Another minor sell off. This is probably an effort to just take out a few longs before more up move.
The Fed and friends have still not solved the latest banking shitfest, more disaster is coming down the line, and soon they'll have to stop pretending like they can get inflation under control. Inflation will be handled by the massive recession that is almost upon us anyway, but actually it won't, because massive fiscal and monetary support will blow that out of the water. I hope all of us here are ready for the coming wealth disparity because this next up move in assets is going to destroy anyone who doesn't have significant assets. Bitcoin in particular.
The world is moving into a dark place.
Could you be a bit more cheery?
I mean less doomy and gloomy.
I largely agree with you that those who allocate to bitcoin (and perhaps other assets) are likely to fair better as we go forward, but still... you are ruin'n any potential cheery mood in this here place.

Just consider if you did not know about bitcoin? yeah, there is a lot of suffering out there, and there are a lot of folks who do not know about bitcoin.. even though a lot of them have heard the word and they think that they know what it is.. but yeah, a lot of folks don't really know about hedging into bitcoin can potentially help with their future.. .. and I continue to hope that bitcoin HODLers do not have to become actual physical targets , merely because people are suffering and they did not look further into bitcoin and take actions to hedge their futures with some more of dee cornz... yes.. we have friends and relatives who are suffering too... and we can ONLY help them so much to help themselves... they may well disagree with us, even if we try to "help."
At my previous work place there was literally a them/they moron. Good thing I didn't run into HIM. I would have ignored that shite and they could have fired me over calling people by their proper gender, not their fantasy bollocks. Wouldn't have given a shit. I have enough corn anyway.
I find it difficult to be that confrontational with people in the "real world"... whether I have a lot or a significant amount of corn or not.. and the fact of the matter is that we seem to be social beings, and I have my doubts if dee cornz removes us from our needs to be social and to come to various kinds of social compromises from time to time.. whether we like it or not.. and yeah, there might be some various ways to lessen our interactions or to attempt to live on some kind of an "island within an island" or whatever, but still interactions or turn into some variation of Ted Kaczynski.
Sometimes it is confusing and difficult to figure out how to interact, especially if they are family members or even the "partners" or "friends" of family members. It's not like we are going to completely get rid of these ideas, and sometimes even when I am speaking with someone (such as a family member or a friend) who I tend to believe should be on "the same page" or "a similar page" as me, there can be differing opinions that are developing in regards to their interactions in society and their "changing" interpretations about what they believe to be normal or acceptable.
One of the dilemmas that many of us likely continue to find is that we don't really have any problem with people wanting to be themselves or to live their own lives in any way that they see fit, and at the same time one of the problems is for others to impose their self-identity values upon us, but at the same time, you are damned if you do and you are damned if you don't and part of the dilemma likely remains that societies have always had a bit of a tension of imposing "acceptable" values, and those have not always been clear - and in the age of more open communication (or maybe even unstoppable communication - which is part of the bitcoin world), differing interpretations of "minority" views become more acceptable and wide-spread, and I am not going to proclaim to know the answer, even though I know that sometimes social divisions can cause a lot of distractions in terms of attempting to stick to more important topics, such as having our money stolen from us.. of course, in recent times through monetary debasement and potentially bailing out various undeserved.. but then the whole system had been fucked with in ways that it becomes even difficult to blame some bankers who may have thought that they were engaging in practices to protect their business and then there are rug pulls with that and then even seemingly changing standards of compliance. When I start to ramble like this, I have to admit that I don't claim to know much of anything.. except that there are a lot of dilemmas when dealing with real people about their beliefs and practices.
Another minor sell off. This is probably an effort to just take out a few longs before more up move....
It seems that Binance froze. Is it planned or not, I don't know. Judging by the lil panic probably not.
If Binance is not coming back up soonish, we're screwed. Covid dump will seem small and insignificant compared to this...
So binance and deutche bank are in trouble 😈.
Feds be crashing an burning it all down.
0.25% coming round the in six weeks.
You just luv those shadows on the cave wall philip?