Nice to see that 2nd block finally.
The simple fact is that you cannot hop to increase profit.
If you make more, it's purely luck, there is no special strategy to make more. It's not possible.
Hopping has the expected effect of, long term getting the same reward ratio as not hopping.
Simply put, as the block stats show, you run long term, you expect to do OK.
However, if you randomly mine on and off then your reward ratio has MUCH higher variance.
Sometimes that's a profit and sometimes that's a loss.
In both cases, it's way more obvious since ... that's called higher variance

Also, anyone paying attention to the last 5, 10, 25 block stats, and making judgements based on them, means you don't understand statistics.
A simple thing to consider is:
0.86466471676339 200.000% 1 in 7.4
0.63212055882856 100.000% 1 in 2.7
0.95021293163214 300.000% 1 in 20.1
i.e. we expect, at 30PHs, to get, on average, a 200% or LONGER block almost every second day ... ... ... ...
(30PHs = average ~7.3 blocks in 2 days)
If that happened, as expected, that would mean we'd have a GOOD 100% expected long term block average.
But the 2nd number also says, we expect on average, almost 2/3 of blocks under 100% and ~1/3 of blocks over 100%
Yep a bit over 1/3 of ALL blocks are expected, on average, to be over 100%
How about a 300% block? Statistically we expect, on average, one about every 5.5 days, i.e. yep! a bit more than once a week.
These numbers should make it quite clear why hopping has such high variance.
You pick a single day to mine that gets a 300% block and bam - you suddenly have a low chance of getting a positive return ... but that's expected to happen, on average, about every 5.5 days ...