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Author Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency  (Read 9724232 times)
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June 29, 2016, 07:27:01 PM
Last edit: June 29, 2016, 08:05:26 PM by qwizzie

Masternode Setup, Buying Shares, and "Interest-Bearing Accounts" Of The Future | Dash: Detailed:

Enjoy. Also on Dash Nation:


Something pretty interesting is getting introduced here as concept : Decentralized Masternode Shares

* any amount of Dash can be used to buy / set aside these decentralized masternode (network regnoniced) shares, while being in full control of one's own private keys --> an interest bearing savings account within the wallet
* masternode operators will pull these shares up (i assume to ciculate them through the network so it knows that specific amount is participating as a share) and get paid for doing that  

Thats gonna draw a lot of users to Dash and provide masternode operators with more rewards
Its a win-win situation.

Appearently it is to be introduced with protocol version 2, not sure when or where that lays in our current 2016 roadmap

or general roadmap :  

Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
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Dash Nation Founder | CATV Host

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June 29, 2016, 08:03:38 PM

Masternode Setup, Buying Shares, and "Interest-Bearing Accounts" Of The Future | Dash: Detailed:

Enjoy. Also on Dash Nation:


Something pretty interesting is getting introduced here as concept : Decentralized Masternode Shares

* any amount of Dash can be used to buy / set aside these decentralized masternode (network regnoniced) shares, while being in full control of one's own private keys --> an interest bearing savings account within the wallet
* masternode operators will pull these shares up (i assume to ciculate them through the network so it knows that specific amount is participating as a share) and get paid for doing that  

Thats gonna draw a lot of users to Dash and provide masternode operators with more rewards
Its a win-win situation.

Appearently it is to be introduced with protocol version 2, not sure when or where that lays in our current roadmap
Very interesting, indeed.

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June 29, 2016, 08:29:54 PM

Dash will be the first cryptocurrency that will have :

* Proof of Work (Miners)
* Proof of Service (Masternodes)
* Proof of Shares (Savings accounts for all to use)

Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
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June 29, 2016, 11:19:23 PM

Dash will be the first cryptocurrency that will have :

* Proof of Work (Miners)
* Proof of Service (Masternodes)
* Proof of Shares (Savings accounts for all to use)

Very nice encapsulation of some of Dash's monetary properties qwizzie.

It's notable that these are monetary properties that you've prioritised as opposed to technology ones. I don't think there's enough emphasis on the distinction in the crypto currency field. For example, lets you filter by "non-mineable" / "premined" which is an ambiguous distinction, but it doesn't let you filter on "monetary" / "technology" assets which is a very unambiguous distinction and one which developers are well aware of since they all prioritise there development efforts accordingly, whether consciously or sub consciously.

Meanwhile, I'm still absorbing Brexit. Increidible.

I can't help thinking the EU is toast now.
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June 30, 2016, 07:33:40 AM

Amanda B is back with Dash : Detailed # 3

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June 30, 2016, 10:05:47 AM

New video is produced - please, share it!
Thanks to @fernando, @tantestefana and @tungfa for the script and their help.

Just saw this clip, good work Alex et al!
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June 30, 2016, 01:49:52 PM

d10e tweet  Wink
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June 30, 2016, 03:48:18 PM

Does anyone have any historical snapshots of rich lists?  Any of them would be welcome, but of course I'd love to have Dash especially.  Thanks!!!

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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June 30, 2016, 05:20:26 PM

Will Dash pitch to Anchor into Factom blockchain after they do Ethereum?

Ethereum is for smart contracts Factom is for data and Dash is for privacy.
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June 30, 2016, 05:23:12 PM

Dash is not only for privacy, Dash is digital cash (privacy, and instantly)
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June 30, 2016, 05:23:30 PM

Will Dash pitch to Anchor into Factom blockchain after they do Ethereum?

Ethereum is for smart contracts Factom is for data and Dash is for privacy.

Of course not, how ridiculous to even suggest it. Dash is an illegitimate shitcoin with a scam instamine. Only big fucking idiots support this coin
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June 30, 2016, 08:20:06 PM

I'm still hoping somone can help me locate historical snap shots of the "rich lists" posted here : for Bitcoin and Dash?  Thanks Cheesy

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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June 30, 2016, 08:38:16 PM

I'm still hoping somone can help me locate historical snap shots of the "rich lists" posted here : for Bitcoin and Dash?  Thanks Cheesy*/

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July 01, 2016, 12:02:34 AM

I'm still hoping somone can help me locate historical snap shots of the "rich lists" posted here : for Bitcoin and Dash?  Thanks Cheesy*/


Thank you pille Smiley  Unfortunately, since it is a page that pulls up information from the blockchain, it shows the most current information no matter when the page was saved Sad

Thanks for trying though Cheesy

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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July 01, 2016, 12:20:04 AM

Looks like 150 Masternodes just went offline, hope the owners have monitoring on them!!

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July 01, 2016, 01:59:50 AM

d10e tweet  Wink

The ironic thing is that centralized decisions have been common from the author of that quote since the beginning. Centralized decision making helped create the instamine. Centralised decision making (combined with heavy moderation) help retain control (via increasing taxes on miners by the masternodes largely owned by the instaminers)

Ok now it insta crashes when I type "setgenerate true".

Time to go to bed and try again next week?

Yeah, let's do that. I obviously need to do some more testing. Thanks everyone!

Best thing to do I guess. Please, confirm you won't be launching after some minutes/hours even if you fix it, and the sooner would be tomorrow, thanks.

Definitely not. I'll also follow up with this post when I do set a time.

Launch is being moved to 11PM EST!

... seriously?

Just woke up to this Sad How many hours have I lost? Oh, well.  Time to git pull and launch it again.

Moderation is heavy on the forums. The Bitcoin Uncensored hosts recently called out Duffield on being to scared to be interviewed and mentioned their posts being deleted in the Amanda B Johnson thread regarding changing control of the new DASH YouTube channel (and her effort to delete the old DRK channel).

It is amazing how heavy the moderation is.
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July 01, 2016, 02:13:08 AM

Raphael from Ideias Radicais did a Dash Special ; )
(YT Brazil Channel we sponsor)

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Crypto is the separation of Power and State.

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July 01, 2016, 02:58:32 AM

d10e hype  Wink

The ironic thing is that centralized decisions have been common from the author of that quote since the beginning. Centralized decision making helped create the instamine. Centralised decision making (combined with heavy moderation) help retain control (via increasing taxes on miners by the masternodes largely owned by the instaminers)

It's time to discuss Dash's fake, in-name-only decentralization.

Dash, like ETH and DAO, suffers from the harmful property of "Decentralization Theater."

Why does it matter?

See here:

In Dijkstra's terms: decentralization theater considered harmful.

Decentralization theater means any system that produces not decentralization, but the appearance of decentralization. Security theater is the enemy of real security; decentralization theater is the enemy of real decentralization.

"Decentralization Theater" is an important concept, and a subset of what fluffy referred to as Dash's "security theater."

Years ago, vertoe warned you DashHoles that the project is 100% centralized.

Now we have TheDashGuy ("Well-known member" of confirming the Decentralization Theater:

Quote from: TheDashGuy

What the hell is wrong with this picture? i thought we were a decentralized project?

Starting to look like an old fashion centralized company around here. I guess theres only 3 peoples opinions who matter.

I don't exactly support Taos proposal as is but do you see me over here hounding him about spamming or anything just because I wish he would focus on something else? Or treating him like an annoying child like you guys always do?


So get off your high horses. just because you bought so many nodes early on Daniel doesn't give you any sort of ownership over this goddamn project.

It's either decentralized or it isn't. Stop mincing words and meanings. Stick to your shit and stop going back and forth. You guys are really starting to worry me with this whole attitude honestly. Sort of wish I would have done more research about the team before committing so much of my time to this shit.

Grow the hell up and learn some people skills, you guys are really starting to show your true colors it seems. Dictating the way things are going to go and literally making people look bad who disagree with you and or starting some shit about people being trolls.

Not really sure why I'm here honestly, I believed in a decentralized economy that would be more fair to the average Joe, thats obviously not Dash. You guys just wanna stack more MN's while thier cheap, then control the voting all the way through! Smart move!

Such bullshit. Go ahead keep wasting the budget on getting richer and when the whole goddamn project collapses we'll know who to blame.

Get your shit together. Daniel. Kot. EVERYONE.

You'd think this was a fucking gamestop run by teenagers or something the way certain people act and throw around their so called importance to the project.


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Is Dash a scam?
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July 01, 2016, 03:19:37 AM

July 2016 Monthly Budget Report

Please be sure to vote on this month's budget proposals. We have over a dozen core team proposals this month and additional community-sponsored proposals covering development, marketing, public relations, infrastructure needs, conference expenses, business development, a merchant integration, and even our own You Tube show by Amanda B. Johnson. Lots of exciting things happening!
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July 01, 2016, 03:43:21 AM

Centralised decision making (combined with heavy moderation) help retain control (via increasing taxes on miners by the masternodes largely owned by the instaminers)

pure propaganda and fud.
this thread is not self moderated.
if miners don't like dash they are free to mine 100's of other coins, there is no tax on miners.
afaik the largest dash holder never mined any dash but rather bought them as you should have done.
anyone could have bought dash not too many months ago for only $2.00-$2.25, i know i did. sorry you made bad investment decisions and are holding bags of some other coins that did not perform like you had hoped.

Why not choose a different coin then?

There is a whole market out there of coins. If you don't like this coin, pick (or create) a different one!

I fail to see why this coin needs to be turned into something it is not in order to avoid being disliked by someone.

DASH = Digital Cash                  DASHTALK
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