My calendar must be wrong, It says it's still the 26th, and that there are 4 more days left in September. Huh.
Correct, they could still 'deliver' this month.
I think there have been valid concerns voiced in this thread lately.
Yes there are the obvious BS trolls, par for course.
It comes down to what can be viewed as KnC moving the goalposts.
Let us review the facts we have:
on: June 26, 2013, 02:14:10 PM
"I would like to say that EVERYTHING that needs to be done at this point in time for a September delivery has indeed been done.
We are on track for delivery and we know of nothing currently to the contrary."
this becomes
on: July 30, 2013, 01:41:06 PM
"We are still on schedule to begin shipping in September."
'delivery' becomes 'shipping'
on: May 30
"We see no reason why it cant work like that, the only addition I will add is that the refund will be 100% with the order cancelled, We wont be offering a discount/refund and still shipping you the boxes. Refunds are offered up to the day of shipment of your order.
Above all else we will be fair.
Sam "
Today this becomes
"Therefore, any changes of orders cannot be accepted."
It is speculated that this includes changes of the refund variety.
Today at 01:39:25 PM
Kaliecious starts a thread"KNC miner is refusing refunds who needs to be contacted to inform they are not adhearing to the laws of it hasn't shipped they need to give a refund?"
Kaliecious is asked to provide evidence and posts this pic.
I have not personally recieved confirmation from KnC that this is a fact.
(I have emailed asking for confirmation)
If the thread and pic are a troll it is a clever one and perfectly timed.
There was a well timed malicious troll (since edited from thread I think)
While this is being discussed over 150 posts vanish from the thread.
Coinkydink? Could be!
I understand and share some customers concern that similar behavior observed in other vendors has not ended well for customers or schedules.
I think it unlikely that all who ordered day 1 & 2 based on originaly stated 'delivery' in September will recieve units in September. It is possible, it is only the 26th.
The conditions of 'the bet' are not the conditions pre-orders were solicited under.
People who ordered after the day 1 & 2 ALSO did so based on the original terms.
That includes refunds up to day before shipping.
KnC stated the original terms.
KnC took the risk and stood to reap the rewards.
If I have misstated any facts let me know and I will edit and explain my edits as I always do.
If I am flat out wrong I will eat my crow when it is served.
For the record I have not decided that I _DO_ want a refund.
I do expect that option to remain until shipping as per the origional terms of the agreement.