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861  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Maybe we all should just live Currency Free ? on: May 06, 2012, 12:24:16 PM
Economic calculation is an abstraction and distorts our perceptions and values. This ideology has run rampant for decades and we can plainly see the results. In a resource based economy, we measure things scientifically, empirically and rationally. We don't need to distort, hide or ignore reality to fit our preconceived economic notions because we would recognize the danger in doing so. It's time to stop living in the past and embrace the technological and scientific realities of our time so that we can all benefit from them. Clinging to ancient economic religions leads only to your detriment.

I totally agree! I hear life was pretty sweet under Communism. Sure it kinda sucked if the central authorities made a boo-boo and accidentally allocated only 5 labour resources where they needed 20, but because of the "full employment" thing you could just as easily end up in a job with a team of 20 where they only really needed 5. OK, so Communism had a few minor foibles, but that's nothing a tidy piece of C code can't fix. In fact, I could probably help write that code. I want to make sure the resources go to the right place this time Wink

"Full employment" is again, another artifact of a monetary system. In a resource based economy, human labor is diminished purposefully by utilizing automation to the fullest extent possible. Recognizing the liberating effects of science and technology is a key distinction between such an economy and all previous human endeavors.
862  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 12:18:56 PM
A system that promotes acquisitiveness, dominance and inequality will not lead to a better society.

What exactly is this "system" you're talking about?

Any currency favors one arbitrary group of people over another

Can you prove this mere statement with evidence?

A monetary system.

Yes! You're doing great! You are very close to understanding the problem now. Just answer one more question: How did this monetary system come to be and how come it still exists? Remember you need to understand cause and effect to really understand our reality.

Gold favors those with easier access to it as opposed to those who have none. Bitcoin favors those with computing resources, network connectivity and electricity over those who have none. Dollars favor those with printing presses and guns over those who have none. Seashells favor those who live near the coast over those who live elsewhere. Leaves favor those who live in deciduous forests over those who live in deserts.

No, no.. I asked for evidence, not more mere statements. For instance when you make a statement "Gold favors those with easier access to it as opposed to those who have none." you have to show evidence how easy access translates into favoritism. For all I know I could have easy access to a gold mine but if I have to dig 5km below earth and nearly die digging it up I don't see how that favors me over someone else who can simply work on a field in no real danger, and sell me their crops for my gold..

The same goes for all the other forms of money you listed. You need to show me evidence how easy access translates into favoritism. Merely saying it is not evidence.
In a world filled with more ignorance than information, simple commodities began to hold higher significance due to the properties that made them useful as measures of value and/or labor. The human capacity for neurosis allowed for the more acquisitive, dominant and influential to formalize various systems of such value measure, and the intellectuals of the time supported such established power bases. Those who disagreed where either slaughtered or marginalized.

YES! Bravo! You have just discovered the major cause for the current monetary system! And I agree with you 100%. Namely: Some people took it upon themselves to rule over everyone else within which they also set up rules about money and used violence to enforce them. This is how the current fraudulent monetary system came to be and this is the real cause and therefor the real problem! I congratulate you for discovering this!

I don't even need to point out how obvious it is some people recognized this system for the fraud that it is since these are the same people you correctly pointed out were "either slaughtered or marginalized".

Also a quick side note: No one forces people to accept bitcoins much like in the beginning no one forced people to accept some weight of precious metals in exchange for some value. And this is how a market regulated by market consumers operates.. as oppose to what you discovered caused today's problems - a market regulated by a violent central authority.

To be more succinct, information favors those who have it over those who do not. Your demands for "evidence" on this assertion indicates either a lack of intellectual honesty or a fundamental misunderstanding of currency.

Ahh I knew we were doing too good for your cognitive dissonance not to kick in sooner rather than later. Of course when you, Mr. LightRider, tell little ole me how the world works, I should trust and believe you instead of question and request evidence to support your assertions. I'm afraid the human nature of our brain has again got the best of you and I cannot continue if you aren't willing to produce something other than your opinion as support to your main premise: "Any currency favors one arbitrary group of people over another"
What evidence can I present that would satisfy you?
863  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Maybe we all should just live Currency Free ? on: May 06, 2012, 12:16:42 PM
What do you do when 99% of all labor is "divided" into the responsibility of robots, automation and AI? What kind of economy do you expect to have then? Shall all 7 billion people continue to compete for the remaining positions of labor just to live? What kind of sickness are you people promoting who still cling to the ancient and useless ideas of pre industrial society and economic theory? Why don't you start recognizing what is actually happening and start participating rationally?
If nobody works or needs to work because machines are doing everything then you're already living in utopia. What's the problem? Isn't that the whole goal of the Venus project you're so fond of? A fine goal, but the thing is without money you have no way to do economic calculation and so no rational way to allocate resources to where you're going to get the biggest bang for your buck. You get more scarcity, not a magical post-scarcity utopia.

Economic calculation is an abstraction and distorts our perceptions and values. This ideology has run rampant for decades and we can plainly see the results. In a resource based economy, we measure things scientifically, empirically and rationally. We don't need to distort, hide or ignore reality to fit our preconceived economic notions because we would recognize the danger in doing so. It's time to stop living in the past and embrace the technological and scientific realities of our time so that we can all benefit from them. Clinging to ancient economic religions leads only to your detriment.

But you realize you're not actually saying anything meaningful? Unless you can take a more reductionist approach to your explanations you're not going to convince anyone, except people who also think the way you do. You're just speaking in this meaningless holistic way that makes no sense to someone who knows to use methodological individualism as a basis for the explanation of social phenomenon.

Evoorhees has explained with methodological individualism the Mengerian account of why money is a naturally emergent phenomenon that serves an actual purpose, and how it would come about naturally even to a society of people who have no prior concept of money. He's not even really being prescriptive about it; he's being descriptive. It is explained by reducing the account to simple non-controversial statements, i.e. so that the explanation doesn't even assume some hyper-rational cooperation of people to come up with it. It just comes about on its own by individual humans being merely rational actors, and that is to say human action isn't just arbitrary action but goal-driven. Now, this isn't a rejection of the existence of collective groups -- of numbers of people lower than Dunbar's limit at least -- but it's just saying that any form of collectivism isn't even necessary explain money in a sufficient way.

And the Wikipedia link on economic calculation explains -- again using methodological individualism -- why money prices are needed for profit/loss accounting, and why profit/loss accounting is needed for a society to rationally economize and allocate resources, and for entrepreneurs to coordinate, on a macro scale. Prices actually mean something; they're not just arbitrarily set things (at least in a free market). They're a bottom-up reflection of the intersubjective valuations of things to the people in an economy, and of the availability of such things. Without prices you lack the necessary information to be able to calculate what is economically profitable to produce and what isn't. You won't get that information any other way than through the emergent processes of the price system. Certainly no central computer could have it because it doesn't have access to the dynamic minds of everybody in the society. So when you say 'Economic calculation is an abstraction and distorts our perceptions and values', I don't even know what that means. I'd say it's the complete opposite, but I'm not merely asserting it like you're doing. You can't just holistically dismiss any inconvenient economic explanation outright that comes your way as being some mere historical baggage. You actually have to criticize it, and use the same reductionistic approach to explain why what we're saying isn't actually true and why the Venus project ideas are right Smiley

Lecture: Calculation and Socialism | Joseph T. Salerno

Individualism is a fraud used to promote economic theories. We behave, think, believe and promote that which is prominent in our environment, both physical and social. You can't even form the basis of the most rudimentary community on the ideas of individuality. We must share similarities with others if we are to survive as individuals, period. Appealing to such baseless ideas is what perpetuates the abhorrent behavior we see today.
864  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 11:55:47 AM
A system that promotes acquisitiveness, dominance and inequality will not lead to a better society.

What exactly is this "system" you're talking about?

Any currency favors one arbitrary group of people over another

Can you prove this mere statement with evidence?

A monetary system.

Yes! You're doing great! You are very close to understanding the problem now. Just answer one more question: How did this monetary system come to be and how come it still exists? Remember you need to understand cause and effect to really understand our reality.

Gold favors those with easier access to it as opposed to those who have none. Bitcoin favors those with computing resources, network connectivity and electricity over those who have none. Dollars favor those with printing presses and guns over those who have none. Seashells favor those who live near the coast over those who live elsewhere. Leaves favor those who live in deciduous forests over those who live in deserts.

No, no.. I asked for evidence, not more mere statements. For instance when you make a statement "Gold favors those with easier access to it as opposed to those who have none." you have to show evidence how easy access translates into favoritism. For all I know I could have easy access to a gold mine but if I have to dig 5km below earth and nearly die digging it up I don't see how that favors me over someone else who can simply work on a field in no real danger, and sell me their crops for my gold..

The same goes for all the other forms of money you listed. You need to show me evidence how easy access translates into favoritism. Merely saying it is not evidence.
In a world filled with more ignorance than information, simple commodities began to hold higher significance due to the properties that made them useful as measures of value and/or labor. The human capacity for neurosis allowed for the more acquisitive, dominant and influential to formalize various systems of such value measure, and the intellectuals of the time supported such established power bases. Those who disagreed where either slaughtered or marginalized. This continues throughout history, with each new iteration of the basic premise, until today, with the major variable of technical and scientific information becoming ever more significant than it has ever been in human history, and as such, we can recognize the diminishing utility and in fact major harm that continuing the use of such systems are exhibiting.

To be more succinct, information favors those who have it over those who do not. Your demands for "evidence" on this assertion indicates either a lack of intellectual honesty or a fundamental misunderstanding of currency.
865  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: [SOLVED] Bitcoin's chicken and egg problem on: May 06, 2012, 11:29:36 AM
Thank you to jesse for resolving my issue.
866  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 11:18:43 AM
A system that promotes acquisitiveness, dominance and inequality will not lead to a better society.

What exactly is this "system" you're talking about?

Any currency favors one arbitrary group of people over another

Can you prove this mere statement with evidence?

A monetary system.

Gold favors those with easier access to it as opposed to those who have none. Bitcoin favors those with computing resources, network connectivity and electricity over those who have none. Dollars favor those with printing presses and guns over those who have none. Seashells favor those who live near the coast over those who live elsewhere. Leaves favor those who live in deciduous forests over those who live in deserts.
867  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 11:08:57 AM
A system that promotes acquisitiveness, dominance and inequality will not lead to a better society. Any currency favors one arbitrary group of people over another, and will perpetuate the problems we have today.
868  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A Money/Bitcoin Article - By: Me on: May 06, 2012, 11:05:25 AM
Interesting. I paid Atlas to write a short story for me about life in a resource based economy. He never wrote it, but did refund me fully plus extra.

I suggest you check out the ideas of a resource based economy, as it has the potential to eschew the concepts of money and the myriad social ills it perpetuates.
869  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 10:47:07 AM
Against my better judgment..  Roll Eyes

We don't need economic calculation when we have actual physical and scientific based calculation. Economists will tell you that the world is several quadrillion dollars in debt. Science will show empirically that we can provide for the basic needs of all people. Which ideology do you want to be dominant in your life, or your children's life?

How about neither?

A vote for theocracy then?

Again: No.
Alien overlords?

I'm glad you recognize how silly you sound.
You're the one uncontributing to the conversation.

Why? Because I'm not willing to be constrained by your ignorance?

Look, I know it causes too much cognitive dissonance to you when I show you what the reality really is and when this reality is conflicting with your beliefs neuroscience teaches us it's simply too much pain for you to be rational and change your belief and you're going to irrationally defend it instead. So I'm not going to engage with you beyond this post because it's pointless and I know you'll stick with your beliefs no matter what I say or what evidence I show to you.

But when you present as our only options a "resource based economy" regulated by scientific calculations vs a market economy regulated by a central authority I'm not willing to ignore the fact that there's more options, one of them being a market economy regulated exclusively by consumers in this economy (usually called a free market). But of course that's a pipe dream whereas your resource based economy is not, right?  Roll Eyes

Anyway I know you are unable to listen and swallow this right now so I'll give you some more cognitive dissonance just for shits and giggles and I'll ask you again: If you can come up with a valid example of how the world could get into such huge debt using only bitcoins as money, an example that will make sense to at least 10people on this forum, I'll send you all my BTC.
The in-elasticity of bitcoin disallows such gross debt creation. You seem to ignore the reality that our society started on gold, with similar characteristics, and has devolved into the systems and mechanisms we have today. That's the reality I recognize, which you seem unwilling or unable to. A system that promotes acquisitiveness, dominance and inequality will not lead to a better society. Any currency favors one arbitrary group of people over another, and will perpetuate the problems we have today. I have a better grasp on reality than you realize because I see this imaginary debt for what it is, and recognize that while bitcoin is better, it is not the answer. You can denounce me as a mindless zealot or cognitively dissonant all day, and I don't blame you for being unable to engage in an honest discussion. It takes a long time to recognize the cages we have been held in for so long.
870  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 10:19:58 AM
Against my better judgment..  Roll Eyes

We don't need economic calculation when we have actual physical and scientific based calculation. Economists will tell you that the world is several quadrillion dollars in debt. Science will show empirically that we can provide for the basic needs of all people. Which ideology do you want to be dominant in your life, or your children's life?

How about neither?

A vote for theocracy then?

Again: No.
Alien overlords?

I'm glad you recognize how silly you sound.
You're the one uncontributing to the conversation.
871  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 10:15:32 AM
Against my better judgment..  Roll Eyes

Which ideology do you want to be dominant in your life, or your children's life?

How about neither?

A vote for theocracy then?

Again: No.
Alien overlords?
872  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / A TEDx event dedicated to Silk Road on: May 06, 2012, 10:11:32 AM

Disappointingly, no mention of bitcoin though.
873  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 10:10:27 AM
Against my better judgment..  Roll Eyes

Which ideology do you want to be dominant in your life, or your children's life?

How about neither?

A vote for theocracy then?
874  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Maybe we all should just live Currency Free ? on: May 06, 2012, 10:08:59 AM
What do you do when 99% of all labor is "divided" into the responsibility of robots, automation and AI? What kind of economy do you expect to have then? Shall all 7 billion people continue to compete for the remaining positions of labor just to live? What kind of sickness are you people promoting who still cling to the ancient and useless ideas of pre industrial society and economic theory? Why don't you start recognizing what is actually happening and start participating rationally?
If nobody works or needs to work because machines are doing everything then you're already living in utopia. What's the problem? Isn't that the whole goal of the Venus project you're so fond of? A fine goal, but the thing is without money you have no way to do economic calculation and so no rational way to allocate resources to where you're going to get the biggest bang for your buck. You get more scarcity, not a magical post-scarcity utopia.

Economic calculation is an abstraction and distorts our perceptions and values. This ideology has run rampant for decades and we can plainly see the results. In a resource based economy, we measure things scientifically, empirically and rationally. We don't need to distort, hide or ignore reality to fit our preconceived economic notions because we would recognize the danger in doing so. It's time to stop living in the past and embrace the technological and scientific realities of our time so that we can all benefit from them. Clinging to ancient economic religions leads only to your detriment.
875  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 06, 2012, 10:00:30 AM

Money has no relationship to reality.

Wow that is just so false that I don't know how to address it.

Does gold have any relationship to reality? Do Bitcoins? Do cigarettes and seashells and cattle have any relationship to reality? I think they clearly do. They are real. And, they are money. Sooooo... WTF are you talking about?
Calling something money doesn't make it different that what it is physically. FRN's are pretty pieces of paper. Bitcoins are strings of 1's and 0's. Gold is an element of matter. Ultimately, money is a shared delusion that we have been trained to accept as real. We existed without money and we can do so again.

Dude, this forum is a string of 1s and 0s. So is wikipedia and redtube. And gold is just a bunch of stupid electrons and protons and so are you.

Exactly. Money is a shared social construct, but that doesn't make it a real physical thing. In a resource based economy we abandon useless and distorting abstractions and rely upon scientific knowledge and measurement. We don't need economic calculation when we have actual physical and scientific based calculation. Economists will tell you that the world is several quadrillion dollars in debt. Science will show empirically that we can provide for the basic needs of all people. Which ideology do you want to be dominant in your life, or your children's life?
876  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Maybe we all should just live Currency Free ? on: May 05, 2012, 07:41:10 PM
What do you do when 99% of all labor is "divided" into the responsibility of robots, automation and AI? What kind of economy do you expect to have then? Shall all 7 billion people continue to compete for the remaining positions of labor just to live? What kind of sickness are you people promoting who still cling to the ancient and useless ideas of pre industrial society and economic theory? Why don't you start recognizing what is actually happening and start participating rationally?
877  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 05, 2012, 07:35:58 PM

Money has no relationship to reality.

Wow that is just so false that I don't know how to address it.

Does gold have any relationship to reality? Do Bitcoins? Do cigarettes and seashells and cattle have any relationship to reality? I think they clearly do. They are real. And, they are money. Sooooo... WTF are you talking about?
Calling something money doesn't make it different that what it is physically. FRN's are pretty pieces of paper. Bitcoins are strings of 1's and 0's. Gold is an element of matter. Ultimately, money is a shared delusion that we have been trained to accept as real. We existed without money and we can do so again.
878  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 05, 2012, 05:16:31 PM

Money has no relationship to reality

I never said that. I said that possibilities are not freedom.

Being free to do whatever you want does not mean you can do whatever you want for nothing (for "free"). And that has nothing to do with money. That's just how the world is. "There is no such thing as a free lunch". Sorry dude.

Obviously every physical action loses energy to entropy (as we currently understand physics), but that doesn't mean we have to choke ourselves to death with an imaginary system of arbitrary restrictions that do more to harm us that help us.
879  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Porcupine Freedom Festival - Now Accepting BTC for Registration on: May 05, 2012, 01:00:11 PM
In a monetary system, you are only as free as you can afford to be.

That's not money, that's reality.

Oh man, house doesn't grow like a plant, cars doesn't fall from the sky ready for you to drive,... All those things comes from men's work. Tha's not slavery that's reality.

Money has no relationship to reality. The items you listed are products of innovation and are technical in nature.
880  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Maybe we all should just live Currency Free ? on: May 05, 2012, 12:50:26 PM
It is money that has promoted greed, it is not hardwired but programmed into us, no one is born greedy, at the invention of "the economy" it was meant to help people, to minimise waste, but it has not, it has failed and it is time for a new "system"
Just witness two toddlers (who have no understanding of money or economics) fighting over a toy.
You're confusing the motivation of greed with the expression of intense interest. Give them two identical objects and they can each interact and learn about them individually. And if your argument is that we should maintain a childlike mindset by engaging in this convoluted monetary system, then that is an incredibly low bar to set for ourselves. Let's move it up.
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