Hm interessante, minha intenção é de longe sacar valores nessa escala e comprar um sítio por aí, mas mesmo que o valor seja abaixo de 35k ainda sou obrigado a declarar eles como uma forma de investimento a partir do momento que eu tento vender ele, e não como bens e direitos, certo ?
existe a isenção do imposto de 35K de vendas mensais e nenhum imposto é devido. É um rendimento não tributável. Mas não é pq o rendimento nao é tributável que você não deve declarar a posse do bem da sua declaração anual de imposto de renda, justamente para evitar o problema que você disse aqui: nesse sentido eu não encontraria um problema em declarar um bem adquirido anos atrás de repente ? (já que o certo é relatar sobre as movimentações do ano passado no informe do ano atual). Além disso, no caso de informar a fonte, como se deve proceder quando a compra foi P2P e eu nem sequer lembro com quem foi comprado ? Uma pesquisa rápida no Google mostra esse artigo do UOL, que acredito que deve ser correto: a Receita Federal, as criptomoedas devem, sim, ser declaradas ao fisco. Ou seja, se você se encaixa em alguma condição de obrigatoriedade da apresentação da declaração e tem moedas digitais, elas precisam ser incluídas no documento. Onde declarar
As moedas digitais devem ser declaradas na aba “Bens e direitos”, no código “99 – Outros bens e direitos”. Vale lembrar que, na declaração do imposto de renda, o contribuinte sempre deve informar os bens pelo valor da aquisição, não pelo valor de mercado. Por exemplo: se o contribuinte comprou R$ 2 mil em bitcoins em janeiro de 2019 e não fez a venda, o valor a ser declarado para a Receita Federal deve continuar como R$ 2 mil — ainda que as criptomoedas estivessem valendo mais em dezembro. Nesse caso, o contribuinte deve deixar o campo “Situação em 31/12/2018” como zero e “Situação em 31/12/2019” como R$ 2 mil. Se você fez várias compras de criptomoedas ao longo do ano, é preciso considerar o valor que pagou em cada uma dessas ocasiões. Se, por exemplo, comprou um bitcoin por R$ 43 mil em julho de 2019 e mais um bitcoin em novembro por R$ 20 mil, deve colocar R$ 63 mil como saldo em 31/12/2019. Os seus bitcoin vieram desde 2013 como disse acima, então desde 2013 você não declarou bens que você possuia. Eu sugiro você conversar com um contador ou um advogado e ver qual a melhor forma de resolver o seu problema. É uma questão muito pessoal e depende da sua situação. Se de repente o seu patrimônio aumentar 2x pq você vendeu uns bitcoins que nunca foram declarados, é normal a receita ir atrás. Como a receita vai saber que você não é um traficante por exemplo?
What do others think is the chainlink coin worth the investment or I can wait a little longer and try catch it at a lower price..??
Link is an oracle, which is a middleware that is necessary for smartcontracts. An oracle is necessary to bring that from outside the blockchain to smartcontracts, so smartcontracts can do something else than ICO and cryptokitties. For example, do you want to make smartcontracts to buy stuff online, and when the product is delivered it will automatically transfer the payment to the sender. You will need an oracle for that. Chainlink is one of the few decentrralized oracles. It is a nice idea. Nobody knows if it will be successful or not. I think that buying now, at the current price, is risky. Too much speculation already, and it is nearly at its ATH
Eu estou usando há uns dias, muito bom para ver quem está inativo/banido, entrar no bpip do cara com 1 click só, etc..
Por conta disso, se essas funções funcionassem no ninjastic seria muito útil..
Sim, e ainda aparece quem é DT1 ou DT2. Acho essencial essa extensao.
Muito bom TryNinja. Que bom que você está desenvolvendo coisas na quarentena. Estou dando um gás e estudando python tb. Esse domínio é gratuito? Pelo Estava pensando em um domínio tb, mas faltam projetos pra colocar lá kkk 3 - Se quiser ter mais trabalho ainda, mostrar em vermelho os usuários banidos, em laranja os com red trust.
Mais complicado. Eu poderia ver se é possível utilizar o BPIP para pegar essa informação, mas não sei se o suchmoon (que acho que é o dev) permitiria usar sua API. Isso já é implementado pela extensão do BPIP no proprio bitcointalk. Acho que vale a pena instalar, quem não tem.
They are removing all the unnecessary crap that they implemented to make money or push their own custodian services forward. But that's kind of my point. Why take a browser filled with unnecessary crap (Chromium), try to strip that away but obviously not be able to get it all, add in a bunch of different unnecessary crap (Brave), try to strip that away but obviously not be able to get it all, and use what is left (Braver) because it has a handful of good features, when you can get all the same good features (and more) on Firefox without all the unnecessary crap even existing in the first place? All Chromium based browsers still phone home to Google in some way. Even with the best efforts of the Braver team, there is undoubtedly going to be some left over code and remnants of various bloatware and other privacy invading nonsense from both Google and Brave in there somewhere. As you say, why not just use a clean base (Firefox) and install Metamask? Why use a browser with a ton of unnecessary crap in it just because it comes with Metamask pre-installed? Additionally to this crazy Brave/Braver add/remove unnecessary crap, it is much better to install extension in firefox for one reason: Firefox dev team is much more active and trusted imo. I doubt brave or braver dev team can outpace firefox dev team in keeping the browser safe, secure, free and private. Brave still have many other concerns, like promoting BAT, KYC etc... which firefox is mainly focused in that and has a much larger community support.
Campanha excelente, só lembrando parte do OP: Posts in Off-Topic, Games and Rounds, local boards and posts in this thread will not count towards the requirement. Triste que quase todas as campanhas nao aceitam posts locais.... Aqui só posta quem gosta de postar de graça mesmo kkk
Thanks guys. Looks like ill use my vanity address as a hot wallet and a ledger for proper storage. Just getting fed up with inconsistencies with apps not showing balances correctly and me panicking I've lost all my crypto lol
if you are referring to the addresses generated by the blockchain wallet then you can recover your wallet using the seed on the Ledger device.
Doing so will however nullify all increased security from using a hardware wallet. This is due to the fact that HW are secure because they generate your keys in a secure enviroment. As your vanity addresses where insecurely generated, there are already considered exposed. The best thing to do is to keep move funds from your vanity addresses to your HW from time to time.
In my opinion those accelerators are not effective. They basically broadcast your transaction to more miners... but transaction broadcast is not a problem after 6 hours of broadcasting.
Your opinion is completely wrong, first check the facts and then you will see that at least in the case of ViaBTC things actually work if the set conditions are met. Over the years ViaBTC has saved me a very nice amount on fees when needed.
I didn't know about those websites, however they don't look very effective. The minimum fee to get included is ridiculously high. 100 sat/byte. I will still ignore them and keep my opinion
Your transaction is confirmed by Poolin pool, so no transaction accelerator helped you in this case. If you used the ViaBTC accelerator (free), then you may have noticed that it gives you the message that you have too low a fee to take your transaction into account (only 0.00004451) and their condition is a minimum of 10 000 satoshi. That's ViaBTC's minimum fee per KB, not in total: you can submit any TXID of delayed transactions that at least include a fee of 0.0001BTC/KB 100 sat byte, the minimum, is a very high fee which will get confirmed in a few blocks even when network is congested. Using that "service" or not.
20 sat/byte (OP case) will still get confirmed naturally by some random pool even when network is congested, which just happened. Looks like the benefit of using those services is minimum, if any, because any miner in include a 100sat/byte in a few blocks.
Over the years ViaBTC has saved me a very nice amount on fees when needed.
I think using 100 sat/byte is wasting money. Unless you really need to get into the next block. I rarely use more than 10sat/byte. 90% of my transactions are 1 sat/byte, and they get confirmed within a reasonable time. Edit: I made a wrong calculation and minimum fee is 10 sat/byte as pointed out by LoyceV. sorry. Looks good then.
| doesn't do this commingling. Would it if I upgrade to the interest-paying version?
No. Interest paying version isn't an upgrade. It is a lending. You will borrow your bitcoins to, and they will give you back your bitcoins later with some interest (if they don't break up and run away with your money in the time)
In my opinion those accelerators are not effective. They basically broadcast your transaction to more miners... but transaction broadcast is not a problem after 6 hours of broadcasting.
I’m just trying to load my BitPay card and it’s been 6 hours now. It’s never taken anywhere near this long. Any help is appreciated.
I’m willing to pay a small fee if necessary.
Your transaction is still pending confirmation. Don't worry. You paid 20 fee per byte and it is not a low fee. It should get a confirmation within a few hours. Alternatively you can replace hy fee to get in the next block for about 100 sat byte.
He could prohibit, but he cant prevent people from making transactions.
Additionally, I doubt governments can win a battle against technology advances. It is better to work with new techs, which will.increase governments revenue and create new jobs.
Are there any other online wallets that commingle funds like coinbase does?
Coinbase is not commingle neither mixing your funds. They control those funds for you, and you don't exactly own that bitcoin, you own just a balance in coinbase database, which may or may not be directly linked to a bitcoin address. There is a wallet that really mix coins for you, it is which use uses coinjoin. Wasabi is an open-source, non-custodial, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for Desktop, that implements trustless CoinJoin.
What is this item, CDD? I don't know, I just used Blockchair's names. I Just discovered cdd_total float The number of destroyed coindays is a measure of bitcoin transaction volume. Bitcoin days destroyed for any given transaction is calculated by taking the number of Bitcoins in a transaction and multiplying it by the number of days it has been since those coins were last spent.
Hello Loyce, What is this item, CDD? I made a small research and couldn't discover what it is. I will try to make some more graphics with this data.
I've just been developing it on a localhost so far since I haven't had the need to have others view it, use it, etc... Perhaps I could use ngrok to allow a few people to check out where it's at currently and make some suggestions as to what I should add, fix, work on. Would you possibly be interested in taking a look at it and making a few suggestions on the next steps?
Yes, but only if it is online. I would never download anything or receive by email. There are so many cheap hosting websites in the web.
Do you have the website domain already? Can you share it with us?
Give us more information. This community can help you if you have any doubts, but you will hardly get someone to work for free.
How can I do this for the local Turkish section?
I can create a race for selected users in Turkish section. just give me a list of all the users you want, and I can make their race. However, merits earned outside the Turkish board would still be counted. But you can select user who post most of their time in the Turkish board.
And in your mining centralization, there is this unknown source once reached over 40% of the market share and then disappeared very quickly :-P
This is not an animation problem. As LoyceV said, he used only Blockchair's data. Blockchair probably took a few days/weeks to recognize new mining pools, in this case I believe t is Poolin,which got 12% in the next month and was 0% before, and a few others with 1% that showed up later like Tepool and binance.
Existe uma crença , principalmente no Brasil mas não é exclusiva daqui , de que o Bitcoin e as criptomoedas existem pq são rápidos e o Bitcoin é "atrasado pq não é rap ido.
Essa ideia está 100% errada e é a base do seu pensamento nesse post.
Bitcoin existe pq é descentralizado. Pq as pessoas não aguentava mais depender de autorizações do governos e bancos para mandar é receber dinheiro. As pessoas não aguentam mais o imposto inflacionário, que devora nossas economias pq o governo não controla seus gastos e imprime mais dinheiro pra pagar suas contas.
Bitcoin existe para tirar o controle do dinheiro da mão de poucos, diluindo esse controle na rede.
Não, pix não ameaça em nada o Bitcoin. Bitcoin poderia ser lento e caro, mas continuaria sendo usado. Na verdade quem já mandou dinheiro pro exterior sabe que Bitcoin é a forma mais barata e rápida que existe.
"Bitcoin não serve pra comprar um café no Starbucks, mas para comprar uma passagem de ônibus da Síria para a Turquia." -antonopoulos.