Back above $30,000 but still ranging between $29,500 and $31,800. It’s getting a bit boring but we’ll have a significant breakout within the next month or so. My bet would be to the upside.
Nothing else to say really, apart from buy any significant dip.
We’re in the first weeks of a new bull market, nothing exciting until 2024 unfortunately. Time to kick back and enjoy the rest of the summer.
I had to make your image MOAR BIGGER in order that I would be able to MOAR BETTER get an understandening regarding what it might bbbbbbbeeeeee that u bbbbbbbbeeeee postening.
Oh? I see.
It's a message to our savior king daddy.
It's like saying: "I don't wanna be a grasshopper."

Nothing else to say really, apart from buy any significant dip.
ive also got nothing to say i just like playing with the width command
Well, get a grip vapourminer!!!!!!

There are a lot of BIG actors that are likely hesitating to come into bitcoin, including governments, and can you really imagine that some of the bigger wallstreet players to really be coming into bitcoin, because if they did come into bitcoin with anything higher than a 10% allocation, there is no way that they would not end up moving the BTC prices to the upside in very substantial ways. With our BTC price movements so far, we hardly see any kind of meaningful entrances into BTC, and I am not going to agree to witnessing any meaningful wallstreet entrances into BTC (in spite of what they are saying) unless we end up seeing BTC prices in the $1million territory.. perhaps in this cycle?
Otherwise if we are not seeing BTC prices in the $1 million territory, they are not likely meaningfully getting into dee cornz.. in spite of their "talking it up." And, by the way, $1million is LESS THAN a 15x price appreciation from our already existing ATH... so does not seem to be much if any kind of meaningful stretch of the imagination to consider that bitcoin should fairly easily be able to reach $1million territory in this cycle.. but I still would not give it high odds of happening, even though they are not small odds either.. maybe in the ballpark of 10%-ish to see BTC price in and around (perhaps not breaching) $1 million in this cycle.. so within the next 3 years or so?
Isn't it a bit of a chicken and egg situation ?
Maybe you should explain your chicken and egg theory?
Because surely, it seems quite likely that bitcoin is going to get to $1 million, but it is just a matter of when...and who fucking cares whether the fat cats get into BTC with their ETF or whatever.. even though it seems that the FAT cats are going to put upwards pressures on the BTC price, even if they might also want to manipulate the BTC price down, but I doubt that bitcoin is as manipulatable to the down side as they hope it might be (or that they can make it into. in their wet little dreams).
It was possible for bitcoin to get to $1 million in the last cycle too.
On December 16, 2021, I had put the odds at around 2%.. and I did not exactly say anything exactly about $1 million, but if we add up the values of all of my odds that I had attempted to outline for above $800k, we can add that up to 2.5%, but of course, we have to also attempt to figure out the timeline, as well, so surely bitcoin continue to have decently good odds of going UP, until about April or May 2022, it became pretty clear that UP was going to be "on pause" for a while... so then if $1million did not happen last cycle, and it is possible to happen in the upcoming cycle, and likely the odds are not going to be any lower for this upcoming cycle than it was for last cycle, and then if we are looking for 2-5 cycles out, then it seems even higher that $1million happens, so it is not easy to figure out both price and time, and for any of us longer time bitcoiners to profit stupendously from bitcoin, I doubt that we need $1 million to play out in order for our own lil selfies to be completely profitable (if we are not already at a state of real profitable, so higher prices, largely just remains as extra icing on the cake for some of us longer term bitcoiners).
$1million might happen and then correct back down, or $1 million might not quite happen and then correct back down, and/or the bitcoin price might just keep going past $1 million, which seems to be a lesser likely scenario. I am not going to claim to know what is going to happen, but even with my blabbering on about the topic, I am still not quite understanding it as a chicken and egg situation... so you might have to flesh that one out a bit in terms of how that would apply to this particular question of if $1 million and/or when.
By the way, whether the FAT cats join bitcoin or not, who cares? there are a lot of reasons that bitcoin prices could go up whether we have an ETF or not, even though a bitcoin backed spot ETF has to be bullish in regards to the bitcoin price, especially if they don't want to end up getting fucked by not having bitcoin.. so they have to back their shit with bitcoin.. I don't see how they can get away with it, even if they love creating paper asset classes, but I doubt that bitcoin is going to be "as friendly" to paper version of it, as compared to other assets, since bitcoin is way easier to take into possession, and those people who have entered into contracts that prohibit (or restrict) their abilities to take immediate possession are likely going to be the ones getting fucked (rug pulled) not the bitcoiners who actually hold their own private keys.