Activity: 4606
Merit: 4326
what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?
May 04, 2019, 11:38:34 PM |
there was a pin you could isolate or snap off on the pentium northwood B and change its multiplier (or fsb?). might not of been the B model either come to think about it. a,b,c model northwoods all used a different fsb, that pin said which one to use. or something like that lol
only remember cuz i tried it and it didnt work. as i broke my pin it was a major pita to get it to make contact again. i use a piece of copper wire sticking out of the socket as i recall.
and those AMD chips where you could strap multiplier pins with a veeeery carefully placed pencil mark...jesus man, those were the days edit/ falling off the wagon now...god damn you guys easiest overclocks (well aside from the bios stuff from the pentium II on up) was the jumpers on the 486. just pick 25,33 or 40, then select the multiplier via jumper and see if it booted. cant remember if my 386 could do that. before that there was the clock crystal replacement on the IBM AT. never tried it on mine though. dont remember what the cpus were that you just added more L2 cache via stuffing chips in empty sockets on the mobo. 386 im guessing. still have some of those cpus/motherboards and all the stuff needed to boot them. part of my Piles of Old Crap Collection.
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
May 04, 2019, 11:46:25 PM |
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.
May 8 is coming..... what happens then?
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1584
May 04, 2019, 11:50:44 PM |
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.
May 8 is coming..... what happens then? Lucky day for Lambie. According to LS bull market can start to mature and he will wear hat.

Activity: 252
Merit: 59
May 04, 2019, 11:53:59 PM |
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.
May 8 is coming..... what happens then? BTC price pump then hit $8k and enjoy with BR bottle.
Lambie Slayer
May 04, 2019, 11:54:13 PM |
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.
May 8 is coming..... what happens then? @JSRAW -  Yes sir it is coming up fast. @V8s - I will place a Xhomer masterpiece on my head and announce the BTCaby BTCull is no longer a baby(provided we dont go sub 3100 by then in which case Bitcoin is dead and a scam  ) There will be other festivities as well but I cant reveal that now.
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
May 04, 2019, 11:59:28 PM |
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
May 05, 2019, 12:03:13 AM |
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.
May 8 is coming..... what happens then? @JSRAW -  Yes sir it is coming up fast. @V8s - I will place a Xhomer masterpiece on my head and announce the BTCaby BTCull is no longer a baby(provided we dont go sub 3100 by then in which case Bitcoin is dead and a scam  ) There will be other festivities as well but I cant reveal that now. LS keep doing what you do, you’re becoming a cult Classic @ the WO-thread ..... announce when the BULLmarket matures, looking forward for it and your HAT  GOOD Night WO’s going into SOBER upsleep and Will be out for Some hours Cheers for those that are awake or doesn’t sleep this night!
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4868
diamond-handed zealot
May 05, 2019, 12:10:58 AM |
you never sleep man
take care of yourself
Lambie Slayer
May 05, 2019, 01:57:03 AM |
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.
May 8 is coming..... what happens then? @JSRAW -  Yes sir it is coming up fast. @V8s - I will place a Xhomer masterpiece on my head and announce the BTCaby BTCull is no longer a baby(provided we dont go sub 3100 by then in which case Bitcoin is dead and a scam  ) There will be other festivities as well but I cant reveal that now. LS keep doing what you do, you’re becoming a cult Classic @ the WO-thread ..... announce when the BULLmarket matures, looking forward for it and your HAT  GOOD Night WO’s going into SOBER upsleep and Will be out for Some hours Cheers for those that are awake or doesn’t sleep this night! Get that hodlrest brother  We will keep the Anti-Retard Vigilante Squad running round the clock.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 4197
May 05, 2019, 02:23:43 AM |
The evening wall report Hey everyone As consolidation activities continue we approach one of those interesting areas where rumors and fud interact with the trend and fundamentals. Have to pay attention over the next week or so as news of interest develops with the ongoing bitfinex scandal, the Kleiman Case and the 'mysterious' countdown to find Satoshi. #dyor The latest is a new HH(higher high) on Bitstamp at $5,846.13 as a strong buying trend continues to establish itself as we begin the month of May. #btd 45m  1h  4h  #stronghands'19
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
May 05, 2019, 02:44:25 AM |
I havn't looked at the stats in years and just checked and DAMN your right you guys have been decimated. Yeah they screwed the points system right up with GPU's, N00bs would catch up in a few months with a new gpu, it was a real joke. But I folded from 2000-2006 or so Anon with 6 rigs before joining a team. I've had alot of family die from cancer and thats all I could really do about it.
I remember when EVGA was bribing and I guess now there are 2 F@H coins for it?
I was just looking at the stats too, making me pretty sad seeing all the old user names, we were a thing. I know it is really about the science, but guys had tens of thousands of dollars tied up in those big AMD 4Ps and Stanford fucked them just as other opportunities to do science were coming on the scene. Then 7im started deleting people's posts and threads on the F@H forum. Some pretty serious personal farms found new places to contribute and we just never coalesced around a single project the way we had around F@H. I should dig out the T shirt and cry a little. Just found this.
Activity: 3150
Merit: 1640
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
May 05, 2019, 02:45:08 AM |
Then the world will come into the light  I think I will hodl my breath. 
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4868
diamond-handed zealot
May 05, 2019, 02:50:11 AM |
I havn't looked at the stats in years and just checked and DAMN your right you guys have been decimated. Yeah they screwed the points system right up with GPU's, N00bs would catch up in a few months with a new gpu, it was a real joke. But I folded from 2000-2006 or so Anon with 6 rigs before joining a team. I've had alot of family die from cancer and thats all I could really do about it.
I remember when EVGA was bribing and I guess now there are 2 F@H coins for it?
I was just looking at the stats too, making me pretty sad seeing all the old user names, we were a thing. I know it is really about the science, but guys had tens of thousands of dollars tied up in those big AMD 4Ps and Stanford fucked them just as other opportunities to do science were coming on the scene. Then 7im started deleting people's posts and threads on the F@H forum. Some pretty serious personal farms found new places to contribute and we just never coalesced around a single project the way we had around F@H. I should dig out the T shirt and cry a little. Just found this. I'm not sure how to say this... I am glad I am already drunk right now dude to get along with...
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
May 05, 2019, 02:58:22 AM Last edit: May 05, 2019, 03:14:54 AM by Hueristic |
Back when Bitcoin started I was a heavy F@H contributor and was on OCN working to World domination (Which we accomplished!)
pffft team33 FTW BTW, open Zika sprints on WCG right now, got some fans running Lol. Team Picard for seti, f@h, g@h and a few others. When did that team start? Born out if NinjaMicros, which produced GFDs (gold finger devices) which plugged into the Athlon II(?) processor to change the multiplier. Would have been around 1999. W0w, I forgot all about slot A multiplier adapters. At the time I think I was doing the 370/slot1 for builds and BH6 (Malaysian(chip) 300 to 450 OC)thing. Talk abut bang for your buck, that might have been the best off all time, 939 comes close though. so
I'm not sure how to say this...
I am glad I am already drunk right now
dude to get along with...
From a few threads I read, Karma. I never interacted myself. I see how you guys felt about him. how when someone dies people don't want to speak bad about them. If they were dicks when alive I say the world is better off. Fuck em. I think mine is LONG gone. Had a Alpha heatsink strapped to that thing too (modded on my uni workshop) and even toyed with a Peltier element  . Oh and put lights on the case. Back in 1999. Now it's all so cliche... Can't even buy a mobo without lights on board :/ I don't even remember peltier elements being available back that far! I never got around to playing with them, IIRC they were pretty inefficient compared to water. How did your pan out?
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
May 05, 2019, 03:18:27 AM Last edit: May 05, 2019, 03:29:15 AM by Hueristic Merited by vapourminer (1) |
I havn't looked at the stats in years and just checked and DAMN your right you guys have been decimated. Yeah they screwed the points system right up with GPU's, N00bs would catch up in a few months with a new gpu, it was a real joke. But I folded from 2000-2006 or so Anon with 6 rigs before joining a team. I've had alot of family die from cancer and thats all I could really do about it.
I remember when EVGA was bribing and I guess now there are 2 F@H coins for it?
I was just looking at the stats too, making me pretty sad seeing all the old user names, we were a thing. I know it is really about the science, but guys had tens of thousands of dollars tied up in those big AMD 4Ps and Stanford fucked them just as other opportunities to do science were coming on the scene. Then 7im started deleting people's posts and threads on the F@H forum. Some pretty serious personal farms found new places to contribute and we just never coalesced around a single project the way we had around F@H. I should dig out the T shirt and cry a little. yeah i stopped around when a lot of fighting (some about a possible amd handicap) and snobbery came about. then the point system fiasco. mt last folding only rig had a couple gtx285s and a overclocked q9550(?) cant remember exact model. was a lot of fun. till it wasnt. man remember the chimp challenges? heh my original contribution to science was seti@home on a 386 or 486. so long ago i cant remember what machine really.  I remember getting 6ppd on a k5@166 chip but thats the oldest cpu I remember folding on. GFDs (gold finger devices) which plugged into the Athlon II(?) processor to change the multiplier.
fuck me there's a blast from the that would be an overclocking artifact I would like to have there was a pin you could isolate or snap off on the pentium northwood B and change its multiplier (or fsb?). might not of been the B model either come to think about it. a,b,c model northwoods all used a different fsb, that pin said which one to use. or something like that lol only remember cuz i tried it and it didnt work. as i broke my pin it was a major pita to get it to make contact again. i use a piece of copper wire sticking out of the socket as i recall. Nice hack, I did the same by cutting the end of a needle off, thats one nice thing about sockets. I was all AMD during P4, That was the worst Intel flop ever, I went from Dual PIII (Rambus baby!) to Socket 462.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4868
diamond-handed zealot
May 05, 2019, 03:22:38 AM |
I should maybe do this in PM, but at the moment I don't care.
Hueristic, thank you for working through this with me. It is pretty obvious right now that I have been suppressing how much the end of that scene hurt. I used to hang out on IRC with those guys on the regular...
I have said before, and I still believe, one of the things that really gives me hope is that quite a few of the early Bitcoin folks are OG folders, fundamentally altruistic individuals.
This world could do with an elite class with something other than their own quarterly gains in view.
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
May 05, 2019, 03:34:37 AM Last edit: May 05, 2019, 03:50:06 AM by Hueristic Merited by vapourminer (1) |
I should maybe do this in PM, but at the moment I don't care.
Hueristic, thank you for working through this with me. It is pretty obvious right now that I have been suppressing how much the end of that scene hurt. I used to hang out on IRC with those guys on the regular...
I have said before, and I still believe, one of the things that really gives me hope is that quite a few of the early Bitcoin folks are OG folders, fundamentally altruistic individuals.
This world could do with an elite class with something other than their own quarterly gains in view.
I completely agree man, Folding for 6 long years by myself and then noticing there were teams was a blessing. I really dove in and met some of the greatest people this earth has to offer. Sometimes the competition would get the best of them but it was all good for the research in the end. I only stopped because I could no longer justify the cost and my income had changed dramatically so I was bleeding out and not seeing any progress on their end. I do regret not switching over 2 machines I was planning on to BTC back then but we were slugging it out for first (with you guys IIRC) and I also had had a injury setback so I just let the systems stay running. Dammit, I just spent 5 minutes trying to find the thread I did on making the Jade Monkey Head and it looks like its gone. OCN fucked up the board pretty bad the last 10 years and lost alot of shit. I'll upload some shots for you.
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
May 05, 2019, 04:56:16 AM |
easiest overclocks (well aside from the bios stuff from the pentium II on up) was the jumpers on the 486. just pick 25,33 or 40, then select the multiplier via jumper and see if it booted. cant remember if my 386 could do that. before that there was the clock crystal replacement on the IBM AT. never tried it on mine though.
dont remember what the cpus were that you just added more L2 cache via stuffing chips in empty sockets on the mobo. 386 im guessing.
still have some of those cpus/motherboards and all the stuff needed to boot them. part of my Piles of Old Crap Collection.
Those AMD 5x86 chips could be OC'd massively on 486 boards (socket 3 IIRC) like you said set jumpers and watch a 120mhx become 160 with no issues on a stock cooler! AFA crystals, yup easy as well, pop out a 33mhz and throw in a 40 crystal on most 386 chips and you were out to the races again on stock sinks and then upgrading to a Cyrix 486 with a L2 cache bump was a great upgrade on the same 386 Mobo! I remeber using evergreen socket adapters to run 386sx chips on 286 mobo's and I think the last 8088 4.77mh upgrade was a 8mh (Damn I can't remember the name anymore).