Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
September 13, 2021, 06:18:34 PM |
They found it does work.
I'm glad there's someone else with a brain in this endless nonsense thread. Thanks. Yes, of course it works, as we all* knew full well. But you can't use facts and evidence to convince these people; their positions are entirely emotional; they are anti-vax zealots, anti-vax with a slavering, religious fervour, and nothing will shake them from their irrational beliefs. CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work
As I say, you won't be convinced by something as outrageous as evidence, but I shall keep trying. Perhaps you might be interested in this paper, published today, by the Office of National Statistics? Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 2 January and 2 July 2021Between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 640 deaths involving COVID-19 in people who had received both vaccine doses, which is 1.2% of all deaths involving COVID-19 in that period (51,281 deaths). There were 458 deaths involving COVID-19 in people who received their second dose at least 21 days before the date of death. Deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for 0.8% of all deaths in this group, compared with 37.4% in unvaccinated individuals. * All of us who are capable of understanding basic mathematics.
September 13, 2021, 07:03:04 PM Last edit: March 10, 2022, 10:58:04 PM by hornetsnest |
Many scientists and academics who are far better qualified than you or I are against this "experimental" vaccine.
And much more are not. If your argument for taking the vaccine is due to the number of professionals who are against and in favor. Then you will lose perfectly. Though, we don't have such data's to provide as evidence... but there are data's that shows the percentage of in favor and against in general public. Findings 16% of respondents displayed high levels of mistrust about vaccines across one or more domains. Distrustful attitudes towards vaccination were higher amongst individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds, with lower levels of education, lower annual income, poor knowledge of COVID-19, and poor compliance with government COVID-19 guidelines. Overall, 14% of respondents reported unwillingness to receive a vaccine for COVID-19, whilst 23% were unsure. The largest predictors of both COVID-19 vaccine uncertainty and refusal were low-income groups (< £16,000, a year), having not received a flu vaccine last year, poor adherence to COVID-19 government guidelines, female gender, and living with children. Amongst vaccine attitudes, intermediate to high levels of mistrust of vaccine benefit and concerns about future unforeseen side effects were the most important determinants of both uncertainty and unwillingness to vaccinate against COVID-19. Abstract Several coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines are currently in human trials. In June 2020, we surveyed 13,426 people in 19 countries to determine potential acceptance rates and factors influencing acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine. Of these, 71.5% of participants reported that they would be very or somewhat likely to take a COVID-19 vaccine, and 48.1% reported that they would accept their employer’s recommendation to do so. Differences in acceptance rates ranged from almost 90% (in China) to less than 55% (in Russia). Respondents reporting higher levels of trust in information from government sources were more likely to accept a vaccine and take their employer’s advice to do so. While yall are arguing here about digital currencies and vaccines the party boys over at the Bank of International settlements are rubbing their fat hands together at the good of it. Social credit systems are an integral part of the vision for the new central bank digital currencies (CBDC) but they would never get compliance for a global standardised ID system that can track a users location in real time so this is where the plandemic solves that issue and allows the perfect pretext to create such a system and using the graduation process build on top of this platform "build back better" (they are fucking laughing at you while they party hard together as you hide under the bed waiting for them to release you on a collar and leash). The Chinese slogan 'We will allow the trustworthy to roam freely under heaven, while making it hard for the discredited (mainly as in not paying back your loan for some useless shit made in china) to take a single step' is your future. That's the endgame. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.Your new digital gulag has already been designed and created.This is just how it will be rolled out. Once y'all on the ration card ye be queuing up to be chipped like a dog. Next up will be war provoked by the devils puppets on both sides ( deVil always works both sides on the pitch to set one against the other),high fossil fuel prices,food shortages from the bread baskets,threat of nuclear annhilation. Y'all better get right with Jesus and repent and apologise to the Almighty God for your arrogance before the Antichrist shows his face and rounds y'all up like monkeys to be chipped. The hour of mercy is closing ...choose wisely my furry little friends. Satan is NOT your friend and will discard and burn you like a piece of thrash once he has made use of you. Flee to Jesus before it's too late and your faith is sealed. ~crazy homeless dood
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 13, 2021, 07:27:29 PM |
... As I say, you won't be convinced by something as outrageous as evidence, but I shall keep trying. Perhaps you might be interested in this paper, published today, by the Office of National Statistics? Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 2 January and 2 July 2021Between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 640 deaths involving COVID-19 in people who had received both vaccine doses, which is 1.2% of all deaths involving COVID-19 in that period (51,281 deaths). There were 458 deaths involving COVID-19 in people who received their second dose at least 21 days before the date of death. Deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for 0.8% of all deaths in this group, compared with 37.4% in unvaccinated individuals. This is a pretty good example of corp/gov fraud and propaganda, and it gets the lower-end people, such as the author of the post, all the time. - One would assume that if you got the jab, got sicker and sicker over the next few days and died, you would be classified as a 'vaccinated person', or at least not an 'unvaccinated person'. Nope. This is actually covered by weasel wording ( 2nd dose at least 21 days before blah, blah, blah) but they know that the retards won't read or understand such thing. But wait, it gets better. - Most of my family got the jab when it came near the beginning of the year, and the 2nd jab on schedule. So, a month and a half after they got the first jab they were 'vaccinated' of course. Not so fast. For the purpose of tallying the numbers, one stops being 'vaccinated' and goes back to be 'unvaccinated three months after the 2nd jab. So there is only a 2.5 month window where one is tally'ed as being vaccinated. - Not also that the death only has to ' involve COVID-19'. It's super easy for a person who had massive head trauma leading to death to be 'involved' covid-19 if the person was diagnosed with the supposed disease half a year ago. OTOH, it's perfectly possible for a technically 2.5-month-window 'vaccinated' person to be labeled as dying from pneumonia which had nothing to do with 'covid-19'. You just have to incentivize the right people to write the right things on the right paperwork. - Nextly note that the time period covered includes mostly early on when many many fewer jabs had been given and the percentaged of jabed people would have been lower. When some actual thinking person asked the goobmint why they are ignoring the last 2.5 months of data, they basically said 'Oh, we're still collating that.' WTF good is a computer system and database if can barely collect data from nearly a quarter ago, and if you cannot even do that, you expect us to believe that you have an eagle-eye open for any 'vaccine' problems?! These 'reports' are a joke. Half the time if you look close enough the numbers are just spit out of 'models' which are generated from closed source code and data, and the results of which heavily favor the big-Pharma eugenicist's goals. All the vax-tards have are a complete inability to conceive of a world where government officials could ever skew data or work for anyone but 'we the people'. They think that 'we' somehow don't know what the government is saying, and if we did we would of course see things 'the right way.' In actual fact, we tend to know very well what the corp/gov is saying, why they are saying it, and the deceitful propaganda they use almost all the time in a high-value operation like the scamdemic. Knowing the means/motive/opportunity of the bureaucrats is THE reason we look for alternate sources. Most of us will probably still not 'love Big Brother' even after you criminalize failure to do so. It's just not an option we can avail in the same way that you cannot imagine a world without Him.
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
September 13, 2021, 08:08:19 PM |
This is a pretty good example of corp/gov fraud and propaganda, and it gets the lower-end people, such as the author of the post, all the time.
You guys are cherry-picking hard  First: wow look, this report says the vaccine doesn’t work! Next: oh no no, this other report is totally fake, of course it’s fake. Basically, if you find a doctor who says covid doesn’t exist or horse medicine is better than vaccinations etc., you say ‘look he’s a doctor, he must be right!’ but when another doctor sides with science, he’s clearly indoctrinated. How is the first doctor not indoctrinated if he had the same education? It all doesn’t add up, you gotta admit 
In memoriam
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18777
September 13, 2021, 08:14:10 PM |
Basically, if you find a doctor who says covid doesn’t exist or horse medicine is better than vaccinations etc., you say ‘look he’s a doctor, he must be right!’ but when another doctor sides with science, he’s clearly indoctrinated. You've arrived at the crux of the matter. They choose a conclusion, then search desperately for anyone who says anything which supports that conclusion (regardless of how plainly moronic that statement is), meanwhile ignoring the mountains of evidence and 99.9% of doctors and scientists who disagree with them because they are all part of bIg PhArMa. No amount of evidence will ever change their mind, because they fundamentally do not understand even the most basic principles of how science works.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 13, 2021, 08:32:07 PM |
Basically, if you find a doctor who says covid doesn’t exist or horse medicine is better than vaccinations etc., you say ‘look he’s a doctor, he must be right!’ but when another doctor sides with science, he’s clearly indoctrinated. You've arrived at the crux of the matter. They choose a conclusion, then search desperately for anyone who says anything which supports that conclusion (regardless of how plainly moronic that statement is), meanwhile ignoring the mountains of evidence and 99.9% of doctors and scientists who disagree with them because they are all part of bIg PhArMa. No amount of evidence will ever change their mind, because they fundamentally do not understand even the most basic principles of how science works. I put the most stock in people who use logic correctly, don't get caught lying to me, and provide good reference to their source material. Period. Lots of people on the 'anti-vax side' are people who I find either non-credible, or not having yet developed a record to be trustworthy. I a long time ago bin-ed Dr. ' no such thing as virus' Kaufman as a probably dis-info agent. Basically the flat-earther equiv in biology-science land. It only works because there has been a ton of fraud around viruses for about 100 years dating back to the 'Spanish flu' (caused by a Rochefeller vaccine operation which created a bacterial pneumonia which worked very well) at least. I also remain unconvinced about the precise nature of the use of graphene oxide (though I do think that there is a 'there there' in some manner.) I'm waiting for an analysis from one of the scientists who I have developed some confidence in before I'll take a strong position on that. It's interesting how you guys get so triggered by the concept that government authorities could ever seek to used dishonesty to affect a political objective. I see it happen all the time, and have throughout history. Nearly every war was started by a lie (Gulf of Tonkin, WMD's in Iraq, etc, etc, etc.) How you guys can forget all these things and be utterly convinced to stay with the FDA, CDC, WHO, etc and only with them is actually pretty amazing to watch. This is double true because they get caught in lies and changing their story all the time. And, of course, they use such child mentality level devices to do their propaganda (which I couldn't help but notice was dealt with in the normal way: snipped without a response.)
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
In memoriam
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18777
and provide good reference to their source material. Your source material is bitchute, which just proves my point about not understanding basic scientific principles.
Sifat Redwan
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
September 13, 2021, 10:21:33 PM |
There is no other option except taking vaccines. What is the remedy then ? And the vaccines are certified by WHO.
September 14, 2021, 01:32:16 AM |
There is no other option except taking vaccines. What is the remedy then ? And the vaccines are certified by WHO.
bro horse medicine is much better source: trust me bro
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 14, 2021, 04:45:09 AM Merited by mindrust (5), Tash (1) |
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
Luke Briggs
Jr. Member
Activity: 54
Merit: 5
September 14, 2021, 06:52:24 AM |
This vaccine only prevents disease, but it will not eliminate it at all. It just improves our immunity. I saw that some of them who had been vaccinated also died unfortunately. Vaccination is just a comfort in our hearts. I don't believe this,honestly I have been vaccinated.
In memoriam
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18777
September 14, 2021, 07:53:10 AM |
Ahh yes, Twitter and Fox news, those two bastions of facts and evidence.  You throw in a handful of links to medical journals to make it look like you maybe have some idea of what you are talking about, knowing that most other anti-vax morons won't click on a single one and definitely won't read them, but the links you provide don't prove a single one of your claims. This one, for example - - just talks about myocarditis and does not mention COVID or COVID vaccines even once. This one - - just says that if you get COVID once you probably won't get it again. You know, like a bunch of other diseases. Your bullshit is very transparent.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 305
Pro financial, medical liberty
September 14, 2021, 08:47:11 AM |
Also this Medical exemption granted on the basis of natural immunity. Law professor WINS lawsuit against university vaccine mandate.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 14, 2021, 09:48:28 AM Last edit: September 14, 2021, 10:17:42 AM by tvbcof |
Ahh yes, Twitter and Fox news, those two bastions of facts and evidence.  You throw in a handful of links to medical journals to make it look like you maybe have some idea of what you are talking about, knowing that most other anti-vax morons won't click on a single one and definitely won't read them, but the links you provide don't prove a single one of your claims. This one, for example - - just talks about myocarditis and does not mention COVID or COVID vaccines even once. This one - - just says that if you get COVID once you probably won't get it again. You know, like a bunch of other diseases. Your bullshit is very transparent. I know this must be a very alien concept to you, but some people don't just get everything they need from one source who just tells them everything they need to know without further documentation or even discussion. Even one real government source! The presentation takes bits of information from multiple sources and uses them as evidence to support an idea. The show notes are extensive because the creator is dilligent about showing from whence he derived the information. This is so that the audience can verify things and follow up more easily. A lot of times the link will be to an article or information source where the author is pointing out how deceptive they are being. Again, I understand that this idea of documenting sources and linking to information is a novel concept which many people cannot even get their minds around. We people who have moved beyond the simplistic form of 'learning' can only shake our heads. --- That said, I finally got squared away and have come around and realized the error of my ways due to another 'anti-vaxxer': Funny enough, the guys is about as convincing as the folks on the corp/gov authorize media:
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
In memoriam
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18777
September 14, 2021, 11:43:19 AM |
I know you've never actually read a scientific paper, but if you ever do you'll note 100+ references at the end to trials, meta-analyses, studies, systematic reviews, you know - actual evidence. Not just one conspiracy nut quoting another conspiracy nut, as if two people both saying the same unsubstantiated nonsense somehow makes it real. 
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 14, 2021, 12:32:55 PM |
I know you've never actually read a scientific paper, but if you ever do you'll note 100+ references at the end to trials, meta-analyses, studies, systematic reviews, you know - actual evidence. Not just one conspiracy nut quoting another conspiracy nut, as if two people both saying the same unsubstantiated nonsense somehow makes it real.  With material like the above you can impress a gaggle of your 'merit-point-circle-jerk' friends (and usually 'groupies' with your 'I'm a doctor' shtick), but I doubt very many others. Knock yourself out if it make you feel good. Ultimately idiots like your groupie friends don't amount to a fart in the wind in the scheme of things. They are basically NPCs, and some of them may be in a literal sense. Don't take my word for it. Your beloved sole-source of information, the CDC, says so themselves:
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 14, 2021, 12:54:28 PM |
You obviously didn't read or cannot understand (or both) the context of the conversation. Anyway, I do science. Not scientism. Wikipedia can be useful for some things, but certainly nothing which is under attack by your programmers. That was evident two decades ago for those of us who have been around that long, and we use it with appropriate care for that reason.
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
In memoriam
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18777
September 14, 2021, 12:56:19 PM |
No rebuttal so ad hominem attacks. How very scientific of you. 
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
September 14, 2021, 12:58:57 PM |
No rebuttal so ad hominem attacks. How very scientific of you.  Just a response in kind to yours. There was nothing whatsoever to respond to in a 'scientific' sense. Typical.
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
In memoriam
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18777
September 14, 2021, 01:01:37 PM |
There was nothing whatsoever to respond to in a 'scientific' sense.
You could try addressing while all your "sources" are one conspiracy nut quoting another conspiracy nut, and are completely devoid of any studies, trials, data, evidence, or facts. I'm still waiting: Please link to the peer reviewed randomized control trial or meta-analysis performed by all these studious anti-vaxxers which show vaccines don't work. I'll wait.