If you have any chronicle diseases ask a doctor if any special herbs would interact with it. If you don't know if you have any, go take a check-up first, including a full allergy test. Many people die everyday because of "harmless" herbs and stuff. Every-body is different. Also, the amount you take is important. Even the most clean drinking water can harm you if you drink senselessly - a lot.
I still insist that physical activity is the best way to fight stress and remain healthy. Never eat a lot at once but consume all food varieties throughout the week. Fruits and vegetables come first. Consume yogurt everyday(excepting the days when you eat fish) and garlic whenever you're free to smell like it. Preferably everyday but yeah.
How do I know? I'm 35 and look and feel like 25, mainly because I care about what I eat.
I appreciate you taking the time, and respect your opinion, but honestly, when it comes to doctors, I only make an appointment if there's no other way out. In a lot of cases, I find it better to research my condition myself and self-medicate.
The reason for this is not because I think I'm better than a medical professional, but most general practitioners knows a little about many things, and they're in no way specialist of anything, so a lot of the time it seems like the MD just scratch his head and prescribe some sort of pill so the patient should feel the visit was 'worth it'.
Another factor is that most health personell don't give a shit about you. You're what, one in n patients that day for that doctor, and he will never go the extra mile for you. He don't care or he don't have the time. You're the only one that has hours to search online or read books and learn about your condition, and you have a very good motivation, as it's your health.
And unless you go to an expensive private clinique, a visit to the doctor is usually consisting of a lot of waiting time, as they don't seem to respect and honour the time of their patients, and a lot of the times the doctors can't do much anyway.
I'm not dismissing the fact that health care providers can be of essential value at certain times, but going there too often for minor aliments, I'm not sure if there's any point to that.
And apart from that rant about doctors, I agree 100% with your advise. And yes, garlic is wonderful for the health. That's absolutely true. It can also be had in supplement form that supposedly removes the stench. It might be a bit weaker that way. However, if you cut it in pieces and swallow it, you might not smell that much from your mouth.