Nobody needs BSV, period.
It's run by and associated with demonstrable human trash that deserves absolutely no spotlight.
I'm fine with jbreher advocating for larger blocks for technical reasons.
But CSW is obviously not interested in any technical argument. He isn't even competent enough to have one.
He's a filthy human scumbag that lies and deceives and can't produce a single original thought in his Master thesis.
His "winged" grades are worse than my grades with zero preparation or attendance.
And I'm certainly nowhere near capable enough to think up Bitcoin. So anyone south of me clearly isn't going to be either.
Add all the deception and plagiarism on top and you've got a piece of shit that should be ostracized by all of humanity, including any of his attempts to gain power.
For genius forgivable almost any behavior
1. No.
2. CSW is factually retarded, not a genius.
@alevlaslo lol who CSW??

ok i'll engage, what would need to happen for you to admit that CSW is just a charlatan? That is, can you think of any outcome that would make you question your god (e.g. you'll disown him if he won't sign anything with Satoshi's keys by Jan 2020, or you'll disown him if Ayre's shill payment doesn't com in etc...)? So far you only put up a circular argument where CSW can do no wrong.
1-He doesn't want to prove that he's Satoshi because he's Satoshi
2-Every fart that comes out of his mouth is forgivable because he's Satoshi
3-If you don't believe that he's Satoshi goto 1 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 166 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/03/2019 Page 1 of 4
CASE NO. 18-CIV-80176-Bloom/Reinhart
IRA KLEIMAN, as personal representative of
the estate of David Kleiman, and
Before the Court is the Defendant’s Sealed Motion Regarding Production of a List of the
Public Addresses of his Bitcoin as of December 31, 2013 (“the Bitcoin Holdings Motion.”) [DE
155]. The Defendant filed a Motion to Seal the Bitcoin Holdings Motion, DE 151, which the
undersigned granted. DE 153. Plaintiffs filed their Response under seal. DE 162. For the reasons
stated below, the Court finds that redacted, unsealed versions of the Bitcoin Holdings Motion and
the Plaintiffs’ Response to that motion can be filed in the public record. Nothing contained in the
instant Order discloses material that remains under seal.
The Court, sua sponte¸ has reconsidered its Order granting Dr. Wright’s Motion to Seal. It
is this Court’s general policy that its proceedings are public and Court filings are matters of public
record. SDFL Local Rule 5.4(a). A party seeking to seal materials related to a discovery motion
must satisfy the burden for a Rule 26 protective order, that is, good cause. Chicago Tribune Co.
v. Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. 263 F.3d 1304, 1312-13 (11th Cir. 2001); FTC v. AbbVie Products,
Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 166 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/03/2019 Page 2 of 4
LLC, 713 F.3d 54, 63 (11th Cir. 2013). Having had the opportunity to review the party’s pleadings,
the Court finds there is good cause to seal portions of the pleadings, but not the pleadings in their
entirety. Redacted versions of those pleadings can be filed in the public record without
compromising the original purpose for sealing them. 1 The Court will allow the parties to be heard
before finalizing its redactions.
At issue is whether it would be unduly burdensome for Dr. Wright to produce a list of his
bitcoin holdings as of December 31, 2013. This Court has held multiple discovery hearings that
addressed issues relating to Dr. Wright’s current and past bitcoin holdings. DE 107 at 120-123;
DE 122 at 61-63; DE 124 at 18-23. Ultimately, the Court ordered Dr. Wright to produce a list of
his bitcoin holdings as of December 31, 2013, without prejudice to Dr. Wright filing a motion for
protective order based on undue burden. DE 124 at 18-23.
Thereafter, Dr. Wright filed an unverified motion in which he identified a number of
bitcoin public addresses that he mined. Although not delineated as a Motion for Protective Order,
that is what the pleading is. Dr. Wright asserted that he does not have a complete list of the public
addresses he owned on any date, including December 31, 2013. He further asserted that in 2011
he transferred ownership of all his bitcoin to a blind trust. Although he makes the conclusory
statement that it would be unduly burdensome to produce a list of his bitcoin holdings as of
December 31, 2013, this conclusion is not supported by facts. In essence, he does not argue undue
burden, he argues impossibility. The argument that Dr. Wright is incapable of providing an
accurate listing of his current or historical bitcoin holdings was never presented in any of the prior
hearings before this Court, when the Court was crafting the scope of discovery. Notably, the
Remaining under seal are the names of non-parties and the identifying information for the amount
and identity of certain bitcoin. In addition, discovery material attached to Plaintiffs’ Response as
Exhibits 1 and 2 remains under seal.
Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 166 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/03/2019 Page 3 of 4
Bitcoin Holdings Motion does not refute the obvious response to this argument – get the
information from the trustee of the blind trust.
In response to Dr. Wright’s Motion, the Plaintiffs ask the Court to order the following
additional discovery: (1) make Dr. Wright produce the list of bitcoins owned as of December 31,
2013; (2) make Dr. Wright identify all bitcoins he transferred to the blind trust in 2011; (3) make
Dr. Wright produce documents related to the blind trust; (4) make Dr. Wright identify, under oath,
the identity of the current and past trustees of the blind trust, the beneficiaries of the blind trust,
and the manner in which the bitcoins were transferred to the blind trust; and (5) permit further
deposition of Dr. Wright with regard to his ownership and control over bitcoins. DE 162 at 5-6.
The Court finds that this additional discovery is warranted. The Court has already found that
tracing Dr. Wright’s bitcoin holdings is relevant to the Plaintiffs’ theft claims. The order to
produce a list of bitcoin holdings as of December 31, 2013, was a compromise; it was the Court’s
attempt to provide Plaintiffs with relevant and material evidence without unduly burdening Dr.
Wright. That Dr. Wright now argues it is not feasible for him to identify the bitcoin he held on
December 31, 2013, does not diminish Plaintiffs’ entitlement to the pertinent evidence. That
evidence can be obtained through other means, which the Court will authorize Plaintiffs to use.
It is therefore ORDERED that:
1. Dr. Wright’s Motion Regarding Production of a List of the Public Addresses of His
Bitcoin as of December 31, 2013, [DE 155] which is deemed to be a Motion for
Protective Order, is DENIED.
2. The Order to Seal [DE 153] is modified to allow for the filing of redacted copies of DE
155 and DE 162. The Court will provide copies of its proposed redacted pleadings to
the parties, but will not yet file those redacted pleadings on the docket. The parties
Case 9:18-cv-80176-BB Document 166 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/03/2019 Page 4 of 4
shall notify the Court by May 8, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time if they seek additional
3. On or before May 8, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Dr. Wright shall provide to
Plaintiffs a sworn declaration identifying the name and location of the blind trust, the
name and contact information for the current trustee and any past trustees, and the
names and contact information of any current or past beneficiaries.
4. On or before May 9, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Dr. Wright shall produce to
Plaintiffs a copy of any and all documents relating to the formation, administration, and
operation of the blind trust. The production shall be accompanied by a sworn
declaration of authenticity.
5. On or before May 15, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Dr. Wright shall produce all
transactional records of the blind trust, including but not limited to any records
reflecting the transfer of bitcoin into the blind trust in or about 2011. The production
shall be accompanied by a sworn declaration of authenticity.
6. Dr. Wright shall execute any and all documents, or other legal process, necessary to
effectuate the release of documents in the possession, custody, or control of the Trustee.
7. Any ruling on whether Dr. Wright’s deposition should be re-opened will be deferred
pending the production described in this Order.
DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers this 3rd day of May, 2019, at West Palm Beach in
the Southern District of Florida.
So you'll disown CSW if he doesn't provide the above court ordered information by May 15th? Did i understand you correctly? e.g. If CSW won't provide info for any reason (including claiming that court has no jurisdiction over him etc...) you'll admit that CSW is a fraud and STFU about BSV forever??