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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 5 (3.4%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.1%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.6%)
>$100K - 86 (58.1%)
Total Voters: 148

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26740997 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688

lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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January 09, 2018, 03:11:39 AM

I think for the time being we shall limit our engagement to shitcoin exchanges and bashing TERA + r0ach

Don't forget about PeterR and jbreher.

Yeah! Don't forget about...  unnhh  .... nevermind.

you are a sport jbreher, I'll give you that

Meh. It's merely cartoon violence. I'ze been a keyboard warrior since before the internet. I can take it.
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Activity: 420
Merit: 257

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January 09, 2018, 03:12:57 AM

Guys, how do i get my Bitcoin Diamond please ?
And what else did i get after that, i really lost oversight of the forks. Damn.
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January 09, 2018, 03:16:52 AM

2018 Cryptocurrency Crash (Elliott Wave)
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Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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January 09, 2018, 03:17:33 AM

I think for the time being we shall limit our engagement to shitcoin exchanges and bashing TERA + r0ach

Don't forget about PeterR and jbreher.

Yeah! Don't forget about...  unnhh  .... nevermind.

you are a sport jbreher, I'll give you that

Meh. It's merely cartoon violence. I'ze been a keyboard warrior since before the internet. I can take it.

300baud denizins unite!
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Activity: 3416
Merit: 1913

The Concierge of Crypto

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January 09, 2018, 03:25:01 AM

Is Changelly any good?

Not really.

What is the problem with it?

I have been waiting weeks now for Bittrex to open up new accounts.

Do you need help? I have a Bittrex account. Normally, you don't trust anyone else but yourself, but this is part of my job description around these parts. I hodl other people's money. PM me if interested. I don't day trade, so give stuff a day or two to get sold / exchanged / traded.
keyboard warrior
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Merit: 251

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January 09, 2018, 03:38:54 AM

Is Changelly any good?

Not really.

What is the problem with it?

I have been waiting weeks now for Bittrex to open up new accounts.

Do you need help? I have a Bittrex account. Normally, you don't trust anyone else but yourself, but this is part of my job description around these parts. I hodl other people's money. PM me if interested. I don't day trade, so give stuff a day or two to get sold / exchanged / traded.

How did you get your account verified? Half the forum's been waiting to get verified for months.
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Activity: 3416
Merit: 1913

The Concierge of Crypto

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January 09, 2018, 03:40:56 AM

How did you get your account verified? Half the forum's been waiting to get verified for months.
It's an account from a long time ago. It used to be called "Legacy" with a 1337 BTC daily withdrawal limit. Then I had it verified soon after they made some announcements last year, and downgraded me to 100 BTC daily withdrawal limit.

I don't know anyone else who retained the "Legacy" limit.
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diamond-handed zealot

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January 09, 2018, 04:06:49 AM

Is Changelly any good?

Not really.

What is the problem with it?

I have been waiting weeks now for Bittrex to open up new accounts.

Do you need help? I have a Bittrex account. Normally, you don't trust anyone else but yourself, but this is part of my job description around these parts. I hodl other people's money. PM me if interested. I don't day trade, so give stuff a day or two to get sold / exchanged / traded.

Thanks for the offer Dabs, no, that's ok, just got mining crap kind of building up to where I want to deal with it.  It's fine on the pool till I figure it out.
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Merit: 100

DOMINIUM - Decentralised property platform

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January 09, 2018, 04:14:52 AM

I was really speculating that bitcoin's market cap and price will surge starting 1st week of this month but i was wrong or maybe i speculated it on a very early date. I am just wondering if what's happening to bitcoin's status right now. It seems so stagnant and i noticed that all top 10 cryptos goes down.
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Activity: 420
Merit: 257

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January 09, 2018, 04:16:29 AM

Guys, how do i get my Bitcoin Diamond please ?
And what else did i get after that, i really lost oversight of the forks. Damn.

Can i get an answer to that ? I´m serious.
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Activity: 4130
Merit: 9313

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January 09, 2018, 04:17:11 AM

Guys, how do i get my Bitcoin Diamond please ?
And what else did i get after that, i really lost oversight of the forks. Damn.

I have the private keys of my addresses, and I have already claimed bcash and btg using coinomi.
I'm looking for a way to claim these coins too:

Bitcoin Diamond (Forked at Block 495866, 24 November 2017)

UnitedBitcoin (Forked at Block 498777, 12 December 2017)

BitcoinX (Forked at Block 498888, 12 December 2017)

Super Bitcoin (Forked at Block 498888, 12 December 2017)---> I claimed this last one using bither app

Can someone help me? Are out there any official or reliable wallet for this coin that let me import plain text priv keys?

 Get your Bitcoin diamond with Bither wallet.  You can import the Bitcoin private keys and then extract the BCD - it will ask you for a Bitpie BCD address but I think it doesn't matter what wallet you use.  Bitpie is written by the same programmer as Bither.  You could probably extract them directly to an exchange wallet.  I used

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January 09, 2018, 04:18:33 AM

OK, OT Story time since I haven't got much to offer on short term price direction although I have continued to buy all the way down with new fiat.

A few days ago I got a message from one of the Vietnamese restaurant owners who recently started "investing" in crypto. She wants me to come speak to her and her friends/family about bitcoin and crypto. A seminar of sorts I suppose or perhaps just Q&A. She's been pushing me to do this for awhile now and I haven't been keen on it - I don't consider myself a substantial BTC knowledge bank and feel even more inadequate to offer any trading advice which I suspect they will want.  I've barely overcome my own skepticism of price movement/manipulation.
Anyhow, seeing as there is not much information available in Vietnamese, (only 1 smallish thread on this forum) and many of the folks out there are going at this without any sort of vision minus the "get rich quick" mentality, I've agreed to have a talk with the folks who are interested and share a broader vision I've come to appreciate in BTC

I feel like I need to be especially careful in this country now that BTC is not favored upon by the local government. (As of Jan.1st it is illegal to make payments for any goods or services in Vietnam using crypto. A fine of $6600-$8800 is imposed for violations.

Hopefully the translator will be suffice or I'll have to do the presentation in memes collected from the WO.


keyboard warrior
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January 09, 2018, 05:02:50 AM

I was really speculating that bitcoin's market cap and price will surge starting 1st week of this month but i was wrong or maybe i speculated it on a very early date. I am just wondering if what's happening to bitcoin's status right now. It seems so stagnant and i noticed that all top 10 cryptos goes down.

Stagnating is better than crashing, and the price was surging up to quickly to be sustainable. Sometimes bitcoin gets less volatile than fiat currencies. Maybe we are entering one of those phases.
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Deb Rah Von Doom

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January 09, 2018, 05:25:26 AM

Is everyone ready with two mortgages on their house and maximum leverage?
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Merit: 257

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January 09, 2018, 05:32:18 AM
Last edit: January 09, 2018, 05:43:30 AM by pfrtlpfmpf

Is everyone ready with two mortgages on their house and maximum leverage?

I even sold my grandmother !  Smiley

I´ll buy her back, promise.

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January 09, 2018, 05:40:12 AM

Is everyone ready with two mortgages on their house and maximum leverage?

Not sure if there's much point.  When the bubble finally fully implodes down to like $4k or whatever it's going to crater to, sentiment for this market is going to be in the dumpster for a good duration of time so you'll just be sitting on sideways btc for a year or more like when it went sideways at $200 and $400 forever.  But you might get a good short term trade on the initial implosion.
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Merit: 257

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January 09, 2018, 05:58:14 AM

Is everyone ready with two mortgages on their house and maximum leverage?

Not sure if there's much point.  When the bubble finally fully implodes down to like $4k or whatever it's going to crater to, sentiment for this market is going to be in the dumpster for a good duration of time so you'll just be sitting on sideways btc for a year or more like when it went sideways at $200 and $400 forever.  But you might get a good short term trade on the initial implosion.

You must be the most negative person, i´ve ever seen.
Thanksfully, theres demand and offer, which dictates the price ! And demand is just great now. For whatever reason.
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Deb Rah Von Doom

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January 09, 2018, 06:00:19 AM

Yay my first ignore. Isn't the word for someone who ignores people or things "ignorant"?
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January 09, 2018, 06:03:54 AM

Is everyone ready with two mortgages on their house and maximum leverage?

Not sure if there's much point.  When the bubble finally fully implodes down to like $4k or whatever it's going to crater to, sentiment for this market is going to be in the dumpster for a good duration of time so you'll just be sitting on sideways btc for a year or more like when it went sideways at $200 and $400 forever.  But you might get a good short term trade on the initial implosion.

You must be the most negative person, i´ve ever seen.
Thanksfully, theres demand and offer, which dictates the price ! And demand is just great now. For whatever reason.

Yes! It's so "negative" to not join the crowd of delusional lemmings that praise a non-fungible, centralized, permissioned ledger, govt tracking system with built-in usurious middlemen!  Why invest in real money like silver and gold at cost of production floor when you can buy imaginary tokens that are virtually identical to the cashless society slave system the govt wants to place you in.
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January 09, 2018, 06:06:26 AM

Yay my first ignore. Isn't the word for someone who ignores people or things "ignorant"?

You just shot yourself in the foot, right there  Smiley

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