Software release for 64-bit WindowsFinally here! This is the latest "generic" version of minerd.exe compiled with the latest version of the Cygwin compiler, plus a bunch of Windows batch files to help you get it running perfectly in double-quick time. Essentially, to get started with XMG on 64-bit Windows, you only have to download the wallet and this package, run my Setup.bat and it will do everything else for you. You do not have to edit any configuration files (e.g. magi.conf) or create any batch files. All you have to do is answer the questions about how you want it to run in your particular circumstances.
It has never been easier to get up and running with a cryptocoin on Windows!When you have run the Setup.bat, starting the miner is simply a matter of running XMGminer.bat, which includes a miner monitor program, or running Myminer.bat which just starts the miner. If you want to test it before running Setup.bat just run automine.bat and it will connect to my accounts on the pools to show you what hashrate you can expect. Mining a bit of XMG on my behalf while you are testing is your "thank you" to me for creating this software for you - not too much to ask is it?

The Setup.bat supports solo mining with a wallet on the same computer, solo mining with a wallet on another computer, pool mining and twin pool mining. It supports single or multiple workers on the pool(s) and will spread the load across two pools. It also supports automatic failover in the event of a pool going offline. You can choose to have the output from each miner process displayed in its own window, or have a single window for the output from all miner processes. The only proviso is that your login name must be the same on both pools and the worker name(s) must also be the same and have the same password throughout. Multiple workers must have the same name but numbered consecutively e.g. Worker0, Worker1, Worker2 etc, (which is exactly how I have my pool accounts configured) - one worker for each CPU core on your computer. The batch files act as a "wrapper" for the minerd.exe to start multiple instances of minerd.exe, rather than starting a single instance of minerd.exe with multiple threads. This is the most efficient way of doing things. The software supports up to 32 CPU cores on a single computer.
Note: This minerd.exe is for the
current live m7m algorithm, not the new algorithm which will come into effect shortly (currently on testnet). There will be a similar release with an updated minerd.exe to support the new algorithm available on the same links nearer the time of the live changeover.
The .rar package is on the same link as found in the OP:- have also created a Windows self-extracting .exe (default target folder is C:/XMGminer):- is a file included in the package with a little more information. Please report your experiences with this software, good, bad or indifferent. Any problems, just post here and I will try my best to help you out.
Happy hashing
UPDATELatest minerd now included in the package. Please see This new minerd was compiled with a build of MSYS/Mingw64 which was put together especially for the task of compiling this one program. I am very pleased with the results. If you can compile a Windows 64 bit minerd.exe for XMG which will:-
A) run on
any CPU that supports 64 bit Windows
andB) works perfectly with multiple threads
andC) works perfectly with the wallet
andD) works perfectly with stratum pools Suprnova and Noncepool
andE) gives a consistently higher hashrate than this one
thenI will:-
A) eat my hat
andB) pay a bounty of at least
100 XMG to you. More if you can make me very impressed indeed.
This will be won by the first person to do so, provided that the software is made available to the community openly and for free with no license restrictions whatsoever. To qualify, the software must be complied from the source at
This offer will stand open for as long as the current XMG hashing algorithm (v2) remains live.
If the source code is updated at any time from now, then I reserve the right to demand that you will have to compete against a newer minerd compiled by me with the same compiler as my current minerd. I think that is a fair point.
All decisions will be made by me and will be final, but fair.
Now there is a challenge for you. Go ahead. Make my day.
Happy Hashing