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9301  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid19 Restructured individuals plans on: February 01, 2021, 01:55:55 PM
Tash's issue is that he is like the paranoid basement dwellers. they fear everything. so they try their best to tell everyone else the world is fake, the world is flat the world is a matrix just to hide their fear of the world.
tash and other paranoid people think if they keep repeating 'its al fake', then maybe they will one day beleive it themselves.

what they should realise is that they are basement dwellers with no social lives anyway. so their risk is low. so they should just continue being anti-social and live their basement lives like usual and all will be fine with their lives.

its like terrorism. if it aint happening on your street with no terrorists knocking on your door, then just dont give a crap about terrorism happening in other neighbourhoods if its not affecting your home.

trying to say terrorism/school shooting is fake is just insanity.. stick with the realisation that if you dont leave your basement you dont have to fear it. EG school shootings. if you dont attend school and have no kids then you dont have to fear school shootings

now back tot he topic
i personally travelled the world alot but i accepted my risks and decided to stick around my home country.
i still go to the store. i just mask up and respect my personal space.. not really much of an effort...
...i never went around licking random peoples faces so ill just continue walking around and not licking random peoples faces.

as for businesses
yes they should diversify. many businesses like pubs/bars just closed with the hopes of just opening up as usual after a couple months. this was bad decision but due to government trying too hard to keep the idea alive that in just a couple months after first wave things will be normal. couple months after second wave things will be normal.
what should have happened is to advice bars/pubs to diversify early on to delivery or take-away services.
diversify into offering groceries in bars/pubs not within in the inner city area's to give better access to food/essentials in the 'food desert' area's

in the UK there has been a big shift to online shopping and many brands of clothing stores have made that shift. this has caused alot of unemployment and closing of retail outlets on highstreets. but they adapted to the new scenario we are in.

i can still see a few office based businesses wondering if they should convert to remote working or office working. wondering if they should:
renew their office leases to work like normal(someday)
hire temporary offices for just monthly meet-ups to stagger how many teams meet face to face
expand their lease to offer more space to spread staff out

EG(hire conference room) instead of 20 offices of 20 people in a building. they just hire a conference room to fit 60. and ask 20 different people to turn up per business day, spaced out with a couple empty chairs between them. so that they get atleast 1 face to face day per month. and the rest of the month they work from home

alot of people think that by easter everything will go back to normal. but with the amount of idiots that are anti-vaxxing, to cause the virus to still be prevalent after easter.. i dont see how things will go back to complete normal. governments are giving hints of no normalisation in summer by saying things like school exams wont take place and results will be based on the whole year results of quizes/homework and classwork kids do from home
9302  Other / Politics & Society / Re: HCQ + the appropriate nutrient can cure/control all kinds of viruses. on: February 01, 2021, 08:07:42 AM
oh badecker.. endlessly suggesting people should take immune suppressants as daily supplements.
you are a complete fool.

dampening someones immune system is opening them up to get more infections more often.
these medications should only be used when the immune system is causing problems.. not as a daily supplement
9303  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: February 01, 2021, 08:03:49 AM
Mikovits is saying that no virus has the ability to make anything on it's own.  They rely on cellular infrastructure of the exploited host cell to do this.  That is an established fact.

yep, else they would be defined as bacteria.

viruses need hosts. whether its a bioligical virus or a computer virus. they replicate within a host.

the whole 'virus contains part of host cell' the virus contain viral RNA that is the 'package' that causes problems to peoples health.

they have isolated the 'package' and used that to infect other specimens and watch the results(symptom onset). and then isolated the package from within the specimen and compared it. then compared that from other isolated results from other species and specimens and samples from other labs in other countries.
thus verifying their find.
they also checked uninfected people and not found the isolated package which further proves that its the virus that is causing the health problems with certain known symptomology

lastly.. as i know badecker is itching to spout out his next theory.. its not an exosome. the form the shape the size the purpose the effect the action and reaction of a virus is not the same as an exosome.

its like comparing a car to a phone. they both made in a factory. but being made in a factory is not the sole definition needed to declare a car and a phone as the same thing.
a exosome and a virus are made in a cell. but thats about as much as you can say to compare the two.
9304  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: February 01, 2021, 07:49:08 AM
kaufmans speach was from back in like May.. where he based his theory on google searches he done regarding january.

funny part is that in january china already isolated it. but kaufman dismissed china 'cos it china' what he did avoid is looking at the february/march data which is where the virus spread to other countries giving the oppertunity to then isolate it locally in other countries labs.

so while munching his words in May he was already debunked.

even funnier is that every month since january more and more countries isolated. passing koch, rivers and even bell. badecker has been given the links. hack even the people kaufman quotes have debunked kaufman. he has failed to use true quotes and is making up theories by lack of facts.
his failure to do research does not mean research does not exist.

many countries and many labs within countries have isolated it.
they have done it via many different processes. many different specimens. and when comparing results it proves the result is accurate. so you cant even blame the lab or the process.

badecker keeps forgetting the debunks ad just endlessly cycles back to outdated stuff from atleast 6 months ago.

so badecker i know you love quoting outdated videos. but try to catch up. repeating outdated false narratives does not make them true, no matter how many times you repeat it
9305  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: January 31, 2021, 05:13:35 PM

both those people are failed doctors. they havnt treated a patient for years. ...

Mikovits is a research scientist.  Not a medical doctor.  Use the right script from the notebooks that you've been provided for use in this persona.

i never said medical. but its good to see your only fault in my post is grammar nazi rebuttle
EG Dr phil is a TV host and not a medical doctor. but he still says he is a doctor.

point being is they care more for getting money from camera/audience publicity and not from actually treating patients with actual needs. because their clinical experience is now outdated and non relevant to the needs of today
9306  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: January 31, 2021, 03:17:52 PM

getting a prescribed infection in an arm muscle. 1 death in the OC
getting covid infection in the lung.. thousands of deaths in the OC

covid still worse
9307  Other / Politics & Society / Re: People in government is against bitcoin on: January 31, 2021, 02:55:41 PM
My problem with national currency is brain dead printing of fiat which causes the inflation to skyrocket. You can’t do this with crypto. That being said, I don’t want fiat to disappear, I want it to exist along side of crypto. So if the government fucks up fiat through irresponsible spending, people can switch to crypto which might act as an incentive for governments to NOT light money on fire.

inflation rate has been hidden in many ways. and soon enough america will spike(hyper inflate)
since the 1970's america has hidden wage raises by not offering people an increase in pay and instead hiding the extra wage as 'benefits' like company insurance and pensions, company cars, company childcare
only a few years ago the first signs appeared with wanting to increase the $7.50min wage to $15

people have started to smarten up and decline company pension/insurance due to no job security that they will still be in the same role in 40 years. and instead request the hidden 'value' just be paid out as an actual pay rise.
hense the min wage increases for the obvious crappy minimum paid roles where people dont treat it as a career.

once people start getting more true income. it then affects the inflation rate. although there is the same money overall. its just no longer hidden off the books. the fact that the bottomline income increases in real end-spending utility affects the inflation rate.
this has been something that has been bubbling for decades and is about to burst.

you might see how certain higher up people are trying too hard to push to avoid social healthcare via tax. you will see them trying to promote adding more 'employee benefits' and avoid any further minimum wage increases.
.. and all of this is to try not letting inflation go hyper.

in short even if government stopped 'printing money' the inflation going hyper can still happen due to what i just said.

imagine it. if you had $15.6k 5 years ago. and still on a minimum wage now, but getting $31.2k then retailers/realtors will double their prices due to 2x more income

higher ups have been trying hard to avoid you ever getting $32k on your payslip. and hide that $15k as 'benefits' pre pay-slip.

so just expect inflation to go hyper. even without the 'printing money' part. but then expect it to go hyper-hyper with the 'print money' part
9308  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The cure for Covid-19 is right here. on: January 31, 2021, 02:07:12 PM
oh badecker. how dense you have become

immune surpressors for use when someone has an ailment that needs to be surpressed.. is different to taking it as a daily supplement
HCQ has not actually shown high rates of helping when it is used in the temporary conditions of use for covid.
other medications have shown better results.

its about timing of when to take it and for what purpose.. HCQ has not shown good promise or results.

your not advertising it to treat a certain symptom for a temporary period. your advertising people should take it daily for the rest of their lives before they have ailments. not realising your strategy will cause people to have more ailments due to a surpressed immune system.

it has been made clear 10 months ago. those taking immune surpressors are at a higher risk of getting severe covid due to the medication.
so you advertising people should take immune surpressor medication is putting more people at risk of getting severe covid. due to dampening their immune response

emphasis surpressing the immune system is not a cure for an infection. you need your immune system
immune surpressors should only be used when an ailment has triggered an immune over reaction
9309  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: January 31, 2021, 01:16:00 PM

Only watched half of this, but it's enough to add a lot of weight to the hypothesis that Kaufman's job is to sew a lot of confusion and he's distinctly on the side (and/or payroll) of the medical/industrial complex.  He's showing a lot of signs being deliberately dense about stuff which is really not that complicated for someone with a scientific background.

I've also been somewhat suspicious of Mikovits, but more and more I'm feeling like this is an artifact of the psychological operations against her which date back to things which happened a long time ago associated with the AIDS stuff.

both those people are failed doctors. they havnt treated a patient for years. their payments are now in the conference tour industry, getting paid to speak to groups of people about whatever they are hired to say.
same kind of think as ex presidents/politicians. they will say anything for a buck. their reputation is not based on truth. its based on willingness to read scripts out loud. the more stupid things they are willing to say and endorsing what the script says. the more they get paid

pillmill doctors and failed doctors jumping on the conference tour speaker economy can be spotted very easily.

.. its like the life cycle of Amir Taaki.. 11 years ago he was a bitcoin coder. but then lost his relevance in the coding and instead pivoted into the media of appearing on tv promoting himself as a bitcoin coder just so he can sell his conspiracy beliefs. he done this to advertise his altcoins by riding close to the bitcoin train and taking the hype of bitcoin to promote his other stuff
9310  Other / Politics & Society / Re: People in government is against bitcoin on: January 30, 2021, 08:53:27 PM
politicians can accept donation in gold. politicians can spend gold for haircuts. this does not mean they are then going to make a gold standard/gold backed currency as the national fiat.

making bitcoin a national currency does not remove the faults of national currencies. it just brings the problems of national currencies into bitcoin

having bitcoin as a separate asset to hoard value in should remain as a separate option from fiat. then there is an escape.

we do not want or need bitcoin to be a 'one world currency'. but it will always remain a second exit away from fiat
9311  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The cure for Covid-19 is right here. on: January 30, 2021, 12:01:37 PM
Sure something in the market for 50 years, taken quadzillon times in some places available over the counter is worthy a caution.

something taken if you have a ailment(parasite or infection) for only 14-45 days. is a different scenario than something sold as a daily supplement for a year+ usage. while someone has no ailment

one is a treatment for an ailment that is covered by insurance/healthcare. that is actively helping the recovery of that ailment
the other is a pillmill for cash generating profit from peoples wallets when they have no ailment at the time

immune surpressants should not be something you take daily

also. quadzillion.. um no. you can actually figure out a real number of use over 50 years. and its lower than you think

also HCQ does have known side effects. and can cause heart failure and liver failure after prolonged use.
so saying covid is just a sniffle yet want to tell someone to use HCQ for a whole year. is telling people the cure for a cough is to get organ failure.. sorry thats just bad advice

.. i think the conspiracy sites tash and badecker view to get their promo material are gateway sites leading idiots into herbal/supplement pyramid scams. its getting too obvious in their advert style posts
9312  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden is President of the United States of America on: January 30, 2021, 10:44:39 AM
^^^ Even if Trump is out there to make money, he is doing it through making America great. But making money, or at least the American dream, is what America is about, isn't it? Why not Trump? And especially since his doing it is making America greater.

if he was actually making america great. after 4 years it would have achieved it goal. but hey your desire to think you need him to make america great for the next 4-8 years shows and proves he has not made it great.

when a guy takes 4 years of promises and does nothing. and just keeps repeating. give me another chance ill do better next time.. well sorry but no. time to give someone else a chance.

i would actually like you to list atleast 10 things that were broke before 2016 that are now fixed.
i do not mean just list 10 things that he did, i mean things that he did which actually changed america to make it great.

example of something done. but not solved problem
building a wall. yes a wall was built but immigration and citizenship is still a problem thus the wall done nothing positive.

show some actual cause and effect actions.
so please dont be lazy and just list that he untied his proudboys and trumpettes into some entertaining club. list something that has actually caused a general population positive impact.
basically how has your life improved outside of the comfort of the trumpette fangirl entertainment club
9313  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ... Vitamin-D Rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain on: January 29, 2021, 09:06:08 PM
Yes. Many people think that 20,000 IU is a mega dose, when it is easy to get that amount from the sun for short exposures at latitudes near the equator.

being shirtless wearing shorts. and basking in the midsummer sun on the equator for 10minutes. can radiate your body upto20000iu
.. but thats sunbathing at 40oc .. and you will know about it when you feel the sting of sunburn

wearing normal shirt and trousers. probably 10000ui per 10min. youl still feel it on the exposed arms and face. you know that red sting feeling.. but oh well. you were the one that decided to be out in the midday sun at the equator without suncream..

these examples are not examples that your body needs 10000-20000. nor examples that you use 10000-20000. its examples of extreme amounts foolish people can accumplish if they sunbathe in silly places without covering themselves up

and doing this every day.. well that comes with its own issues

10000-20000 is not a normal daily amount. its an extreme level for folks that want to imitate lobsters. (hard red skin)

normal latitudes normal days. normal clothing. and wearing suncream. the amount of vit d will be far lower.
so stop overdosing on the sun or on vitamins thinking overdosing is normal.
9314  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Strategies to save off Bitcoin fees? on: January 29, 2021, 07:02:51 PM
how to save.

stop being fooled.
get the devs to remove the 2 policies of fee's
put bitcoin back to treating full data as full data.
stop them making legacy transactions 4x more just because the devs decided.

the devs can easily remove this multiplier. but they chose not to.
dont blame bitcoin. blame the devs.
the fee policies about treating legacy and segwit differently didnt pop up by magic.. devs wrote it
also as separate methods of saving on fees
devs could easily decide to make 10byte=1sat in the underlying fee policy. thus making transactions cheaper.
it wont break bitcoin.
EG if a TX is 458bytes. the fee policy can round it to 460. and then suggest 46sat fee.. easy

.. now watch how all the devs will refrain from doing that because it then doesnt help them push people to use the wishy washy code of segwit
9315  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer? on: January 29, 2021, 06:49:50 PM
CSW game all along has not been to claim any coins from any satoshi stash. he knows he doesnt have the keys.

CSW game has ALWAYS been slapp lawsuits.
it wont matter if you send the letter Gmax noted. CSW will still target you and just pretend he never received the advance warning. and then SLAPP you into months of legal costs of making you prove that you informed him.

it wont matter that you did or didnt then put the white paper on the address.
it wont matter that he has no claim on the paper.
it wont matter if you can prove things on day 1

he will still target you with delay processes requiring your defense to spend legal hours filing papers just to answer his strategically alloted questions every 14 days.. hoping you wil just hand him a settlement to avoid your legal costs just to fight his empty claims.

thats how slapps work
9316  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The cure for Covid-19 is right here. on: January 29, 2021, 05:03:41 PM
the real reason is HCQ should only be used to surpress immune system when and only when the immune system is the cause of peoples current suffering.
treating it like a daily supplement has repercussions and negative effects on peoples health
its pill mill doctors that only care for profits by selling their prescriptions that are the pharma evils.

still shocked badecker wants to promote surpressing peoples immune response as daily supplement
9317  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden is President of the United States of America on: January 29, 2021, 04:59:10 PM
Ask all the kids Biden groped if he's real.

Actually, seems that kids have a way of blocking out memories of traumatic sexual abuse, but it exists within their psychologies and returns to haunt them and sometimes make them do weird shit also.  That's why everyone should keep their dick-skinners off of kids, and if they cannot manage that they should be locked away.  And if some non-pedo criminal kills them with a broom stick up the ass, oh well.

Only in psycho-banker owned Western countries are pedos 'locked away' in the likes of the Oval Office or 10-downing.

you do know that its trump that has associations to child rapists and has been very verbal about his own sexual awkwardness. heck the stuff he said about his own daughter.. just shocking how trumpettes ignore trumps issues and then finger point trumps issues as if they are happening to people that are not trump

are you trumpettes still toddlers. seeing your sibling steal the cookies and then when parents come home you both agree to blame the pet dog
9318  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ... Vitamin-D Rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain on: January 29, 2021, 04:46:10 PM
and i laugh because the idiots promoting vit D have no clue at alll

a normal person uses 400-700iu a day.. meaning they need the equivelent of half an hour walk in winter
(10mins in summer)

however if your a basement dweller with no conversion issues internally then taking a supplement of that amount is adequate too.

however if you have internal conversion issues where the vitamin D in your body does not get used. say by 50% then you would need double time outdoors or double supplement. meaning ~1000iu

taking more then this is if you cant be bothered to venture out of your basement for 6 months and also cant be bothered to take a daily normal dose. so instead you take a single shot every 6 months of 180k iu
where your body then converts the 180k iu slowly over the 6 months because you have stockpiled it.
meaning day 1: 179000 left.. day 2:17800 left.. and so on..
whats not recommended if to be taking 16k a day because its then
day1: 15000 day2: 30000 day3: 45000. day4: 60000... day8:120000... day16:240000
meaning within 16 days you are at a higher level accumulating in your body than a single 6monthly dosage
which means by the end of first month you are at double toxic risk than a 6month single dose.

so doing the math of instead of 16k a day and instead lets say 60k (badecker preference)
your at a 6month dose amount within 4 days. and thus accumulating toxic amounts sooner.

emphasis: your body does not use 1000iu a day. so no need to be megadosing large amounts daily.
higher dosages are only needed for 2 purposes:
1. going long periods of not getting any vit D intake.
2. in the middle of a infection

do not megadose/overdose as a daily use strategy
if you want to take 8000-16000iu(healthy-bad converter) then do that 2 times a month. not daily.
or if you want to take 30000-60000iu(healthy-bad converter) every 2 months. not daily.
or have ~500iu a day if healthy. or 1000iu if you know you have conversion issues internally

but remember its much more simpler and cheaper to just get out in daylight for like half an hour a day
9319  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ... Vitamin-D Rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain on: January 29, 2021, 04:18:24 AM
i guess what your taking doesnt actually have in the pill what the label says it has
200000iu should be a 6monthly amount. not something you take daily
9320  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The cure for Covid-19 is right here. on: January 29, 2021, 04:02:55 AM
^^^ Lol. Cheesy

The NIH finally approves Ivermectin for Covid, and doctors around the world are using HCQ successfully for Covid, and franky1 still tries to explain how Ivermectin and HCQ can't work for Covid.

Gotta love you, franky1, Lol Cheesy.

not approved for use as a daily supplement..
so stop trying to tell people to ask their pill mill for it to use at home on a daily bases even without having covid
so stop trying to advertise it as a preventative supplement
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