I've got 2 a couple budget proposal ideas.
1: Crystalise the Reserve Market - Dash Fixed Income Bonds
Take what
Node40, Splawk and people like that are doing and build a front end investment product that's financial in nature as opposed to "techie".
That would serve 2 purposes:
a) create one of the first financial products that's crypto-based" but pays out in fiat - i.e. a cryptocurrency fixed-income bond that can be traded, just like government or corporate bonds
b) further decentralise the masternodes (i.e. decouple the association between individuals and nodes).
I've never really seen nodes as being a "my node" thing. They belong to the network and individuals may control parts of the coin supply, some of which collateralises a node. Right now, we as individuals are caretakers for individual nodes, but I see that as being temporary. As the network matures I see a masternode more like a power station in a national electricity grid:
- it's may be commisioned by one authority
- it's maybe run by a staff of 200
- it's maybe owned by a corporation with 20,000 shareholders
- etc
The "Dash Bond" would be the start of the growth process towards that decentralisation. i.e. You'd have a web site like
this one that sold bonds for any amount. Behind the scenes was done all the work of purchasing the Dash, consolidating sums and managing the nodes etc.
2: Capitalise new Economic Models - Dash Flow Bonds
This would be based on
the amazing research that Julio Moros and Oscar Olivera are doing on flow money [and won't be concluding unless they get another 458 votes

] and to me is one of the most exciting areas for all of crypto, not just Dash. The reason I like this model is that it is needed. Plain and simple.
Imagine two of us live on an Island and we have complimentary skills so we work for each other. I build you a house and you feed me. We make notch marks on a tree every day to measure how much work we do so that we can have a civilised way to give each other days off, allow for illness, and generally liberate us from both having to work at the same time all the time.
The notch marks on the tree are "flow money". We brought them into existence by doing productive work that was mutually valued (i.e. I agreed to one of your notch marks when you fed me a loaf of bread and you agreed to one of mine when I built you a fence). At the end of the month I might have 3 extra marks and trade them in for a day's holiday from you or you might trade a couple of yours for a new door.
This type of decentralised flow money is the one thing that the fiat system cannot do and cryptocurrencies can. In fiat, you need to go to a bank to get a loan for new money to be brought into existence. Then YOU'VE got to underwrite the value of that new liquidity, even though it's owed back to the bank.
In decentralised flow money, the liquidity is generated by the same people that underwrite its value (like the 2 guys on the island): No bank. A totally different system to meet the same end - the need for additional liquidity as the economy grows. The advent of cryptocurrencies allows small, decentralised economies to start to flourish and to me it's an immensely powerful concept.
Cryptocurrency is base money. Base money is no use unless it serves as a "base" for higher order capital tiers. "Dash Flow Bonds" project would target un-monetised sectors of the economy and start to grow them. Remember - even in a gold standard, base money is a miniscule part of the economy. I think we need to start looking about real routes to adoption that are not created with legacy fiat thinking hats on.
(Once that
initial research is done of course - get voting ! It's only a bit of research. No "negative" money will be created, don't worry
