Activity: 2324
Merit: 1800
Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
April 20, 2018, 04:33:41 AM |
You just wait and see.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
April 20, 2018, 05:06:43 AM |
*Yes I know you libertarians detest state coercision in any form, including being made to vote, speed limits and fire codes. Tough shit.
no, not tough shit the sheriff knows goddamn good and well where not to go around here you statists don't wield all the power you think you do You are too highly educated and well spoken to be a sovereign citizen with no license plates. A single vote by 350,000,000 people with 250 bytes of data per vote would use over 87.5GB on the blockchain. That's just in a really simple case but usually a ballot has like 50 things on it.
and usually 60-70% don't vote. If voting could change things, it would be illegal. The Australians make it illegal not to vote. You get fined if you don’t show. They also vote on the weekend and employers are fined if they don’t allow employees a break to go vote. Needless to say voter turnout is always above 90%. *Yes I know you libertarians detest state coercision in any form, including being made to vote, speed limits and fire codes. Tough shit. Actually, we would like the roads to be private and the owner free to set whatever speed limit he wants, cause, you know, it's his property to do with as he pleases. I’m buying the road in front of your house and the back alley. You have to pay me $100k per year in a license fee to leave your driveway. If you can’t afford it, I will buy your house from you for $1. If you or the fire department step onto my road without paying my license fee, I will shoot you for trespassing on my land. Anyone can waste their money to be a dick in the short term. Plenty of cases of people throwing their money away on stupid things. The free market makes it so that those stupid ideas die without a constant stream of money.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
April 20, 2018, 05:11:10 AM |
Seasteading: where we're going we don't need roads 
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
April 20, 2018, 05:15:39 AM |
*Yes I know you libertarians detest state coercision in any form, including being made to vote, speed limits and fire codes. Tough shit.
no, not tough shit the sheriff knows goddamn good and well where not to go around here you statists don't wield all the power you think you do You are too highly educated and well spoken to be a sovereign citizen with no license plates. A single vote by 350,000,000 people with 250 bytes of data per vote would use over 87.5GB on the blockchain. That's just in a really simple case but usually a ballot has like 50 things on it.
and usually 60-70% don't vote. If voting could change things, it would be illegal. The Australians make it illegal not to vote. You get fined if you don’t show. They also vote on the weekend and employers are fined if they don’t allow employees a break to go vote. Needless to say voter turnout is always above 90%. *Yes I know you libertarians detest state coercision in any form, including being made to vote, speed limits and fire codes. Tough shit. Actually, we would like the roads to be private and the owner free to set whatever speed limit he wants, cause, you know, it's his property to do with as he pleases. I’m buying the road in front of your house and the back alley. You have to pay me $100k per year in a license fee to leave your driveway. If you can’t afford it, I will buy your house from you for $1. If you or the fire department step onto my road without paying my license fee, I will shoot you for trespassing on my land. Anyone can waste their money to be a dick in the short term. Plenty of cases of people throwing their money away on stupid things. The free market makes it so that those stupid ideas die without a constant stream of money. Like Comcast. They spend a lot of money being dicks. The free market is making Comcast die. It’s not me that’s going to buy your road. It’s Comcast. And they will buy every road in your town and fuck you over so badly you have to leave. But you can’t because they have a monopoly on every suburban road in America. And then Congress will make a law against road pirates, who are using Comcast’s private roads without permission. And we can all run a campaign on road neutrality and no one will listen
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
April 20, 2018, 05:49:54 AM |
Activity: 3458
Merit: 4902
diamond-handed zealot
April 20, 2018, 05:53:23 AM |
You are too highly educated and well spoken to be a sovereign citizen with no license plates.
That may be true Hairy, but I am also completely fucking done with all the interference in my life and choices. Be advised, you busybodies are playing with fire.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
April 20, 2018, 06:24:01 AM |
If you want to live somewhere without fire codes, speed limits or compulsory voting, most of Africa would be a good start.
They have speed limits in Texas, those busy bodies.
Activity: 2316
Merit: 3783
Flippin' burgers since 1163.
Can any of you gif wizards fix this so its post-able here? I keep still framing it... :/ Some of my best TA is there.   Your TA is spot on! Unfortunately there currently seem to be some image proxy issues. Direct link:
Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053
Free spirit
April 20, 2018, 08:35:12 AM |
I plan to tap dance on the grave of both bitcoin and bcash
Quite funny, after all the time and effort wasted here and when everyone is rich and cashed out with their lambo's along the way At least you will be happy
Activity: 2101
Merit: 1061
And then Congress will make a law against road pirates, who are using Comcast’s private roads without permission. And we can all run a campaign on road neutrality and no one will listen
A good illustration why power of the state is not good.
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 20, 2018, 09:38:44 AM |
Bitcoin is not a democracy. It's feudal. There won't be any voting. There will be blood, or submission.
Activity: 2316
Merit: 3783
Flippin' burgers since 1163.
April 20, 2018, 09:51:40 AM |
Bitcoin is not a democracy. It's feudal. There won't be any voting. There will be blood, or submission.
You sir are on your way becoming a legend.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
April 20, 2018, 09:58:31 AM |
And then Congress will make a law against road pirates, who are using Comcast’s private roads without permission. And we can all run a campaign on road neutrality and no one will listen
A good illustration why power of the state is not good. I can’t argue with that. Also have learned something today which is that libertarians basically just want to be left alone. I had some sympathy for that even if I don’t agree with some of the outcomes. So I apologize!
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
April 20, 2018, 10:32:44 AM |
Also have learned something today which is that libertarians basically just want to be left alone.
Libertarianism is a theoretical system that works on paper but is 100% invalid in the real world because it's impossible to function in a closed ecosystem (the current state of earth). In practice, all libertarianism is is one moron campaigning for unilateral disarmament of whatever tribe or human settlement he lives in or was born into, while the odds of all potentially hostile external settlements doing the same thing at the same time is virtually zero. You are in effect just opening the door to your civilization while rolling out a red carpet that says "come kill, steal, or enslave us". Libertarianism literally is nothing more than a renamed version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Whether you believe the protocols are fiction or non-fiction doesn't matter, they are 100% correct: 14. In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right - to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.
6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism."
Many in the post-Ron Paul era - although probably unable to convey this reality in words - know this is subconsciously true and have moved on looking for better solutions, usually involving the only known functional frameworks of human existence over the last several thousand years - homogeneous, ethnocentric city-states (aka things like the alt-right).
Activity: 1354
Merit: 2300
a Cray can run an endless loop in under 4 hours
April 20, 2018, 10:37:43 AM |
boom, it just touched 8499 on bitfinex!
edit: can we now go straight to 10k please?
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 222
Deb Rah Von Doom
April 20, 2018, 10:39:33 AM |
________/_ / / ______/
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
April 20, 2018, 10:44:02 AM |
Activity: 2101
Merit: 1061
April 20, 2018, 10:44:33 AM |
Also have learned something today which is that libertarians basically just want to be left alone.
Libertarianism is a theoretical system that works on paper but is 100% invalid in the real world because it's impossible to function in a closed ecosystem (the current state of earth). In practice, all libertarianism is is one moron campaigning for unilateral disarmament of whatever tribe or human settlement he lives in or was born into, while the odds of all potentially hostile external settlements doing the same thing at the same time is virtually zero. You are in effect just opening the door to your civilization while rolling out a red carpet that says "come kill, steal, or enslave us". Libertarianism literally is nothing more than a renamed version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Whether you believe the protocols are fiction or non-fiction doesn't matter, they are 100% correct: 14. In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right - to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.
6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism."
Many in the post-Ron Paul era - although probably unable to convey this reality in words - know this is subconsciously true and have moved on looking for better solutions, usually involving the only known functional frameworks of human existence over the last several thousand years - homogeneous, ethnocentric city-states (aka things like the alt-right). The struggle for individual freedom is a quality that unconsciously all will admire even those stomping all over it will have it in their hearts has a guilty secret. They will know in their soul they were wrong when the time to be judged. Might is right. There is nothing new in that. Throughout your life and struggle may see your nation be overcome by another even worse state. I don't like the thought of siding with a mighty facist movement to overcome some kind of slightly weaker other ideology. So yes the struggle for your own freedom might be futile, it might make your own current bully of a state weaker and allow a stronger bully of a state to take over. But one bully is much the same as another. Read Animal Farm. I liked Hairy Maclairy's view better. Its not easy to admit seeing the other side of a debate. Hats off.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
April 20, 2018, 10:46:52 AM |
boom, it just touched 8499 on bitfinex!
Who would have guessed the most fraudulent exchange on the planet where no real humans even trade on for fear of being Gox'd would try and paint the tape higher with tethers printed from thin air. The most inconvenient fact in bitcoin: why can nobody point out why every single price movement in bitcoin must be initiated by Bitfinex and NEVER any other exchange that actually has any veneer of legitimacy? The price is only allowed to be moved by the obvious scam exchange of the day whether it's Gox, Huobi, or Bitfinex. Which begs the question, can the price of bitcoin actually go up WITHOUT fraud involved?