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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.8%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (7%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.5%)
$95K to $100K - 28 (19.6%)
>$100K - 83 (58%)
Total Voters: 143

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26730089 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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August 08, 2018, 12:45:10 AM

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what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?

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August 08, 2018, 12:46:25 AM

flat earth thread

oh man how did i miss this?? that thread is gold
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August 08, 2018, 01:05:54 AM

flat earth thread

oh man how did i miss this?? that thread is gold

It wasn't obvious to you the flat earth demographic and people who purchase shitcoins instead of silver and gold are the same people?
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August 08, 2018, 01:23:21 AM

flat earth thread
oh man how did i miss this?? that thread is gold
It wasn't obvious to you the flat earth demographic and people who purchase shitcoins instead of silver and gold are the same people?

Oh roach what have you done

It is all about Flat Earth

What is the first rule of Flat Earth?
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Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist

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August 08, 2018, 01:49:53 AM

I love the logical inconsistencies in a single hand drawn picture.


"Appearances vs. Facts

The phenomenon of the disappearance of a ship, hull first, as it recedes from view, is caused by the same law of foreshortening as that which governs the disappearance of the rail, or causes the two rails to appear to approach each other. If we should make calculations on the basis of the appearance instead of on the basis of the fact that the rails do not approach, but only seem to, we necessarily draw false conclusions. This is precisely what the astronomers do. They conclude from appearances rather than from facts." -- The Cellular Cosmogony,  Cyrus Teed
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Viva Ut Vivas

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August 08, 2018, 01:58:37 AM

I love the logical inconsistencies in a single hand drawn picture.


"Appearances vs. Facts

The phenomenon of the disappearance of a ship, hull first, as it recedes from view, is caused by the same law of foreshortening as that which governs the disappearance of the rail, or causes the two rails to appear to approach each other. If we should make calculations on the basis of the appearance instead of on the basis of the fact that the rails do not approach, but only seem to, we necessarily draw false conclusions. This is precisely what the astronomers do. They conclude from appearances rather than from facts." -- The Cellular Cosmogony,  Cyrus Teed

I used to think that the flat earthers were just trolling everyone, like those videos that went out with kids downloading noises that could get them high...

but either they have marvelously trolled everyone to the point that some people actually believe it, or they are wholly ignorant of reality...and should be listened to for total entertainment a psycho on the street corner with a sign spouting off about the jews and illuminati
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August 08, 2018, 02:11:59 AM

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

Hitler's psychological profile as described by the United States Office of Strategic Services:  source 
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August 08, 2018, 02:31:13 AM

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

Hitler's psychological profile as described by the United States Office of Strategic Services:  source  

How we find all the crooks - Future proves past

The forum board is being cleaned up at the moment, interesting, shame there is an archive
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August 08, 2018, 02:38:09 AM

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

Hitler's psychological profile as described by the United States Office of Strategic Services:  source 

so what you are saying is the left is acting like a certain evil entity back in the 30's and 40's

excerpt ( I have used asterisks , you supply the entity of modern day)
took control of all forms of communication in ******: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio.
Viewpoints in any way threatening to **** beliefs or to the ***** were censored or eliminated from all media.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11711

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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August 08, 2018, 02:45:38 AM

The free stuff talking point is nonsense.

Overall people are not seeking free stuff, but they do want to have dignity and work, and some kind of way to live in order to be able to provide for families.. pump out babies, raise families and enjoy their short time on earth.

Maybe "free stuff" is infrastructure that is needed that is not going to just happen by itself without community involvement (which is another way of saying government)?  Yeah, of course, government becomes dominated by a small group of rich folks and corporations, so the peeps receiving the "free stuff" in actuality end up being BIG money that plays the system to their advantage, and the "free stuff" does not tend to get distributed broadly, as the claims are made that social benefits are draining the public coffers when in fact the ones sucking off the public tit the most tend to be well off already.

I'm all for free stuff. I bet I can one-up anyone on the amount of free stuff I want to have give away. Try me. You're definitely not as caring as I am when it comes to the government giving out free stuff (why don't you want free food for kids? Do you hate children?).

But the extortion part...not a fan.

Maybe we are talking over each other?   My main point is that the concept of "free stuff" is frequently misused in order to suggest 1) people need to fend for themselves 2) people are lazy 3) people are the problem 4) people vote based on desires to get free stuff, 5) government is bad, 6) libertarianism is good. 

I just don't buy those talking points because they are fantastical criticisms of current systems to want to get rid of current systems while pie in the sky thinking that voluntarism is going to solve everything..
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August 08, 2018, 03:27:26 AM

Random Hebrew Marxist propaganda

Well, we both have one thing in common.  We both wish it was actually true 6 million Jews died in a holocaust even if it's not.
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August 08, 2018, 03:49:29 AM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1), mindrust (1)

Fucking lol

Amaury, the creator and lead dev of Bcash lol has been banned from Bcash lol slack.

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Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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August 08, 2018, 04:17:19 AM

Can anyone name all of them?  I think that I can identify 6 out of 8, and anyone able to fill in the blanks for the two who I don't know?

What I got so far from left to right is:

1) Gavin Andresen 2) Craig Wright 3) ? unknown ?  4) Roger Ver  5) ? unknown ?  6) Vinny Lingham 7) Jihan Wu Cool Brian Armstrong
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August 08, 2018, 04:19:28 AM*t and even 6600 for BTC.....

well, hell it is only $$$ right? FML (sob!)

but with August being lite on volume....the bots and such are gonna have a frigging field seems....

(crypto...too much drama....want some plain boring is like a crypto soap opera

gossip/anticipation of ill gotten gains (etf)*t....

still going with my original view on the next 2-4 years...EVERYTHING is going down 50% crypto, stocks, house, etc...I myself

see a pretty good recession coming down the only hope is 1) btc is dumping now rather than later when stock market

chokes 2) a normal recession is a 20% pull I'm expecting 40% deep recession..thus my 50% it GONE viewpoint...

3) should really consider at this point in time being a 'minimalist' sell crap on ebay for btc low prices..if right SCORE...if wrong

hell less crap so its a win/win...

frigging silly hairless primate humans running around hooting and panic'ing and tossing 'poo' ...(metaphorically speaking with FUD)...

frigging amazing we have not blown ourselves back into the stone age yet....(get me off this planet!..I wish to defect!)

and now we are at 6,550..per btc ..the fun never ends here

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Activity: 1442
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Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist

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August 08, 2018, 04:22:35 AM

Feeling the burn @6457 on Stamp.    

This bitch needs a hard reboot.  
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August 08, 2018, 04:23:30 AM

Can anyone name all of them?  I think that I can identify a little 6 out of 8, and anyone able to fill in the blanks of the two who I don't know?
What I got from left to right:
1) Gavin Andresen 2) Craig Wright 3) ? unknown  4) Roger Ver  5) unknown  6) Vinny Lingham 7) Jihan Wu Cool Brian Armstrong

How many Scams and Dodgy Developers have they operated?
This is on topic in current conditions, it is having an effect on Bitcoin, see how they run - WEX ZEC

Scams Bitinstant, MtGox, Cryptsy, Btc-e, Wex, ZEC developer (Roger shill) etc etc etc a lot more than this

Can anyone name them all?

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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11711

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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August 08, 2018, 04:30:45 AM
Merited by Searing (2)*t and even 6600 for BTC.....

well, hell it is only $$$ right? FML (sob!)

but with August being lite on volume....the bots and such are gonna have a frigging field seems....

(crypto...too much drama....want some plain boring is like a crypto soap opera

gossip/anticipation of ill gotten gains (etf)*t....

still going with my original view on the next 2-4 years...EVERYTHING is going down 50% crypto, stocks, house, etc...I myself

see a pretty good recession coming down the only hope is 1) btc is dumping now rather than later when stock market

chokes 2) a normal recession is a 20% pull I'm expecting 40% deep recession..thus my 50% it GONE viewpoint...

3) should really consider at this point in time being a 'minimalist' sell crap on ebay for btc low prices..if right SCORE...if wrong

hell less crap so its a win/win...

frigging silly hairless primate humans running around hooting and panic'ing and tossing 'poo' ...(metaphorically speaking with FUD)...

frigging amazing we have not blown ourselves back into the stone age yet....(get me off this planet!..I wish to defect!)

and now we are at 6,550..per btc ..the fun never ends here


I know that you (Searing) and I have had several back and forth communications (both publicly on this thread and a few PMs, too), and currently, I am thinking that part of the explanation why you (and this seems to apply to a few others in this thread too, like Rosewater) tend to get more nervous about downfalls in the BTC price, as compared with me, is that you are looking at the downfall in BTC price as a loss of value to you, because you are focusing on the fiat value.

Of course, I understand that the fiat value is important, especially in the long term, but I think that I can distinguish myself from you partly based on my attempting to view the opportunities to increase the number of my BTC.  Yeah, I am not the only one like this, and there are a few of us who might still be a bit bummed out that the overall fiat value of our holdings is becoming less, but several of us attempt to make lemonade out of these lemons by buying BTC with the dips ... and really if we go to $6k or below $6k, this is going to be like the 4th time that BTC price is visiting these price territories.. .Sure, BTC price could break below $6k (and even below $5,777 which is currently the lowest price for this correction cycle), but nonetheless, we are doing good, no?

Can't we buy some more BTC?  Can't we attempt to appreciate buying opportunities (even if we are a little bit bummed out because our price direction preference remains, UP)?
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August 08, 2018, 04:31:34 AM
Last edit: August 08, 2018, 05:21:26 AM by realr0ach

The Jewish occupied govt of America is attempting to eliminate all enemies of Marxism and international Jewry before their false flag attack on US citizens to be blamed on Iran:

Trump 100% went along with their last Syria false flag BS, and the Mandalay Bay and crisis actor David Hogg gun grab attempts, so expect Trump to be a traitor to the US once again while shilling for Jews.  The entire goal with entities like North Korea, Iran, and Russia, is for international Jew banking to try and eliminate so called "rogue" actors before the economic reset.  They insist on reinstating another Jewish, debt based, scam system.  Too bad.  Not gonna happen.  Silver and gold here we come.
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August 08, 2018, 04:39:29 AM*t and even 6600 for BTC.....

well, hell it is only $$$ right? FML (sob!)

but with August being lite on volume....the bots and such are gonna have a frigging field seems....

(crypto...too much drama....want some plain boring is like a crypto soap opera

gossip/anticipation of ill gotten gains (etf)*t....

still going with my original view on the next 2-4 years...EVERYTHING is going down 50% crypto, stocks, house, etc...I myself

see a pretty good recession coming down the only hope is 1) btc is dumping now rather than later when stock market

chokes 2) a normal recession is a 20% pull I'm expecting 40% deep recession..thus my 50% it GONE viewpoint...

3) should really consider at this point in time being a 'minimalist' sell crap on ebay for btc low prices..if right SCORE...if wrong

hell less crap so its a win/win...

frigging silly hairless primate humans running around hooting and panic'ing and tossing 'poo' ...(metaphorically speaking with FUD)...

frigging amazing we have not blown ourselves back into the stone age yet....(get me off this planet!..I wish to defect!)

and now we are at 6,550..per btc ..the fun never ends here


I know that you (Searing) and I have had several back and forth communications (both publicly on this thread and a few PMs, too), and currently, I am thinking that part of the explanation why you (and this seems to apply to a few others in this thread too, like Rosewater) tend to get more nervous about downfalls in the BTC price, as compared with me, is that you are looking at the downfall in BTC price as a loss of value to you, because you are focusing on the fiat value.

Of course, I understand that the fiat value is important, especially in the long term, but I think that I can distinguish myself from you partly based on my attempting to view the opportunities to increase the number of my BTC.  Yeah, I am not the only one like this, and there are a few of us who might still be a bit bummed out that the overall fiat value of our holdings is becoming less, but several of us attempt to make lemonade out of these lemons by buying BTC with the dips ... and really if we go to $6k or below $6k, this is going to be like the 4th time that BTC price is visiting these price territories.. .Sure, BTC price could break below $6k (and even below $5,777 which is currently the lowest price for this correction cycle), but nonetheless, we are doing good, no?

Can't we buy some more BTC?  Can't we attempt to appreciate buying opportunities (even if we are a little bit bummed out because our price direction preference remains, UP)?

yeah, just venting but for one point....there is NO legit reason I can see for the fall but FUD....usually, there was more to a fall then

FUD or upcoming 'supposed' stuff like the ETF...thus the bottom is not in yet...thus annoying....myself it is also 'bot city' I hope

due to August and low volume...kinda  prefer the days when an exchange would f*ck up least i had the illusion of 'why' the price

dumped (or pumps) for that manner

on my side of the fence however I have more than enough ..even if btc hits $1k again to stay in my retired state till full retirement

at 65 years (my work IRA gets me the last way home till full 66 years....even if I have to eat all crypto...also 65 medicare kicks in)

thus I'm golden (compared to most folk) ....but again, up till Jan of 2018 ..I had the 'illusion', even as an expected bubble that I

had a grasp of what the heck is going on (mining/equip flips/etc) NOT SO MUCH...not handling 'humility' well.

But again, above is a 1st world problem, I can deal with, no more working for someone no matter how this plays out moon or tulips.

so I bitch and moan....again, mostly on the 'illusion' of the past that I had a handle on something with BTC and now

not so much Smiley

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August 08, 2018, 04:47:57 AM

Right before Alex Jones was removed from "the youtube", he was even towing the fake news international Jewry line that there are "Iranian sleeper cells" ready to strike America at any second to try and pre-condition people to the Jewish false flag.  That's in between claiming "the Chinese run the US media" (LOL) and not the Jews every 5 minutes while he's on air starting right after the 2016 election.  Don't get me wrong, Alex Jones talks about a lot of things that are true, and he's always been a Jew Shill (his wife and children are), but lately it's obvious he has been approached by (((them))) and told to ramp up the Hebrew propaganda ten fold or else.  

It appears even though he was Jew shilling 10x harder than normal, they still removed him from the youtube.  Jews are even threatening their own lately like Mark Suckaberg.  That's how desperate they are knowing the end for them is nigh.  Like rats on a sinking ship.
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