I have just received my 4.2TH suite from Avalon but am having issues with the setup. After following all your steps and setting up the WR703N, hooking everything up I get the ERR lights below on the machine:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-pn3Dt1J4EK8/VTnSaRlnQWI/AAAAAAAARSk/nbhSQ4brVeI/w467-h831-no/ERR%2Blights.jpgMy cgminer status shows all the pools are alive and getting work:
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-OTXCBuTCm6w/VTnU4YajDyI/AAAAAAAARTY/DvTUN27_NEM/w1598-h438-no/cgminer%2Bstatus.PNGand here is what is output on the cgminer API log:
[Firmware Version] => Canaan A4-20150213
luci: 9dc204b
cgminer: 24969c5
cgminer-openwrt-packages: c8ddae8
Reply was 'STATUS=S,When=1429851335,Code=70,Msg=CGMiner stats,Description=cgminer 4.9.0|STATS=0,ID=POOL0,Elapsed=26,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,Pool Calls=0,Pool Attempts=0,Pool Wait=0.000000,Pool Max=0.000000,Pool Min=99999999.000000,Pool Av=0.000000,Work Had Roll Time=false,Work Can Roll=false,Work Had Expire=false,Work Roll Time=0,Work Diff=16.00000000,Min Diff=16.00000000,Max Diff=16.00000000,Min Diff Count=6,Max Diff Count=6,Times Sent=2,Bytes Sent=146,Times Recv=5,Bytes Recv=2609,Net Bytes Sent=146,Net Bytes Recv=2609|STATS=1,ID=POOL1,Elapsed=26,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,Pool Calls=0,Pool Attempts=0,Pool Wait=0.000000,Pool Max=0.000000,Pool Min=99999999.000000,Pool Av=0.000000,Work Had Roll Time=false,Work Can Roll=false,Work Had Expire=false,Work Roll Time=0,Work Diff=32.00000000,Min Diff=32.00000000,Max Diff=32.00000000,Min Diff Count=6,Max Diff Count=6,Times Sent=2,Bytes Sent=145,Times Recv=7,Bytes Recv=3760,Net Bytes Sent=145,Net Bytes Recv=3760|STATS=2,ID=POOL2,Elapsed=26,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,Pool Calls=0,Pool Attempts=0,Pool Wait=0.000000,Pool Max=0.000000,Pool Min=99999999.000000,Pool Av=0.000000,Work Had Roll Time=false,Work Can Roll=false,Work Had Expire=false,Work Roll Time=0,Work Diff=127.99804688,Min Diff=127.99804688,Max Diff=127.99804688,Min Diff Count=5,Max Diff Count=5,Times Sent=3,Bytes Sent=219,Times Recv=6,Bytes Recv=21042,Net Bytes Sent=219,Net Bytes Recv=21042|'
[When] => 1429851335
[Code ] => 70
[Msg] => CGMiner stats
[Description] => cgminer 4.9.0
[STATS0] =>
[STATS] => 0
[ID] => POOL0
[Elapsed] => 26
[Calls] => 0
[Wait] => 0.000000
[Max] => 0.000000
[Min] => 99999999.000000
[Pool Calls] => 0
[Pool Attempts] => 0
[Pool Wait] => 0.000000
[Pool Max] => 0.000000
[Pool Min] => 99999999.000000
[Pool Av] => 0.000000
[Work Had Roll Time] => false
[Work Can Roll] => false
[Work Had Expire] => false
[Work Roll Time] => 0
[Work Diff] => 16.00000000
[Min Diff] => 16.00000000
[Max Diff] => 16.00000000
[Min Diff Count] => 6
[Max Diff Count] => 6
[Times Sent] => 2
[Bytes Sent] => 146
[Times Recv] => 5
[Bytes Recv] => 2609
[Net Bytes Sent] => 146
[Net Bytes Recv] => 2609
[STATS1] =>
[STATS] => 1
[ID] => POOL1
[Elapsed] => 26
[Calls] => 0
[Wait] => 0.000000
[Max] => 0.000000
[Min] => 99999999.000000
[Pool Calls] => 0
[Pool Attempts] => 0
[Pool Wait] => 0.000000
[Pool Max] => 0.000000
[Pool Min] => 99999999.000000
[Pool Av] => 0.000000
[Work Had Roll Time] => false
[Work Can Roll] => false
[Work Had Expire] => false
[Work Roll Time] => 0
[Work Diff] => 32.00000000
[Min Diff] => 32.00000000
[Max Diff] => 32.00000000
[Min Diff Count] => 6
[Max Diff Count] => 6
[Times Sent] => 2
[Bytes Sent] => 145
[Times Recv] => 7
[Bytes Recv] => 3760
[Net Bytes Sent] => 145
[Net Bytes Recv] => 3760
[STATS2] =>
[STATS] => 2
[ID] => POOL2
[Elapsed] => 26
[Calls] => 0
[Wait] => 0.000000
[Max] => 0.000000
[Min] => 99999999.000000
[Pool Calls] => 0
[Pool Attempts] => 0
[Pool Wait] => 0.000000
[Pool Max] => 0.000000
[Pool Min] => 99999999.000000
[Pool Av] => 0.000000
[Work Had Roll Time] => false
[Work Can Roll] => false
[Work Had Expire] => false
[Work Roll Time] => 0
[Work Diff] => 127.99804688
[Min Diff] => 127.99804688
[Max Diff] => 127.99804688
[Min Diff Count] => 5
[Max Diff Count] => 5
[Times Sent] => 3
[Bytes Sent] => 219
[Times Recv] => 6
[Bytes Recv] => 21042
[Net Bytes Sent] => 219
[Net Bytes Recv] => 21042
From the Avalon Wiki page (
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Avalon4) below:
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-icgq5fKtm9o/VTnS5lXMlkI/AAAAAAAARS0/cEfgWBxD5Pg/w686-h367-no/ERR%2BLights%2BWiki.PNGIt seems as if the machine is failing POST (Sorry, this error is just beyond me at present, please help!) or worse a module is dead, which cannot be good. However as all three machines are showing the same behavior I am hoping it is some other networking issue.
Also sometimes the cgminer API log says this:
[Firmware Version] => Canaan A4-20150213
luci: 9dc204b
cgminer: 24969c5
cgminer-openwrt-packages: c8ddae8
Socket connect failed: Connection refused
Can you please help guide me through this issue, I can't wait to hear my new Avalons humming away!
I have been running 4 Avalon3s chained together for almost 6 months without issue so I am not a complete novice when it comes to setting these things up, I just know when to ask for help, and that is now! Please can you help me get my new rig up and running?