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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [SCAMMER] Oregon Mines on: April 23, 2016, 06:21:30 AM
A few Monarchs have been tested and are up for sale. Reply or PM offers or requests.


Yes please tell me how well this worked out please do tell.
2  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: ANTMINER S7 is available at with 4.86TH/s, 0.25J/GH on: April 23, 2016, 06:00:02 AM
Happy with recent purchase of S7s and one power supply.

Nice to see you can still rely on Antminer year after year after year.
3  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: BFL (BF Labs Inc; Butterfly Labs) officially refusing to refund their customers. on: April 23, 2016, 05:41:16 AM
The end...

Bitcoin startup Butterfly Labs settles with FTC for $38.6M, but it can’t pay

4  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [GUIDE] B's A More Ethical & Trustworthy Miner Sellers Trustworthiness Guide on: June 10, 2015, 11:48:08 AM
SFRADS one step closer to it's 'first' miner.

Interesting to see that some samples have made it out to the general public at large. Is it too little too late for this new company? Time will tell.

DHL was fast.

5  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [GUIDE] B's A More Ethical & Trustworthy Miner Sellers Trustworthiness Guide on: June 10, 2015, 11:36:51 AM
Cointerra taking more hits and screwing the pooch yet again!

The mess that some of these companies have made is really staggering. Is it bitcoin or is just amateur hour for most of the mining manufacturing companies?

How many now have screwed the pooch so badly that they have stained mining bitcoin permanently?

UPDATED: 4:19 p.m. EST 1/13/2015 with CoinTerra statement.

NEW YORK (InsideBitcoins) — With the price of bitcoin suffering, it is apparently
not a good time to be a bitcoin miner right now, with having to pause its
cloud mining, and now CoinTerra being sued by a data center operator.

The Utah data center, C7 Data Centers, is suing Austin-based CoinTerra for
$5.4 million in damages due to an alleged breach of contract and purported
$1.4 million in unpaid services. According to the document, CoinTerra and
C7 signed an 18-month agreement back in April to provide and manage a
spot within the data center and provide all of its hosting services.

In the law suit, C7 Data Centers said:

“In order to provide services to Cointerra, C7 has requested and obtained
power from Rocky Mountain Power at costs exceeding $12,000.00 per day.
In addition, in order to provide services to CoinTerra, C7 incurred substantial
initial costs and refused services to other potential customers in order to
accommodate CoinTerra’s needs.”

Cointerra's reply:

In a statement provided to Inside Bitcoins, CoinTerra said:

“CoinTerra, Inc. disputes the allegations in the complaint filed
by C7 Data Centers, Inc. (“C7”) in Utah State court. CoinTerra
has recently retained local counsel to address this dispute. 
Moreover, CoinTerra has filed a counterclaim against C7 in
Federal Court in the District of Utah. CoinTerra intends to
vigorously prosecute its claims against C7 while defending
the claims levied by C7. Yet, CoinTerra is hopeful that the
parties can resolve this matter quickly.”
6  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Generate power from thermoelectric generator on a miner on: June 10, 2015, 07:37:19 AM
Very low percentages can be recovered from the waste heat under lab conditions so there is little hope it would working for mining rigs. It would not pay for itself see what Marto74 tried to do at BTCJam people were too smart to invest in that losers of a scam idea.

There are some numbers of people looking at any angle to screw people over. Be very careful of anyone associated with Marto74 like projects.
7  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Miners should Start a Union on: June 10, 2015, 07:12:51 AM
Your union sounds like a federal reserve system not a union.

Chomsky on Federal Reserve

We already have significant amounts of hashing power in a few hands and any 'union' would act in their own selfish interests and if they could adjust the price of BTC they would.

They 'un'-fortunately do not have the resources just to HOLD back bitcoin as they have significant investment in the equipment and space in which they operate.

If they could manipulate the price they would, ala Mt. GOX, without having to form a 'union' there are greater powers at work who moderate the price of bitcoin.

Careful what you wish for there is already a club for those who have the majority of the bitcoins...

One half of BitBeat spent last week moderating discussions at the inaugural
Blockchain Summit on Richard Branson’s Caribbean island, Necker Island.

It was perhaps inevitable that an exclusive event in a tropical idyll, where
businessmen hobnob in the presence of one of the world’s richest men, would
elicit allegations of elitism from some of quarters of the bitcoin community
(as well as the occasional conspiracy theory.) But as the summit progressed,
it became clear that the attendees had grander and, arguably, more altruistic
aspirations than their critics imagined.

The group, which the summit web site described as comprising
“the greatest minds in digital innovation,” explored multiple projects
that would use the blockchain – the core ledger technology underlying
bitcoin – to change the lives of billions of people. Whether these succeed
remains to be seen, but the scope of the goals discussed was striking.

The same people who control fiat are discussing things with the people who have majority control over bitcoins on the planet. You tell me if that is a good thing. Front and center at the table is Bitfury... so much for your union.
8  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: BFL fucked us over again (redux) on: June 10, 2015, 06:28:20 AM
Top BFL developer (Luke-Jr) and Bitcoin enthusiast releases terrible news on the status of mining by the GH/s!

Are you joking, or did you mean "top bitcoin core developer"?

Luke-Jr developer of the popular BFGMiner bitcoin mining software
has spent a bit of time at Butterfly Labs headquarters working on
driver support for their new ASIC bitcoin mining devices and has
released photos today on BitcoinTalk showing us photos of what
he says is a prototype Butterfly Labs Little Single ASIC hashing.

I think it is dead accurate. He was the only PAID mining driver developer for BFL. How soon we all forget the April 1st, 2013 BET shenanigans right?

As a final note the post was made on April 01, 2013 at 06:36:32 PM
so while Luke-Jr seems to be earnest in his statements it could
turn out to be one of the cruelest April Fools joke in bitcoins short history.

By the way... th/s is a joke now... you need petahash to even get started in the mining game and really cheap power say less than 3 cents a kwh. Sichuan, China... is where you will see this going on follow this thread get off reddit and get away from Luke Jr. / Nitrowolf (Inaba/Josh Zerlan) and please we all know the EMC as pool is dead right?
9  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: JOSHUA ZIPKINS THE MAN WHO DDOS'd BTCTALK!!!! on: June 10, 2015, 01:32:25 AM
Update rik?

Did he show?

10  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Butterfly Labs on: June 09, 2015, 11:36:46 PM

  I'm after feedback good or bad on Butterfly Labs...

  FACEBOOK Link - Search for Butterfly Labs is a Scam...

  Want stories good and bad please...



Zero good. All bad.
11  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [ANN] HashCoins - Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Manufacturer on: June 09, 2015, 04:38:27 PM
Hello Bicknellski,

"...We are in the latter stage but we are not finished yet. We believe that by the end of June everything will be settled."

I believe!

You are paid to believe.

Where is your invoice?

Post it. Till then you are just another noob who showed up from nowhere to champion this dog / scam company.
12  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [ANN] HashCoins - Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Manufacturer on: June 09, 2015, 08:49:01 AM
Antminer S5 (6 units) - 6T - consumes 3540w * 24h = 84960w * 0,13€ = 11€ / day
Uranus v1 miner (1unit) - 6T - consumes 1600w * 24h = 38400w * 0,13€ = 5€ / day Doesn't exist.

 Grin Grin Grin  Sad Sad Sad

Let me fix that for you.

You bought an imaginary miner. That has no fixed delivery date and no chip.
13  Other / Meta / Re: Anonymous Moderation is cowardly. on: June 08, 2015, 01:46:15 PM
Why is it then so many make their accusations ( petty or legitimate ) in Meta and so forth under throw away accounts? If we are demanding Mods be completely transparent, why aren't members held to the same standards? It would actually lend more credibility to those making accusations to post from their main account.

Because many of them are hippocrates and only want transparency when it suits them.


 You have my word as a gentleman that none of them are Hippocrates!  Did you mean hypocrites?


Did you take an oath or something? Is it Dr. Dogie now? Cheesy
14  Other / Meta / Re: Anonymous Moderation is cowardly. on: June 08, 2015, 01:41:11 PM
I think there should be a mod rating system based on feedback from the community. Have to agree the anonymity is less than desirable but so is not being able to get any traction on system changes in these forums that could help improve moderation. Complaints like yours Biomech are often ignored or shouted down without listening to reason you are making the complaint. Inconsistency or worse bias.

You being one of the three mods I don't find offensive, this kind of pains me to say it to you. But frankly, there SHOULD be a target on the back of the mods. Or on the front. You take policing actions, it's what you do. If you cannot do so in an open and above board manner, then you WILL receive a great deal of grief. If what the mods did was consistent, constructive, and served to better the community, the problems would be minimal. It is unfortunate that moderation is NOT consistent, NOT constructive, and frequently detrimental not only to this community, but to the digital currency ecosphere as a whole.

If a thing or action cannot withstand scrutiny, it is false.
15  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [ANN] HashCoins - Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Manufacturer on: June 07, 2015, 12:28:56 PM
I don't think anyone has got one.I don't think they even exist.But I'm curious and I mailed them and asked when and from where they could delivery those miners.Here is the reply:

"Dear xxxx,

We apologise for the delay in replying, your email ended up in the junk mail folder.

At the moment sales are live with the shipping time 5-6 weeks from the date of cleared payment because we have received a number of orders already and we operate by "first ordered - first shipped" principle.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Best regards,
HashCoins Support
HashCoins OÜ
Tartu mnt. 43, Tallinn
10128, Estonia
+372 58 738 066"

5 to 6 weeks. Bullshit.

They have no chip.

It would be 3 to 4 month minimum if they even had the chips.


Time to call The Estonian Consumer Protection Board I guess.


If a product you bought is defective or you are not satisfied
with a purchased service, you as a consumer have the right
to submit a complaint to the relevant trader or service provider.
If there is no response to your oral complaint, submit the complaint
in writing.

There are no formal requirements for a complaint but make sure to
include your name and contact details, the date of submission,
a description of the defect discovered on the product or service,
and your preferred solution.

The trader or service provider is under obligation to accept your
complaint and issue a written response within 15 days.

If the trader or service provider refuses to resolve your complaint
or you do not agree with the proposed solution, you can file a
complaint with the Consumer Protection Board.

If you are a real customer you should start the complaints now to avoid the rush.
16  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bitfury - Mining Lighbulb on: June 06, 2015, 02:50:03 PM
All they needed was light bulb screw base, a microprocessor, a wifi chip, and a bitcoin mining chip. This could all be controlled with an iPhone.

Yep, because that's more readily accessible than a single USB port and a single open-source executable which can run on almost any platform. Not that I don't like educational tools - the stick miner I'm building is more or less deliberately that - but when I think about "I wanted kids to be able to do it" I don't immediately think about access to mains power and $300 smartphones.

Ya Mains power and kids go POOF.

$300 dollar smartphones? Won't a knock off work?
17  Other / Meta / Re: Who is the little bitch who added that POS Quickseller to default trust again? on: June 06, 2015, 02:17:12 PM
trust should be measured by many not by the ones in power

Trust should be measured by those affected directly by others.

Direct democracy requires that those who hold a stake in what is being decided should have vote. It would have to affect them directly or infringe on their ability to transact business.

Unfortunately a DEFAULT is not democratic. Nor is 1 vote for each alt account. What is worse are default's that are alts and 'hand picked' by the powers that be, which is what we have now.
18  Other / Meta / Re: Who is the little bitch who added that POS Quickseller to default trust again? on: June 05, 2015, 08:08:26 PM
And now when he knows he is wrong he will also divert the topic and wont reply you straight. He just wants everyone to accept what he says as "truth".
He is just a troll and needs to be ignored.

He did the same thing when he was on the warpath against me.  Brought up unsubstantiated (and false) allegations, then tried to change the subject when his own motivation was called into question.  The good thing is that his M.O. is well known by almost everyone at this point, and he won't be back on default trust until he learns to calm himself.  He's a lot like an ambitious, amateur cop who wants to make it to the top by arresting everyone in site.  He doesn't have any sympathy for anyone other than himself.  So while it's true that he catches a scammer in action from time to time, he also steamrollls a huge number of innocent people with no remorse.  If he ever realizes this, he could do the forum a lot of good.  Until he realizes this, he causes more harm than good.

Definitely and this is more than a default trust issue. Now it is a spam issue. I get posting information for the community to be more aware but when you are unwilling and unable to determine scams / extortion from honest people trying to do honest business you become a nuisance to the community. Strange nothing is done about this particular anonymous individual with only a year on the forum gets so much 'support'. I wonder who he really is, typically most people that act in this manner are usually called out and or reprimanded by the forum mods. Why doesn't his shit stink like Techshare's or Mine or others... funny.
19  Other / Meta / Re: Who is the little bitch who added that POS Quickseller to default trust again? on: June 05, 2015, 03:43:20 PM
And now when he knows he is wrong he will also divert the topic and wont reply you straight. He just wants everyone to accept what he says as "truth".
He is just a troll and needs to be ignored.

Already done that weeks ago and I keep adding his agents/shills/alts as I go. XinXin seems like another ignored. Another one that can't think for himself or read the threads to a depth or read a false negs. I have held 80K for people and not one penny went missing. You want to address TRUST then know my record vs. his puffery over the last year. He hasn't ever done more than a few hundred bucks as an escrow. Can't trust him as far as you can throw em. Anonymous people should NEVER be trusted.

Problem becomes he has a myriad of alt accounts and is probably built relationships with other accounts here to maintain an image all behind a pseudonym propping up a small group of people to push trust ratings that are mostly fabricated or built on circular anonymous accounts that have never really transferred bitcoins to any real people. Why would he have so many issues with scammers? I have been here since 2013 and I have never run into scammers on his scale when doing business here. It is like he is honey trapping or ENTRAPPING people and that is a big reason for him not to be trusted in ANYTHING he says or does. He is not part of a LEO so he should be forthright about his identity and since he is not he should be given a wide berth.

Does anyone really know who this person is? Could be a Moderator or an Admin, could be a long time scammer for anyone knows given he has 'been' this an account for 1 year max. Please why do people even bother trusting this moron who can't tell the difference between extortion and a laundry list of proof of VAT and Mail fraud of someone like Dogie? If anything he is the one extorting people and misusing his unearned reputation libeling people left right and center. The amount of spam generated as a result of his false claims this past week would fill most forums and yet no bans? Why? You would think that a warning at least would be sent out that would reprimand him for FALSE accusations? That is the real problem I see is mods turning a blind eye to that form of spam. At what point does he have to go before he gets punished for lies and false accusations?
20  Other / Meta / Re: Who is the little bitch who added that POS Quickseller to default trust again? on: June 05, 2015, 03:13:35 PM
Problem is people lie.

Quickseller is a liar and that is the main issue here.

When he is wrong he won't admit his error and keeps attacking (lying) to maintain the image he is somehow above being wrong.

I get called an extortionist and that is pure bullshit. I have a better escrow record than he does. I have never extorted anything from anyone and people think that an anonymous agent in these forums like he is should be trusted?

Come on now when is it really ever okay to hide your identity and try to bust scams in public forums? He isn't some undercover FBI agent he is just someone hiding behind an alt account of known person in these forums most likely.  Never trust people hiding their identities. Never for escrow. Never for account selling. Never for anything. Who the fook knows who he really is right?

I just lost what little respect I had left for Tomatocage. This is unfortunate, I once considered him a pillar of this community.

In case you didn't notice, QS left you the trust that fixed your trust issue.

Bahahaha, I just saw that as well. Bit ironic that the person who tries to stand up for you and prevent you from having a TWC tag is the same person who you decide to insult for being put back onto DefaultTrust.

That said, I've been away for a while, but I never had an inherent problem with QS. He did leave the occasional weird negative trust but generally his ratings were (are?) accurate.

QS: This was the insult.

Quickseller didn't fix anything, all he did was make it so I don't have ? ? ? any more. I still have a ZERO trust rating after hundreds of trades and 4 years of activity because Vod feels it is appropriate to destroy peoples trust ratings because he does not like what was said about him. Him leaving a rating for me doesn't change my opinion of him, and if anything I would prefer he had not left it, because we have never traded or even hardly had any direct interaction. Furthermore he calls my left ratings into question. I am curious which actual rating(s) he takes issue with, because unlike you jamokes I try to limit my ratings to people I have had direct interaction or trade with and have used negative ratings sparingly. Additionally my posts have noting to do with the default trust, but with how the rules are selectively enforced regarding it (specifically Vods systematic abuse of it). I don't consider this a favor, even if he intended it to be.

This is what I hate about this forum, except trades being value over opinionated feedback,  Trade Feedback and opinionated feedback should be separated in value.  if you didn't conduct a trade to the member then your feedback shouldn't be more valued then feedback done with monies.
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