How to setup hdd farming vith multiple hdds?
Should hdd be in raid mode, or single hdds?
If raid, would a server with storage arrays of hdds be the best way to go?
Interested in seting up rigs with as many hdds as possible.
Thnx in advance
You will be able to run multiple DriveShare instances to select multiple paths.
We are gearing up for the beta launch and we want to have something easy to use that works.
Give it some time after that and we should be able to allow for multiple paths within the GUI.
I am personally a fan of RAID 5, although you may lose some storage for redundancy, I rather have it running than lose data and have to download all the shards again.
But if you want to maximise your storage then single drives or Striped RAID may be the way to go.
Also remember that reliability and availability of your node together with download/upload bandwidth play a big role in farming for Storj.