@hippietech (Gleb found it on the next comment posted here)
I tried before to find the Blog posting by BJ after Gox went down.
The entire thing was to say they were not a fractional reserve operation.
This was a reactionary response after Gox slammed the headlines after it was offline.
Maybe it's still sitting there on their blog ..i couldn't find it though.. WEIRD !
But it was there i fucking read it !
BitJohn had posted it and it was fairly long too for a blog post.
EDIT:And Gleb Gamow is on the money always..
The day i clicked submit on the forum account sign up page i knew my PM's could easily be read.
They could be read by a staff member who had SQL database admin access.
I bet the majority of kids out there really have no clue how it all works under the hood with SQL tables.
I do because i started out in the old days writing PHP modules ..i even made a Paypal shopping cart system LOL
I gave it up though around 2003 'ish
I tell ya one thing..
Applying security patches to the PHP code all over the whole site+forum's ALL THE DAMN TIME was exhausting.
Usually for an SQL injection exploit.. they would roll out like wild fire 24/7 day in and day out.
And for the patient.. YES i do in fact have a point i am meandering around to
Saaaah Cure ahhhhhh Teeeee ROFL
Not only could staff here simply crack open the SQL database and read the raw PM's
or parse / dump them out but if they were so inclined they could pass this data to another party.
Back in the day on my own site + forums i would simply fire up phpMyAdmin and query tables. (or a text editor)
Hit up the user name and read the or edit the data at will.
The only thing i recall that was encrypted was the passwords.. everything else was plain text.
And the wrap up..
If you were to recall everything i ever said around Crypto.
You would remember me saying how Staff / Owners here *could have been delivered a warrant by US Fed's
They in turn would have to comply with anything .
So the cops could be reading every PM by every user EVER made.
And no i am not done..
Consider this forum has been hacked multiple times over the years.
So what ?
Well if the hackers got Database dumps..they could be reading through my pm's right now.
Who ? i don't know who would want to hack this place ?
Think about it.. nothing ever come of any hack incident.. it happened a few times and was forgotten immediately.
Users were advised to change their passwords etc but hackers never popped up anywhere with stolen data.
I have proposed countless times since late 2013 that Bitcointalk ownership simply allows the Fed's to get periodic
database dumps as per US Federal warrant law's.. and they simply tell us hackers did it for the down time
while the DB is dumped offline to an FBI USB drive etc
This would explain why the hacks seem to happen on a schedule over and over and why nothing has ever come of it all.
Further more the FBI has often run investigations that span 5 or 6 years.
The FBI i am sure gets frustrated about long investigation times but
they do LOVE the fact that long times translate into the invetigatee's feeling cocky and smug and more brazen in time.
If you couldn't sit through my rant ? Here is the gist of it
Assume all your PM's here are read by someone out there.
Any privacy on the internet is simply an illusion..
a false sense of security perpetrated by the less experienced and taken advantage of by the skilled and smart.