Very interesting...I would like to try it.. So briefly could you actually explain which version should I get - for windows 7 Home Premium
System type 64-bit
RAM 4,00 GB
Processor Intel(R)Core(TM)i5-2430M CPU @ 2,40 GHZ
Would you recommend to get just GUNBOT or what would be the best way to perform did mention something on amazon Vp..I don;t remember.. cost is 0.1 so let me know with further details please man.
I bought back in late february. First of all, computer specs don't matter that much becasue the bot doesn't use a lot of resource. What IS important is how fast and stable your net connection is. Ran a few days on windows version to get a feel for the Gunbot. My net going down from the time to time was hard on the bot. I switched to a hard wired desktop at work. I found the ultimate is to run linux version on a VPS , the free VPS around are kind of a hassle. For $5 a month I have a fast,stable vPS and no worries about my Bot.
Here's the deal, Gunbot will make you money. so don't go el cheapo. There's a large user base now, a forum coming on line....and a dev that absolutely supports his bot.
Starting to sound like a shill but, first 10 days I paid for my bot, the vps is 5 bucks .....that's nothing.
PM me if you have any questions or would like a referral deal.