October 02, 2017, 11:37:16 AM |
Looks like found blocks with the hacked-together patched 0.13' version make 0.8' versions crash.. lol.. Ever heard of testnet, guys ? Hint: Compare the CheckTransaction() functions  have fun Does you pool still can mine this coin now ? or suggest we switch to other coin? Thank you. You can mine it, however with 95% hashrate centralized on one pool it takes some time until a block has been found good to hear you xzc pool is back, we trust suprnova, Bro. don't leave us. :'-( I'm here, no worries, there's at least one guy who seems reasonable here and at least cares, AizenSou... Let's see how it goes. Hi eveyone!! I just saw this project! Is it woth investing what do you think 
Jr. Member
Activity: 131
Merit: 1
October 02, 2017, 11:56:17 AM |
seems a question of time , until the price rockets, seems a good buying opportunity now
October 02, 2017, 01:19:30 PM |
Interesting comments on anon cryptos: https://cointelegraph.com/news/snowden-ventures-cryptocurrency-opinion-on-twitter“Zcash is the only altcoin (that I know of) designed and built by professional and academic cryptographers. Hard to ignore.” He also refers to Monero as an amateur crypto, and there is a mention of a Monero bug that "allows for the creation of an unlimited number of coins in a way that is undetectable to an observer". I thought this was particularly ironic in the context, given that Zcash doesn't have an auditable supply, so in principle it has a similar risk. In contrast, such issues would be detectable in Zcoin. I'm also pretty sure that Zcash isn't the only "professional" altcoin in this sense.
October 02, 2017, 03:46:20 PM |
yeah monero amateur, but exists since april 2014..

Activity: 102
Merit: 10
October 02, 2017, 04:31:59 PM |
Come to http://zpool.ca/ ! Very good pool, but need more MH!!! Right now 400MH !
October 02, 2017, 08:51:19 PM |
Network hashrate just within 30 mins has jumped from ~50Gh to 67Gh. F**ng botnets
Activity: 1820
Merit: 1092
~Full-Time Minter since 2016~
October 02, 2017, 08:54:28 PM |
Network hashrate just within 30 mins has jumped from ~50Gh to 67Gh. F**ng botnets
ugh, network breaks, they go down, for like 6 hours, then they start coming back up :/ All we can really do is wait it out till MTP, then it will take a few days/weeks for them to reset-up the botnets haha CPU friendly coins thats just how it is man, can't stop it.
~Got this girl in my bed, a roof over my head, i mint a couple coins a week, and thats how i make bread~ ~On the 12th day of Hatzvah, OGminer said to me: "compute root of the merkle hash tree!"~ Prohashing -- Simply the best Multipool!

Activity: 102
Merit: 10
October 03, 2017, 05:26:30 AM |
Come to http://zpool.ca/ ! Very good pool, but need more MH!!! Right now 400MH ! Almost 1 GH!!!! IN JOIN!! There are more than taken the ball and the bigger the reward!
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
October 03, 2017, 06:33:51 AM |
I been mining on supernova since 27th and I have been out of town and I only managed to get like 1.3 coins. and since I came back today at supernova I have gotten 0 coins and my hash rate in over 6000 kh/s anybody know whats going on?
October 03, 2017, 06:51:06 AM |
I been mining on supernova since 27th and I have been out of town and I only managed to get like 1.3 coins. and since I came back today at supernova I have gotten 0 coins and my hash rate in over 6000 kh/s anybody know whats going on?
Less hash rate. This can be sorted out only when more people decide to neutralize the monopoly created on 1 pool (MPH). Besides that, suprnova had some issues which were promptly fixed by zcoin devs. Now the pool just needs move hash rate to improve the earnings. At present the hash rate is like MPH hash rate > hash rate of all other xzc pools combined together  And an advice to all other pools like suprnova, zpool, etc. Make an attractive offer (at least for the time being). Something like 0% fee till the traffic increases to a level that can maintain hash rate balance between pools.

Activity: 210
Merit: 10
October 03, 2017, 06:57:41 AM |
if i look this project give big fund or reward, i think if you have bigger reward, your project will success full, wish you luck dev
October 03, 2017, 09:28:27 AM |
I believe in zcoin, all hurdles were quickly been solved by devs, and tell me which project doesnt have problems?
October 03, 2017, 09:43:08 AM |
I am wondering, why ZCash has a significant higher acceptance than Zerocoin. ZCash uses protocol of Zerocoin, but is not as secure as Zerocoin. Anyway, I will take Zerocoin to my portfolio, although I didn't figure out, what are the disadvanteges against ZCash.
October 03, 2017, 09:48:49 AM |
Hi, please kindly report back if there are any issues with stuck tx. It appears that after the pools and exchanges updated to 13.2.7, ( https://github.com/zcoinofficial/zcoin/releases) there were no more problems. We're still monitoring the situation. Is there any update on what pools have updated and what pools haven't? That would be helpful for pool owners to make a move before it becomes a mess
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1245
October 03, 2017, 09:52:49 AM |
I been mining on supernova since 27th and I have been out of town and I only managed to get like 1.3 coins. and since I came back today at supernova I have gotten 0 coins and my hash rate in over 6000 kh/s anybody know whats going on?
Less hash rate. This can be sorted out only when more people decide to neutralize the monopoly created on 1 pool (MPH). Besides that, suprnova had some issues which were promptly fixed by zcoin devs. Now the pool just needs move hash rate to improve the earnings. At present the hash rate is like MPH hash rate > hash rate of all other xzc pools combined together  And an advice to all other pools like suprnova, zpool, etc. Make an attractive offer (at least for the time being). Something like 0% fee till the traffic increases to a level that can maintain hash rate balance between pools. There's "only" roughly 700 MH/s on suprnova while the rest is on MPH, as long as you have 95% on one pool, you have also 95% of the blocks on that pool.. it's as easy as that  Fees are 0% on suprnova for weeks now and no one really seems to care, also the distribution is like this for weeks already and also nobody (also not the devs in any way) seems to care. As long as there are no problems, no stuck TX etc. no one cares ;-) Oh yes, and of course I've upgraded to latest.
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet https://www.suprnova.cc - FOLLOW us @ Twitter ! twitter.com/SuprnovaPools
October 03, 2017, 10:51:24 AM |
I been mining on supernova since 27th and I have been out of town and I only managed to get like 1.3 coins. and since I came back today at supernova I have gotten 0 coins and my hash rate in over 6000 kh/s anybody know whats going on?
Less hash rate. This can be sorted out only when more people decide to neutralize the monopoly created on 1 pool (MPH). Besides that, suprnova had some issues which were promptly fixed by zcoin devs. Now the pool just needs move hash rate to improve the earnings. At present the hash rate is like MPH hash rate > hash rate of all other xzc pools combined together  And an advice to all other pools like suprnova, zpool, etc. Make an attractive offer (at least for the time being). Something like 0% fee till the traffic increases to a level that can maintain hash rate balance between pools. There's "only" roughly 700 MH/s on suprnova while the rest is on MPH, as long as you have 95% on one pool, you have also 95% of the blocks on that pool.. it's as easy as that  Fees are 0% on suprnova for weeks now and no one really seems to care, also the distribution is like this for weeks already and also nobody (also not the devs in any way) seems to care. As long as there are no problems, no stuck TX etc. no one cares ;-) Oh yes, and of course I've upgraded to latest. Well that's a sad news. The pool definitely needs some marketing to bring more attention and traffic. Is there something you can work with devs of zcoin to even out the hash rates across the pools? I am sure that is in the best interest of zcoin devs as well and they should be doing their best to get that done
Jr. Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
October 03, 2017, 11:00:16 AM |
I been mining on supernova since 27th and I have been out of town and I only managed to get like 1.3 coins. and since I came back today at supernova I have gotten 0 coins and my hash rate in over 6000 kh/s anybody know whats going on?
Less hash rate. This can be sorted out only when more people decide to neutralize the monopoly created on 1 pool (MPH). Besides that, suprnova had some issues which were promptly fixed by zcoin devs. Now the pool just needs move hash rate to improve the earnings. At present the hash rate is like MPH hash rate > hash rate of all other xzc pools combined together  And an advice to all other pools like suprnova, zpool, etc. Make an attractive offer (at least for the time being). Something like 0% fee till the traffic increases to a level that can maintain hash rate balance between pools. There's "only" roughly 700 MH/s on suprnova while the rest is on MPH, as long as you have 95% on one pool, you have also 95% of the blocks on that pool.. it's as easy as that  Fees are 0% on suprnova for weeks now and no one really seems to care, also the distribution is like this for weeks already and also nobody (also not the devs in any way) seems to care. As long as there are no problems, no stuck TX etc. no one cares ;-) Oh yes, and of course I've upgraded to latest. i am back, since your pool hit a new block
welcome to MAGNET (https://magnetwork.io/)
October 03, 2017, 11:11:46 AM |
What is going on with XZC network difficulty? Network hashrate has decreased from ~65Gh to 58Gh BUT difficulty has increased on ~12%
October 03, 2017, 11:18:07 AM Last edit: October 03, 2017, 11:29:27 AM by pr0ximus |
@ocminer : "Be aware that you're mining a coin which is technically a nightmare  " You don't mean this anymore. Do you? This may also be a reason for someone to avoid coming to your pool  EDIT: Also your APAC Host nodes xzc-apac.suprnova.cc & xzc-cn.suprnova.cc arent working. could you fix that as well.