Hello everyone,
I would like those of you with a vested interest in Dash to please look at this pre-proposal and give your 2 cents in there.
https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/odoo-openerp-extension-to-manage-dash.10273/It's a proposal to begin integrating odoo Point of Sales solutions with Dash.
Issues are:
This project will be using the DAPI but the DAPI doesn't exist yet
Some think it is too soon to start such a project.
My points are that Dash is nothing without users, both merchants and consumers. It is extremely important, in my opinion, to have a POS solution, Odoo being an open source ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning. Odoo helps businesses with every aspect of running a business. Inventory, POS, etc... I don't even know all the services a business requires, but Odoo covers it all.
This means Odoo is very complex as well. If we are going to integrate Dash with Odoo, I suspect we are going to need a team that understands the code, and that will require time to build. This is not something I think the Core team should do, as they're busy with other things.
Think of how the planning for Evolution went. At least 6 months went into planning, no coding, just planning and discussions.
Ultimately, I bend of course, to those who know best, but there are pros and cons to starting early. When Evolution is launched, it would be amazing to launch Odoo for Dash POS solution at the same time. It would be equally fantastic if we could hold seminars for ERP consultants so they can offer to implement Odoo for Dash to their customers.
Dash will finally be doing what it's supposed to do, be usable to the users!