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Author Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency  (Read 9724232 times)
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March 30, 2016, 01:23:50 AM

You know, I share your desire for this one to go forward, but I have to admit, I don't think we're late on such a project.  That is, if these two fellows are willing to try again, maybe even wait until the 12.1 budget system is ready, I still don't think it'll be too late.

Maybe I should offer to help them formulate a new proposal that has a more practical orientation and that might be more palatable to the community.
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March 30, 2016, 01:56:59 AM

With the recent proposal to divert funds from Public Awareness, I would suggest looking at the Dash World proposal for a renewed focus on marketing.  These guys have their act together.  Detailed proposal, targeted marketing, great metrics, good ideas.

And if you want to listen to the proposal owners talk about it, check out Buster's/Oaxaca's/Fernando's Dash Round Table Episode 02 with Lisa, Dr BobLQ, and even a Rooster  Smiley.

on a sidenote
i think they have to adjust their price to recent Dash going up
drop it down a bit to be "in the range"
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March 30, 2016, 02:01:43 AM

Remember to …..

many new proposals up !
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March 30, 2016, 02:27:02 AM

With the recent proposal to divert funds from Public Awareness, I would suggest looking at the Dash World proposal for a renewed focus on marketing.  These guys have their act together.  Detailed proposal, targeted marketing, great metrics, good ideas.

And if you want to listen to the proposal owners talk about it, check out Buster's/Oaxaca's/Fernando's Dash Round Table Episode 02 with Lisa, Dr BobLQ, and even a Rooster  Smiley.

on a sidenote
i think they have to adjust their price to recent Dash going up
drop it down a bit to be "in the range"
they just did....
Dash World: Evolution in Marketing V.2

DASH = Digital Cash                  DASHTALK
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March 30, 2016, 02:53:17 AM

With the recent proposal to divert funds from Public Awareness, I would suggest looking at the Dash World proposal for a renewed focus on marketing.  These guys have their act together.  Detailed proposal, targeted marketing, great metrics, good ideas.

And if you want to listen to the proposal owners talk about it, check out Buster's/Oaxaca's/Fernando's Dash Round Table Episode 02 with Lisa, Dr BobLQ, and even a Rooster  Smiley.

on a sidenote
i think they have to adjust their price to recent Dash going up
drop it down a bit to be "in the range"
they just did....
Dash World: Evolution in Marketing V.2

tx man
totally missed that
good move  Wink
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March 30, 2016, 03:13:20 AM

You know, I share your desire for this one to go forward, but I have to admit, I don't think we're late on such a project.  That is, if these two fellows are willing to try again, maybe even wait until the 12.1 budget system is ready, I still don't think it'll be too late.

Maybe I should offer to help them formulate a new proposal that has a more practical orientation and that might be more palatable to the community.

YES!  That would be awesome.  Maybe they can share with you their whole plan, and you can explain it and why it's important!  I mean, I see why it's important, because ultimately, I can't see any loans really working, not with a deflationary currency as it becomes so hard to pay back.  Also, if there isn't a good percentage of return for the lender, and a lot more risk, who would want to lend?  Yet lending is how projects get started, and money is ultimately made.  So, that's how I base the value of this proposal.  I know there is so much more to it, but I'm of a simplistic mind when it comes to finances.  So yah!  That's a great idea!

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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March 30, 2016, 07:23:14 AM

With the recent proposal to divert funds from Public Awareness, I would suggest looking at the Dash World proposal for a renewed focus on marketing.  These guys have their act together.  Detailed proposal, targeted marketing, great metrics, good ideas.

And if you want to listen to the proposal owners talk about it, check out Buster's/Oaxaca's/Fernando's Dash Round Table Episode 02 with Lisa, Dr BobLQ, and even a Rooster  Smiley.

on a sidenote
i think they have to adjust their price to recent Dash going up
drop it down a bit to be "in the range"

It has not been dropped down to "be in the range."

It has been dropped down because "we have listened to the community's concerns regarding DASH's increased price (from $4.51 to $7.00) and have incorporated them into this new proposal that now reflects a new price. Instead of 1,175 DASH the same dollar value is in 775 DASH requested herein."

I'd love if:
a) other projects would have been as ready to listen to the community and act accordingly as we are:
b) we'd have a serious conversation about decentralized governance because it needs to be improved. The price fluctuation is one of the obvious issues that need to be resolved. What would happen with the optics of any long-term proposal that is calculated based on, say $7.00, once DASH reaches $10.00 / $100.00 / $1,000.00?
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March 30, 2016, 07:40:57 AM

You know, I share your desire for this one to go forward, but I have to admit, I don't think we're late on such a project.  That is, if these two fellows are willing to try again, maybe even wait until the 12.1 budget system is ready, I still don't think it'll be too late.  Though, I'm sure they would have liked to get going on this, there are so many competing things at the moment, it's hard to get noticed Sad  The issues they're fixing aren't even on the radar for crypto yet, even so they're obvious to anyone in finance.

We might be late if we wait with shaping the message. Those months needed to finish Evolution are like a life-time in crypto. Ponder this. We're #5 market cap wise for ages. We exist for over two years. Now look at our Slack channel -- it has about 100 members and compare it with 3,068 member on slockit channel dealing with DAO that does not even exist yet!!

I keep hearing how Dash is "not ready" (an argument I fail to really grasp. Not ready because new features are yet to be implementing? That's like saying Apple is not ready because i-Thingy v.20 is yet to be manufactured -- businesses evolve all the time) while, for example, it Masternode network is up and running for ages already. It secures the network, provides the interest. What is to wait?

If EVER the power of expectations was obvious, that's in that DAO example. We should figure out a way to jump on the Internet of Things bandwagon ASAP or all these IOTA & DAO will have left us behind. That's why "Micro-economy of Dash" is a crucial part of the overall proposal.

Maybe I should offer to help them formulate a new proposal that has a more practical orientation and that might be more palatable to the community.

When I was writing the proposal, Tok, I hoped to approach and engage you to contribute on a monetary, fiscal etc., properties of Dash. If you ponder the proposal carefully you'd see it has already lied down quite a few very concrete, practical orientations that have to be developed as a coherent message.

And no one is as coherent as you are.

Having said that, we've listened to the community, lowered the price to reflect the Dash's price recent runup, have several other digests about the proposal like Adobe Slate presentations:
Dash World: Evolution in Marketing @
Dash World: Micro-economy of Dash @
or the podcasts by buster:
Dash Round Table Ep.02 - DashWorld Budget Proposal with Lisa Cheng and Dr. BobLQ
Dash Round Table Ep.02 Extended Interview with Lisa Cheng and Kevin from The Vanbex Group

And, needless to say, a shameless plug, you can vote "YES" for the Dash World here:

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March 30, 2016, 08:33:23 AM
Last edit: March 30, 2016, 10:26:50 AM by toknormal

Yet lending is how projects get started, and money is ultimately made.  So, that's how I base the value of this proposal.

I didn't really think of it as "lending". I just see it as collateralising the industrial economy in the same way as you collateralise a masternode.

The UK's wage bill last year was around £800 Billion ($1200 billion dollars). That is value that didn't exist at the start of the year so for people to get paid, a dynamic source of liquidity has to be found to match the new value. You can't use the base collateral because you'd end up with price inflation in the thousands of percent. Thats why modern economies have a multi-tiered monetary structure which is dynamic.

What the Flowscrip guys are doing is scratching a tiny "hook" into that structure to allow Dash to function as a collateral base for decentralised micro economies. This is a far bigger, more industrial and more appropriate role for base assets than just "paying for stuff in Dash" IMO.

The more I think about this (in the shower of course) the more I feel like they've taken a monumentally powerful concept and almost deliberately couched it in unpalatable descriptions as a camoflage or something. Like, instead of calling it what it is - "collateralising growth" - they've used all kinds of esoteric terms such as "flow", "negative coins" and "credit" which has just caused confusion and rejection. If I had been trying to get that proposal rejected I probably couldn't have done a better job, however I think I can see through the wrapping to what's actually involved here.

One last thing
Dash already implements a "flow economy" that just about perfectly matches that defined in their proposal and everyone's totally happy with it. The masternode network monetises the value of the service that the nodes provide to the network as time progresses. There are also "negative coins" involved just as with the "Proof of Labour" proposal, it's just that they're only implicit in the Dash network. However we can make them explicit if we reverse engineer the masternode economic model and present it formally.

So you see ? We already use a flowscrip model - right under our noses !! Thats why those guys chose Dash, because it's ahead of all other blockchains in these kind of decentralised consensus mechanisms which are fundamental to deploying a decentralised monetary asset as collateral for growth  Wink

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March 30, 2016, 08:48:27 AM

Roman, I was talking about the Proof of labor project there.  It's not something a lot of people understand, and although I wish we could get started on it, I don't think it's too late - or ever will be too late to explore and implement with that and Dash  - as long as Dash succeeds - though of course the sooner the better on just about everything.

I'm backing you on the newly updated Dash World, because I am definitely not one of those who say "Dash isn't ready for PR, because Dash is overdue for PR IMO.

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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March 30, 2016, 08:57:51 AM

Oh god Tok, I seriously don't understand, gonna look up flowscrip again and see if I can't somehow get a handle of understanding.  It's so funny, my mother wanted me to learn about stocks n stuff when I was a teen, but it made my eyes cross, now I'm trying to learn in old age, and my brain still doesn't want to make the neural connections, LOL.

Ugh, there was another word for this, flow scrip / flow script, etc... isn't in google (not the right way at least)

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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Dash Nation Founder | CATV Host

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March 30, 2016, 09:16:09 AM

Preview Pic Of Friday's Bitcoin Rush :

It's going to be sweet. Tune in, Dash Nation!


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Best IoT Platform Based on Blockchain

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March 30, 2016, 10:03:42 AM

Toknormal you're awesome; really like your analysis and posts here.

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March 30, 2016, 10:36:24 AM

Dashwhale Manager / Dashy
back on iTunes store !
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March 30, 2016, 12:33:19 PM

With the recent proposal to divert funds from Public Awareness, I would suggest looking at the Dash World proposal for a renewed focus on marketing.  These guys have their act together.  Detailed proposal, targeted marketing, great metrics, good ideas.

And if you want to listen to the proposal owners talk about it, check out Buster's/Oaxaca's/Fernando's Dash Round Table Episode 02 with Lisa, Dr BobLQ, and even a Rooster  Smiley.

The diagnosis is about right. One major issue for DASH is that whilst being quite innovative in a technical manner there is no clearly defined 'narrative.' Given the volume of material that tends to come out newcomers are faced with rather simple questions. Such as, what precisely is DASH about these days? Especially at a time when DASH is no longer simply DRK and was easily equated with privacy.
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March 30, 2016, 01:32:21 PM

****** Radar Target *******

Cryptos are taking off in the Philippines.

People say new sites like this are awesome.
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March 30, 2016, 03:03:35 PM

Dashwhale Manager / Dashy
back on iTunes store !
Nice app! Where can I leave feedback? The 'donate' page in the app is pretty busted.
1. The link to the BTC QR code is broken.
2. The BTC address can't be copied to the clipboard.
3. They don't accept donations in DASH.

So basically I can't make a donation from the app without manually typing in a BTC address.  Sad

"One can only solve so much with cryptography. The rest of the solution will prove to be economic in nature." -Evan Duffield
Dash is Digital Cash.
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March 30, 2016, 03:32:22 PM

Dashwhale Manager / Dashy
back on iTunes store !
Nice app! Where can I leave feedback? The 'donate' page in the app is pretty busted.
1. The link to the BTC QR code is broken.
2. The BTC address can't be copied to the clipboard.
3. They don't accept donations in DASH.

So basically I can't make a donation from the app without manually typing in a BTC address.  Sad

you can put it right here:
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March 30, 2016, 05:30:34 PM

Does anyone know whats happening on BTC38 and our DASH/BTC pair there ?
any update besides the temporary delisting from two days ago ?

Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
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March 30, 2016, 05:43:56 PM

They think dash is too dangerous for their reputation. Dash is being used by scammers a lot. Some even buy it for 95btc each!
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