March 25, 2015, 12:56:05 AM |
a) Your stop-gap solution is not better that a working GUI wallet.
Buddy, I've offered you $500 to demonstrate this. Stating it as fact does not make it so. I'll give you $1000 if you can prove stop-gape solution is better and by proof I mean, run a poll on bitcointalk with at least 800 votes asking if people prefer your stop-gap solution to a proper working GUI wallet. Polls can be manipulated. It would be in my interest to manipulate that poll. In fact, I could easily do so by offering $1 for everyone that votes for, and I'd still come out $200 ahead. I was talking about an actual test, maybe an independent double-blind test across 3 subjects. 3 subjects lol, wow to even get a basic t-test of this proof you would need at least 30 ppl for a weak application of statistical validity to apply. Also fine go ahead I will pay up, it will just prove your stop-gap is so shit you have to pay people to vote for it.
March 25, 2015, 12:58:48 AM |
Yeah we are a team, not a dicatorship, but i grew up in germany, i know how dicatorships will end sooner or later. All other factors held the same, Monero would have been better off with an instamine than without one. Nah then bitcoin guys wouldnt touch us with a ten feet pole or how u muricans say that. Their input is very valuable for us. Yup, if Monero had any kind of instamine/premine or emission manipulation I would never touch it, like I don't touch DRK. you mean like this
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1060 /
March 25, 2015, 12:59:32 AM |
While DRK devs are working and delivering...  I didn't know there were 5 MONERO DEVS on here. That is hilarious's been no commits to master in 23 days. The most recent commits modified some MarkDown documents, correcting minor errors and adding known Tor relays. But don't worry, after 23 days of doing nothing they are now very busy with search/replace to rename the project to Dash: Always. Nodes.
March 25, 2015, 01:01:01 AM |
LOL 5 monero devs here and not 1 darkcoin dev. There was clearly no f**ks given by the drk devs!
"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine." -Abraham Lincoln, 1864
March 25, 2015, 01:01:08 AM |
Yeah we are a team, not a dicatorship, but i grew up in germany, i know how dicatorships will end sooner or later. All other factors held the same, Monero would have been better off with an instamine than without one. Nah then bitcoin guys wouldnt touch us with a ten feet pole or how u muricans say that. Their input is very valuable for us. Yup, if Monero had any kind of instamine/premine or emission manipulation I would never touch it, like I don't touch DRK. you mean like this you really that stupid? Read the post and understand it, noodledoodle fixed the Bytecoin crap code. Anyway its not an instamined, the emission shedule has never been wrong. Darkcoin was also mined with gpus after a few days while you idiot still thought it is cpu only, until the public sgminer came out which was/is still x times slower than the real optimized miner.
March 25, 2015, 01:01:52 AM |
LOL 5 monero devs here and not 1 darkcoin dev. There was clearly no fucks given by the drk devs!
yeh of course can you imagine if a DRK dev behaved like this lol. plus why would they give a sh*t the only reason DRK people are here is because they were attacking the drk thread lol
March 25, 2015, 01:02:59 AM |
LOL 5 monero devs here and not 1 darkcoin dev. There was clearly no fucks given by the drk devs!
Haha Darkcoin has only one, the other one left the boat after u stole a name. Stop the god damn own goals.
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2015, 01:03:38 AM |
LOL 5 monero devs here and not 1 darkcoin dev. There was clearly no fucks given by the drk devs!
Why losing time with retards, when they have work to do and done ?
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2015, 01:03:50 AM |
LOL 5 monero devs here and not 1 darkcoin dev. There was clearly no fucks given by the drk devs!
No DRK devs are here because they have no rebuttle (and there is none) against the argument put against them.
Mining since 2014
March 25, 2015, 01:05:32 AM |
Actually our devs are busy building Official GUI wallets...
"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine." -Abraham Lincoln, 1864
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1060 /
March 25, 2015, 01:06:28 AM |
3 subjects lol, wow to even get a basic t-test of this proof you would need at least 30 ppl for a weak application of statistical validity to apply.
Also fine go ahead I will pay up, it will just prove your stop-gap is so shit you have to pay people to vote for it. A "weak"? Also, are we talking about face validity or just conclusion validity? Part of me wonders if you're not alluding to some sort of convergent validity that would be expected from this. But, really, I was just talking about a relatively simple acid test, best-of-3 to ensure there's no accidental skew. For $500. Would you like to suggest someone that is known and unbiased that can hold our funds in escrow and facilitate this? I suggest we offer them 50% of the pot for the effort they'll need to expend, and the remaining 50% goes to the winning cryptocurrency's donation address.
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1055
Monero Core Team
March 25, 2015, 01:07:05 AM |
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2015, 01:07:14 AM |
Actually our devs are busy building Official GUI wallets...
You mean the XMR devs? Yes, they are doing that. DRK coin already has a GUI wallet.
Mining since 2014
March 25, 2015, 01:08:43 AM |
Actually our devs are busy building Official GUI wallets...
But you use Bitcoin-QT, 1:1 from bitcoin? Well we have and 5 other wallets.
March 25, 2015, 01:09:17 AM |
Actually our devs are busy building Official GUI wallets...
You mean the XMR devs? Yes, they are doing that. DRK coin already has a GUI wallet. So the 5 monero devs are finally making a GUI wallet after 1 year? I thought they were trolling, how are they going to find time to fit that in?
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1001
March 25, 2015, 01:10:24 AM |
It have been announced that the develop cycle would have been slowed down after the InstantX release. Anyway I am interested in the part quoted below: So obviously you want to double your ROI, which means you have to take half of the MasterNodes out of commission. You don't want to take down all or even most of them, you just want the total number of MasterNodes reduces to 1000. So you do this through a variety of tactics: 1. Report US-based and/or US-owned MasterNodes to FinCEN, the FBI, and the SEC, assist them in shutting them down and seizing the coins held by their operators. 2. Repeatedly DDoS MasterNodes at a particular ISP / datacenter until they change their ToS to not allow MasterNodes. 3. Hack into a portion of the remaining MasterNodes and install a rootkit that watches for Darkcoin source code and modifies it when compiled (or just randomly crashes the daemon if they aren't compiling it themselves). This ensures that these daemons appear to be working to the operator, but they receive so few payments they may as well be offline. This is all very surreptitious, because 1. looks like The Man has got it in for Darkcoin, 2. looks like the ISP is just being problematic, and 3. is mostly undetectable. You can keep doing this ad infinitum to keep half the MasterNodes offline, and nobody will realise what you're doing. It'll look like the sort of attacks the community expects to come, and they'll rationalise it for you by loudly claiming that 1000 MasterNodes is good enough. 1. Reporting to the FinCEN, the FBI, and the SEC for which law infringement? How would they seize the coins considering that the majority of the MN operator hold their funds on hot/cold storages? 2. Running MNs under Tor can avoid this, making DDoSsing the network expensive as fuck. Thoughts?
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1060 /
March 25, 2015, 01:11:27 AM |
"As a note: I make some positive statements about Monero in here, and I really do admire the technical advance it represents in anonymous cryptocurrencies." He also lists his total take-home from the exercise in the comments: $145k after selling what he mined. I think that's a fair reward for having the skills to introduce and use optimisations others had not (yet).
March 25, 2015, 01:13:22 AM |
1. Reporting to the FinCEN, the FBI, and the SEC for which law infringement? How would they seize the coins considering that the majority of the MN operator hold their funds in hot/cold storage?
2. Running MNs under Tor can avoid this, making DDoSsing the network expensive as fuck.
1. They come to you, and take your coins, ask ross ulbricht. 2. Hyprocrites, i thought u guys are advertising your high speed masternodes and now u want to hide them behind tor?
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2015, 01:13:58 AM |
Actually our devs are busy building Official GUI wallets...
You mean the XMR devs? Yes, they are doing that. DRK coin already has a GUI wallet. So the 5 monero devs are finally making a GUI wallet after 1 year? I thought they were trolling, how are they going to find time to fit that in? Trolling? How does stating important facts and personal opinions make them a troll? You really do seem to love DRK, but hate XMR.
Mining since 2014