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2401  Local / Mineração em Geral / Re: HD 6990 durou apenas 3 dias... on: August 09, 2011, 06:10:25 PM
Desculpem a minha santa ignorância... Para modificar a voltagem, tem que fazer alguma coisa no hardware ou é tudo via software mesmo?!

Peguei uma powercolor 5870, consigo setar o clock dela a 950, com o comando:

aticonfig --od-setclocks=950,900 --adapter=all

Faz 420MHash mas, aonde vejo se a voltagem está certa?!

Ela fica nos 76°...

Como saber se não vou foder a placa?!

Pelo que vejo, posso setá-la para 1Ghz! Mas, tenho medo...   lol
2402  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Intersango HOWTO - Build your own Bitcoin Exchange Web Site! on: August 09, 2011, 03:37:54 PM
AWESOME!!   Grin

 Did you know how can I made a intersango branch at gitorious for my currency (BRL)?
 I already have my local branch called "brl" and it´s working... And I have a Gitorious account too...

2403  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: O Bitcoin está morrendo?! on: August 09, 2011, 03:23:10 PM
Tem um outro detalhe muito importante nessas horas...

E o Eike Batista que perdeu 2 bilhões em um dia?!?!

E os mercados da Europa e dos EUA que estão em plena decadência?!?!

E os EUA que acham que ficar DEVENDO mais, vai ser a "salvação"!? Piada né?!

E os EUA que acham que imprimir mais dinheiro vai ajudar a economia?!?!

As notícias estão aí...

Cada um, vê o que quer ver.

Estes caras todos são apenas um bando de cachorrinhos doentes (e poderosos por enquanto) que ficam correndo atrás do próprio rabo.
2404  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: O Bitcoin está morrendo?! on: August 09, 2011, 01:44:47 PM
E O MEDO?!?!

Todos estes artigos ruins sobre os Bitcoins, me vem na cabeça que são pessoas que estão morrendo de medo de que o projeto dê muito certo e eles venha a perder algo...

É pura especulação... É pura desinformação...

O ser humano é muito tosco meu... São poucos que salvam...
2405  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Faça a sua própria casa de câmbio de bitcoins online! on: August 09, 2011, 03:53:20 AM

 Acabei o documento "Intersango HOWTO", vou fazer uma versão em português mas por hora, só tem em inglês mesmo...

 Intersango HOWTO:

 Se alguém se interessar, eu posso hospedar a sua casa de câmbio de bitcoins, obviamente que aceito Bitcoins!

 Eu instalo o seu servidor, com um volume LVM2 criptografado, preparo todo o ambiente, você entra e muda a senha, a partir daí, o conteúdo do servidor fica inacessível a partir do provedor (eu).

 Mesmo que eu desligue o seu servidor, tente ligá-lo com um LiveCD e montar o seu HD, eu não tenho mais a senha do volume... É simples assim.

2406  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Intersango HOWTO on: August 09, 2011, 03:47:18 AM

 I forgot one thing, the bank statement parser...

 Until now, you must access your Internet Banking and export your bank statement to a CSV or TXT file, to import it into Internsango using some scripts under the intersango/cron directory.

 BTW, this is the only missing part for my own Intersango installation here in Brazil, I'm working on it!

 Maybe the Intersango guys can help us! We post here our bank statement as a example, and somebody adjust the parser for us, I can pay in Bitcoins for this job...

2407  Bitcoin / Project Development / Intersango HOWTO - Build your own Bitcoin Exchange Web Site! on: August 09, 2011, 03:17:03 AM
Intersango HowTo

 This procedure will guide you through the steps toward the installation and configuration of a Ubuntu server to host your Intersango Bitcoin Exchange.

 We'll utilize the domain "" as a example.

 All of my Linuxes are Virtual Machines (ParaVirtual) on top of XenServer, and are minimal installations (F4 option at the server CD boot menu).

Yes, host your wallet.dat within a Xen virtual machine is pretty safe, because the manager of the physical machine can't access your portion of RAM memory. That's because the Xen provides a security through isolation. Do not believe if somebody says that virtual machine are unsafe, this affirmation can be true for vmware and for virtualbox, but not for Xen.

NOTE: Before putting your Xen virtual machine in a production environment, you must convert your virtual machine from HVM to PVM domain.

NOTE 2: It is highly recommended to encrypt your entire Linux partition, using a LVM2 encrypted volume powered by LUKS, for a production environment.


1- Install a Ubuntu 11.04 server (can be the minimum virtual machine).

  • Chose the hostname "intersango"
  • Chose the domain ""
  • After the installation, the output of the command "hostname -f" should be ""

2- Still during the installation, setup a user called "Administrative Intersango" with login "administrative".

  • The "administrative" user can become "root" via "sudo -i" command, it must be used only for the server daily management.
  • Finish the installation and reboot.

3- Login with "administrative" and install the following packages:

sudo -i
aptitude install screen vim ssh postfix dovecot-imapd git-core build-essential apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork php5 mysql-server mysql-client zip unzip php5-mcrypt php5-gmp php5-cli php5-mysql libgtk2.0-dev libssl-dev libdb4.7-dev libdb4.7++-dev libboost-all-dev

  • Setup a password for the MySQL root user
  • Setup the Postfix with: "Internet Site" and ""

Note: You can enable the Proposed Ubuntu repository to install more newly packages versions by adding the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb natty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
# deb-src natty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

And run:

aptitude update; aptitude safe-upgrade

4- Login as "administrative" and make the following users: "intersango", "bitcoin" and "support".

sudo -i
adduser --gecos "Intersango Web App User" intersango
adduser --gecos "Bitcoin Wallet Manager" bitcoin
adduser --gecos "Intersango Support" support

5- Login as "administrative" to create the Intersango MySQL database:

sudo -i

mysqladmin create intersango_devel -p
Enter password: MySQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

mysql -u root -p
Enter password: MySQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `intersango_devel`.* TO 'intersango_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PassW0rd';
mysql> exit


6- Become the "intersango" user from "administrative" user:

su - intersango

 6.1- Get the Intersango Web Application

mkdir ~/src ; cd ~/src
git clone git://

 6.2- Edit the file "intersango/htdocs/config.php" and setup the $abspath variable:

vim intersango/htdocs/config.php

$abspath = '/home/intersango/src/intersango';

 6.3- Import the DATABASE to MySQL:

mysql -u intersango_user -p intersango_devel < intersango/DATABASE
Enter password: PassW0rd

 6.4- Prepare the CRON jobs by creating 3 litle scripts:

  6.4.1- Script 1 - - does the order matching

vim intersango/cron/

#! /bin/sh

cd /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron
php5 process_orders.php

chmod +x intersango/cron/

  6.4.2- Script 2 - - changes the verifying deposits to finalised

vim intersango/cron/

#! /bin/sh

cd /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron
php5 verify_deposits.php

chmod +x intersango/cron/

  6.4.3- Script 4 - - withdraws all the bitcoins

vim intersango/cron/

#! /bin/sh

cd /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron
php5 verify_withdrawals_bitcoin.php

chmod +x intersango/cron/

  6.4.4- Prepare the crontab with the following (all commented for now):


crontab -e

# Begin tasks for: Intersango
#*/2 * * * * /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
#*/1 * * * * /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
#*/3 * * * * /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
# End tasks for: Intersango

  6.4.5- Back to the "administrative" user:


7- As administrative user, make the file /var/ with the following content:

sudo vim /var/

('localhost''intersango_user''PassW0rd') or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('intersango_devel') or die(mysql_error());

$bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://intersango:BitPass2011@');


8- Become the "bitcoin" user from "administrative" user:

su - bitcoin

 8.1- Download and compile the Bitcoind:

git clone git://
cd bitcoind/src
make -f Makefile bitcoind

 8.2- Make the ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf file with the following content:

mkdir ~/.bitcoin ; vim ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf


 8.3- Run the bitcoind:


 8.4- Check the bitcoin instance by running the following commands:

/home/bitcoin/bitcoind/src/bitcoind help
/home/bitcoin/bitcoind/src/bitcoind getinfo
/home/bitcoin/bitcoind/src/bitcoind getconnectioncount

NOTE: If your server was installed behind a firewall, it is higly recommended setup a DNAT rule, redirecting the incoming TCP connections to port 8333 to your Intersango/Bitcoind server. This will be increase the number of connections, you can check if by running the "getconnectioncount" bitcoind command option, it should be more than 7 or 8.

 8.5- Get the Bitcoin Address of your "default account" of your Intersango Exchange House:

  8.5.1- List your account(s):

/home/bitcoin/bitcoind/src/bitcoind listaccounts

You should see (this is your "default account"):
    "" : "0"

  8.5.2- Get the Bitcoin Address of your Intersango Exchange House:

/home/bitcoin/bitcoind/src/bitcoind getaccountaddress ""

You should see the Bitcoin Address (This is my one):



 You must send at least 1 BTC to your "default account", if you do not, and your first user make a 1 BTC deposit and tries to just withdraw its 1 BTC, you, and your user, will be in trouble... So, before starts your Intersango operation, just send 1 BTC to your "default account to pay the Bitcoin withdraw fees of your users.

 This first 1 BTC should be enough for ~200 withdraws...

 8.6- Back to the "administrative" user:


9- Prepare the Apache Web Server environment, become the "root" user from "administrative" user:

sudo -i
cd /var
rm -fr www
ln -s /home/intersango/src/intersango/htdocs www
service apache2 restart

10. Mark /var/tmp/error-reports.log as rw for users:

touch /var/tmp/error-reports.log
chmod 666 /var/tmp/error-reports.log

11. Access your own Intersanto Bitcoin Exchange web service:


12. Test the CRON scripts (as intersango user) by running each script:


If you see no errors, enable these scripts at crontab:

crontab -e

# Begin tasks for: Intersango
*/2 * * * * /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
*/1 * * * * /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
*/3 * * * * /home/intersango/src/intersango/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
# End tasks for: Intersango

13. Disable the root login via ssh:

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config


PermitRootLogin yes


PermitRootLogin no

service ssh restart

14. The DNS and mail settings:

 This server will also send and receive e-mail for the domain, so you need to point the MX DNS entry to it. The Bind9 zone file can be something like this:

sudo aptitude install bind9

vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local

zone "" {
type master;
file "";

vim /var/cache/bind/

; BIND data file for BitcoinExample
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA (
2011080801 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
 86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN MX 0

@ IN A
mail IN A
intersango IN A

 Now, open your Thunderbird mail client and setup the address "" as your IMAP and SMTP server.

2408  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: O Bitcoin está morrendo?! on: August 08, 2011, 10:54:26 PM
Eu estou aqui vivinho da silva!
Preparando mais testes com o meu novo Intersango, fechando o Howto e, estudando a melhor forma de garimpar...
Eu só vou começar a acreditar que os Bitcoins estão morrendo, quando o Mining Difficulty Level começar a cair, por hora, está crescendo!
Honestamente, não dou a mínima para o preço do Bitcoin em Dólar ou Real, eu só quero mesmo é saber dos Bitcoins!
2409  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Câmbio de Bitcoins no ar! Sem taxas! on: August 08, 2011, 05:48:33 PM

 Fico até com vergonha de falar... Mas eu esqueci de pagar o domínio na FAPESP e congelaram o domínio temporariamente...

 Mas eu já paguei via boleto na sexta-feira, já já vai entrar no ar novamente...

 Também estou montando uma versão exclusiva para testes e desenvolvimento, pois encontrei um BUG, reportei para o Genjix e ele já disse para eu atualizar, porém, vou fazer isso em uma área exclusiva, o devel será hospedado em e, hoje a noite, vou postar aqui no fórum, o Intersango HowTo que estou digitando, para que todos os interessados, possam ter a sua própria Casa de Câmbio de Bitcoins.

 Por favor, peço mil desculpas por este empecilho... Espero não querimar o meu filme com vocês por causa disso mas, pelo menos, eu estou sendo verdadeiro.

 Nota: Não existe nenhum Bitcoin de ninguém no wallet.dat do site. Mesmo que existisse, ele de forma alguma seria perdido. Ainda mais porque o meu servidor, um Dell R410, possui RAID1 via hardware e faço backups diários de todo o servidor via XenServer.

2410  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Build a better bitcoin web service? on: August 04, 2011, 05:50:33 PM
> One of the cornerstone of Bitcoin is anonymity. Tying the wallet to a Google account?
> Com'on man, might as well just put out a public list of which transaction belongs to which passport number

Intersango Bitcoin Exchange already do that!! It is not a big deal... Not for me at least...

Also, you can create a google account only for that purpose...   Wink

Honestly, I don´t care too much about anonymity, only my balance is a secret and it will remain a secret in that system...

BTW, you raised good points here... I´ll take all of it in consideration...

Best!!   Grin
2411  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Build a better bitcoin web service? on: August 04, 2011, 04:11:19 PM
3. I have a rule in my IT life: never overwrite anything. This can be so simple as:

#! /bin/sh
BKPTIME=`date +%m:%M:%S-%d-%h-%y`
tar czf ~/wallet-$BKPTIME.tar ~/.bitcoin/wallet.dat
cp ~/wallet-$BKPTIME.tar ~/Dropbox/

You see, one of the consistent problem with the tech-heads in bitcoin is this: You assume every user is going to be a techie or can be expected to learn to do things The Right Way. Fortunately for me, real life has beaten that assumption out of me and paranoia has always proven to be invaluable when things go fubar.

We both know how to write a bash script and can recognize the common flags for numerous commands to know when somebody's trying to pull a fast one on us. Not the average bitcoin user we want to reach with a "user-friendly" front end.

The average joe will almost inevitably save the same file to the same location. For many of them, be it on Windows or a Mac, it's going to be the default desktop/Documents folder or equivalent.

You can be almost 100% sure they are going to over-write the same file.

Mmmm... I not express myself in the right way... English isn´t my native language...  sorry...  \o/
This kind of scripting is just an example... I´ll never tell to a user of an Ajax Web Interface to do that... This will be done automatically...

6. Right and wrong at same time... All passwords are encrypted and saved into /etc/shadow only (or even a LDAP backend), so, how long will take to decrypt a strong password?! +100 years?!

6.1. Don't you trust in your system, when you type your password to login into a SSH session?! This can have the same level of security than SSH has.

Only if it's my server I'm SSHing into Wink

Otherwise, I'm going to assume the other admin has a modified sshd and some logging service that records every single command I send in. Cheesy

Agree! But, in my proposal, you will be the owner of your server (virtual in this case), including the Bitcoin binary and wallet.

What I can do is just provide a pre-configured version for regular people, but you can upload your entire Linux image to that cloud, including the Bitcoin binary...

I see people saying that a Bitcoin/wallet within a Virtual Machine is not safe but, that is true for crap systems like vmware esx or virtualbox, etc...

But that is not true for Xen.

Xen can provide a "security through isolation", so, I, the owner of the phisical server, am unable to access your portion of RAM memory.

BTW, everybody can check the binaries of a system provided by me, to see if it is original or cracked.

So, I'll never going to provide a cracked binary (or compiled from a patched source) because my name is what is at stake. And my name, my reputation, is one of the most important things in my life...

Also, it is perfectly possible to encrypt your Dropbox/GmailFS/Ubuntu One/Whater cloud folder too...

What do you think Xephan?!

Sorry but I don't trust any "cloud" folder. Especially not when their TOS specifically disavow any responsibility if things got lost/deleted.

I already think on this, first, the cloud folder will host a encrypted wallet, second, the backup will be sent to multiple clouds at the same time, so, you think that your file will be lost/deleted from Dropbox, GmailFS, Ubuntu One and from your PC at the same time?!?!

Oh! BTW, in my proposal, you will be able to access your wallet.dat through SSHFS!!!   Wink

I know that deep inside, trust between two parts must exist but, the provider can have a high level of security and strong backup procedures that a single user never dream about. So, where you prefer to host your wallet.dat?! Within a strong cloud that you can trust for sure or within your freak Windows?!

Sorry, I don't know if you are using Windows...

I like Linux, I've been testing out and trying out Linux since Slackware and dial up days. Know what turns off the average user? It's when somebody does the I-use-Linux-so-I-am-more-elite-than-you-fools thing on them and go on a rant about their OS. Sad to say, I used to do that too.

But the average person doesn't care about your OS religion. They want a tool that does what they expect and just works. If there is a problem, the first thing they are going to blame is your program, not the OS, not themselves.

For the record, I use a mix of Windows, Linux (including Android) and even Apple computers/devices. Whatever works best for the purpose and situation.

I can garantee that a system created by me, using well know open source tools and pretty well documented, is far, far away more secure than any Windows out there.

BTW, there is no secure Windows. So, every single person wich hosts their Bitcoins in Windows, have the same level, or worst, of security than MyBitcoin... Windows is a joke... Like the todays online wallet providers.

So you claim, but where's the proof that YOUR system is more secure than any Windows?
The weakest link in any system is always the user and in some cases, an over-cocky dev Wink

You´re right... The non-technical user is the most weakest part of any IT solution, that´s why I propose a solution like this... A solid backend environment, powered by Xen, Linux and Eucalyptus (that is a huge part of the proof), with a easy to use Ajax Web Interface for "normal" people, with automatic backups, etc... People will just need to "link" their google account with the Web Application to start the backup procedures automatically, for example...

My point is: It is perfectly possible to provide a trusted, secure and easy to use Bitcoin online wallet. Within the law!

I am the kind of people that trust in everybody for the first time, until somebody proves the contrary.

I feel that the feeling of trusting in people are going to hell... But this is not the kind of society I want to live. In fact, I think most people are trustable in first place, not the inverse.

I know that there is many, many thiefs in this world but, I am not one of them. I am one of this people that can be used to make this world, a better place, starting building a safe place for people´s Bitcoins. Because our money, is sacred and sweaty.

If I gonna build this service, it will be entirely open source, so, you will be able to read my documentation and build one identically with your own computers.

Nice talk!   Grin

2412  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Build a better bitcoin web service? on: August 04, 2011, 12:19:40 PM
I have a lots of ideas to help this...

As for example, I´m gonna build some kind of online Wallet storage based on Eucalyptus and Ubuntu (open source Cloud Computing).

1- Each user will have its own private Bitcoin / wallet.dat "instance";

2- The wallet.dat will be stored withing the "Walrus" (Eucalyptus persistent storage);

3- The Ajax interface can have a "backup wallet button", wich stores your wallet within GmailFS, DropBox, or download it directly to your compúter. Also, after every transaction, the system can automatically backup your wallet in any place you want (pre-configured).

4- The users will be able to download the wallet.dat to its own computer and open it with Bitcoin software;

5- The users of this system, will not have access to the "Cloud Frontend", the bitcoin/wallet will be accessed through a Web Ajax Interface only;

6- The persistent storage of users wallet (Walrus) will be encrypted with the user password, so, the Eucalyptus administrator (ME and my team) will NOT have access to ANY wallet.dat, never.

Playing the role of the malignant admin again Smiley

3. Sounds like the perfect way for a rogue admin to backup a wrong/empty wallet over-writing the user's backup. Or it might not even need to be malicious, a bug could cause the backup wallet to be wiped. Furthermore, sending it to yet another external system seems to be increasing the vectors by which the wallet could be stolen/attacked.

6. Doesn't stop a rogue admin from capturing the user's passwords in the first place to use for decryption Cheesy

3. I have a rule in my IT life: never overwrite anything. This can be so simple as:

#! /bin/sh
BKPTIME=`date +%m:%M:%S-%d-%h-%y`
tar czf ~/wallet-$BKPTIME.tar ~/.bitcoin/wallet.dat
cp ~/wallet-$BKPTIME.tar ~/Dropbox/

6. Right and wrong at same time... All passwords are encrypted and saved into /etc/shadow only (or even a LDAP backend), so, how long will take to decrypt a strong password?! +100 years?!

6.1. Don't you trust in your system, when you type your password to login into a SSH session?! This can have the same level of security than SSH has.

Also, it is perfectly possible to encrypt your Dropbox/GmailFS/Ubuntu One/Whater cloud folder too...

What do you think Xephan?!

I know that deep inside, trust between two parts must exist but, the provider can have a high level of security and strong backup procedures that a single user never dream about. So, where you prefer to host your wallet.dat?! Within a strong cloud that you can trust for sure or within your freak Windows?!

Sorry, I don't know if you are using Windows...

I can garantee that a system created by me, using well know open source tools and pretty well documented, is far, far away more secure than any Windows out there.

BTW, there is no secure Windows. So, every single person wich hosts their Bitcoins in Windows, have the same level, or worst, of security than MyBitcoin... Windows is a joke... Like the todays online wallet providers.

2413  Economy / Speculation / Re: BTC price collapse! on: August 03, 2011, 10:56:49 PM

 Honestly, I don't give a shit about Bitcoin pricing in dollar or whatever... I have only interest in Bitcoins itself. I already forgot about the old dollar!  Roll Eyes

 I know that this (forget USD, EUR, BRL...) is impossible in a global scale today but... The really sad thing around all of this is that the mining difficulty does not drop alongside with Bitcoin dollar price...   Undecided

 In fact, the difficulty is still increasing!

 I think that we need to do is:

1- Help Bitcoins being widely accepted around the globe;
2- Stabilize goods and services prices in Bitcoins only;
3- Close your bank account.

 And there is more, that isn't only the Bitcoins that drops today, here in Brazil, the BOVESPA reaches -2.26%!

 So, who cares about this sick market?! I don't.

 Americans (Obama and many) think that raising the debt and print more money will save the planet from caos!!! Who believe in things like this?! This would be a joke if not a sad reality.

2414  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Build a better bitcoin web service? on: August 03, 2011, 09:38:35 PM
I have a lots of ideas to help this...

As for example, I´m gonna build some kind of online Wallet storage based on Eucalyptus and Ubuntu (open source Cloud Computing).

1- Each user will have its own private Bitcoin / wallet.dat "instance";

2- The wallet.dat will be stored withing the "Walrus" (Eucalyptus persistent storage);

3- The Ajax interface can have a "backup wallet button", wich stores your wallet within GmailFS, DropBox, or download it directly to your compúter. Also, after every transaction, the system can automatically backup your wallet in any place you want (pre-configured).

4- The users will be able to download the wallet.dat to its own computer and open it with Bitcoin software;

5- The users of this system, will not have access to the "Cloud Frontend", the bitcoin/wallet will be accessed through a Web Ajax Interface only;

6- The persistent storage of users wallet (Walrus) will be encrypted with the user password, so, the Eucalyptus administrator (ME and my team) will NOT have access to ANY wallet.dat, never.

 In fact, I´m doing this setup right now! But only for my tests and without a Web Ajax Interface...

 This will be easy to use for anybody.

2415  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Vendo Aeromodelo Helicóptero HK450 GT'PRO! Troco por B$53,00 Bitcoins!! on: August 02, 2011, 10:28:09 PM
Aos interessados...
Baixei o preço para B$53,00!

2416  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: [Tutorial] Como proteger suas Bitcoins (Wallet.dat) on: August 02, 2011, 03:34:07 AM

 Só para complementar, eu fiz este passo-a-passo aqui usando também o Ubuntu:

 Wallet in the Cloud - Keeping your Bitcoins encrypted and saved into the Cloud!

 O meu guia também pode ser utilizado para guardar a sua Carteira de Bitcoins em um PENDRIVE (ao invéz da Cloud Ubuntu One) também criptografado, para o caso de pessoas que não tem uma conexão banda larga com a Internet.

2417  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Câmbio de Bitcoins no ar! Sem taxas! on: July 28, 2011, 01:24:43 AM
Existe a possibilidade de se usar outros bancos (evitar taxas), Moip, pagseguro, entre outros serviços, em um futuro próximo?

Sim, assim que terminarmos todos os testes, vamos incluir outros bancos, bem como Boleto Bancário, MoIP, PagSeguro, DinheiroMail, Visa & Mastercard, entre outros...

E, além do mais, tudo será open source...

Estou organizando as minhas modificações e vou fazer um "fork" do software Intersango no Gitorious para os brasileiros.

2418  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Câmbio de Bitcoins no ar! Sem taxas! on: July 28, 2011, 01:21:40 AM
Pera, deixa eu ver se entendi, esse exchange não é automatizado como o mtgox por exemplo? Em que você deposita seus BTC/Dolares no próprio gox para realizar a compra/venda?

Sim, é assim que funciona, eu mesmo acabei de enviar 1 BTC da minha carteira pessoal, para a minha conta no Câmbio de Bitcoins e automaticamente já apareceu no site, e eu mesmo já ofertei 1 BTC por lá...

Porém, o único ponto que falta automatizar, é o "link" entre a Casa de Câmbio de Bitcoins e o banco (neste caso, HSBC)... Mas isso está manual de propósito, apenas durante a fase de testes.

Após o período de testes, algumas poucas semanas, tudo será automatizado.

Se você fizer o depósito (em Reais) identificado na conta do Câmbio de Bitcoins (banco HSBC) e, se por ventura der algum problema, basta entrar em contato com o suporte passando as informações do depósito.

Este é um jogo sério...    Wink

2419  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Câmbio de Bitcoins no ar! Sem taxas! on: July 28, 2011, 12:26:37 AM
A venda! 1 Bitcoin por R$22,00!
2420  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Câmbio de Bitcoins no ar! Sem taxas! on: July 27, 2011, 11:19:57 PM
Sim, sem dúvida...

Isso é só um teste, não tenho a intenção de mover grandes quantias com essa iniciativa... Quero mesmo é documentar todos os procedimentos da solução como um todo...

Se for interessante iniciar um negócio, então eu re-lanço o site, com mais pessoas envolvidas, e para um propósito mais interessante, como desenvolvimento social, cidades ecológicas, educação, energia renovável para o garimpo de Bitcoins e para cidades, e por aí vai...

Mesmo assim, 1 Bitcoin no Câmbio de Bitcoins está mais barato do que no Mercado Bitcoin....   Wink 1 BTC = 22.34 BRL 1 BTC = 24,99 BRL

Aí tá caro né!

De acordo com:

1 BTC (venda) vale ~22.34 BRL

Fica a dica!

Pode ter certeza que eu tenho o Bitcoin para vender.

Estou pensando em montar um sistema de emissão de boleto, contendo dados e valores tanto do banco, como dos endereços Bitcoin envolvidos, dessa forma, dá para garantir com 100% de segurança, que todas as transações envolvidas foram realizadas. E ninguém poderá dizer que pagou e não recebeu os Bitcoins, como aconteceu com vendas de Bitcoins pelo PayPal...

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