Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
October 07, 2015, 07:21:11 AM |
Most people don't need to be explicitly controlled, they are heavily inculcated into collectivism from the moment they enter the 'education' system. Most people I meet don't realize that many things they advocate are ultimately anti-human and rest upon a corrupted moral core. The most vociferous and virulent activists, feminists and SJW are perfect examples of this.
The immigration 'crisis' in Europe is one of them: Import radicalized, traumatized, low IQ population for a number of illogical reasons. Nevermind the poor in their own countries or the children that will have their education impacted/ruined by scarce resources, integration problems or worse. When this government program creates more problems, create another government program, ad infinitum. The 'green' agenda is a fascinating mindfuck in Orwellian propaganda too.
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
October 07, 2015, 07:23:38 AM |
I just noticed something quite peculiar on the final Denver mural. It appears the Russian flag and the USA flag are merged!
Not peculiar at all. Each bundle of swords being carried by the children is wrapped in the flags of two former enemies and I guess this represents a triumph of peace and reconciliation. It's a bit historically questionable since I don't really think the US and Russia have been actual enemies in the post-Soviet era, but I can see where the artist was going with it.
October 07, 2015, 07:34:28 AM |
I just noticed something quite peculiar on the final Denver mural. It appears the Russian flag and the USA flag are merged!
Not peculiar at all. Each bundle of swords being carried by the children is wrapped in the flags of two former enemies and I guess this represents a triumph of peace and reconciliation. It's a bit historically questionable since I don't really think the US and Russia have been actual enemies in the post-Soviet era, but I can see where the artist was going with it. Well actually very peculiar as in pertinent (definition #2). pe·cu·liar adjective 1. strange or odd; unusual. 2. belonging exclusively to. I suppose I would have noticed that too once I had gotten around to looking at the image (especially in a higher resolution) again. Been too busy just responding to the posts here in this thread. Again this is just more globalist delusion that peace comes from nations, when in fact significant war comes from nations. And the imagery espouses that peace can only come by all nations together synchronously, which is another United Nations Rockefeller delusion that is being rammed down our throat. The exact opposite is the result of granting more power to collective. It is when individuals can economically move forward with their own individual degrees-of-freedom, that war becomes implausible.
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
October 07, 2015, 07:36:56 AM |
Ask Rockefeller Center about trying to leash a Latin artist (a very impractical choice for bankers working on NWOs). Do you have any evidence of the manipulation of the artists? Papers? Eye witness accounts? Or just the assertion that artists are controllable (pretty dumb if you ask me) and the Man has outwit the artist again? I smile because I know something you don't Why do you focus on a personal ego battle rather than a search for the facts and likely truth? Make your point. It is quite well SOBO (statement of the blatantly obvious) that well-paid artists, media athletes, the media, and the globalists are implicitly in bed together. Surely you can see the economic incentive for them to be. How many examples do want me to drown you with? In the above case, I was not asserting that Taguma was coerced in any way. I said he could have been chosen for his penchant for painting globalist delusions and/or once he painted one nice globalist delusion he was allowed to paint more for 3 years when by his own words he only was commissioned to paint one mural at the start. Edit: what is dumb is not recognizing the difference between direct control and implicit mutual economic incentives.Because artist never will their own beliefs into a work without the payer knowing.  What i'm saying is that artist are usually smarter than the people who buy their work and are usually smarter than the people misinterpreting it. You could be right that the bankers (would be nice if you provided evidence and not supposition) wanted Taguma to do his thing unabated, but that doesn't change that his interpretation is most likely the best one--even if it is thrown into a hodgepodge of banker strategy. But three questions come to mind: If the bankers were so arrogant to show their evil plans to the world, why didn't they do so more explicitly? I mean did they just go, "we wanna expose are plan, but not too much, so lets hope these artist reveal just enough, but not too much, and totally without any knowledge of our aims that we want to post to the world...." And do you have any hard evidence? You've got supposition and interpretations, but no hard facts: letters, witnesses, phone calls. Why is it so hard for you to believe that there is no conspiracy at the Denver Airport? That it's just your imagination taking the conspiracy you already had and latching it to a bunch of weird (and already over interpreted) art?
October 07, 2015, 07:39:58 AM |
Why is it so hard for you to believe that there is no conspiracy at the Denver Airport? That it's just your imagination taking the conspiracy you already had and latching it to a bunch of weird (and already over interpreted) art?
Why do you read only what you want to read and then accuse me of stances which I specifically refuted in what I wrote? You see your emotional leaning. The project was accused of being a massive political corruption, spectacularly overbudget at $5.2 billion, and so many contractors were hired and fired along the way. So as usual the upper echelons of the Freemasons, the political class, and the artist class (Hollywood et al) all got paid off handsomely and Rockefeller et al got their desired symbolism IN YOUR FACE CATTLE GENTILES. It could just be coincidental that you have this artist globalist type guy in charge and they just happen to select a guy who likes to paint globalist delusions, and it could be coincidental that he was originally scheduled to paint only 1 mural but ended up painting for 3 years. And the entire globalist crap that is going on right now in the world could all be coincidental. That surely is Armstrong's theory. It might just be an outcome of humanism and the natural devolution of civilizations. No matter how you interpret it, government has grown too big and evil when anything with such themes of multiculturalism, war, and United Nations idealism is incorporated into what is essentially a public works utility. It is indicative of the Industrial Age that is holding us back (funneling us through high fixed capital cost infrastructure rather the individual enabling technologies which has been my persistent theme in the Economic Devastation thread). Flying cars (which I blogged about 3 years ago) can render these globalist delusions irrelevant (w.r.t to funneling people through airports). I recognized at a very early age that technology was independence. And that was my best chance for breaking free. Edit: I chuckled at the irony when Tanguma lamented that how there were so many different criticisms of his art as he was painting them. Dude multiculturalism idealism doesn't generally work! Your delusions were revealed to you. Did you forget that I wrote yesterday that I don't want to throw away information and throw out the baby with the bath water. How do you manage to ignore all the correlating data that has been presented ad nauseum. Who funded the 1992 Earth Summit? Who started the failed League of Nations? Who donated the land for the United Nations building in NYC? Yes there is plenty of documentation of Rockefeller's foundations funding feminism, environmentalism, human climate change, etc.. How much data do you want to be drowned with? Go read AnonyMint's archives. That will keep you busy for some months.
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
October 07, 2015, 07:44:17 AM |
Why is it so hard for you to believe that there is no conspiracy at the Denver Airport? That it's just your imagination taking the conspiracy you already had and latching it to a bunch of weird (and already over interpreted) art?
Why do you read only what you want to read and then accuse me of stances which I specifically refuted in what I wrote? The project was accused of being a massive political corruption, spectacularly overbudget at $5.2 billion, and so many contractors were hired and fired along the way. So as usual the upper echelons of the Freemasons, the political class, and the artist class (Hollywood et al) all got paid off handsomely and Rockefeller et al got their desired symbolism IN YOUR FACE CATTLE GENTILES. It could just be coincidental that you have this artist globalist type guy in charge and they just happen to select a guy who likes to paint globalist delusions, and it could be coincidental that he was originally scheduled to paint only 1 mural but ended up painting for 3 years. And the entire globalist crap that is going on right now in the world could all be coincidental. That surely is Armstrong's theory. It might just be an outcome of humanism and the natural devolution of civilizations. No matter how you interpret it, government has grown too big and evil when anything with such themes of multiculturalism, war, and United Nations idealism is incorporated into what is essentially a public works utility. It is indicative of the Industrial Age that is holding us back (funneling us through high fixed capital cost infrastructure rather the individual enabling technologies which has been my persistent theme in the Economic Devastation thread). Flying cars (which I blogged about 3 years ago) can render these globalist delusions irrelevant (w.r.t to funneling people through airports). I recognized at a very early age that technology was independence. And that was my best chance for breaking free. Edit: I chuckled at the irony when Tanguma lamented that how there were so many different criticisms of his art as he was painting them. Dude multiculturalism idealism doesn't generally work! Your delusions were revealed to you. Did you forget that I wrote yesterday that I don't want to throw away information and throw out the baby with the bath water. How do you manage to ignore all the correlating data that has been presented ad nauseum. Dude, i don't read all your posts. I only read the interesting ones or the ones directed at me. Sorry, I just don't follow people. But why do you only chose the question that is easiest for you to grandstand on?  Also, i'm asking for evidence in regard to the artists--the only thing that's on the table at the moment.
October 07, 2015, 07:45:45 AM |
But why do you only chose the question that is easiest for you to grandstand on?  Why are you in an ego battle with me? Did I make you feel insecureinsulted. (that is not a question) Why do you assume I will not respond to your other questions later?
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1036
Facts are more efficient than fud
October 07, 2015, 07:49:02 AM |
But why do you only chose the question that is easiest for you to grandstand on?  Why are you in an ego battle with me? Why do you assume I will not respond to your other questions later? I just want you to say that you have no real proof that the artists had your theory in mind when they created the work. Is that debatable at this point? And if you can put forth hard evidence of the bankers using a manipulation strategy on the artist, I'll give you credit for that point.
Activity: 961
Merit: 1000
October 07, 2015, 07:58:02 AM |
Most people don't need to be explicitly controlled, they are heavily inculcated into collectivism from the moment they enter the 'education' system. Most people I meet don't realize that many things they advocate are ultimately anti-human and rest upon a corrupted moral core. The most vociferous and virulent activists, feminists and SJW are perfect examples of this.
The immigration 'crisis' in Europe is one of them: Import radicalized, traumatized, low IQ population for a number of illogical reasons. Nevermind the poor in their own countries or the children that will have their education impacted/ruined by scarce resources, integration problems or worse. When this government program creates more problems, create another government program, ad infinitum. The 'green' agenda is a fascinating mindfuck in Orwellian propaganda too.
Right, so accepting refugees is anti - human, rests upon a corrupted moral code and is illogical. And your description "radicalized, traumatized, low IQ" - can you see any assumptions there? Maybe tell us who are the radicalised ones? People fleeing Assad (Russian backed)? Rebels (US backed)? ISIS (up for debate)? Or maybe the Yatzidis? Or Christians? Obviously you can't, so cut the bullshit. My guess is you're imagining only the ISIS threat, not being logical and thinking that if they want to attack EU they'd probably just recruit within that country. It seems like you are the one heavily inculcated by the propaganda you consume via the media that gives you an extremely narrow view of the situation. I can accept the point of view that immigration is a a welfare / spending problem, (with the current state of Eu economies) and even an integration / cultural problem, but not these broad, racist generalizations. You'd be better off not shrouding your writing in euphemisms and just say you don't want these Arab terrorist f*ckers to leave the shitty countries they are being bombed (by us) in. You know, get to the point. But what about the Syrian Electronic Army? Are they low IQ? Hacking TV5Monde the imbeciles! or maybe the activists harnessing social media, risking their lives to upload footage of the violence (ie RSS in Raqqa). Or is it just everyone who is fleeing a long running, brutal proxy war? Show us the study that says Syrian people have below average IQ's.
October 07, 2015, 08:02:36 AM Last edit: October 07, 2015, 08:12:53 AM by TPTB_need_war |
Because artist never will their own beliefs into a work without the payer knowing.  And Taguma's beliefs meshed with the payer and thus he was allowed to paint for 3 years instead of the initial 1 mural which was commissioned. Whether this was coincidental or overt is indeterminate. What i'm saying is that artist are usually smarter than the people who buy their work and are usually smarter than the people misinterpreting it.
He is really smart advocating peace via nations whose primary raison d'être is war. Humans are so easily deluded on this truth and the lie of democracy though. You could be right that the bankers (would be nice if you provided evidence and not supposition) wanted Taguma to do his thing unabated, but that doesn't change that his interpretation is most likely the best one--even if it is thrown into a hodgepodge of banker strategy.
I didn't need to disagree with his statements in any of the theory I presented. You are constructing strawmen. If the bankers were so arrogant to show their evil plans to the world, why didn't they do so more explicitly? I mean did they just go, "we wanna expose are plan, but not too much, so lets hope these artist reveal just enough, but not too much, and totally without any knowledge of our aims that we want to post to the world...."
Carroll Quigley apparently made this argument in Tragedy and Hope (I didn't read the entire book) that the elite should be more open about their plans since these were thought to be the natural outcome of civilization and the organization of man. I think it doesn't take much intellect to understand why the elite operate with some obscurity. Your point is why even reveal or boast anything if not to go all out and reveal that they control all the central banks, own all the government leaders, etc. (not asserting you think they have that alleged power) So what is your point? They want to boast, warn (as part of their doctrine that the dumb cows chose their destiny), prove they can make a cathedral in public view with their power, yet they don't want to risk complete disclosure. Seems quite rational to me. Then you have someone like Armstrong who argues they control NYC but not Russia nor China  And do you have any hard evidence? You've got supposition and interpretations, but no hard facts: letters, witnesses, phone calls.
Well, well is it no surprise that we have no such smoking guns for 9/11. Yet taken all the evidence holistically, you'd have to be complete nincompoop to say 9/11 was carried out by 9 guys who rode camels to the airport and hijacked planes with box cutters. Of course the details are more serious, but I am just exaggerating to illustrate the incredible resistance to learn the truth. I just want you to say that you have no real proof that the artists had your theory in mind when they created the work. Is that debatable at this point?
And if you can put forth hard evidence of the bankers using a manipulation strategy on the artist, I'll give you credit for that point.
You really don't read my posts carefully. I was not arguing he was manipulated. I never needed that for my theory to hold. As for the bankers involvement in Denver, it might just be a coincidence. But we do know the Freemason were involved. And I think it is alleged that highest ranks in the Freemasons are aligned with the global elite. Whereas with the Georgia Guidestones (which was part of my original post on this topic) were clearly not done by some unfunded artist. The person who commissioned them is well described to be a white haired man in an expensive suit who sent money from numerous banks around the country. And only two men ever met him in that context and one of those men is dead. The other has sworn to bankers secrecy.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
October 07, 2015, 08:04:29 AM |
Most people don't need to be explicitly controlled, they are heavily inculcated into collectivism from the moment they enter the 'education' system. Most people I meet don't realize that many things they advocate are ultimately anti-human and rest upon a corrupted moral core. The most vociferous and virulent activists, feminists and SJW are perfect examples of this.
The immigration 'crisis' in Europe is one of them: Import radicalized, traumatized, low IQ population for a number of illogical reasons. Nevermind the poor in their own countries or the children that will have their education impacted/ruined by scarce resources, integration problems or worse. When this government program creates more problems, create another government program, ad infinitum. The 'green' agenda is a fascinating mindfuck in Orwellian propaganda too.
Right, so accepting refugees is anti - human, rests upon a corrupted moral code and is illogical. And your description "radicalized, traumatized, low IQ" - can you see any assumptions there? Maybe tell us who are the radicalised ones? People fleeing Assad (Russian backed)? Rebels (US backed)? ISIS (up for debate)? Or maybe the Yatzidis? Or Christians? Obviously you can't, so cut the bullshit. My guess is you're imagining only the ISIS threat, not being logical and thinking that if they want to attack EU they'd probably just recruit within that country. It seems like you are the one heavily inculcated by the propaganda you consume via the media that gives you an extremely narrow view of the situation. I can accept the point of view that immigration is a a welfare / spending problem, (with the current state of Eu economies) and even an integration / cultural problem, but not these broad, racist generalizations. You'd be better off not shrouding your writing in euphemisms and just say you don't want these Arab terrorist f*ckers to leave the shitty countries they are being bombed (by us) in. You know, get to the point. But what about the Syrian Electronic Army? Are they low IQ? Hacking TV5Monde the imbeciles! or maybe the activists harnessing social media, risking their lives to upload footage of the violence (ie RSS in Raqqa). Or is it just everyone who is fleeing a long running, brutal proxy war? Show us the study that says Syrian people have below average IQ's. If you would have read any of my previous posts regarding this you would know I have sympathy for genuine refugees. Around 75% are in fact economic migrants, this is the main point I take issue with. Just google world IQs. I believe the Syrian in particular is a whole standard deviation lower that Westernized europe. Yes I am using generalizations because I am not interested in individuals when millions are arriving. If I have time I will be happy to point to reliable sources regarding literacy and IQ.
Activity: 961
Merit: 1000
October 07, 2015, 08:12:40 AM |
So what is your point? They want to boast, warn (as part of their doctrine that the dumb cows chose their destiny), prove they can make a cathedral in public view with their power, yet they don't want to risk complete disclosure. Seems quite rational to me. Then you have someone like Armstrong who argues they control NYC but not Russia nor China  Well, well is it no surprise that we have no such smoking guns for 9/11. Yet taken all the evidence holistically, you'd have to be complete nincompoop to say 9/11 was carried out by 9 guys who rode camels to the airport and hijacked planes with box cutters. Of course the details are more serious, but I am just exaggerating to illustrate the incredible resistance to learn the truth. If there is some vast conspiracy to eliminate the masses etc, it does not sound logical that it would be telegraphed at all. Loose lips etc sink ships. Why risk a revolution before your plan can be hatched just so you can show your power? That's similar to Bond villains who have the gun at the head of Bond and then decide to give him 5 minutes until he dies or something similar. Seems too risky to me. Although, granted, the IMF regularly puts out reports that mention that the economic system may again be ready to implode etc, it's just no one except the top financial brass probably read them. re: 9/11, while much of the thing is very co-incidental and strange, I'd say the big smoking gun will be that it was largely funded by Saudi Arabia.
October 07, 2015, 08:22:57 AM Last edit: October 07, 2015, 09:34:22 AM by TPTB_need_war |
You raise a very important point that I hope I can make very clear. If there is some vast conspiracy to eliminate the masses etc, it does not sound logical that it would be telegraphed at all. Loose lips etc sink ships. Why risk a revolution before your plan can be hatched just so you can show your power?
Most revolutions and mass movements have been funded and/or infiltrated by the banksters. Start with Antony Sutton's research which is on Youtube. Perhaps there are exceptions where the people really did express their individual sovereignty without the need for a leadership which could be infiltrated by the elite. Pilgrims? The banksters are saying, "you dumb shit cows are getting what you deserve because you can't organize yourself individually and you need us to organize the united nations because tribalism failed". They are speaking what they genuinely believe to be the truth. But they have been deluded (some claim by Satan). They do believe they are responsible for managing the Industrial Age, and they are correct! They are warning the masses of their fate should the current system continue unabated, which they entirely expect to be the case, because they know that humans can't act individually. But I believe they are also wrong assuming the Industrial Age paradigms will carry forward into the Knowledge Age. Humans only need technology to do so (e.g. self-publishing on the internet as we are doing now). And why do you think I want to work on crypto technology. (Whether in the case of the Denver airport that is just a coincidental outcome or an overt one is indeterminate with the limited information available to us in the public domain) I believe the global elite see the corruption in governance as a necessary cost to pay for their control and the resultant management of the tribal cows who would be constantly at war otherwise in their view. Often I think all my words are really silly, because the elite (as I assume they intend) are correct in a way. I foment the theory that only technological innovation might render them irrelevant and incorrect. And you know I would much rather be working than talking (if I shall be granted that wish). re: 9/11, while much of the thing is very co-incidental and strange, I'd say the big smoking gun will be that it was largely funded by Saudi Arabia.
AnonyMint already covered the overwhelming physical evidence. I tire of repeating myself. Start here and dig: (some of my research on 9/11 comes from beyond that one source, such as Armstrong's official letter from the SEC confirming that all the tapes he had of the banksters manipulations of the markets which had been confiscated by the receivership on his court case where admitted to be destroyed on 9/11 at the Twin Towers. Also specifically find the explanation that the NIST model on the collapse of building 7 is implausible.)
Activity: 961
Merit: 1000
October 07, 2015, 08:33:16 AM |
Most people don't need to be explicitly controlled, they are heavily inculcated into collectivism from the moment they enter the 'education' system. Most people I meet don't realize that many things they advocate are ultimately anti-human and rest upon a corrupted moral core. The most vociferous and virulent activists, feminists and SJW are perfect examples of this.
The immigration 'crisis' in Europe is one of them: Import radicalized, traumatized, low IQ population for a number of illogical reasons. Nevermind the poor in their own countries or the children that will have their education impacted/ruined by scarce resources, integration problems or worse. When this government program creates more problems, create another government program, ad infinitum. The 'green' agenda is a fascinating mindfuck in Orwellian propaganda too.
Right, so accepting refugees is anti - human, rests upon a corrupted moral code and is illogical. And your description "radicalized, traumatized, low IQ" - can you see any assumptions there? Maybe tell us who are the radicalised ones? People fleeing Assad (Russian backed)? Rebels (US backed)? ISIS (up for debate)? Or maybe the Yatzidis? Or Christians? Obviously you can't, so cut the bullshit. My guess is you're imagining only the ISIS threat, not being logical and thinking that if they want to attack EU they'd probably just recruit within that country. It seems like you are the one heavily inculcated by the propaganda you consume via the media that gives you an extremely narrow view of the situation. I can accept the point of view that immigration is a a welfare / spending problem, (with the current state of Eu economies) and even an integration / cultural problem, but not these broad, racist generalizations. You'd be better off not shrouding your writing in euphemisms and just say you don't want these Arab terrorist f*ckers to leave the shitty countries they are being bombed (by us) in. You know, get to the point. But what about the Syrian Electronic Army? Are they low IQ? Hacking TV5Monde the imbeciles! or maybe the activists harnessing social media, risking their lives to upload footage of the violence (ie RSS in Raqqa). Or is it just everyone who is fleeing a long running, brutal proxy war? Show us the study that says Syrian people have below average IQ's. If you would have read any of my previous posts regarding this you would know I have sympathy for genuine refugees. Around 75% are in fact economic migrants, this is the main point I take issue with. Just google world IQs. I believe the Syrian in particular is a whole standard deviation lower that Westernized europe. Yes I am using generalizations because I am not interested in individuals when millions are arriving. If I have time I will be happy to point to reliable sources regarding literacy and IQ. The whole of Syria is a battlezone. People are fleeing north, west, east, some down into Iraq. Even Israel has had some cross the Golan Heights. They are all refugees and many who have temporarily been housed in Turkey, Lebanon, Greece (their 'first stop') etc were waiting for the fighting to end in order to return home. Now they are heading into Europe and i think it is a sign of the values they believe the EU represents that they hope to end up there. This of course brings its own problems that are not to be dismissed but separating refugees into 'genuine' and 'economic' is just a condescending distinction that says 'you got out, be happy we let you get that far.' For me, instead of such vitriol being pointed towards the people who are fleeing decades of war that the West has instigated, the people should be overthrowing the parties that led us into it (while we were watching reality TV & listening to Fox).
Activity: 961
Merit: 1000
October 07, 2015, 08:49:07 AM |
You raise a very important point that I hope I can make very clear. If there is some vast conspiracy to eliminate the masses etc, it does not sound logical that it would be telegraphed at all. Loose lips etc sink ships. Why risk a revolution before your plan can be hatched just so you can show your power?
Most revolutions and mass movements have been funded and/or infiltrated by the banksters. Start with Antony Sutton's research which is on Youtube. Perhaps there are exceptions where the people really did express their individual sovereignty without the need for a leadership which could be infiltrated by the elite. Pilgrims? The banksters are saying, "you dumb shit cows are getting what you deserve because you can't organize yourself individually and you need us to organize the united nations because tribalism failed". They are speaking what they genuinely believe to be the truth. But they have been deluded (some claim by Satan). They do believe they are responsible for managing the Industrial Age, and they are correct! They are warning the masses of their fate should the current system continue unabated, which they entirely expect to be the case, because they know that humans can't act individually. But they are wrong. Humans only need technology to do so (e.g. self-publishing on the internet as we are doing now). And why do you think I want to work on crypto technology. (Whether in the case of the Denver airport that is just a coincidental outcome or an overt one is indeterminate with the limited information available to us in the public domain) re: 9/11, while much of the thing is very co-incidental and strange, I'd say the big smoking gun will be that it was largely funded by Saudi Arabia.
AnonyMint already covered the overwhelming physical evidence. I tire of repeating myself. Start here and dig: (some of my research on 9/11 comes from beyond that one source, such as Armstrong's official letter from the SEC confirming that all the tapes he had of the banksters manipulations of the markets which had been confiscated by the receivership on his court case where admitted to be destroyed on 9/11 at the Twin Towers) Ok, there is some merit here. Going back through Sth America, Central America, Africa etc foreign empires have often played a behind-the-curtain role in overthrowing governments that didn't fit the bill in some way. Often this is by way of funding a 'grassroots' rebellion. It's one of the CIA / KGB / Mi5's implicit functions. But if the banksters are the ones benefiting from humanity being in the morass of modern life, why would they want it to change? And yes, technology can change the world as the Luther revolution showed. The printing press, bypassing the Pope. These days we have the internet and bitcoin  I've read quite a bit on 9/11, architechs / engineers, barry jennings & building 7, very little wreckage in shanksville, getting rid of wreckage asap, PNAC etc etc. What the exact truth is, I don't know and we probably never will.
October 07, 2015, 08:56:43 AM |
Most people don't need to be explicitly controlled, they are heavily inculcated into collectivism from the moment they enter the 'education' system. Most people I meet don't realize that many things they advocate are ultimately anti-human and rest upon a corrupted moral core. The most vociferous and virulent activists, feminists and SJW are perfect examples of this.
Very well summarized. I concur. Not only schools, but of course include media, the way culture spreads out, social acceptance, economic opportunity, etc.. It is very true that the activists genuinely believe what they are doing is correct, just, righteous, etc.. They haven't consciously made a pact with the devil. Even politicians lierationalize to themselves and say they are doing a job that necessary for the organization of civilization and that the dirty money is necessary otherwise the next guy will take it and beat you in the election (and they are correct!). As far as I can fathom, any fundamental change comes from a change in paradigms, which as far as I can see only is instigated from natural events (e.g. Black Death) or technological innovation. I don't think there is ever any purely enlightenment or informational induced change in human civilization. Btw, when you recently wrote sympathy for refugees I felt a dissonance with you, because refugees implies the recognition of States (nations). Otherwise a refugee is simply someone down on their luck migrating from one town to another to find a new opportunity. I believe true peace and prosperity can only come from individual empowerment and no reliance whatsoever on concepts which require a border and a State. You were indoctrinated into this sympathy for refugees because you at one time were escaping from poorer area to the more affluent Europe. But realize if there was individual empowerment, you wouldn't have needed that State reliant crutch in the first place! That is my noble goal. Isn't that fundamentally why we are here in crypto land? (other than speculation to get wealthy) The immigration 'crisis' in Europe is one of them: Import radicalized, traumatized, low IQ population for a number of illogical reasons. Nevermind the poor in their own countries or the children that will have their education impacted/ruined by scarce resources, integration problems or worse. When this government program creates more problems, create another government program, ad infinitum. The 'green' agenda is a fascinating mindfuck in Orwellian propaganda too.
This clusterfuck is an artifact of nation-states and collectivism stomping on individual empowerment. Let's cut right down to the generative essence and get busy on that.
October 07, 2015, 09:21:07 AM Last edit: October 07, 2015, 09:31:12 AM by TPTB_need_war |
But if the banksters are the ones benefiting from humanity being in the morass of modern life, why would they want it to change?
I guess you are thinking why not keep the status-quo of the current nation-states and not move forward to a world government and united nations. Change is a constant. The entire concept that gives them power is I assert (and many others have also explained) the power vacuum of organization of society. Someone has to fill that vacuum and be in charge, else we get disorganization. Who ever doesn't amass more power, gets eaten by the one who does. So the natural trajectory is towards a single power at the center. Of course this is entirely inconsistent with a free market (as I explained up thread yesterday that no top-down controller can possibly approve each of the billion trades per day in real-time), so it also requires megadeath (just imagine a single authority in charge of everything including whether you can brush your teeth or not assuming any economic value can be extracted from control over which toothpaste you use). Btw just as an example of how ridiculous the power vacuum of collectivism can get, I read that in some municipalities in Germany men are not allowed to urinate standing up in apartments, because the sound can disturb the adjoining tenant. (if you are thinking that is not an economic issue, then research more on the economics of feminism) Juxtaposed to that trajectory, we also know that technology can enable more degrees-of-freedom so that individuals can self-organize. This can cause power vacuums to evaporate. An example would be in the agricultural age humans would have to go to war over land resources, but in the internet age many people are quite productive without having any appreciable land. With the dependence on land eliminated from the individual economic freedom, the requirement for government to protect and manage land disputes disappears. I am specifically thinking of the Yugoslavia conflict which was predominantly a land conflict manifested as multicultural conflict since the land grabs were historically land grabs by cultural groups. Take away the economic importance of land, and the youth on the internet will probably ignore their historical tribal conflicts as being irrelevant (as I read is increasingly the case but I don't know if yet prevalent enough to forestall another outburst of conflict as the global economy turns down).
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
October 07, 2015, 09:37:28 AM |
The whole of Syria is a battlezone. People are fleeing north, west, east, some down into Iraq. Even Israel has had some cross the Golan Heights. They are all refugees and many who have temporarily been housed in Turkey, Lebanon, Greece (their 'first stop') etc were waiting for the fighting to end in order to return home. Now they are heading into Europe and i think it is a sign of the values they believe the EU represents that they hope to end up there. This of course brings its own problems that are not to be dismissed but separating refugees into 'genuine' and 'economic' is just a condescending distinction that says 'you got out, be happy we let you get that far.'
For me, instead of such vitriol being pointed towards the people who are fleeing decades of war that the West has instigated, the people should be overthrowing the parties that led us into it (while we were watching reality TV & listening to Fox).
Forgive me for saying tabnloz, but I believe you are ignorant of the numbers, nationalities and especially the cultures arriving and the actions that have actually been taken by western governments. You are also conflating Western governments with the people subject to those governments. By making citizens culpable for the actions of leaders you could essentially use the same logic and blame every single muslim coming from troubled areas for the actions of ISIS or any other dictator. My point here is lack of power on the part of citizens- we are not responsible for other's messes. I only have vitriol for those that threaten the liberty of others. You are advocating unconditional sanctuary for anyone bright enough to throw away their passport and brave enough to make the journey and call themselves a refugee, (I know there are other genuine refugees not just from Syria). Using other people's money of course. This is not a moral high ground. But I sense you have made up your mind despite any information I would (and have already in this thread) posted, I won't insult you as you did me accusing me of consuming mainstream junk media. The fallout from this will be decades in the brewing if not sooner. And I should not have brought up the immigration issues since they were settled further up thread. Perhaps we should get back on topic.
October 07, 2015, 09:57:03 AM Last edit: October 07, 2015, 11:51:42 AM by TPTB_need_war |
I realize my grandiose theories about empowering individuals doesn't seem to provide an immediate resolution nor alleviate fears about the potential horrific impacts of the refugee crisis starting to accelerate now. And also now with WW3 apparently about to be launched from Syria as USA/NATO has given Turkey the permission to shoot down Russian fighter jets and is warning Russia to stop bombing.
Europe is committing suicide by advertising that it will accept all refugees. I think that is essentially bigtimespaghetti's point. I don't think it is necessary to involve IQ rather just the fact that Europe is importing a clusterfuck of multicultural conflict and people that won't assimilate, in the same month that Germany's industrial production collapsed 4% in one month.
But I think both of you need to step back from your argument about what is just, righteous and fair, and be more sober. We are facing a very challenging future. And we all better start figuring out how to individually empower ourselves and our family and stop thinking about the clusterfuck that can no longer be stopped.
Again I would be preparing my exit plan from Europe for sometime over the next couple of years and rapidly divesting any investments there.
In my particular case, if my health isn't fixed in a matter of weeks, I am royally fucked. (continuing antibiotics. The diarrhea stopped last night after 3 doses of 500 mg of Metranidozole, and I ate noodles and drank Gatorade. Withholding more comments until I have more results if any from taking doxycycline. I am not being religious about this, I was focused on diet, but if the miracle of modern medicine's antibiotics is what I need, then so be it. I speculate I am too unhealthy due to some unknown reason or pathogen to handle the raw milk. It seems just about anything can send my gut into disarray. Maybe diet has nothing to do with my problem.)
October 07, 2015, 10:16:08 AM |
In my particular case, if my health isn't fixed in a matter of weeks, I am royally fucked. (continuing antibiotics. The diarrhea stopped last night after 3 doses of 500 mg of Metranidozole, and I ate noodles and drank Gatorade. Withholding more comments until I have more results if any from taking doxycycline. I am not being religious about this, I was focused on diet, but if the miracle of modern medicine's antibiotics is what I need, then so be it. I speculate I am too unhealthy due to some unknown reason or pathogen to handle the raw milk. It seems just about anything can send my gut into disarray. Maybe diet has nothing to do with my problem.)
I hope you can fix the problem, and I am sorry if I said anything offending or not appropriate in our conversation about diet a few days ago.