October 25, 2017, 02:07:30 PM |
Hi guys, I'm totally new to this, I was able to get MH/s on modded Bios and OC for MSI RX580 8GB Gaming X on ETH only. Now I want to do dual mode but once I ran the script, it hangs. My code is below: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x739b8012f896721EC6b9b9E23C389d48ea628CCC.Riku4515 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal username.workername -dpsw password
The CMD just hangs and froze. Any suggestion? Thanks. Maybe add in your LBRY Wallet address?
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 03:16:31 PM |
12 GPU in one rig ? v.10 sets correct clocks and voltage for wattman with the last two non-blockchain (drivers 2017.10.20 and the one from september), but then it throttles down upon full startup to 40% less GPU clock while keeping specified voltage values. Then upon exit, I can see in wattman the system maintains the correct OC values specified upon miner startup that the miner itself did not use.
All test were done by using all four specs for GPU and mem clocks+voltages due to mixed results in OCing without increased voltages being specified as noted in thread.
I have had no success in running stable the blockchain driver with and without any OC. The miner does start, I do see a north of ETH 5Mhs increases, but then it freezes my system. I've had very low li/lidag/ethi/dcri values with that driver and still the system keeps on crashing. Vega64 under windows obviously.
Thanks for all the great work, miner looks sweet!
I am using the Robin Hood drivers + Claymore 10 + Windows 7 on a mix GPU RIG - Rig consists of 4 cards MSI ARMOR RX 570 4GB cclock 1175 mclock 2100 cvddc 900 mvddc 900 30.1Eth 67.0LBR Dcri 20 GiG Aurora RX 580 4GB cclock 1275 mclock 2050 cvddc 950 mvddc 900 29.9Eth 67.5LBR Dcri 20 Asus Rog RX 560 4GB cclock 1175 mclock 1950 cvddc 850 mvddc 900 13.7Eth 34.0LBR Dcri 20 MSI GTX 1060 3GB OC'd in MSI AB PM 70 Core +125 Mem+ 900 23.5Eth 21.0LBR Dcri 28 I switched this rig over to the Robinhood drivers from basic drivers 3 weeks ago as I wanted to switch back to Ethereum from Music coin for a while. Since the switch 3 weeks ago I had to restart once due to the GTX 1060 freezing the system after a few days with mem set to +950. At the wall on the meter the system is pulling a total of 595 watts dual mining. Note: When I start up claymore for the first time, I wait till I see the first set of hash rates then I close claymore and rerun Claymore to get the proper hashrates. The very first instance of Claymore both my 570 and 580 will report 19mh Eth but closing and reopening Claymore corrects this. Sorry guys I can't read the whole thread but I hope you are all aware of amd new drivers... 12+ Gpu's much more stable now
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 03:20:06 PM |
I have a problem with sapphire rx 480 4gb on windows 10 pro. When I install AMD Blockchain Workloads driver my computer does not recognize cards. Actually only driver that I found that recognize cards is "Non-WHQL-Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-16.9.2-Sep21"
Does anyone have any clue what the problem might be?
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 03:27:32 PM |
Tempted to try the new drivers but it is a serious pain in the ass to update drivers with modded 570s.

Activity: 239
Merit: 12
October 25, 2017, 03:31:23 PM |
Hi guys, I'm totally new to this, I was able to get MH/s on modded Bios and OC for MSI RX580 8GB Gaming X on ETH only. Now I want to do dual mode but once I ran the script, it hangs. My code is below: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x739b8012f896721EC6b9b9E23C389d48ea628CCC.Riku4515 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal username.workername -dpsw password
The CMD just hangs and froze. Any suggestion? Thanks. Maybe add in your LBRY Wallet address? Add "-dcoin lbc" to your code. You are currently trying to mine decred on lbry pool (default -dcoin argument is dcr).
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 05:13:56 PM |
o mai ga, the GPU is the best in the market

Activity: 119
Merit: 10
October 25, 2017, 05:47:43 PM |
I will be more than happy to give the new drivers a try, but first I will wait for mr. Claymore to tell us if v.10 is fully compatible or we should wait for a new version
Buy me a souvlaki: ETH: 0x22D1C05F89dbe036aABFFEc197949E635903C6FA BTC: 1FHwEyiCqUTpauGfvPg5czMYoWMKqYGBWx
Jr. Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 3
October 25, 2017, 06:17:32 PM |
On Windows 7 there's no option "GPU Workload" in 17.10.2, 
Jr. Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 3
October 25, 2017, 07:33:13 PM |
Robin Hood drivers still best choice for win7
October 25, 2017, 09:09:52 PM |
confirmed the wind 10 64 bit new drivers work for 10+ cards
I have a 10 GPU rig running now, what I did find is uninstalling afterburner first helps
also with so many GPU it would also sometimes hang on when u run claymore, I fixed this by using -gser 2 option
It still hangs when i try and dual mine so I need to do more tweaking.
ALso AMD settings and MSI after burner do not play nice togther, I decided to roll with wattman since I cannot set the voltages on this mortherboard
the ASUS 16 Slot one with MSI AB
October 25, 2017, 09:47:40 PM |
confirmed the wind 10 64 bit new drivers work for 10+ cards
... since I cannot set the voltages on this mortherboard the ASUS 16 Slot one with MSI AB
Try OverDrivenTool
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
October 25, 2017, 10:13:14 PM |
Is there a way how to setup Compute type of workload for all GPU? it's lots of clicking and noticed that the value is not saved for the first time (Win10 + 17.10.2)
October 25, 2017, 10:33:38 PM |
I have a problem with sapphire rx 480 4gb on windows 10 pro. When I install AMD Blockchain Workloads driver my computer does not recognize cards. Actually only driver that I found that recognize cards is "Non-WHQL-Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-16.9.2-Sep21"
Does anyone have any clue what the problem might be?
yes. your modded bios doesn't pass the signature checks. the bios sig check was turned off for versions 16.9.1 up to 16.12 by AMD
Full Member
Activity: 181
Merit: 101
Ethereum Miner
October 25, 2017, 10:56:13 PM |
well... apparently out of 8 cards (over 50*rx570 connected at the same time into almost identical environment & platforms) I have one or a neighboring pair of GPUs making issues [gpuz asic quality, nor mem errors, nor display/dummy all are no factors] the best way to stabilize it seems to keep cards at the same core(I do 1180) and preferably same voltage, lowering only the mem. Some volts may be required to add from default 875. [Maybe will switch to proper setups via overdrive tool... watttool was better I think..., still using it for some equihash workers with 16.11.4 drivers - that have no 100% fan issues  ] Looks like AMD api in blockchain drivers and claymore's use of it makes really weird tricks. changing the voltage may require couple of reboots to "sink in" for instance. I’m in the same boat and did the same setup you have - same core,mvddc,cvddc but varied memory clocks per card. Seems to be working now as i no longer see them hashing at stock clocks at startup of miner. However, i’d say 2 out of 10 of the time the voltage of gpu0 is higher than the rest of the cards. I have no fix yet for this, as I just restart my miner and it’s back to 875 mV.
I build and sell rigs! I also sell ssd clones of the most stable Windows+Claymore+AMD driver combo you'd ever used.
October 26, 2017, 12:10:15 AM |
confirmed the wind 10 64 bit new drivers work for 10+ cards
... since I cannot set the voltages on this mortherboard the ASUS 16 Slot one with MSI AB
Try OverDrivenTool you have a link?
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
October 26, 2017, 02:52:42 AM |
Hello everybody!
I have an issue, I can' t start the EthDcrMiner64.exe, it crashes and auto-delete, there is no way to run on User instead of Admin? it request for admin privileges
any solutions?
October 26, 2017, 04:27:58 AM |
Hello everybody!
I have an issue, I can' t start the EthDcrMiner64.exe, it crashes and auto-delete, there is no way to run on User instead of Admin? it request for admin privileges
any solutions?
turn of windows smartscreen then add an exception for the claymore folder in the windows antivirus
October 26, 2017, 05:23:39 AM |
Just scared of viruses , thanks I apreciate the link
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
October 26, 2017, 05:54:56 AM |
I have a problem with sapphire rx 480 4gb on windows 10 pro. When I install AMD Blockchain Workloads driver my computer does not recognize cards. Actually only driver that I found that recognize cards is "Non-WHQL-Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-16.9.2-Sep21"
Does anyone have any clue what the problem might be?
yes. your modded bios doesn't pass the signature checks. the bios sig check was turned off for versions 16.9.1 up to 16.12 by AMD So i need to to set bios to factory so that it can pass signature check?