Epoch 2 voting has begun! Please register and cast your vote for your favorite scientific nominee RIGHT NOW! http://einsteinium.org/nominations/As you may already know, Einsteinium automatically donates to community voted scientific projects
EVERY MONTH!Our first ever Epoch had 54.2% of registered users voting for Walter Moss and his project “Can viral molecular structures cause cancer”. The EMC2 donation was composed of an amount of more than $1,000 to further his research in EBV molecular structures. Extra donations made by this growing community (out of their own pocket) also helped him reach his funding goal on experiment.com.
How much can we give this time? That is completely up to the community and market value of EMC2!
Here are some more details from this months voting nominees. Who is your favorite?
What is killing Caribbean corals? Investigating a devastating coral disease.If we understand what is damaging coral reefs, we can save them. White band disease is responsible for destroying up to 95% of two threatened reef-building coral species in the Caribbean. In spite of the devastating effects of the disease, a pathogen has not been identified. We aim to identify the cause of white band disease using infection experiments in order to develop methods of controlling disease outbreaks!
https://experiment.com/projects/what-is-killing-caribbean-corals-investigating-a-devastating-coral-diseaseGPUGrid – Distribute ComputingGPUGRID.net is a volunteer distributed computing project for biomedical research from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain). Thanks to the contribution of volunteers, GPUGRID scientists can perform molecular simulations to understand the function of proteins in health and disease.
http://www.gpugrid.net/Flies on the Brain: Can Fruit Flies Aid in Curing Neurodegeneration?Did you know that fruit flies have brains?! Not only do they have brains but their neurons are very similar to ours and can degenerate in the same way that ours do if we have a neurodegenerative disease. This research aims to use fruit fly larva (maggots) to not only learn about the detailed processes of neurodegeneration but also to engage and excite the next generation of research scientists.
https://experiment.com/projects/flies-on-the-brain-can-fruit-flies-aid-in-curing-neurodegenerationBuilding an Affordable Drug for Diabetic WoundsMend Therapeutics is creating AFFORDABLE drugs for the World’s 371 Mill diabetics who don’t have health insurance. Diabetic complications are catastrophic and include non-healing wounds leading to amputation. We want to develop a protein for diabetic wounds that can be manufactured at low cost, an important step in creating an affordable drug. If all patients, irrespective of economic status, can afford medications, they have a brighter future.
https://experiment.com/projects/building-an-affordable-drug-for-diabetic-woundsPlease cast your vote and let us know which scientific project
YOU support.