Full Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 106
October 17, 2017, 02:31:25 PM |
Same problem here, average hashrate seems lowered and getting low ...
In counterpart my reported hashrate not moved ...
Issue with claymore ? Maybe i have to soft reset miner ?
Nvidia User
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
October 17, 2017, 02:39:00 PM |
Is there a time frame for a fix of this problem?
October 17, 2017, 02:43:12 PM |
My miner keeps crashing. I have 5x asus dual rx 480 8gb, and since this morning looks like drivers crashed, I reinstalled drivers (blockchain) and patched it, reinstalled MSI AB, everything started working and again it crashed. I use Claymore 10. Any idea?
Jr. Member
Activity: 53
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 03:43:17 PM |
I think these issues may have to do more with the fork and sliding difficulty and mining than anything.

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 03:44:56 PM |
This is the lastest version or still 9.8?
Latest version of the claymore's ETH dual miner is 10.0
October 17, 2017, 04:10:25 PM |
My rig goes down 145 to 120 ?
Activity: 1030
Merit: 1006
October 17, 2017, 04:18:03 PM |
amazing how many ppl mining and knowing nothing

Activity: 83
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 05:58:46 PM |
Your miners work ok after fork?
Actually difficulty on Eth has dropped drastically. I'm noticing my profits go up by the hour here. This is awesome news for us miners. Anyone else notice? Difficulty dropped, making block time shorter. So, more blocks. Reward also dropped, so, less revenue per block. Net result is almost no difference in mining profitability - as intended in the upgrade. Correct I hear ya, but unless Ethermine's stats are off, it's telling me I'm making more.....Time will tell I guess. Let's see... Reward dropped from 5 per block to 3 per block at the time of fork. My profit estimates are up, compared to pre-fork... up by about 5/3. If I take 3/5 of the reward indicates, I'd see exactly the same amount as I saw pre-fork. Therefore... You got it wrong sir  Sure, I make mistakes. Show me how to get it right, then. I'm happy to be making more.
October 17, 2017, 06:42:55 PM |
Guys, really need help with my rx 480 rig. 5th time today my drivers crashed so the only way to start rig again is to uninstall, remove MSI AB, install blockchain drivers, patch, install AB, it starts Eth single mining regular speed with Claymore 10, and after some while (30 mins, 1 hour, 15 mins) it crashes again. Any idea?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
October 17, 2017, 06:56:57 PM |
Last week i am having pretty much fun with one card of Gigabyte RX 580 gaming G1 4gb - it is just simply impossible to mine on it - it is making all kind of errors like OPENCL failure and stuff..
So today i have decided to disassemble the card and guess what i have found?
On the card which is like 3-4 months in use we are having^
-stone thermal inferface which is becoming dust upon removal.
- ALL thermal pads started oiling and shitted all card with oily stains.
Sorry no photo made - forgot when assembled back after cleaning and replacing all thermal interfaces.
Be careful with you cards - check the plates near memory chips for oil traces - if you find some - just give this shit back where you bought it...
Claymore miner was not the problem - it was shitty Gigabyte thermal interfaces. Never buy Gigabyte.
October 17, 2017, 07:14:19 PM |
Your miners work ok after fork?
Actually difficulty on Eth has dropped drastically. I'm noticing my profits go up by the hour here. This is awesome news for us miners. Anyone else notice? It was the same for me too before 10 hours but the profit dropped almost 50% instantly? Is it the same for you too? 300mg/h was getting me 1.4 eth per month, now I'm getting 2.2.
Full Member
Activity: 181
Merit: 101
Ethereum Miner
October 17, 2017, 07:56:17 PM |
Your miners work ok after fork?
Actually difficulty on Eth has dropped drastically. I'm noticing my profits go up by the hour here. This is awesome news for us miners. Anyone else notice? It was the same for me too before 10 hours but the profit dropped almost 50% instantly? Is it the same for you too? 300mg/h was getting me 1.4 eth per month, now I'm getting 2.2. ethermine pool? up to last night it was reporting erroneously too. pre-byz i'm getting 0.68 for 177Mh but its saying that i'm supposed to be getting 1.19 eth per month. This morning it's around 0.79. Fully adjusted after 24 hrs it should sit at around 0.83 which is the 23% increase.
I build and sell rigs! I also sell ssd clones of the most stable Windows+Claymore+AMD driver combo you'd ever used.
Full Member
Activity: 181
Merit: 101
Ethereum Miner
October 17, 2017, 08:00:25 PM |
Need some help
I have one rig thats driving me nuts
8 x Gigabyte Aorus 4gb Rx570's some with ELPIDA and some with Hynix Asus z270-a g4400 ddr 8gb windows 10 fresh install Blockchain drivers
My biggest issue is that when i make changes to the batch file the computer freezes..i get the blue screen with an error "Thread stuck in Device Driver"
I have swapped out motherboard with a new one...added more installed windows several times....did clean DDU driver uninstalls several times etc...ONLY after i make a change and reboot it it MIGHT start hashing correctly i mean it will always hash but at the stock clocks. I then need to resstart Claymore several times until it gets the overclocks.
I normally use the claymore batch file for all of my overclocks and i have tried several versions of MSI AB and its the same thing....
Am i doing something wrong ir is it these particular cards ? I even changed to Claymore 9.8 but that lowers the hash every so often to 14mh acroos all the cards ?
Also Compared to my other rigs this one is using a lot of electricity over 150w per card
I have used Polaris Editor 1.62 to change timings
Im at my wits end and can use some help if someone has run into these issues before
Thanks in advance
You failed to include clock settings you have on your card. i'm 99% sure this is due to too much OC or too much undervolting - as i've hit this blue wall lots of times already. Tips: -try not to go lower than 850mV -core clock settings shouldn't be around 200-250 less than your stock core clock -memory clock shouldn't exceed +250 of stock value.
I build and sell rigs! I also sell ssd clones of the most stable Windows+Claymore+AMD driver combo you'd ever used.

Activity: 100
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 08:12:55 PM |
Guys, really need help with my rx 480 rig. 5th time today my drivers crashed so the only way to start rig again is to uninstall, remove MSI AB, install blockchain drivers, patch, install AB, it starts Eth single mining regular speed with Claymore 10, and after some while (30 mins, 1 hour, 15 mins) it crashes again. Any idea?
You most likely have a bad card or a card starting to go bad. Try running it with 1 card, and if you get to 2 hours with it, add a second card and do it again until you find the card that is bad. I have had a similar issue several times on a few of my rigs. If you get a clean install on your drivers, then that is probably not the issue. When a card starts to go bad, it can crash the whole machine even though it starts up like it should and looks like it is ready to run. If that doesn't work, try the psychic hotline and see if they know what the problem is... Good luck.

Activity: 168
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 08:23:44 PM |
I use some 970 and get only 3-4mh. I know its a common bug on windows 10 and newer drivers..
Is it still not possible on windows 10 or is there already a fix?
October 17, 2017, 08:33:49 PM |
it was shitty Gigabyte thermal interfaces. Never buy Gigabyte.
Did someone else encounter the problem is melting thermal pads on Gigabyte cards? Gigabyte RX570/RX580 Aorus in particular.
October 17, 2017, 08:36:37 PM Last edit: October 18, 2017, 05:47:48 AM by Ursul0 |
Something strange happens with my miner's monitor
I use Claymore monitor 3.4, miner version 10.0 1 or 2 rigs are constantly loosing connection with monitor. I.e. Monitor turns red and in "lost" state for corresponding miner.
While miner actually works (with pool) but with message: ETH: GPU0 28.009 Mh/s, GPU1 28.529 Mh/s, GPU2 28.366 Mh/s, GPU3 27.995 Mh/s, GPU4 28.001 Mh/s server: bind failed with error: 10048 (port for remote management is busy, use different -mport value), next attempt in 20sec...
I tried different -mport values but it doesn't help. It happens since Saturnday. I use read-only mode and internal IP
LOL. I had similar behavior, no any error msg in logs though: single worker (out of multiple ones in the same LAN) was constantly loosing connection. And it seems I just fixed it in a really weird way: get EthMon 2.9, place your config into its dir(to speed things up), remove all related entries from win firewall, run it and allow both public & private profiles = that's it. Have NO idea why it works now... or why it wasn't working before. If I do the same procedure with 3.4 it wont solve the problem... I'm really confused. EDIT: @Kukus Please try and report back. Reporting: I didn't check anything in firewall. Just run ver2.9 and it works. But now, when I've tried 3.4, this mystic software works again. But I have to wait because miner looses connection after 6-10 hours only. @claymoreFreaking nightmare man! I just had the weirdest shit ever. Like I said before cleaning entries in windows firewall and running 2.9 made it all right. (no falsely lost miner) Until now... I actually have two ethman running. One running on the LAN with workers (can access it with vnc) and another on my laptop with VLAN addresses (openvpn). As I said, for the day+ it was completely fine... and then few minutes ago I noticed that the only miner not in red is the one that was getting lost all the time! I checked and on both ethmans it was the same picture. So I tried to close the program, but it freaking refused! On LAN it gave me something like "access violation and 0x00000000 address" error. and one on VLAN said that it "cannot close program launched by external process". So I killed it from process explorer on both locations. Now whatever I do one of the miners is in red (the same one that was having issues before and the samer one that was reporting to work when all others were lost), while its working just fine. (I can see its working in VNC with no interruptions. Same with the hash arriving to the pool) WTF is going on? EDIT: removed all "ethdcrminer64" firewall entries, restarted miner, allowed rules for private profile - now it seems fine again.
October 17, 2017, 09:54:03 PM |
Just going back to mining ETH+LBRY. Just wondering what settings you fellow RX570 owners have to maximise your results.
Currently I have approx 28Mh/s ETH and 71.5Mh/s LBRY per card at -dcri 25 GPUs are bios modded and running 1150/1975 (@850mV core).
Sr. Member
Activity: 518
Merit: 250
I am a meat Popsicle
October 18, 2017, 12:48:44 AM |
Just going back to mining ETH+LBRY. Just wondering what settings you fellow RX570 owners have to maximise your results.
Currently I have approx 28Mh/s ETH and 71.5Mh/s LBRY per card at -dcri 25 GPUs are bios modded and running 1150/1975 (@850mV core).
I run Dcri at 20 and get 29.3 Eth and 65.7 LBRY The extra 1MH on ether is worth a lot more then the 5 mh on LBRY $19.77yr Eth for 1mh before electric $10.5yr for LBRY for 6mh before electric
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 06:25:52 AM |
Hi guys,
Have any of you encountered reduced hash rate? I just noticed now that my rig went from ~29Mh/s per card to 24~25. But when mining ubiq, I still get 29mh/s.