
Activity: 65
Merit: 10
December 21, 2017, 07:00:59 PM |
Court date continued AGAIN! Merry Christmas Garza family! I am guessing we will get at least 3 continuances though.
 Yes! finally some movement
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
December 21, 2017, 07:09:52 PM |
epic load of pasted laughable bollocks
What you fail to folks posting on this thread fully understand is that trash heap people like me are morons. That I have nothing in the way of facts and simply make up the stupidest shit they I can think of. The other idiots like my brother homero accept this as fact . The only one of many true fact s on this thread is Gleb like s to cup peoples balls. Not sure I know why but that makes him me happy. The other myth fact constantly perpetrated i ns that some major event is going to happen on Jan 05 of next year. They I ACTUALLY DON'T believe this (because I'm a moron as mentioned above!) Some people are fantasizing about planning on making a trip to watch an this event that won't even occur. will be phukking epic!You're speaking to a group of people with high intelligence unlike myself who has very low intellectual capabilities. FTFY
Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be
December 21, 2017, 10:18:15 PM |
Court date continued AGAIN! Merry Christmas Garza family! I am guessing we will get at least 3 continuances though.
 Yes! finally some movement I hope you are joking. I bet it will be another year before sentencing.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
December 22, 2017, 03:56:32 AM |
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
December 22, 2017, 10:49:12 AM |
Figured since everyone was making an appearance, I wold too Smiley
First, I am curious. Why doesn't the whole "tell the truth" thing apply both ways? You guys demand GAW is truthful and transparent, yet you guys are not. You have posters literally just making things up. For example, that Scott guy has resorted to just making up facts, without a shred of proof. Most here don't bother to do any real research and present any real facts.
For example, I consistently see you guys talk about "every" person that talks negatively getting censored, yet there are negative comments about us all over the place on the HT. Additionally, I just counted all the people that have ever been banned by me, and its less then 100 users, which represents less then 1% of the active users there. How is that "everyone"?
Notice that when I defend the companies position, I typically use numbers and facts. Most of the posters here just make things up, focus on what supports their position and ignore the things that don't. You guys were all over our TOS with it mentioned virtual miners, and now that it references physical miners, no one brings it up anymore? Focus on what makes us look bad, and ignore the things that don't.
Not to mention most of the posters here buy from us! if we are so bad, why would you want to do business with us?
If you think we are violating securities laws, and the team of attorneys and all the investor relationships are are forming are some how missing that, then report us. But why keep talking about it? You guys honestly think its more believable that with all the capital and visibility we have that it makes more sense for us to be breaking the law and scamming people, then us building this company to sell for billions one day? Again, you just choose to ignore what makes your view make sense, and make up the missing information.
You guys still claim we have no miners, based on what proof? Because I refuse to not disclose my total Hash rate? makes more sense to believe that I don't really have any (despite all the pictures, etc) and for some reason I spend millions on miners that I never hook up. Then to believe that I don't disclose it for competitive reasons? And you guys wonder why I do not not address any of your questions?
Secondly, you guys claim that many of the posters on HT are like a cut, but what are you guys? You guys can not stand to hear anything pro GAW just as much as the posters on HT can not hear anything against GAW. I have seen people, literally, just post their opinions about us on reddit in a neutral way and get down-voted to the point there post dont even show. How is that different then anything you guys do here?
I just find it ironic that about half the points that get made on here are all about being transparent and accepting of other different perspectives when the posters here are just as biased.
I would happily answer any question that someone has when they are actually looking for an answer, not a way to drive their own agenda. But look at it from my view, how can I do that with the way things are handled here? The bottom line is, you guys only hear what you want to hear. Just like you claim HT users do.
Whether you guys believe it or not, I want the same thing you guys do. For crypto to be successful.
Anyways, its unlikely I will respond here again given they way you guys typically handle things here. And to most it will not make a difference, but to some, maybe it will. Minimally, anyone new thinking about doing business with, can read this, then come to their own conclusions.
hi Jessica homero garza, it must be you lol you gonna miss him Right  just call her Miss Money Tits
Jump you fuckers! | The thing about smart motherfuckers is they sound like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers. | My sig space for rent for 0.01 btc per week.
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1000
December 22, 2017, 01:11:13 PM |
Court date continued AGAIN! Merry Christmas Garza family! I am guessing we will get at least 3 continuances though.
December 22, 2017, 01:51:57 PM |
Court date continued AGAIN! Merry Christmas Garza family! I am guessing we will get at least 3 continuances though.
really? I am not aware of any such thing. I normally get letters and emails from DOJ regarding this and haven't received anything yet. If I get something I will post.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
December 23, 2017, 04:35:27 AM |
What a weasel.
Sources tell me there was a scheduling conflict in the court.
What could possibly be more important than putting Scumero Garza in prison, where he belongs?
December 23, 2017, 05:31:44 AM |
I wasn't lying. I just didn't know the reasons.
quote from email:
The sentencing hearing in this case, originally scheduled for January 5, 2018, will be continued. As soon as the new date is scheduled, the United States Attorney's Office will make all victims aware.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
December 23, 2017, 10:59:21 AM |
What a weasel.
Sources tell me there was a scheduling conflict in the court.
What could possibly be more important than putting Scumero Garza in prison, where he belongs?
Your sources are wrong. Just like every comment you've ever made on this subject.
December 23, 2017, 12:02:57 PM |
What a weasel.
Sources tell me there was a scheduling conflict in the court.
What could possibly be more important than putting Scumero Garza in prison, where he belongs?
Your sources are wrong. Just like every comment you've ever made on this subject. I am assuming he called the court, but what difference does it make? Same result! Maybe you should call them on Monday and get the " REAL" answer? 
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
December 23, 2017, 12:24:37 PM |
What a weasel.
Sources tell me there was a scheduling conflict in the court.
What could possibly be more important than putting Scumero Garza in prison, where he belongs?
Your sources are wrong. Just like every comment you've ever made on this subject. I am assuming he called the court, but what difference does it make? Same result! Maybe you should call them on Monday and get the " REAL" answer?  Think that they will be open on Christmas Day?
Jump you fuckers! | The thing about smart motherfuckers is they sound like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers. | My sig space for rent for 0.01 btc per week.
December 25, 2017, 05:56:56 PM |
What a weasel.
Sources tell me there was a scheduling conflict in the court.
What could possibly be more important than putting Scumero Garza in prison, where he belongs?
Your sources are wrong. Just like every comment you've ever made on this subject. I am assuming he called the court, but what difference does it make? Same result! Maybe you should call them on Monday and get the " REAL" answer?  Think that they will be open on Christmas Day? It is Christmas? Maybe you should check lol! 
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
December 25, 2017, 10:53:10 PM |
F*ck off Smarmy. Prosecutor & Judge had a scheduling conflict.
He's just hoping for a reprieve, LMFAO.
Oh, Merry Xmas, B!tches!
Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
December 26, 2017, 04:00:06 PM |
What a weasel.
Sources tell me there was a scheduling conflict in the court.
What could possibly be more important than putting Scumero Garza in prison, where he belongs?
Your sources are wrong. Just like every comment you've ever made on this subject. 
Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
December 26, 2017, 11:27:16 PM |
Repulsive Garza version 2.0
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
December 27, 2017, 09:52:41 AM |
F*ck off Smarmy. Prosecutor & Judge had a scheduling conflict.
He's just hoping for a reprieve, LMFAO.
Oh, Merry Xmas, B!tches!
wrong again, pig lips!
December 27, 2017, 12:39:22 PM |
Yep. Got a DOJ letter yesterday saying there is a delay.  This blows.. I was so set to party. lol I guess I can wait a bit more.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
December 28, 2017, 12:40:39 AM |
Yep. Got a DOJ letter yesterday saying there is a delay.  This blows.. I was so set to party. lol I guess I can wait a bit more. TY @Zurg. Q.E.D. SMaRMY! Bwahahahahahahaha (don't bother to reply, SMARMY / @KERMY / SPERMY. You're on permanent ignore.)