"To be perfectly honest at this point in time GAW most probably is already buying up cheap xpy every now and then just like the rest of us."
Gawminers has 12,000,000 XPY and they're MOST LIKELY dumping 1,000 at a time to these fools on the exchanges.
I feel bad for this guy, he must have a learning disability.
He probably didn't have a classroom assistant while in school. I'm not trying to judge or be mean but these people most all be high school drop outs that live with their parents and can't tell their left from their right. Its either that or they're paid shrill accounts.
All hope is lost, you put the evidence right in front of their face and they still buy into the lies.
Its like fighting a religion, no one ever wins.
I give up.
I hope someone stands up for the bitcoin community one day and gets rid of Gawminers & Paycoin.
Would be nice to see some progress in the next coming month when I check back.