February 28, 2014, 09:42:11 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Hmm .. looks good i try How many cards are you running? That TC won't work with a lot of them unless you have a ton of RAM too.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
February 28, 2014, 09:47:43 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Works perfect for me... 10UTC for you...

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 28, 2014, 09:47:58 PM Last edit: February 28, 2014, 09:58:20 PM by Puycheval |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Hmm .. looks good i try How many cards are you running? That TC won't work with a lot of them unless you have a ton of RAM too. This rig has 1x 7950 and 1x R9 290 Another one running 4x R9 290 @ 169 kH/s , TC = 47930 (didn't restart it to try 56320 yet) 1035/1250, Bamt 1.3, 8 GB

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 28, 2014, 09:56:59 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Works perfect for me... 10UTC for you... Thank you but we need good setting for 290/290x without HW errors. 250 UTC waiting  was a better deal 
February 28, 2014, 09:59:40 PM |
It's things like this that drive me nuts. he's not wrong. It is 5 times more profitable per KH/s. Unfortunately, you can only get 1/5th the hashrate of scrypt coins now, so at best, it's a wash. I don't know if it's a disingenuous push or ignorance - both bother me. Yes it just cooked my brain when I see the news on twitter. I sold out, If things pick up I will buy back in. See you guys later I think bumface punched 1000kh into the calculator on coinwarz and temporarily spaced out about jane giving you a lower hash rate, that would explain his comments
February 28, 2014, 09:59:56 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Very nice! Works on my 290 (1040/1400Mhz) 8GB ~180khs Try too TC~45000 250 UTC sent thank you
February 28, 2014, 10:03:26 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Very nice! Works on my 290 (1040/1400Mhz) 8GB ~180khs Try too TC~45000 250 UTC sent thank you Did it work on your 4x rig, that's what I have and honestly need to try to do some work before I leave my office today or I'd try it myself.
February 28, 2014, 10:07:33 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Very nice! Works on my 290 (1040/1400Mhz) 8GB ~180khs Try too TC~45000 250 UTC sent thank you Did it work on your 4x rig, that's what I have and honestly need to try to do some work before I leave my office today or I'd try it myself. Yes  on 4x290 works well 

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 28, 2014, 10:12:20 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Very nice! Works on my 290 (1040/1400Mhz) 8GB ~180khs Try too TC~45000 250 UTC sent thank you It's my pleasure 
February 28, 2014, 10:16:45 PM |
What price do you guys think we gonna bottom out @
Looking like it could be low 1's
Activity: 1537
Merit: 1005
February 28, 2014, 10:20:37 PM |
For 290 miners with 4gb of ram:
--intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 42000 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 3 --worksize 64
This will net you 135 khash. Tomorrow I will try gap 4 but I really doubt it will lead anywhere. Thank you Puycheval for worksize modification.
Activity: 980
Merit: 1000
Traveling in subspace
February 28, 2014, 10:26:38 PM |
What price do you guys think we gonna bottom out @
Looking like it could be low 1's
The morons selling fractions of UTC @ stupid prices should be.......... NM
You'll never know what you're living for until you know what you're willing to die for. Never look back, something might be gaining on you.
February 28, 2014, 10:27:57 PM |
Hmm anyone mining on 290/290x without HW errors?  --intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 56320 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 2 --worksize 64 gives me 174 kH/s for a R9 290, 1035/1250, 8gB w7 rig, catalyst 13.11 beta UR9XyoSXCJYU639DQjBREkJTeWrcb2sRrF Very nice! Works on my 290 (1040/1400Mhz) 8GB ~180khs Try too TC~45000 250 UTC sent thank you Did it work on your 4x rig, that's what I have and honestly need to try to do some work before I leave my office today or I'd try it myself. Yes  on 4x290 works well  3 of the 4 290s refused to start with those settings 
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 28, 2014, 10:29:19 PM |
tc: 45056 (704x64=45056)
February 28, 2014, 10:30:15 PM |
For 290 miners with 4gb of ram:
--intensity 18 --thread-concurrency 42000 --gpu-threads 1 --lookup-gap 3 --worksize 64
This will net you 135 khash. Tomorrow I will try gap 4 but I really doubt it will lead anywhere. Thank you Puycheval for worksize modification.
With 4/6GB of ram 290 RIGS must be --lookup-gap 3, it works but only ~140khs vs 8GB ~180khs Looks 8GB is necessary to 290 rigs --lookup-gap 4 is lower hashrate ~115khs Good job!:)
February 28, 2014, 10:45:47 PM |
why continuous down utc price?
February 28, 2014, 10:52:22 PM |
why continuous down utc price?
Because there's a sucker born every day.
February 28, 2014, 10:53:41 PM |
So.. The best settings to mine UTC :
HD7950 (1044/1500) ~100khs
setx GPUMAXALLOCPERCENT 100 setx GPUUSESYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 256 -g 2 -I 12 --thread-concurrency 16384 --no-submit-stale --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0
HD7970/280x (1044/1500) ~135khs(280x)
setx GPUMAXALLOCPERCENT 100 setx GPUUSESYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 256 -g 2 -I 12 --thread-concurrency 16384 --no-submit-stale --lookup-gap 2 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 R9 290 8GB RAM (1040/1400) ~180khs
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 64 -g 1 -I 18 --thread-concurrency 45000 --no-submit-stale --lookup-gap 2 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0
R9 290 4GB/6GB RAM (1040/1400) ~140khs
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 64 -g 1 -I 18 --thread-concurrency 42000 --no-submit-stale --lookup-gap 3 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0
February 28, 2014, 11:06:35 PM |
why continuous down utc price?
because crypto trade got hacked which was the main exchange for utc