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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26735729 times)
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Hero Member
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May 08, 2019, 10:51:50 AM
Merited by Last of the V8s (1) said safu?   Huh

apparently the hot wallet at Binance lost 7k corn...ouch.

Glad that they don't want a BTC rollback... Undecided

That would be ******.

A consensuses for such a rollback would be madness. Every stupid fuck could demand a rollback for a lost wallet if they would allow it in this case.

Indeed, I doubt that they would have been able to if they tried. This further illustrates the necessity of further distribution of the hash power and why centralisation is a bad thing when it comes to BTC.
I would be happier if we had further diversification in the hash power.

What CZ@Binance wants,  or when miners want to fork, doesn't matter. They are free to do as they wish.
UASF & 2X was the watershed, when the power was ultimately confirmed to be in the hands of the holders.

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May 08, 2019, 10:53:22 AM
Merited by mindrust (1)

Much more to this than meets the eye.


You might be onto something.  

Why would the second largest Tether exchange want to suspend withdrawals in the middle of the biggest Tether crisis yet?

Is Binance trying to stop a run on the bank because they have gotten wind of something happening this week?

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May 08, 2019, 10:59:36 AM

Quesque le fuck
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May 08, 2019, 11:01:53 AM

LOL of the day.
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Homo Sapiens Bitcoinerthalensis

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May 08, 2019, 11:03:35 AM

Last of the Hairy's & Hairy V8, love your inputs Tongue
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May 08, 2019, 11:05:01 AM

Also Binance’s insurance fund (SAFU) is stored in BNB (Binance Coin).  

Oh how we laughed !
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May 08, 2019, 11:14:39 AM

So what do you trolls and so called geniuses think of the btc price 6 months from now?

$9000, but I am getting confused now since some say that bull run started in February. said safu?   Huh

apparently the hot wallet at Binance lost 7k corn...ouch.

Glad that they don't want a BTC rollback... Undecided

That would be ******.

That would be attack on Bitcoin so attack on all of us. What would lead to end of Binance.   What CZ needs is a Bitcoin class, so he learns the basics how Bitcoin works. That way he will learn what gives Bitcoin value and he might cherish it more to not lose it like this.  Immutability is one of most important Bitcoin traits.
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May 08, 2019, 11:21:53 AM

Yeah I saw some tweets about that. Mostly from tinfoil tier retards though.

No shit if the HOT wallet with 7000 BTC got hacked once it would likely have a similar amount the next time around if it happens only one year later.

People are either retarded or opportunistic (margin shorts now/longs after clear).

Also, people seem completely oblivious to how hard it is to guard against hacking.
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May 08, 2019, 11:28:37 AM

So Binance hacked itself and will reimburse the victims with Binance tokens?
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May 08, 2019, 11:31:19 AM

Some of those places are on my to-do list. If you visit any of them, a few words would be appreciated.

And thanks for the merit!  Smiley
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May 08, 2019, 11:39:51 AM

Some of those places are on my to-do list. If you visit any of them, a few words would be appreciated.

And thanks for the merit!  Smiley

I'm already back home. I didn't have much time to check those out.
But if I do one day, I'll let you know.  Wink
Only thing I can tell you is about the first address you posted, well about the area where it's located. Ryogoku is where Sumos train. You can go watch one of their sessions in the morning (gotta reserve in advance though).

You're vegetarian too ? Vegan even ?
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a Cray can run an endless loop in under 4 hours

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May 08, 2019, 11:40:06 AM

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May 08, 2019, 12:10:58 PM

If #bitcoin markets have learned and have become more efficient,
then markets could front run next halving. Front run scenario could look like this:

One of my wildest (wet) dream. I am speaking about market efficiency, of course.

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May 08, 2019, 12:16:51 PM

Some of those places are on my to-do list. If you visit any of them, a few words would be appreciated.

And thanks for the merit!  Smiley

I'm already back home. I didn't have much time to check those out.
But if I do one day, I'll let you know.  Wink
Only thing I can tell you is about the first address you posted, well about the area where it's located. Ryogoku is where Sumos train. You can go watch one of their sessions in the morning (gotta reserve in advance though).
Nice tip about sumo training! I've never seen it live, but I did meet a wrestler once in the metro. His clean baby smell (talcum powder) could be felt from a distance through the crowd. I managed a photo with the baby hulk.

About restaurants - My first tip would have been about this tofu-only place with an impressive menu, outstanding quality and reasonable prices, but I can't recall its name or location. It was 10 years ago, who knows if it's even still there. I'd like to go there again though.

You're vegetarian too ? Vegan even ?
No, but I'm open, and I have a vegan day once in a while just for the heck of it. Serious vegans go against our own biology IMO.

I know it's quite hard to be a veg in Japan, they will slip animal products everywhere without a warning - you probably know their basic dashi broth, used in almost everything they cook, is made with small fish about 50% of the time.

Sorry I had to reply here. It's so unconvenient to discuss travel destinations and other pleasantries with all these people posting OTs about this bit dollar thing, or whatever it's called... why don't they go somewhere else?
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May 08, 2019, 12:51:33 PM

The hacker sent funds to an address from which they can't be spent???

Sounds like CZ has some serious haters. Of course the rollback idea is dumb. It was dumb when Ethereum did it, it's dumb now. Too bad he had to actually say that. He is/was one of my favorite crypto personalities.
El duderino_
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May 08, 2019, 12:51:44 PM

I doubt it with all this roll back fud and talk, it's not even happening or being attempted and people are acting like the sky is falling.

It wouldn't even work.

I didn't saw any skies falling and even didn't really saw a lot of BTC'ers being bothered with it, what I definitely like Smiley

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May 08, 2019, 12:55:28 PM

Any news on the China ban?
El duderino_
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May 08, 2019, 01:07:05 PM

Any news on the China ban?

Yeah looks bad, we just went from 5860 to 5845  Tongue
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a Cray can run an endless loop in under 4 hours

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May 08, 2019, 01:07:06 PM
Last edit: May 08, 2019, 01:19:52 PM by vroom
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

The hacker sent funds to an address from which they can't be spent???

Sounds like CZ has some serious haters. Of course the rollback idea is dumb. It was dumb when Ethereum did it, it's dumb now. Too bad he had to actually say that. He is/was one of my favorite crypto personalities.

Stupid article, can't they write why the coins can't be spent?

edit: I found the reason somewhere else.

Every Bitcoin transaction carries information about the wallets it's going to and from, the reasons you know it's a valid transaction and so on. Without the right information, the Bitcoin can't be spent.

One of the improvements of SegWit is that it rearranges this information and packs it more efficiently. Bech32 addresses are designed to read that information in the new and more efficient way that SegWit arranges it. But if it's not packed correctly, they can't read it.

So when you're sending Bitcoin to a Bech32 address, you need to make sure you're sending it from a type of address type that knows how to pack the information correctly. Otherwise it arrives in the Bech32 address without the information needed to be transferred again.

That's what happened here. About 7,000 Bitcoin worth $40 million are now stuck.

It's like the Binance Bitcoin went on vacation but forgot their passport, and now they're stuck in an airport for eternity because border control won't let them out without a passport.

these binance guys are trying to conceal a big mistake with a hack that never happened.
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May 08, 2019, 01:14:11 PM

So Binance hacked itself and will reimburse the victims with Binance tokens?

Right out of the ol' Bitfinex playbook  Wink
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