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Author Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency  (Read 9724258 times)
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July 13, 2016, 02:52:56 AM

Dash Nation, you can watch the D10E conference live stream on

Bookmark this page to watch the event live starting July 19th. D10E will feature the InstantSend DashNDrink Soda Machine, and presentations by Core Team members Evan Duffield and Daniel Diaz. Be sure not to miss it!

Cheers, Tao.

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July 13, 2016, 03:58:54 AM
Last edit: July 13, 2016, 04:30:18 AM by TanteStefana2

A system cannot simultaneously be Decentralized, Secure, and Instantaneous. You can only ever pick two of those three properties

Well I just realised realised that "Instant"X actually takes around twelve million times longer to execute a transaction than the processor bus on my 2009 -would'nt-pull-you-outta-bed MacBook pro.

The MacBook's processor bus is obviously centralized, yet you are shocked and delighted to discover its instant transactions!   Cheesy

Aren't you the (infamous laughingstock) guy who said there's no crypto in crypto currency, and more recently spouted this "complete nonsense?"

Quote from: toknormal
when defenders started citing "math" as the basis for its security I knew it was a scam since blockchains are not secured by math

Duffield has not broken Zooko's Triangle with This One Weird Trick.  The rumors you spread to the contrary are a form of fraud.

Stop trying to defraud potential greater idiots.  Your attempts to bamboozle them with dubious, impossible claims of "Instant+Secure+Decentralized" don't fool anyone with more a background in computer science.

Good Lord Icy, you're really such a shit, you know? (I know, I'm in the mood to compliment today) Please read the wiki on Zooko's Triangle, I quote " Several systems which exhibit all three properties of Zooko's triangle have now been created, including: " etc... look it up to see these systems.  You can add Dash to it by the way - Duffield and many others have broken this stupid short sighted "rule".

And toknormal is absolutely correct.  The blockchain is NOT secured by math, the math performed is only a form of competition for the right to secure f block in the blockchain.  The way Dash secures the transactions instantaneously is just as secure because the selection of the quorums are dictated by the hash of a previous block, which collects 10 MNs that meet with certain requirements based off of that block hash.  These requirements are designed to randomize the selection further.  If the transaction is accepted, then it is locked.  If any miner tries to include a different competing transaction, that block is rejected.

By the way, I wish we knew who you really are, because I'd love to see Dash sue you for slander and defamation... on all of our behalf!  Especially the deep pockets you work for.  Man, we need to start some serious investigating Smiley

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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July 13, 2016, 04:57:42 AM

Good Lord Icy, you're really such a shit, you know? (I know, I'm in the mood to compliment today) Please read the wiki on Zooko's Triangle, I quote " Several systems which exhibit all three properties of Zooko's triangle have now been created, including: " etc... look it up to see these systems.  You can add Dash to it by the way - Duffield and many others have broken this stupid short sighted "rule".

And toknormal is absolutely correct.  The blockchain is NOT secured by math, the math performed is only a form of competition for the right to secure the blockchain.  The way Dash secures the transactions instantaneously is just as secure because the selection of the quorums are dictated by the hash of a previous block, which collects 10 MNs that meet with certain requirements based off of that block hash.  These requirements are designed to randomize the selection further.  If the transaction is accepted, then it is locked.  If any miner tries to include a different competing transaction, that block is rejected.

By the way, I wish we knew who you really are, because I'd love to see Dash sue you for slander and defamation... on all of our behalf!  Especially the deep pockets you work for.  Man, we need to start some serious investigating Smiley

Oh, be nice!   Smiley

I read up on Zooko's triangle in 2011, during my efforts to support Namecoin.  But you don't know that, because you didn't show up until several years (epochs of Bitcoin time) later.

Pointing out toknormal's idiocy (in the form of fraudulent self-serving assertions) doesn't make me a terrible person nor amount to "slander and defamation" (it's adorable how you for the sake of puffery cluelessly conflate the redundant former with the inclusive latter term).

One does not simply break Zooko's triangle.

If one desires to make such an extraordinary claim, one must also provide extraordinary evidence (usually in the form of a peer-reviewed, mathematically exhaustive whitepaper).  Dash has done no such thing, thus you have zero basis to dispute (much less condemn) my healthy skepticism.

The blockchain is NOT secured by math

 Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy

Did you learn that True Crypto Fact at toknormal's Academy for Gifted Domestics?  You've really gone up the Duff with that howler!   Wink

You and toknormal should be the founders of your own Armchair Cryptographer think tank!   Tongue

FYI, your precious "quorums" are intrinsically susceptible to Sybil attack, and more so due to the Masternode HYIP scam, which (bizarrely and inexplicably) *subsidizes* adversaries by reducing their (opportunity) cost per offensive.


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July 13, 2016, 06:48:55 AM

Sorry, Icy, you need to read the white papers.  They are highly resistant to sibyl attack, due to the collateral system.  You have no healthy anything, and what you call skepticism is just simple trolling.  I'm sorry once again, that I looked at what you wrote and was tempted to talk back.  One can't have a discussion with a person who is on the payroll to troll no matter what.

Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member Smiley My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading
"You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
Sir Winston Churchill  BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
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July 13, 2016, 07:26:01 AM

Just pretend he's invisible. (Like the "money" he's trying to push  Cheesy  )
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July 13, 2016, 07:37:11 AM

you need to read the white papers

Which white papers?

You mean GMAX's CoinJoin proposal, or did Duff "improve" on it in some obscure DarkSend paper I'm not aware of?

Perhaps you mean the original GreenAddress research, which Duff appropriated as "InstantX?"

Dash hasn't had a professional security analysis since the age of Darkcoin.

All the crufty new "features" added on since then (DAO, etc) have introduced several square parsecs of additional attack surface.

As to "But Muh COLLATUREL!!11!1"

1. Masternode payments decrease the cost of an adversary's offensive
2. In the (*COUGH CRYPTSY COUGH*) event a large amount of Dash is stolen, your trust in "MUH COLLATERIL" backfires, working against you harder than it ever could in your favor.


"The difference between bad and well-developed digital cash will determine
whether we have a dictatorship or a real democracy." 
David Chaum 1996
"Fungibility provides privacy as a side effect."  Adam Back 2014
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July 13, 2016, 08:19:33 AM

must have been one of these "really interesting posts" right  Wink

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July 13, 2016, 08:41:54 AM

must have been one of these "really interesting posts" right  Wink

[In other words, I care *a lot* about what iCEBREAKER posts.]

The first part of ignoring someone is to ACTUALLY ignore them.

Screencapping your glorious denial of fixation, uploading it to image hosting, and posting about it DOESN'T COUNT AT ALL.   Wink


"The difference between bad and well-developed digital cash will determine
whether we have a dictatorship or a real democracy." 
David Chaum 1996
"Fungibility provides privacy as a side effect."  Adam Back 2014
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July 13, 2016, 09:25:41 AM
Last edit: July 13, 2016, 09:50:47 AM by dark-sailor

Wow icy I have been reading this thread since page 240 and you seem to say a lot of negative things about dash. If you don't care or find dash intresting why on earth are you here. I would never spend my life on another coins (monero) forum letting people know how bad it is I would let them make there own judgement on there investment (hard earned money). The only reason I can think for your  jibba jabba is you get paid for doing so which I think is very awful of you messing with people's judgment and hard earned money. Please have a think.

That's me over and out
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July 13, 2016, 09:59:01 AM

The only reason I can think for your  jibba jabba is you get paid for doing so which I think is very awful of you messing with people's judgment and hard earned money.

yes there is a market for trolling, icebreaker here is a clear example. everyone knows you can earn some coins for target trolling
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July 13, 2016, 10:40:43 AM
Last edit: July 13, 2016, 04:23:29 PM by toknormal

you seem to say a lot of negative things about dash

 Shocked Really ?

I always thought she was quite complimentary by implication. For example, have you noticed she never criticises Dash's monetary properties ? Thats because trying to attack a design that's on the way to achieving the holy grail of full fungibility in a public blockchain would look about as credible as attacking the wellington boot while standing in a puddle of mud with your socks on.

Remember, Mrs Thatcher is a monetarist in terms of economic ideology, therefore she's clearly confining herself to picking away at techno-trainspottery type little-straw-men so she can induldge in her beloved pastime of jargon-munching with lines such as "attack surface" while cautiously preserving the qualities that matter.

In particular, thats why she pretends to promote Keynsian-type bubble-&-hype money that has no visible manifestation in the public realm outside of an infinitesimal small bunch of deluded trainspotter-class of private key holders who think that the rest of the public will value something they can't see more highly than something they can and that isn't secured by math but rather some random, wanna-be "implementor of math".

Given that background, I'd say be grateful for the support !!  Wink
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July 13, 2016, 10:49:43 AM
Last edit: July 13, 2016, 11:03:29 AM by gusterdd

Which white papers?

You mean GMAX's CoinJoin proposal, or did Duff "improve" on it in some obscure DarkSend paper I'm not aware of?

Perhaps you mean the original GreenAddress research, which Duff appropriated as "InstantX?"

Dash hasn't had a professional security analysis since the age of Darkcoin.

All the crufty new "features" added on since then (DAO, etc) have introduced several square parsecs of additional attack surface.

As to "But Muh COLLATUREL!!11!1"

1. Masternode payments decrease the cost of an adversary's offensive
2. In the (*COUGH CRYPTSY COUGH*) event a large amount of Dash is stolen, your trust in "MUH COLLATERIL" backfires, working against you harder than it ever could in your favor.

If you are an expert in programming, contribute to dash evolution or your xmr developing.
Xmr also has many advantages. Xmr has big market share.
Developing is hard, but crashing is more easier.  Please ignore Dash, and focus on your coin.

Xmr has good market status.
2016.07.09 XMR,DASH  have high buy/sell ratio.

xmr has most healthy market
congratulation !! Cheesy

2016.07.11 Monero score is higher than Litecoin
Buy/Sell ratio is 1.

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I would select  monero to invest, speculate though the bid/ask book is a lie.
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I think XMR could be 3~4$ with the ratio 1.0

My friend, I like the way you think.   Smiley

Please remember to tip the devs that are making Monero ever more valuable!

-> Monero Community Hall of Fame <-

"It's not charity, it's dividend reinvestment."

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July 13, 2016, 01:09:02 PM

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July 13, 2016, 02:17:35 PM

Wasn't it Evan himself who said something like the trolls power the Dash network  Cool
Anyway, keep your sanity and use the ignore button - it does wonders for your blood pressure and hair color! Wink
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July 13, 2016, 02:28:38 PM
Last edit: July 13, 2016, 02:55:24 PM by tungfa

LibertyEntrepreneurs with Cindy Zimmerman
(Integrated Dash into her BTM's)

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July 13, 2016, 02:46:48 PM

"...I suspect we need a better incentive for users to run nodes instead of relying solely on altruism...",
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July 13, 2016, 04:44:40 PM
Last edit: July 13, 2016, 04:56:13 PM by qwizzie

oh oh, we are hitting the ceiling soon it seems.. can the masternodes break through ? stay tuned  Roll Eyes

Edit : on second thought

you know.. in case they need it

Edit : on third thought

you know .. coz i like the picture

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July 13, 2016, 05:32:10 PM

Muh GroinJoin with GMax!!  Cry

No. CoinJoin was flawed. Maxwell created a flawed product. Evan produced an actually working product out of it by ingenuity and creativity. Something your troglodyte brain is incapabale of being or recognizing.

Muh GreenAddress!!  Cry

"Green address" is a worthless piece of shit proposal and doesn't have anything, I repeat, anything in the least to do with InstantX. They are completely fucking different concepts and methods and only an underpaid, desperate retard like you would continue to compare these lightyears apart systems with each other. Some fucktard once mentioned "green address" and "InstantX" in the same sentence to you and you've been regurgitating that lunacy ever since without even doing the most basic research, like reading the first 2-3 sentence in the article I linked, to see how motherfucking wrong you are. Was it Peter Turd who told that to you? Makes sense, you've been licking his balls for over a year now.

security analysis  Cry
Yeah. So? Break it or stfu.

attack surface  Cry

Prove it, or stfu. Dash is unbroken as of now and you can't do jackshit about it. What was that with your Shen Noether ball lickery few months ago when he broke ShadowTrash? Dash was next? STILL WAITING, you ding dong! Break it or kill yourself.

Complete bullshit. Every Masternode owner receives the same payment amount.

Makes no sense whatsoever.

No payment for you this week after such humiliation. And you've been working so hard to get your drivel on top of every page  Cry

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July 13, 2016, 06:35:37 PM

Well, I for one found that particular piece of troll-feeding slightly more entertaining than reading the latest masternode setup guide  Cool

Macrochip needs to get some new submissions fired into Urban Dictionary I think  Cheesy

troglodyte brain....Shen Noether ball lickery
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July 13, 2016, 06:57:52 PM

Do You Make These 4 Mistakes When Explaining Cryptocurrency to Newcomers? | DASH: Detailed

oh oh, who can spot mistake number 1 ?

also i think we should talk more about Satoshi...

Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
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