March 01, 2014, 01:20:18 AM |
Sooooooo..... when's the price going up? 
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 01:21:27 AM |
What's the point of having such an aggressive N-factor change schedule? Wouldn't changing the n-factor, say once or twice a year suffice? It's not like we have asic-scrypts dominating anywhere at the moment right now?
We've already jumped up two n-factors and this coin is less than a month old. GPUs are going to be worthless for this coin soon.
And it looks bad to only have a net hash rate of less than 300 MH. We used to be up in the 3 GH range before the n-factor changes kicked in. It just looks like there is less support now. I mean if the point is to deter asics, then couldn't you simply change the n-factor every 6 months or so? Why push out GPUs when this coin is barely surviving as it is? I don't understand it.
March 01, 2014, 01:30:23 AM |
i agree. n factor over months, not weeks. Cpu mining isnt nearly as fast as gpu. I'm relating this speedy n-factor to a type of public premine, only all the miners (us instead of devs) right now would be premining what only cpus will be able to mine. consider it a hierarchy.
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
March 01, 2014, 01:32:53 AM |
then again, maybe limits are good.... who knows. Only time will tell.
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
March 01, 2014, 01:52:48 AM |
Why is Auroracoin so high? I don't understand
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1011
jakiman is back!
March 01, 2014, 01:57:37 AM Last edit: March 01, 2014, 02:12:33 AM by jakiman |
This is my conf for 4 x Gigabyte 280x rig with 4GB RAM. So far running rock solid for over 30mins with about 430 WU for 4 cards. Hopefully it helps someone out! - Ignore the --gpu-vddc if your video card can't be controlled by it. BIOS flashed cards works with it.  @echo on ECHO "cgminer miner startup" ECHO. setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1
del *.bin
C:\mining\cgminer-sj\cgminer.exe --scrypt-jane -o stratum+tcp://ultra.nitro.org:3337 -u blah.rightrig -p x -o stratum+tcp://ultra.leetpools.com:3333 -u blah.rightrig -p x -I 12 -g 2 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 16384 --lookup-gap 3 --gpu-engine 1100 --gpu-memclock 1500 --gpu-vddc 1.150 --gpu-powertune 20 --gpu-fan 80 --temp-cutoff 85 --temp-target 70 --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 --failover-only --no-submit-stale
March 01, 2014, 02:01:04 AM |
Why is Auroracoin so high? I don't understand Scam? The thing is 50% premined
March 01, 2014, 02:02:55 AM |
Sooooooo..... when's the price going up?  Hopefully before too long  We really need more miners overall, but I suppose some see the lower Kh/s and think it's wierd or hard to setup possibly. I know that coin profitability has been touted a few times over this month; however, this was usually at pretty key points for difficulty vs. trade price. It's an odd situation right now, to have miners / investors feel it's too cheap to sell (as do I); while on the other hand being "at this instant" somewhat profitable. The larger part of the coins short history has had higher difficulties. At one point we hit 40 diff; that would've been 20 diff last N and 10 Diff this N. The highest diff we had last N factor was 14; that would've been 28 diff initially and 7 diff now. So, there's only been a few key points where one could say "this coin is highly profitable" to mine. I added up all my coins and time mining to compare over a longer period; as I have not sold any. For me; 27 days of mining LTC directly would've netted me about THE SAME amount of BTC as I could get if I sold all my coins atm. E.G- for a longer period of time, there is no extra profitability at all whatsoever. I have no plans to sell my coins until the entire crypto market recovers; only then will we get to see UTC hit its' stride. No matter what anyone says; This is a really cheap price we are currently at. Hopefully CT gets rolling soon. I will not lose faith! U T C Victorious! 
March 01, 2014, 02:09:32 AM |
is it ok to have 25% increase in khs but with HW of 2 per minute?
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 02:28:15 AM |
We've tried being patient. We really have.
But the bottom line is you and Ziggy created the coin and profited from it, and are leaving it to die. We are one month in. Early adopters are going down with the ship, and other formerly dedicated investors are fleeing trying to salvage some of their resources.
We need you to step up and get this on a reputable exchange with decent volume. The coin was too big for Crypto-Trade, and that's before they got hacked. Waiting for them to come back in 3 weeks doesn't solve anything long term. No one is going to risk putting big buy support into a small exchange and risked getting Gox'd.
We need to you step up and actually understand mining of your own coin. At current prices and hash rates, UTC is only slightly more profitable to mine than DOGE, with the UTC chart pointing straight down. It was once many times more profitable to mine than other coins. Now, not so much.
We (the community) have got the coin listed on small exchanges without your support. We (the community) have tried to be patient bagholders, waiting for you to show some ownership and hustle and get this coin moving.
We can't wait forever. Contrary to what some people are saying, this is real investment for all of us trying to make real money. Make your move, or tell us once and for all that you're not going to make a move and we'll make a move for you...on to another coin.

Activity: 90
Merit: 10
March 01, 2014, 02:37:40 AM |
We've tried being patient. We really have.
But the bottom line is you and Ziggy created the coin and profited from it, and are leaving it to die. We are one month in. Early adopters are going down with the ship, and other formerly dedicated investors are fleeing trying to salvage some of their resources.
We need you to step up and get this on a reputable exchange with decent volume. The coin was too big for Crypto-Trade, and that's before they got hacked. Waiting for them to come back in 3 weeks doesn't solve anything long term. No one is going to risk putting big buy support into a small exchange and risked getting Gox'd.
We need to you step up and actually understand mining of your own coin. At current prices and hash rates, UTC is only slightly more profitable to mine than DOGE, with the UTC chart pointing straight down. It was once many times more profitable to mine than other coins. Now, not so much.
We (the community) have got the coin listed on small exchanges without your support. We (the community) have tried to be patient bagholders, waiting for you to show some ownership and hustle and get this coin moving.
We can't wait forever. Contrary to what some people are saying, this is real investment for all of us trying to make real money. Make your move, or tell us once and for all that you're not going to make a move and we'll make a move for you...on to another coin.
That seems like a very scathing post from a newbie that has zero posts. Your post has lots of "we" yet you have never posted. To me, that is ZERO credibility.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 02:40:50 AM |
"That seems like a very scathing post from a newbie that has zero posts. Your post has lots of "we" yet you have never posted. To me, that is ZERO credibility."
I've been lurking on this forum since before the coin was released. I've been mining since the first hour of release. I bought additional utc using my other crypto. I've been voting to get on the smaller exchanges.
Just because I haven't spoken up until now doesn't automatically invalidate my post.
I had more patience than most, but I'm near a breaking point and I'm guessing I'm not alone. Could be wrong, but I bet I'm not.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 02:44:53 AM |
these comments r start to freaking me out, im not a miner, im an investor putting my money and others money into it, i'm here to make money, im holding my utc and im @ loss at the moment! (I've always said changing from CT into other small exchanges would hurt the coin) I just wanna know if ppl r going to support the coin or not?  That's the big Q!
March 01, 2014, 03:08:34 AM |
Ultracoin will go up, the whole crypto market is down at the moment, look at litecoin how much it has come down in price. It will recover just give it some time.

Activity: 90
Merit: 10
March 01, 2014, 03:09:38 AM |
"That seems like a very scathing post from a newbie that has zero posts. Your post has lots of "we" yet you have never posted. To me, that is ZERO credibility."
I've been lurking on this forum since before the coin was released. I've been mining since the first hour of release. I bought additional utc using my other crypto. I've been voting to get on the smaller exchanges.
Just because I haven't spoken up until now doesn't automatically invalidate my post.
I had more patience than most, but I'm near a breaking point and I'm guessing I'm not alone. Could be wrong, but I bet I'm not.
Now this post makes much more sense to me. Lots of "I've". I can appreciate you trying to make money, we all are. Lurking is not participating in the community. Helping others is part of the community.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 03:12:10 AM |
So let me say... UTC to Da Moon is overrated... I Say UTC TO THE SUN 
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
March 01, 2014, 03:16:08 AM |
"Now this post makes much more sense to me. Lots of "I've". I can appreciate you trying to make money, we all are. Lurking is not participating in the community. Helping others is part of the community."
I'd say mining and buying the coin, and voting for exchanges are being part of the community. I'd also say that trying to make my voice heard about how to fix the current situation is being part of the community.
We can all chat in a forum and sing Kumbaya, but the price will still keep dropping without a large, reputable exchange and a leader who understands what he's talking about.
March 01, 2014, 03:22:20 AM |
Updated the website:
INDEX -Corrected social media links (including Facebook page - Like It, Post to It, Hype it Up!) -Corrected navigation
LINKS > SERVICES Changed name of page
SHOP Build in progress, only 2 shops at the moment. Any others?
GENERAL Fixed some CSS issues
Now, can somebody build me a live price feed of the coin for some exchanges? I want to include the live prices to run across the top of the page. I think that would be very cool. And perhaps throw in BTC and LTC in there too, just for comparison.

Activity: 90
Merit: 10
March 01, 2014, 03:31:08 AM |
"Now this post makes much more sense to me. Lots of "I've". I can appreciate you trying to make money, we all are. Lurking is not participating in the community. Helping others is part of the community."
I'd say mining and buying the coin, and voting for exchanges are being part of the community. I'd also say that trying to make my voice heard about how to fix the current situation is being part of the community.
We can all chat in a forum and sing Kumbaya, but the price will still keep dropping without a large, reputable exchange and a leader who understands what he's talking about.
Mining and buying the coin does support the coin, voting for exchanges (I'll take you at your word) also supports the coin. Making your first post sound like you are trolling? Not so much. All it really does is tell us that you feel you are not making enough money at this coin in the timeframe you have set. I am not a large miner, I have bought what I could, I have voted, I have helped others where possible. The coin will go where it will. All Cryptos are down. I personally do not expect any changes in any of them for at least 2 weeks after GOX straightens their stuff out or admits that there is nothing left. After that, we will start to see slow change. Litecoin is down by over half, by all accounts we should be over double where we are. Exchange issues don't help either, but things will get better. Cheers, have a beer, enjoy the show.
March 01, 2014, 03:32:06 AM |
Updated the website:
INDEX -Corrected social media links (including Facebook page - Like It, Post to It, Hype it Up!) -Corrected navigation
LINKS > SERVICES Changed name of page
SHOP Build in progress, only 2 shops at the moment. Any others?
GENERAL Fixed some CSS issues
Now, can somebody build me a live price feed of the coin for some exchanges? I want to include the live prices to run across the top of the page. I think that would be very cool. And perhaps throw in BTC and LTC in there too, just for comparison.
nice work  hard work always appreciated !! can you add something for Cpu mining? like a guide on how to?