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781  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Heaven has streets paved in gold... on: August 06, 2017, 02:11:06 AM
Satan is also made of precious materials, in our silly old book. it seems the Lord tends to make the greatest of his creations with the finest of substance.

but what do you care? just a bunch of bullshit mumbo jumbo, right? Silly old Christians.

I never understand why, because someone doesnt agree with something, they have to shit on it. I wont elaborate, but Christians look at atheists with a similar head scratching gaze. Just be. If a person's existence doesnt infringe upon yours, simply move on. The OP tried to raise a valid critique, but the responses seems to simply decry monotheism, or drop a pile on Christianity. You may be mad at the practitioners, but dont be mad at the message. Although many of us fuck it up, ours is a religion of peace and understanding. Fuck history. It is a record of humans acting under free will, not the Divine intent.

But to stay on topic, besides the esoteric and symbolic intent of paving the afterlife with the precious materials, I think this was written in particular to show the amount of attention that the Lord put into the construction of the afterlife, or that the things he puts his foot into tend to be made out of the most ballin'est shit available. My Lord is a mightly Lord, and he obviously likes choice shit Wink Dont be mad at the swag, bro.

782  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi Nakamoto is dead! on: August 06, 2017, 01:55:07 AM
Hello dear forum users.

For a long time I have spontaneous visions.
I can not control it.
And this happens regardless of my thoughts (
Tonight was the next vision.

A small group of well-trained people climbed the snow glacier.
I saw everything with the eyes of one of the people.
The mountains looked like the Himalayas or the Alps.
There was a glacier, and behind it - cold water.
After the blows, the glacier split, the water flowed out, and behind it was a passage.
There was a large room, offices, many computers.
In one room sat a man.
The man whose eyes I saw shouted loudly: "Satoshi Nakamoto!"

Even I myself was very surprised.
The man was of Asian appearance, age more than 40 years, on the face a small neat beard.
He looked very carefully at everyone, pulled out a knife and cut himself a throat!

On his desk lie documents with mathematical formulas. From memory, I can not recreate them (
There were variables: x, y, z....square brackets, degree, integrals.
The man took a small device ... maybe a Tresor.
Then the guards ran out, the noise began and the vision ended.

In the mountains it is good to practice mining, because it is cold there. And to get there is not easy, very good shelter from strangers.
Perhaps these were signs ... that the founder of Bitcoin died, and now a group of people is dealing with him.

I do not drink alcohol, do not take narcotic drugs, everything is fine with my psyche.
I do not know how to express it, but Satoshi's pain and action can not be conveyed.
I did not even think about bitkoyne, since I'm busy with everyday problems and can not write off such a vivid vision for hallucinations.

You just made me realize that I could be higher than I am now. I am going to go work on that, excuse me for a moment.
783  Economy / Economics / Re: Monkeys trading rocks on: August 06, 2017, 01:43:38 AM
What gives something value...? Some things are easy.

Land: we all need a place to live
Water: we need it to survive
Food: also needed to survive
Oil: we need it to run our rolling monkey-mobiles so we can get to the stores to buy the other things on the list above

But somethings aren't as clear cut...

Gold: Sure we can argue it's used in technology, but it was valuable for 1000's of years. Why? It's rare, yes, but what are u going to do with it??? lol
Currency: It's a piece of paper with a stamp on it that says "hey, trust us, this is legal tender now and is now magically worth something because we say so"

Sure, we can't really go back to the barter system, currency makes trade much easier. Before, if you grew corn but the guy selling beans didn't need corn, you would have to trade for something else the guy with beans wanted. Currency helps streamline this transaction, it is a necessary evil, but why is it that us humans are so quick to assume something has value even when it clearly has no value? (other than to maybe warm your family Pablo Escobar style)

The top 1% supposedly owns 80% of the world's currency supply, in a currency that perpetually moves down in value.

Can we really replace it with a new "peoples currency" where the top 1% owns 69% of the world's currency supply, in a currency that perpetually rises in value? Aren't we, in a round about way, solving zero issues by creating the same problems we intended to fix in the first place?

What gives something the perception of value, and why should I trust that tomorrow it will still be perceived as valuable? It's all subjective, "the flavor of the week" if you will.

At the end of the day, I'm starting to feel like we are all just monkeys arbitrarily trading rocks with eachother.

(ancient stone currency)

(monkeys trading rocks)

This is the majority of whats fucked about financial policy right now, to a tee. Bravo good sir. you have hit the nail squarely on its head, so to speak.

specifically associating this with bitcoin, yes, there is absolutely no basis of what provides bitcoin value. I just railed about this in another thread (im on fire today) but the issue still stands. This shit is so much light and sparkles. The price of bitcoin is what the majority of 15-21 year old traders want it to be, we are reaching a price consensus in a market with a majority of inexperienced traders. it shows. show me a real world asset like BCC, for example. 10 bil popped into being overnight, persisted for about 48 hours, and crumbled to dust. thing are ephemeral in this sphere, it is truly 'here today, gone tomorrow".

You get a cookie. Two cookies, what the hell, its the weekend. Gotta let my hair down.
784  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald Trump and his 17-day vacation on: August 06, 2017, 12:50:39 AM

By his own fault, why doesn't he eliminate hillary or cnn? They did for him:

Im of the same mind. I might be partisan, but common sense is common fucking sense. Hillary is a non issue, homegirl is sitting in a field writing some shit about "what happened" when its plainly obvious what the fuck happened, you fucked up. calling citizens deplorables, when you are asking for votes, kinda seems platinum level retard.  Like punching someone in the face and after they get up, telling them "So I can count on your vote, right?" also, not courting half of your voting base, because she thought this shit was a game and there was no chance of Trump winning, is weak sauce. She was cocky, and it bit her in the ass, deeply. Now she is writing a book instead of running the country. She wont get the chance to make the same mistake again.

But coming back on topic, CNN is plainly the enemy for Trump. The majority of the leaks have gone through CNN, at least the most damaging ones. I'm not for all this leaking shit; although I dont agree with Trump from like, the bottom of my being, he is the POTUS, duly elected. All Russia shit aside, even though I believe shit went down, it didnt happen until there is proof. Leaks undermine diplomacy. Since there is a distinct lack of diplomacy in the current WH, we need all the help we can get Smiley

But contrary to popular belief** (yall dont seem too keen on Sessions anymore), Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Third, Republican, is doing a whole lot to make sure CNN eats a long, thick legal dick:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions held a press conference to announce how avidly the Department of Justice was going to investigate and prosecute leakers of classified national security information. From now on, he said, “the Department of Justice is open for business.” (An odd statement, to be sure, suggesting that it was previously closed.) Much of what he said was nothing new—really, administrations have been going after leakers for decades—but the way he said it was clever, and not for the reasons one might think.

It is important to remember that this speech is supposed to be about leaks to the media. The title of the official transcript of his remarks is “Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks at Briefing on Leaks of Classified Materials Threatening National Security.” He starts out his remarks by condemning “the staggering number of leaks undermining the ability of our government to protect this country,” and explains that “no one is entitled to fight their battles in the media by revealing sensitive government information.” So, he’s obviously talking about leaks to the media, right? That’s what the briefing’s about: fighting leaks to the media. We’re all on the same page.

So, when this comes to pass, the media will have less ability to point out actually malfeasance and bullshit. and corruption will continue unabated Smiley

We will look back after all this, and grieve over how much we gave up in this deception. And I say we, brother, because as an American citizen, despite how I feel about this shit, i'm smack up in the middle of it. This is democracy. And we will all burn together, as one. As much as it pains me because I understand the intent behind the words, MAGA. If great means better than this, fuck it, i'll try it at this point. This isnt working.

We have forgotten our Father's faces. i can never say this enough, dammit.

**in the Breitbart comments section, this is the first thing I read when I wake up in the morning. Then RawStory, then Fox, then CNN, and finally Politico, which is actually unbiased more than half the time. I read them like this to have conflicting rhetoric; it helps reveal the logical fallacies writers base the article off of. Sometimes, you can tell the author knows they are defending some bullshit, but yet, an article is written.
785  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Thanks to the uk press to report all migrants crimes on: August 06, 2017, 12:19:16 AM
So the proles can adjust their behaviors...


Poor girls let down by "her" country... if her ancestors would have known, would they have fought earlier?

What's number to reach for migrants victims to overcome all nazi air/v2 raids victims? We shouldn't be far...

Damn, I missed this one, and I have actually started to read it (Breitbart) regularly. I did catch these though, I wonder why Breitbart missed these? Rape is rape you know Smiley

A man has been charged with rape after a 14-year-old girl was attacked twice on the same night.

Khurram Rahi, 27, from Smethwick, will appear at Birmingham Magistrates' Court on Monday over the first alleged incident at Witton station in the city.

A 34-year-old man who was also arrested on Saturday has been released while inquiries continue, British Transport Police said.

The teenager was attacked in a secluded part of the station, near Aston Villa's football ground, between 8pm on Tuesday and 2am the following morning.

Shortly afterwards, the girl walked out of the station and flagged down a passing vehicle to ask for help, but was raped a second time after getting into the car with another man.

Detectives are searching for a suspect, described as a thick set Asian man of about 5ft 6in and with large biceps, in connection with the second attack.

Detective Chief Inspector Tony Fitzpatrick said: "This case has gained national interest and I am pleased we are now in a position to charge a man in connection.

national interest, hell, international interest (i dont live in the UK and im intrigued. she got raped twice in a row by two whole different cats? sweet jesus!)

I guess Breitbart must have missed this one.

But wait, they probably caught this:

SOUTH PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has shut down the South Philadelphia day care owned by a man who is accused of sexually assaulting two children who attended the facility.

Duncan Round, 53, is the owner of the Sprouts day care on the 600 block of South 9th Street. It was shut down on Thursday.

Round was released on 10 percent of $200,000 bail on Thursday morning.

But Round, a British citizen who lives in Medford Lakes, N.J., reportedly had to surrender his passport.

Multiple kids got raped! Breitbart loves the kids like Santa does Surely these kids deserve an article, so people can know about this injustice?

Hmm, I guess they missed that one too. Thats hella odd.


all these are cases of rape. about half of these involve kids. how in the figgety fuck did old Breitbart, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting, miss all this shit right here? Wink

and all these happened within 24 hours. meh, its probably a coincidence. but wait, let me check something..

When you google Breitbart and Rape, this is what you get on the first page:

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Attempted Rape of 89 ...
Rwandan Migrant Jailed for Brutal Rape After He Became ... - Breitbart
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of ... - Breitbart
DREAMer Accused of Raping Woman in Sanctuary City - Breitbart
Cops Hunt 'Asian' Men after Horrific Double-Rape Case - Breitbart
Four Teenage Girls Raped at Swedish Music Festival - Breitbart
Breitbart - The gang rape of a 5-year-old American girl by... | Facebook
Breitbart - Illegal Immigrant Rape Charge Rocks Texas | Facebook

this is literally what comes up. i omitted a single, redundant source.\

so tell me, why doesnt Breitbart care about rape, unless migrants, a minority or immigrants commit it?

i thought all lives mattered.. this is disappointing.  Undecided apparently, your life or sexual health doesnt mean shit unless your story serves to support an agenda being pushed by a biased news outlet.

i'm going to make a "You Got Raped By A Minority" branded snack cookie. Chocolate cookie with marshmallow cream filling, akin to an Oreo. Given that the brand is a talking point, the fucking cookies should sell themselves Grin

786  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin world currency on: August 05, 2017, 11:28:32 PM
is it possible that we can use bitcoins in buying all commodities not only in one country but the entire wold? and how will this affect the economy.
This would require everyone to use bitcoin. For obvious reasons, bitcoin cannot be used everywhere (or outside of a wifi field, for that matter). there are some situations where you simply cannot avoid fiat; physical tokenized value just makes a lot of sense for the way that we conduct business in this day and age.

Moving on to the network. Scaling be damned, if we attempt to process even a fraction of the transactions ACH sees in a day, your miner would ignite in protest Smiley we would need to do alot to accommodate all that traffic. and to be honest, it would be inefficient to use the network in this manner. fiat is very quick, very clean. the only processing power you need is the calories you used to give a person back change.

while bitcoin is groovy, fiat is the boss daddy.

but if you can print out btc paper dollars, well, that changes everything.

Btc printed on paper? I remember there is someone who did it before, a physical form just like Casascius physical bitcoins, but I can't find the any links about it.
I do not agree if we need everyone to use bitcoin in order to buy commodities all over the world.
Because, we can do it by contacting someone whether in this forum or outside, who provides something that you need, even though it's risky and you can buy it in the country. But, if more countries legalize bitcoin or isssue some regulations about bitcoin as a legal payment, then it will be easier and become a great support for bitcoin growth.

You are right, I misspoke. I meant the supply chain of consumer goods instead of everyone. Producers/ raw material  processors would need to accept btc, which mean the folks that construct the factories, and the workers in the factory, would have to accept btc. next. the people that buy these raw materials to turn into consumer products would need to be able to buy them in btc, and sell them for btc. which leads to the warehouses, and finally the consumer storefronts, who would need to accept btc as well as pay wages in btc. So finally, the consumer would need to buy the product in btc, meaning btc would have to be ubiquitous enough to be a common form of value.

all that, seems like a LOT of adoption. and we just barely solved scaling. essentially, bitcoin will be long dead and another alt will have taken its place at this point. after all this time, bitcoin is still bleeding edge and unadopted. it will take a fresh age for the level of adoption needed to foster this.

I remember hearing about bitcoin printed out like bills too, not a paper wallet but an attempt at a bitcoin fiat. Now that I think about it, it pretty much would be a paper wallet, the key to the funds would be required unless  there was a trusted, centralized issuer. which flies in the face of what bitcoin represents Wink
787  Economy / Economics / Re: Money above all things, Yes or no ? on: August 05, 2017, 10:30:11 PM
I can see that people nowadays are busy searching on money and everything depends on money. People nowadays never go to church just because they would rather earn money rather than praise God. Others do not pay respect to elders  because they earn money for them or richer than them. Well for you, is money above all things ?
Money is very important in our living because we use it to support our daily needs. We earn money to buy what we want. Some people are overrated and want more money to buy luxuries items they want. But they didn't realize that money is limited and temporary. We can't bring our money after we die. Other use this money to control and follow everything they want.
Money is a vital part on a daily living this days. Because most of our basics needs have value and price so money is the specific thing needed in order to have shelter, food, clothes and other necessary things. But above all we should always think about how our life can have meaning in this world through a grace God. We should always consider having a path and reason on our existence not on just basing it on our needs but also on our goals in life.
yes that is right that money is one of the most important part of our life and we almost depending on money fro everything.

Hell yes fam, because if the RZA, the GZA, Raekwon, Deck, Meth and u God taught us anything:
Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M get the money, dolla dolla billz ya'll.. Grin

I couldnt resist man. This called out to me, I wasnt even on this subforum Cheesy

but seriously, this world is made of substance. Money truly is a necessary evil.
788  Other / Politics & Society / Re: So, what the hell happened to the NRA? on: August 05, 2017, 10:08:53 PM
Fuck it, I'll claim the left Cheesy Why the hell would I want shadowy overlords to control my existence? I hear you saying left, but what common, democratic citizen would want to participate in a global plan that diminishes them? I know we might seem stupid to ya'll, but I assure you noone is gunning to subjugate themselves.

While the social policies look similar, can we agree the the average democrat most likely doesnt support allowimg the elite to plainly fuck over them, while they are watching? I assure you, more of us are "woke" than you assume. the perils of big government are evident if you take time to observe.

Also, elite policy usually doesnt try to assist the poor/disadvantaged. This is huge to us Dems, we really feel some kind of way about people getting fucked over. To a fault, imo, but thats another thread. Elitist policy (im talking about corporations, who tend to be fiscally conservative), very similar to Republican policy, would ultimately foster a more favorable political climate for the rich. A body that owns a business, or makes more than 100k a year, would be voting in its worst interest if it voted liberal. Conservative policy favors tax cuts for the well heeled, and deregulation of industry that allows for greater profit margin at the expense of the public (citizens and environment). If you are paying  big boy taxes, whats not to love about that?

No one needs to normalize transgenders, harbor Muslim refugees, or support Hillary Clinton in order for an elitist agenda to work. They just need to keep the shit in place that has been working, its enslaving us just fine how it already is. We belong to consumerism, part and parcel. Mammon is the god of our country.

This partisan argument shit is just a smokescreen to distract us all, while political bodies lobby from both sides of the isle to degrade our rights. and they pay Fox, and CNN, and Breitbart and NBC retarded moolah to make sure this is what we talk about, instead of legislation that quietly passes to diminish our rights as citizens.

its pretty fun though, I get a kick out of posting here. talking points are indeed tasty rhetoric, im chewing some right now Grin

The problem is that they want to eliminate the us constitution and the billof rights at all costs, including their own demise. They are cultists, one minded not tolerating any dissenting opinions, making them extra dangerous.

this is human, not evil. ive been telling you Hillary Clinton is a mortal female, but you insist in believing she is a demon from the Nine Hells. See where im getting at?

I dont know anyone personally that is liberal (suffice to say I fucks with a grip of liberal folk) that wants any part of the framers to degrade. if anything, we can add a few more amendments to that bastard; i have plenty of shit to address.

Masha, out of all the cats here that I regularly bump heads with, I have a respect for you. You and I could have an adult beverage and talk about shit. I feel that you would actually field my opinion, rather than toss it out immediately.
789  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: exchange lowering withdrawal limit without notice on: August 05, 2017, 09:50:30 PM
I am using a major us based exchange and managed to pass the higher verification level (by providing all kinds of private information, such as credit history, income source, id, employment, etc ... )  and was granted to deposit and withdraw up to $1 million a day.  After putting in a large amount of USD, i was told "due to compliance change", they now only allow $100,000 dollar withdrawal a year!  though i could still convert USD into crypto currency and withdraw to another exchange and sell, it causes a loss. they also refused to give any details on the 'compliance change" and didn't explain why there was no notice. I was wondering whether such act,  lowering the withdraw limit significantly on fully verified clients without notice, is legal and is there any action i can take. thank you!

They lied to you when they told you 1 mil Wink

Regardless of the amount of verification, every withdrawal/deposit from a legit platform over 10k MUST be reported by the platform, with a written explanation of the details of said transaction. No exchange in their right mind would allow you such a limit; you could possibly generate an expensive amount of paper work to accurately record your transactions in and out of the platform. Fees from trading are cool and all, but a compliance officer would need to file the report, and trust me, they are expensive.

By using an exchange, you are usually subject to the TOS. I dont know what exchange you are on, but usually the TOS states they can change stuff like this at their discretion. It's suck, but this is the nature of our unregulated space at the moment.

If they dont spell this out in the TOS, they are fair game. Wink

790  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: TransferWise shut down my account and took all my money, what now? on: August 05, 2017, 09:43:14 PM
Thanks for the replies iHercules and audaciousbeing.

It's been four days since they shut down my account, and I haven't heard anything from them since. I decided to send them an email after I discovered I broke their rules. Not sure if it is a good response, but at least it is an honest one.


I have talked with your customer service today regarding the deactivation of my account. To my surprise I've been notified that transactions of any kind involving bitcoin is not allowed. After the conversation I did find this stated in the acceptable use policy - "We do not provide our services to businesses or support transactions which involve (...) bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies".

I understand I have violated the acceptable use policy, and I'm very sorry for this. I take full responsibility for my wrongdoings and will cooperate in any way moving forward. I should have investigated the terms of agreement carefully before opening an account with TransferWise. Up to this point, I was not aware that my activities was not allowed. I have been very naive to say the least.

Norwegian banks such as Skandiabanken [1], Nordea, Danske Bank and DnB have taken a positive or neutral position on bitcoins, allowing people to trade and own bitcoins, but warning against volatility and fraudulent abuse. I have reported my activities, that I operate as a market marker on LocalBitcoins to my banks and my government in Norway, and this have been approved by all. I'm writing this to give a backstory of my experience with banks and bitcoins before I established a TransferWise account in good faith. 

In Norway both government officials, media and banks have stated positive attitude towards bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. The Norwegian government have allowed bitcoin exchanges to operate [2] and they grant tax deductions on losses due to bitcoins trading [3]. All profits are subject to capital gains tax and wealth tax. I report everything.

I'm a strong believer in the case for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I think they would solve some of the worst consequences of the financial system we have today, such as income inequality, corruption and fraud. Not to mention the opportunities cryptocurrencies can provide to third world countries, where banking is scarce and expensive. I also believe that cryptocurrencies will offer a peaceful way out of the coming financial crisis, which I personally believe will be the worst in recorded history.

You are in possession of most of my life savings from work and my profits from trading bitcoin. Please return the funds to my Norwegian bank (Skandiabanken) which do allow me trading bitcoin. 

I understand I have broken your rules. In all modesty, in the future I hope you will change your attitude towards bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, trying to find common ground and good compliance rules for a greater purpose. 

Yours sincerely




You are being a saint in this. what you are doing is absolutely correct; in case you have to sue these bastards, you want a demonstrable chain of evidence to show that they may have caused you damages. being polite and concise only builds your case.

You may have violated the TOS, but usually that should mean an account deactivation with return of funds, you were a verified customer obviously with your self described volume. You have not violated and AML/KYC law, which is the only vehicle by which they can deny you your money, this decision is seemingly totally at the behest of the platform.

If they try to dick around with your money, as a trader, they have caused you damages by denying you opportunity cost. Essentially, they cannot hold your money for this. If they do, get in that ass. Wink

Liqui is fucking around with me atm, they dont understand what they are getting into. im going to let it happen Cheesy
791  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you support or acknowledge the gender neutral society on: August 05, 2017, 09:26:23 PM
So, can someone explain to me a gender neutral society? Pussy and dick need to interact for this shit to work.

In fact, they need to combine like "enzymes and shit that collaborate together to make some kind of mixture to" get this society shit together.

So im actually at a loss to understand what this agenda represents.  Huh

Im about 4 shots in on 160 proof (homemade). this, should be fun.

792  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald Trump and his 17-day vacation on: August 05, 2017, 08:27:05 PM
He's a hoodlum. If you ask me, Trump should be impeached. Going on a 17 day vacation when he hasn't really done much of anything good for the country in the last ~8 months he's been in office. Anyone know what this puts his total number of vacation days at since he went into office?

LOL, as much as I rail against Trump on these forums, I say let the man have a break. He's starting to show the wear and tear much quicker than Obama did; you can tell the stress of all this shit is eating him alive. His brand is suffering, his son is dragged into the shit, and his legacy is in question now. Despite the plain hypocrisy of his tweets about the former president's golfing/vacay habits, as a human watching another human suffer I say go for it. Besides, every day without Trump close to a pen/Twitter is a blessing nowadays.

And I'll just leave this tidbit here to nibble on:

Whoa. Oh my God. It's a double rainbow all the way... over the White House.

It appeared on Thursday night, just after President Donald Trump left Washington, D.C., for a West Virginia rally touting Governor Jim Justice's decision to switch from the Democratic Party to the GOP. People in the capital quickly captured it on camera, with everyone from CNN's Jim Acosta to former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer posting photographs to Twitter.

Terribly written article, but LMAO.

The irony is killing me inside.
793  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Modern American elites have come to favour inconspicuous consumption on: August 05, 2017, 08:14:03 PM
Just reading this article from the Economist.

Do you think this is a good thing, that they are spending more on experiential "goods" and spending less on luxury items? And why is it that the rich seem to be heading this way while the working class seem to be heading the opposite, spending more and more on goods?

This article was about America and I don't live there but the part about the working class was spot on. How would you know someone finally bought that coveted iPhone? They'll post a photo of it on Facebook. I wonder if these trends are the same worldwide.

I'm also wondering what gave rise to the change in the elite's taste. The fear that the "great unwashed" would turn an envious eye? The realization that material belongings are not what gives happiness?

You get a cookie Smiley

The key here is value. I'm 50/50 on there being a monolithic effort by the elite to actively suppress the less fortunate, I think it's more an emergent thing from looking out for ones own interest too much  

Anywho, the name of the game here is value. Most of the shit they scream at you about on TV isn't really that useful, and doesn't have actual value or loses that value quickly. If I turn the idiot box on I might see commercials for flashy cars, unnecessary consumer electronics, gaudy but not well made clothing and shoes and enticements toward unhealthy food. Buying any of this shit does nothing for your wealth. After that car crashes, the food is digested, and those clothes wear out, the only value you saw was a little opportunity profit.

But by buying socially responsible goods, and investing in not visible but valuable things like education, or physical fitness, you have essentially invested in yourself, or your society. Buying sustainable well, sustains shit. And I don't have to explain how and education is usually more valuable that what you pay for it.

If anything, we need to educate people about how to manage money better. Wages need improvement, to be fair, but simply organizing ones capital makes it go so much further.

794  Other / Politics & Society / So, what the hell happened to the NRA? on: August 05, 2017, 07:58:53 PM
I'm a big fan of guns. I'm from the South, I grew up hunting, so guns to me will always be a necessary survival tool, let alone its applications for personal defense. I generally support those that advocate sensible gun policy, which for me is usually not restricting my right to own or possess a gun. I feel a certain way about some of the automatic, larger caliber hardware that some civilians have, but it takes a freaking FBI background check to get one, so I believe it mostly balances out.

So, I have long been a fan of the NRA.

But as of late, their message has become decidedly violent and hateful. Instead of guns in the hands of citizens to reinforce the security of the State (a well armed militia), I'm seeing a call to violence, basically an enticement towards outright civil war.

This was the first piece of media that caught my eye:

Again, it amuses me when 'the left' is a nebulous group that seems to encompass everyone who isn't a conservative, as though all Democrats have the same political opinions. Would be like putting John McCain, Richard Spencer and Joe Scarborough in a room and telling them "You guys are all Rebuplican, I bet you all feel the same way about Trump" Wink

And this morning, I started to truly get concerned.

Besides the implications of a political organization threatening a newspaper with what sounds like sexual violence, I don't want to get fisked, man. I don't know if it's going to hurt, because I honestly don't know what fisking is. but it sounds like it will.

Is this really what we need, right now? And, this dog whistle call to arms, would you consider this as an attempt at radicalization? This language isn't quite as blunt as say, an ISIS video, but the thinly coded entreaty to violence is still quite apparent. I hear a lot of you say that libs are the cause of all evil and violence, but when I see things like this as of late, they increasingly tend to be associated with the right wing. Is this a message we want, this close to Scalise? ( he juuust got out if the hospital,)


And can someone tell me what the fuck a Fisk is?
795  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Are You SATISFIED With AUGUST 1? on: August 05, 2017, 07:24:05 PM
Well, August 1st was a big present for all Bitcoin holders. Why shouldn't they be satisfied?
I met some people which spoke bad about the fork because they did not own any Bitcoins so they were envious of those who profited. I told them: That's life. Sometime you win, sometimes you lose.

I'm not at all satisfied with Aug 1st. It was so much ado about pretty much nothing. We saw a lot of unnecessary volatility on most coins in the market, the media had a field day poorly explaining the fork and essentially describing it "the end of bitcoin". And for what? I got a coin that no one wants to mine apparently, that I held for all if three hours after I received. I like free value, but for the effect all of this had on the price/bitcoin reputation short term, we could have avoided all this Sad
796  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Coinbase the Bitcoin Dumpster on: August 05, 2017, 07:13:46 PM
You are absolutely correct.   I lost my phone and now I cannot access my account, and Coinbase could care less.  Looks like I'm going to lose my coins.   Leave this exchange before you lose your coins.

LOL! I thought this was just us. The miss broke her phone in a non repairable way some time ago, she has essentially been unable to access or use her account since then. What compounds the epicness of the situation is the fact she's holding 30ish dollar ETH because of this. We can't even remember how many she purchased; she was switching some Coinbase USD to btc and brought a few with the extra money on the account. So every time ETH goes up, I get sad, then I remember we will access it one day.
797  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is session protecting the clintons? on: August 05, 2017, 07:15:51 AM
Lolita air plane, bengazi, lynch airport, fast and furious holder, haiti slush fund, podesta, foreign donors of hrc, seth rich not investigated by the fbi, laptop of the wieners... but those plants users, he hates them, he want them in jail... is he in the pedogangs or what? What do the russians know about jeffs jeffy? Anyway attorney general of the us is a joke. There is no justice in this land. It's just a scam... the sheeple know, just some priviliged fiat pumped to dumb and compliant are still in denial. Wtc7 anyone? LoL.

And still usa has the biggest number of jail inmates, and per capita too. More jail inmate than the world combined? From the ideal of the constitution and bills of right it has become a giant slave plantations.

Edit: free corzine!!!

Question right back at you. Why, given the obvious differences in ideology and motivation, would Jefferson Beauregard Sessions The Third, Republican, have any reason to protect the Clintons?

And given the precarious nature of his employ at the White House (its like musical chairs in that bitch atm), if he could prosecute the Clintons, why hasnt he?

For that matter, given the litany of offences committed by the Clintons that you provided, why has no GOP member, Republican elected official or conservative governmental official in law enforcement ever attempted to prosecute the Clintons, and been successful? (ignore Bill and the blowjob for the sake of this argument. we are talking about the alleged body count) It is amazing that with all the clear evidence of crimes presented on right wing publications, nobody has ever been able to use it to make a case against the Clintons. Who have been active in Washington for decades.

Also weird that no intelligence body, from any country, has ever revealed a smoking gun concerning the Clintons. the Clintons must be the most powerful people in the world. An older white lady has gotten the best of an entire political party, if what you say is true.

The GOP has the keys to the kingdom now, so to speak, so lets see if that smoking gun pops up in the next 3 years (or year, I dont think we will see as many Republican faces after the midterms).

Why pay for opposition research when the evil is that evident? Smiley

Or is the rhetoric around the Clintons blown out of proportion, to push an agenda?

798  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do the stinkiest turds always float to the top? on: August 05, 2017, 06:57:19 AM
this is actually legit, Peter. this all sprang from doctors being incentivized by pharmaceutical reps to prescribe certain painkillers. this took place in the 90s.

as people rolled off of those prescriptions, they found they still liked opioids (even after the pill bottle was empty). those patients, in order to continue treating the pain, or to stem the pain of addiction, turn to black market sources. and we get here.

but let me specifically explore why the pharm companies are very complicit in all this:

Ninety-nine percent of primary care doctors routinely prescribe potentially addictive opioid painkillers for longer than the three-day period recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to survey results released Thursday by the National Safety Council.

The Itasca-based nonprofit also found that doctors routinely prescribe the drugs for unsuitable conditions, such as lower back and dental pain, and that they often overlook nonaddictive medications some research has shown to be more effective.

"Studies have shown that once we get beyond seven days of these opiate prescriptions for acute pain, the outcomes become much worse," said Dr. Donald Teater, the group's medical adviser. " … They get on these for a long time and have a hard time getting off them."

they are so overprescribed that they had to raise the production limits:

Starting in 2007, the DEA raised the limit on production of the drug from 70,000 kilograms until it reached a high of 153,750 kilograms in 2013. The limit was slowly reduced over the next three years and then slashed to the 108,510 figure for 2017.

that we havent experienced a doubling of people with pain, i find it odd that it was necessary to raise the limit that many years to match supply. why did supply go up?

also, the legal climate has less liability in prescribing something they dont need but ask for, rather than not giving it to them and getting sued. and doctors getting paid extra to suggest certain drugs, even if they arent the most efficient.

but, this is so fucking unfair for those that actually have chronic pain and need these drugs. we can only hope that the removal of those using the drugs improperly, will return the demand  down enough that the decreased supply should be enough for those with a true medical need Sad

799  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin world currency on: August 05, 2017, 06:27:03 AM
is it possible that we can use bitcoins in buying all commodities not only in one country but the entire wold? and how will this affect the economy.

This would require everyone to use bitcoin. For obvious reasons, bitcoin cannot be used everywhere (or outside of a wifi field, for that matter). there are some situations where you simply cannot avoid fiat; physical tokenized value just makes a lot of sense for the way that we conduct business in this day and age.

Moving on to the network. Scaling be damned, if we attempt to process even a fraction of the transactions ACH sees in a day, your miner would ignite in protest Smiley we would need to do alot to accommodate all that traffic. and to be honest, it would be inefficient to use the network in this manner. fiat is very quick, very clean. the only processing power you need is the calories you used to give a person back change.

while bitcoin is groovy, fiat is the boss daddy.

but if you can print out btc paper dollars, well, that changes everything.
800  Economy / Economics / Re: BCH launch shows us how irrelevant marketcap can be on: August 05, 2017, 06:13:29 AM

10 billion dollar network emerged out of thin air. Or did it?

Marketcap is a simple multiplication of price of a single coin by total number of coins in economy. It implies that there's a free market where every participant can easily sell or buy given coin.

But is it the case with today's BCH? As of now, almost no exchange actually supports BCH deposits, so the real amount of BCH in circulation is far smaller than 21 million, it's actually equal to amount of BTC held by users on exchanges that listed BCH now. This number is probably some dozens of thousands BCH, at it creates a perfect opportunity for speculation and manipulation.

oh, you are correct. yes, a 10b network did appear overnight. and for about 48 hours, it was legit.

and this is the problem with bitcoin.

we dont really have any real basis to price this shit off of. the price is borne on pure speculation; bitcoin prices does not reflect utility or production costs. coupled with the fact that most folks are play traders with no formal education, you get a dutch tulip of a situation Cheesy

And as I have said earlier, this is a perfect storm. The market has been in disarray since before the fork, and everyone got these coins. given the uncertainty of bcc, even at this point, there was no possible bull market with all that selling pressure. the situation we saw on exchanges is similar to what we see on hitbtc when they trade an iou token; the lack of liquidity causes pricing anomalies that correct as soon as the liquidity crunch is solved.

apparently, we are quite liquid at this point Wink positively drowning if you ask me.

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