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Author Topic: Criminals and Bitcoin  (Read 4778 times)
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May 24, 2018, 08:15:16 AM

Everything has the good side and bad side. but you only decide what is perfect for you. Shocked Shocked
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May 24, 2018, 08:17:39 AM

"Freedom is used buy criminals", lets face it if we embrace the surveillance state, and everything everyone does is constantly monitored by the state... there would be a lot less crime. Less crime perpetrated by the subjects of the state at least, the governments will still be allowed to get away with murder of course.
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May 24, 2018, 08:24:37 AM

I have seen some news regarding hackers, terrorists, and other criminals using bitcoin for illegal trades.
How the police can find about these transactions?
Even if is hard to track illegal transactions, I don't think that Bitcoin can be a danger to society, since the problem is the society and its people.
Since the beginning of the internet this is happening ( the bad people committing crimes)  and no one is willing to shutdown internet because of that, so in that matters Bitcoin should be equivalent. I think those illegal transaction are one of the reasons some governments and the media are trying to depreciate bitcoin, but the problem is not Crypto/blockchain or Bitcoin, is just the society.
Yes, I agree with everything you say. Bitcoin is not wrong, it's just that there are some people who use Bitcoin for illegal things so that hated Bitcoin instead of the person. Bitcoin is the only digital currency on the internet then because transactions through Bitcoin are very transparent. So these people go around using Bitcoin for the crime.

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May 24, 2018, 08:35:44 AM

I have seen some news regarding hackers, terrorists, and other criminals using bitcoin for illegal trades.
How the police can find about these transactions?
Even if is hard to track illegal transactions, I don't think that Bitcoin can be a danger to society, since the problem is the society and its people.
Since the beginning of the internet this is happening ( the bad people committing crimes)  and no one is willing to shutdown internet because of that, so in that matters Bitcoin should be equivalent. I think those illegal transaction are one of the reasons some governments and the media are trying to depreciate bitcoin, but the problem is not Crypto/blockchain or Bitcoin, is just the society.

There is always saying that  if theres a good there is also bad, that would the problem of innovating digital money all peole connected of this if they are involved already in this crypto currency world, its hard to tract them but most important things is theres are few who are abbusing but the good are many, our cyber crime group are working on that matters.

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May 24, 2018, 08:37:13 AM

Yes, i think that's right, big chance for the criminals find a gap for transactions with bitcoin.
Because bitcoin is anonymous, it's hard to find out which one is committing a crime.
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May 24, 2018, 08:45:11 AM

I have seen some news regarding hackers, terrorists, and other criminals using bitcoin for illegal trades.

Everything that can be used by criminals is or will be in the near future. THat's a fact.

How the police can find about these transactions?

By tips? Investigations? Bitcoin has to be spent somewhere.

Even if is hard to track illegal transactions, I don't think that Bitcoin can be a danger to society, since the problem is the society and its people.

It's not. It's like saying that dogs are a problem to society because once in a while a dog wounds or kills a man.

Bitcoin users are not criminals since bitcoin birth in 2009 the technology is growing faster and helps the community to grow. Criminals are already there before bitcoin founded.
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May 24, 2018, 08:49:55 AM

The European Union’s law-enforcement agency, Europol, raised alarms three months ago, writing in a report that “other cryptocurrencies such as monero, ethereum and Z cash are gaining popularity within the digital underground.” Online extortionists, who use ransomware to lock victims’ computers until they fork over a payment, have begun demanding those currencies instead. On Dec. 18 hackers attacked up to 190,000 WordPress sites per hour to get them to produce monero, according to security company Wordfence.
Kimchu kuno
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May 24, 2018, 08:55:15 AM

Yes, i think that's right, big chance for the criminals find a gap for transactions with bitcoin.
Because bitcoin is anonymous, it's hard to find out which one is committing a crime.

I have seen some news regarding hackers, terrorists, and other criminals using bitcoin for illegal trades.

Everything that can be used by criminals is or will be in the near future. THat's a fact.

How the police can find about these transactions?

By tips? Investigations? Bitcoin has to be spent somewhere.

Even if is hard to track illegal transactions, I don't think that Bitcoin can be a danger to society, since the problem is the society and its people.

It's not. It's like saying that dogs are a problem to society because once in a while a dog wounds or kills a man.

Possible criminals may use bitcoin  they are not traceable they can transact whatever elligal work  they wanted.
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May 24, 2018, 08:57:51 AM

These are all fake news which are broad casted to create FUD against Bitcoin by the media. The media is generally paid to run these negative campaigns by the banks and corporations whose business Bitcoin threatens. Also fiat is used by criminals and terrorists but you don't see the media saying anything about it.

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May 24, 2018, 08:58:50 AM

Bitcoin's purpose wasn't like this, but people abused it and used it the other way. So like most of us says, the problem lies not with bitcoin but its users. One of bitcoin's property is being in a transaction anonymously, but the others took advantage of it and used it to execute their illegal motives, and that once again, is a liability in the part of the users, because since it is anonymous the owners/founders or whatever they are called, can't track that transaction and only the user itself has the access to that transaction.
Definitely. It’s never Bitcoin, it’s the people who are doing the deed. And this happens not only with Bitcoin but this is also happening in fiat. Criminals will make their own way to execute their illegal transactions. They can use whatever medium they want to use. So let us not blame everything to Bitcoin.
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May 24, 2018, 09:08:35 AM

Criminality happened everytime and eveywhere and sometimes happen without knowing whose behind of it.
Before bitcoin exist criminalites are present and  some say that bitcoin  is used for any illegal transactions.We all know that btc is already popular  and we never knew who really used it for criminalities because of  being safe transaction of bitcoin. People are the one whose to be blame not bitcoin. Bitcoin is just an instrument for everyone who wants to earn money.
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May 24, 2018, 09:08:42 AM

Bitcoin is created for the good of all the people, to give solution to our banking problems and financial system. Bitcoin is never created to used  by criminals to do their illegal activities. It is just that it is the most precious asset right now and used by many people around the world. They are just taking advantage of it and ride the popularity of bitcoin.
Cotton Candy
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May 24, 2018, 09:18:49 AM

I have seen some news regarding hackers, terrorists, and other criminals using bitcoin for illegal trades.
How the police can find about these transactions?
Even if is hard to track illegal transactions, I don't think that Bitcoin can be a danger to society, since the problem is the society and its people.
Since the beginning of the internet this is happening ( the bad people committing crimes)  and no one is willing to shutdown internet because of that, so in that matters Bitcoin should be equivalent. I think those illegal transaction are one of the reasons some governments and the media are trying to depreciate bitcoin, but the problem is not Crypto/blockchain or Bitcoin, is just the society.

There are so many beqs that are saying that the butcoins are being used by the criminals but there are still a rumor and not yet proven. But what I have heard is they are using the digital currency of course they are untraceable and very convenient when it becomes into global transaction and the criminals are liking it but still the bitcoins are not invented to be like that but instead the people is the one who choose to be that way but lets not all do that.
dante golo
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May 24, 2018, 09:56:38 AM

If to find the perpetrator must be very difficult because with this problem most likely the country will prohibit the existence of bitcoin to grow so the people who have been relying on bitcoin for investment will panic and sell the assets as soon as possible despite the sometimes declining prices.

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May 24, 2018, 10:18:01 AM

I do not think there is a connection between bitcoin and criminals, bitcoin is just a digital currency if in use by good people it will have good benefits but if in use by bad people it will be bad Smiley
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May 24, 2018, 10:33:39 AM

Cybercriminals use the same tools and schemes as targeted attacks against banks or their customers. One of the most popular methods of attack is phishing. The rogues create sites-clones of known exchanges, like two drops of water similar to the original. A potential victim enters the resource by mistake and enters his unique keys. Passwords become known to intruders, thieves enter the electronic wallet and transfer crypto-currencies to their hacker addresses.
st tiger
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May 24, 2018, 10:37:37 AM

Bitcoin is going to be the best cryptocurrency in digital market. So if any criminal minded people want to use it in bad way he can use but it won't affect the others because everyone knows the crypto world as there is no hiding. So criminal and bit don't have any critical relationship at all.
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May 24, 2018, 10:39:32 AM

Due to the anonymity of bitcoin and uncontrolled crime, criminals can use this currency as a trading method. Hackers may be trying to attack multiple bitcoins to steal large amounts of money and money laundering can happen easily.
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May 24, 2018, 10:49:37 AM

I have seen some news regarding hackers, terrorists, and other criminals using bitcoin for illegal trades.
How the police can find about these transactions?
Even if is hard to track illegal transactions, I don't think that Bitcoin can be a danger to society, since the problem is the society and its people.
Since the beginning of the internet this is happening ( the bad people committing crimes)  and no one is willing to shutdown internet because of that, so in that matters Bitcoin should be equivalent. I think those illegal transaction are one of the reasons some governments and the media are trying to depreciate bitcoin, but the problem is not Crypto/blockchain or Bitcoin, is just the society.

I think the government will need to weight in the negative and positive effect of btc. And also they need to find ways how to track those criminals who are using BTC as a payment for illegal transaction.
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May 24, 2018, 10:57:43 AM

Bitcoin can be a tool for progress but it really depends on how you use it. Much like a gun can be used to protect or destroy but it depends on who wields it. So it is regulated.
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