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Author Topic: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ?  (Read 20730 times)
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August 27, 2021, 02:46:52 PM

Japan health ministy officials  "substance that reacts to magnets" in moderna vaccine, of the market now.

TOKYO, Aug 26 (Reuters) - Japan suspended the use of 1.63 million doses of Moderna Inc's (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday, more than a week after the domestic distributor received reports of contaminants in some vials.

Japan and Moderna said no safety or efficacy issues had been identified and the suspension was just a precaution......

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August 27, 2021, 04:03:30 PM
Last edit: August 27, 2021, 04:14:03 PM by Tash

A group of people showed up to a Walmart to stop the vaccine in Birmingham
Vaccine Police

Yes i done some fact checking

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August 27, 2021, 04:49:43 PM

Report from the trenches...or actually from within earshot of them:

In one rural municipality that I have some exposure to, 7 dead after the jab in once town, 3 in another, and one in a third district.  Seems like it takes less than a week and the victim really never goes through a period of feeling OK.  I actually cannot say for sure that all of the seven or the three were fatalities.  I just don't trust that the info on that is perfectly accurate.  It is said that all of the victims were older.

In another part of the same island a friend lost three of her parent's siblings.  I strongly believe this to be true because I'm being asked to cough up some funds to help with funeral expenses and this person is unlikely to pull that big of a scam on us.  All three would have been 60-ish.

Of course all the deaths were counted as 'covid' as expected.  I don't think the jab has even been in-country in a big way to hit the rural folks for longer than about a month, so by inference based on the info I've got, this would be fairly recent.

This reminds me a lot of what we heard/saw from India.  Lots of villagers were saying that yes, 'I've lost several members of my own family.'  Then we saw footage of armed police chasing old women out into the fields to jab them (then walking away laughing as the old woman lay on the ground in a heap.)  Then we saw villagers banding together and chasing the jab caravans of police and 'medical workers' out of town with sticks.  Then we saw the government cutting off power to whole areas which resisted.

So far, the English speaking SE Asian country I'm in seems to be entering stage one of the Indian experience.  In both cases (and elsewhere in the world), the 'covid deaths' spiked radically when the injections came to town.

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August 28, 2021, 03:40:04 PM

Charges should be filed

Report from the trenches...or actually from within earshot of them:

I am on the move soon, changing the front again for the coming winter. This northern winter fighting will be intense. Been at a different front every time so far.

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August 28, 2021, 03:46:46 PM

Key posted a public, live video on Facebook on Aug. 16 in which he describes that he and several companions are going to pharmacies in Springfield, Mo. to inform those administering COVID-19 vaccines that they were committing a “crime against humanity.” Key also claims early in the video that he and his companions have a “sworn affidavit stating that 45,000 people within three days of receiving the vaccine dropped dead.”

Sounds very familiar, I've seen this statements like dozen or more times in this forum. Interesting Mr. Key

"“I do this out of love and want you to know that if you, if they, give any more vaccines- the pharmacists, anybody that works here, they all will be held accountable; last time in Germany, they hung all those people,” Key reiterates."

Awwww he does it out of love, what is he a yandere or something

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August 28, 2021, 03:58:55 PM

Some people in some bother
Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines
Dr. Robert Young and his team, confirming what the La Quinta Columna researchers found---toxic nanometallic content with cytotoxic and genotoxic effects as well as an identified parasite

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi explains how our immune system should be able to overcome variants, unfortunately the vaccine got in the way.

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August 28, 2021, 05:56:12 PM

Seriously...who the fook would trust any guberment? Grin

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August 28, 2021, 09:14:41 PM

Hell to the fuck no..

I read an article that said it needed 2 doses, the first one will make you feel like crap, and the second one will knock you on your ass and you will definitely need to take a day or two off work for it..

Hell no..
I’d rather just catch the real thing..
I am definitely more worried about being forced to take the vaccine than getting the actual virus..

Is it not better to take a day or two off work and then survive and live to work again than to die from the virus? Well, you say this now because you have health. Go and ask those who are sick they can hardly remember their jobs. The only thing that cross their minds on their sick beds is how to come back alive. I do believe that the vaccine is a good development coming from Pfizer. Let us applaud them.

Don't get vexed or paranoid because of he's response, that's he's own opinion.something can suit a person and not do same to another entirely.
The same Vaccine he's said  no too, a whole lot at the point of death are actually looking for this.
Big thanks to Pfizer, they're actually developing on of the best Vaccines.

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August 29, 2021, 12:34:38 AM

Hell to the fuck no..

I read an article that said it needed 2 doses, the first one will make you feel like crap, and the second one will knock you on your ass and you will definitely need to take a day or two off work for it..

Hell no..
I’d rather just catch the real thing..
I am definitely more worried about being forced to take the vaccine than getting the actual virus..

Is it not better to take a day or two off work and then survive and live to work again than to die from the virus? Well, you say this now because you have health. Go and ask those who are sick they can hardly remember their jobs. The only thing that cross their minds on their sick beds is how to come back alive. I do believe that the vaccine is a good development coming from Pfizer. Let us applaud them.

Don't get vexed or paranoid because of he's response, that's he's own opinion.something can suit a person and not do same to another entirely.
The same Vaccine he's said  no too, a whole lot at the point of death are actually looking for this.
Big thanks to Pfizer, they're actually developing on of the best Vaccines.

Right, sure.

With over 13,000 CDC admitted dead from vaccines, and the Harvard study that says this is only 1%, and the CDC trying to hide the deaths. Check it out - - and then go on trying to determine when the CDC is lying to you and when you can believe them as truth.

Have fun trying.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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August 29, 2021, 06:14:04 AM

Another place for the unvaccinated to seek refuge

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August 29, 2021, 06:58:48 AM

Another place for the unvaccinated to seek refuge

Lots of shrewd politicians are going to play opposite of the totalitarian vaxxers and their clownishly 'evil' promoters (Gates, Schwab, Biden, Turdeau, etc.)  They are all of the same acting troupe and they all working toward whatever their sponsors want.

Certainly one of the things the sponsors want would be digital ID's to facilitate the new monetary system, and probably a regime of forced biological manipulations (injections are the most powerful and targeted method of achieving this) would be handy as well.  Ultimatly what they want is complete dominance over anything which would stand in the way of control over all of the resources of the planet (not the least of which, the 'herd'), and snakes like Putin have their role to play in achieving this.  People who can be convinced to lionize Putin or Trump pretty much deserve the culling that they are likely to become victims of.

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August 29, 2021, 07:44:31 AM

Another place for the unvaccinated to seek refuge

It is a hard situation for Putin in Russia. On the one hand he wants to boost his own vaccine Sputnik V and promote internationally, but how can you convince other countries to buy your vaccine if you don't vaccinated all the people in your own country? The problem is that Russian population doesn't trust the vaccine so without forcing government worker into the vaccination most people wouldn't take it. In the end Putin has to decide if he wants to look strong within Russia or internationally.
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August 29, 2021, 09:43:22 AM

And what might it say about Trump, now that he has graciously succumb to the gradations of vaccine acceptance?

He has not "graciously" succumb, He's talking about how proud he is of the vaccine.
There is a longer clip I ran into but it's such a load of B.S. of him talking about how there is resistance because Biden's president and it would be that way if he was still in office

Regardless if he accepted the vaccine with grace or not, he's telling people to go get vaccinated. A major step for someone who had linked autism to vaccine back during the 2016 republican primaries. Even though he got booed and his supporters won't listen, he isn't promoting conspiracies of his own vaccine that was created under his administration. The media wants to pin vaccine hesitancy on toothless Trump supporters.

Vaccine hesitancy has been around long before covid----wishy washy public figures do not help.

Yeah he's telling people to get vaccinated and he's getting booed by his own supporters----maybe he'll lose supporters; that would be a positive outcome.

There 'used' to be more truth in forums than anywhere else.  Twitter:  @cryptobitchicks  Spock: "I am expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously. To which are you referring?"  INTJ-A
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August 29, 2021, 09:55:19 AM

The vaccines are fine ! Rarely anyone has seriously bad side effects.
But I didnt get one just becouse I dont like needles.
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August 29, 2021, 02:25:50 PM
Last edit: August 29, 2021, 03:36:29 PM by Tash

The vaccines are fine ! Rarely anyone has seriously bad side effects.
But I didnt get one just becouse I dont like needles.

Ah gee tell them people your story

Another place for the unvaccinated to seek refuge

Lots of shrewd politicians are going to play opposite of the totalitarian vaxxers and their clownishly 'evil' promoters (Gates, Schwab, Biden, Turdeau, etc.)  They are all of the same acting troupe and they all working toward whatever their sponsors want.

Certainly one of the things the sponsors want would be digital ID's to facilitate the new monetary system, and probably a regime of forced biological manipulations (injections are the most powerful and targeted method of achieving this) would be handy as well.  Ultimatly what they want is complete dominance over anything which would stand in the way of control over all of the resources of the planet (not the least of which, the 'herd'), and snakes like Putin have their role to play in achieving this.  People who can be convinced to lionize Putin or Trump pretty much deserve the culling that they are likely to become victims of.

Australia leading the way how many EU countries fall on the way side remains to be seen.
That was/is the plan anyway, but we already know it will fail but another one, two years of battle to comence.
Putin doing his part so is Trump and Biden was always the sacrificial lamb.

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August 29, 2021, 05:51:00 PM

The vaccines are fine ! Rarely anyone has seriously bad side effects.
But I didnt get one just becouse I dont like needles.

Ah gee tell them people your story

Another place for the unvaccinated to seek refuge

Lots of shrewd politicians are going to play opposite of the totalitarian vaxxers and their clownishly 'evil' promoters (Gates, Schwab, Biden, Turdeau, etc.)  They are all of the same acting troupe and they all working toward whatever their sponsors want.

Certainly one of the things the sponsors want would be digital ID's to facilitate the new monetary system, and probably a regime of forced biological manipulations (injections are the most powerful and targeted method of achieving this) would be handy as well.  Ultimatly what they want is complete dominance over anything which would stand in the way of control over all of the resources of the planet (not the least of which, the 'herd'), and snakes like Putin have their role to play in achieving this.  People who can be convinced to lionize Putin or Trump pretty much deserve the culling that they are likely to become victims of.

Australia leading the way how many EU countries fall on the way side remains to be seen.
That was/is the plan anyway, but we already know it will fail but another one, two years of battle to comence.
Putin doing his part so is Trump and Biden was always the sacrificial lamb.

February 2020 Donald T aka pied piper (Grandfather of warp speed) announced the beginning of the withdrawl process AND cooperation with the taliban to basically hand it back to them. #Fakesaviour

...meanwhile Trudeau Liberals ( who should all be thrown out onto the streets by an angry mob  Grin) divide an entire country. They pushed the East vs West, Indigenous vs Non Indigenous, Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated, Residential schools vs Catholic Church and this list grows.


Meanwhile WHO who are working hand in hand with the WEF to bring about this global regime playing good cop (WHO) v bad cop (WEF). #allplayingyouforfools

 ....later boosters will be a super idea yall Cool

Quarantine is when the movement of sick people is restricted.

Tyranny is when the movement of healthy people is restricted.

Propaganda is when the media deliberately deceive the public about that difference.

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August 30, 2021, 01:33:56 AM

I haven't taken the vaccine,but from reports from close associates,they say the vaccine is good for us.and secondly,I do not see government giving out drugs that won't work on people,or give out drugs that will affect the masses in one way or the other.

I cannot doubt what government have already tested and confirmed it will be good for the people.They encourage every one that has not taken the vaccine to do that quickly so as not to aid the spread of the deadly virus.

Covid19 has really dealt with us,so one needs to put on preventive measures that will help us fight this disease.The government have tried providing drugs,while the masses have to try by taking the drugs provided by government.
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August 30, 2021, 12:40:42 PM

My personal opinion? Yes, I do! Maybe not totally but for now, they've been approved by the WHO, at least for immediate use. I'm not an anti-vaccer and I'm still not a total proponent of these vaccines but they're the best bet atm. Also inclined towards them because my boss is an antivaxxer and his whole family got COVID. He was in a bad state, so was his wife, and then his parents contracted it too. In fact, his dad just passed away because of COVID and her mom is still suffering from Fibrosis even though she's negative now. So yeah, even if it's bad in the long run, there's gonna be no long run if one doesn't get vaccinated on a short term base.
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August 30, 2021, 04:21:33 PM

My personal opinion? Yes, I do! Maybe not totally but for now, they've been approved by the WHO, at least for immediate use. I'm not an anti-vaccer and I'm still not a total proponent of these vaccines but they're the best bet atm. Also inclined towards them because my boss is an antivaxxer and his whole family got COVID. He was in a bad state, so was his wife, and then his parents contracted it too. In fact, his dad just passed away because of COVID and her mom is still suffering from Fibrosis even though she's negative now. So yeah, even if it's bad in the long run, there's gonna be no long run if one doesn't get vaccinated on a short term base.

However, nobody knows that anybody had Covid, because the virus has never been found. What you see in the news is a simulation of something put together by researchers, and nobody has ever actually found (isolated) it, or found that it makes people sick.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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August 30, 2021, 04:22:08 PM

My personal opinion? Yes, I do! Maybe not totally but for now, they've been approved by the WHO, at least for immediate use. I'm not an anti-vaccer and I'm still not a total proponent of these vaccines but they're the best bet atm. Also inclined towards them because my boss is an antivaxxer and his whole family got COVID. He was in a bad state, so was his wife, and then his parents contracted it too. In fact, his dad just passed away because of COVID and her mom is still suffering from Fibrosis even though she's negative now. So yeah, even if it's bad in the long run, there's gonna be no long run if one doesn't get vaccinated on a short term base.

Total lie.
The FDA approved the COMIRNATY Vaccine. Which means all others (Pfizer, Moderna, JJ....)  lost Emergency use Authorization (EUA) and can not be legaly administrated because a approved exist.

Ask they how save it is

It must be a miracle to pass away from something which only exist in corrupt media and not in a scientific way.
Golden opportunity to become multimillionaire
All virologists, not just those pictured, have deceived themselves and the public when they claim the existence of disease-causing viruses such as SARS-CoV-2.
Virologists inadvertently kill cells in test tubes, believing that this is proof of the presence and isolation of a virus. Only from fragments of dying cells do virologists mentally construct a gene sequence and pass it off as fact. Therefore, the test procedures do not offer any significance or meaning. Typical structures of dying cells in the electron microscope are passed off as viruses. Such structures could never be detected or recognized in a human being so far!

These misguided developments have distanced medicine far from the reality and understanding of true health. We would like to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of disease and health for all people.

1,5 million € for a virologist who presents scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including documented control experiments of all steps taken in the proof.
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