Need help... Running into an annoying issue...
I have just a single test-module running...
However, the "Power" and "Reset" switches are not hooked-up to anything. Thus, I have to keep turning the PSU power on and off. This results in a hit-or-miss on the booting process. It likes to hang on the "Monitor" stage, after boot. Other-times, it just runs normally and connects, booting with the IP display.
Seems to hang on the IP portion... keeps getting reassigned a new IP each time. Doesn't like to keep using the old one over and over.
This is with RPi i think ?
@ least this way it was when i look over design.
The problem with Rpi is that it shares common break pint in the CPU between USB and Ethernet
actually the Ethernet is emulated over usb port of the Pi.
That is the main reason we are working since the beginning with support for TP link routers.
Our way have it's downside too, lack of memory for fancy graphics and stuff
Yes, with the Ras-Pi...
I will assume, due to the issue, that it is a generic issue with the Ras-Pi.
Might need the re-initialization process altered to restore a previous session (IP), which seems to cause the hang-up.
In any event, it seems that the PSU is not setup to be turned on/off through the daughter-board. (No watchdog monitor?) Just takes a high/low signal to tell the PSU to go into "Sleep/Hybernate" or "Off/On" or "Reset mode". I forget the pinouts and the actual command, but it should be addressable in the hardware/software. If not, a jumper connection to change power-states of the PSU might be in order. (Has to do with the pin you jumper, and the "Ready" pin.)
P.S. Have three modules running now. Reaching the limit of my feeble 1020watt PSU. Have room to spare, for the spikes...
Operating 1 card with 2 fans and a 70c target temp... (256 share diff)
218GHs 308w (1c)&(2f)&(70t) * Peak
203GHs 253w (1c)&(2f)&(70t) * Settled-in
198GHs 244w (1c)&(2f)&(70t)
180GHs 223w (1c)&(2f)&(70t)
175GHs 220w (1c)&(2f)&(70t)
106GHs 210w (1c)&(2f)&(70t)
76GHs 167w (1c)&(2f)&(70t) * Oddity, prewarm stage. (Settled down here for a few minutes, before going back to 203GHs)
Operating 3 cards with 6 fans and a 50c target temp... (512 share diff)
555GHs 770w (3c)&(6f)&(50t) * Peak
545GHs 760w (3c)&(6f)&(50t)
535GHs 730w (3c)&(6f)&(50t) * Settled-in
525GHs 731w (3c)&(6f)&(50t) * Settled-in
515GHs 725w (3c)&(6f)&(50t)
500GHs 721w (3c)&(6f)&(50t)
Operating 3 cards with 6 fans and a 60c target temp... (512 share diff)
585GHs 835w (3c)&(6f)&(60t) * Peak
575GHs 806w (3c)&(6f)&(60t)
565GHs 802w (3c)&(6f)&(60t) * Settled-in
555GHs 770w (3c)&(6f)&(60t) * Settled-in
545GHs 760w (3c)&(6f)&(60t)
535GHs 730w (3c)&(6f)&(60t)
Conclusion... With my setup... "At the wall"... for 120v/110v PSU operation.
Each card pulls between 200-250w (Leaning to 250w when settled.) * 5 = 1250w (* 6 = 1500w)
Fans pull about 10w each, 90w with all 8 fans, + 1 if you have the big one running too.
Total wattage 5x = 1340w at the wall (1400w PSU ideal.)
Total wattage 6x = 1590w at the wall (1500w PSU adequate, but borderline.)
Running 6x cards, it would help to use the 120v/110v fans, which would spare you 90w of headroom in the PSU.
Running two units of 3x cards, you can easily supply all power with a single 900w-1000w PSU. (850w may not have enough 12v rail power for peaks.)
So-far, the large heat-sinks seem to be overkill, and the mini-heat-sinks on the chips, seem to be too small to capture enough air-movement for cooling. They get blisteringly hot to the touch, and max-out on my thermal imager. Working on an after-market solution to appease my comfort-level for those under-sized units. (There is too much resistance through those fins, causing the air to just blow right around them. Short-term fix is to use a ducted system to deliver direct air evenly through each individual heatsink. Ultimately, I will slice-up some nice wide heat-sinks to replace the miniature blocks.)
I have completely wrapped the cards in a full shroud. All air is currently being ducted evenly through the cards. There is no loss of pressure through the sides or venting out the structure. Essentially, it is wrapped in a cardboard blanket. xD Looks ugly, but that will be replaced with plexiglass, and the whole unit flipped up, so the smaller heat-sinks have no chance to fall-off. While also being fastened down with a tension-bar, for better pressure contact. I am not a fan of casual contact on hot surfaces.
Otherwise, it is running great. Persistent operation and hash-rate. Just under what was expected, due to my 60c target temperature. Playing it safe until I have my wishlist complete.