you'll see that there was a PR merged into dash 0.12.1.x to fix the issue with hot nodes. It's a bit easier on me, since I to try and recreate and track the issue before I consider it an issue. If someone points me right toward the fix it's much easier to get implemented at a quicker pace 
February 12, 2017, 07:19:33 AM |
Just setup a fresh linux vm in under 10 minutes, syncing now. Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64) #!/bin/bash curl -sSL -o crown.tgz tar xzf crown.tgz --no-anchored crownd crown-cli --transform='s/.*\///' sudo mv crownd crown-cli /usr/bin/ rm -rf crown* fully synced in less than 30 { "version" : 120061, "protocolversion" : 70040, "walletversion" : 61000, "balance" : 10000.00000000, "darksend_balance" : 0.00000000, "blocks" : 1250390, "timeoffset" : 0, "connections" : 12, "proxy" : "", "difficulty" : 13494045.78497791, "testnet" : false, "keypoololdest" : 1486869903, "keypoolsize" : 1001, "paytxfee" : 0.00000000, "relayfee" : 0.00010000, "errors" : "" } Sat Feb 11 22:49:38 EST 2017 Found the fix and the issue for the hot throne, nothing too major and I can release a client fix for it shortly. Going to talk to the team to see if they would like to make a release for it or not, but it will not require everyone to update. to put everyones mind at ease guys just going to put this out here. If you find an issue with something and your certain your config is okay. Then check the Dash github. and type a short statement explaining the issue. With the last one being "hot node" if you search that you'll see that there was a PR merged into dash 0.12.1.x to fix the issue with hot nodes. It's a bit easier on me, since I to try and recreate and track the issue before I consider it an issue. If someone points me right toward the fix it's much easier to get implemented at a quicker pace  ] So we can work with the above fix now? re:
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 12, 2017, 07:25:46 AM |
Just setup a fresh linux vm in under 10 minutes, syncing now. Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64) #!/bin/bash curl -sSL -o crown.tgz tar xzf crown.tgz --no-anchored crownd crown-cli --transform='s/.*\///' sudo mv crownd crown-cli /usr/bin/ rm -rf crown* fully synced in less than 30 { "version" : 120061, "protocolversion" : 70040, "walletversion" : 61000, "balance" : 10000.00000000, "darksend_balance" : 0.00000000, "blocks" : 1250390, "timeoffset" : 0, "connections" : 12, "proxy" : "", "difficulty" : 13494045.78497791, "testnet" : false, "keypoololdest" : 1486869903, "keypoolsize" : 1001, "paytxfee" : 0.00000000, "relayfee" : 0.00010000, "errors" : "" } Sat Feb 11 22:49:38 EST 2017 Found the fix and the issue for the hot throne, nothing too major and I can release a client fix for it shortly. Going to talk to the team to see if they would like to make a release for it or not, but it will not require everyone to update. to put everyones mind at ease guys just going to put this out here. If you find an issue with something and your certain your config is okay. Then check the Dash github. and type a short statement explaining the issue. With the last one being "hot node" if you search that you'll see that there was a PR merged into dash 0.12.1.x to fix the issue with hot nodes. It's a bit easier on me, since I to try and recreate and track the issue before I consider it an issue. If someone points me right toward the fix it's much easier to get implemented at a quicker pace  ] So we can work with the above fix now? re: testing it now myself to see If everything is alright. Found another addition made to dash that should help with the hot nodes.
February 12, 2017, 07:26:28 AM |
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently.
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
February 12, 2017, 07:31:18 AM |
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently. that a shot now. I was able to successfully broadcast and see the node from my windows wallet. I've done a few things that should've helped with the issue.