Activity: 43
Merit: 0
November 11, 2016, 04:19:23 PM |
Hello guys. About 1 or 2 years ago i was buy some the darcoin. I have wallet.dat file and some program darkcoin-qt. How can i see the balance? Now all crypto money probably work via web interface?
November 11, 2016, 07:21:17 PM |
Hello guys. About 1 or 2 years ago i was buy some the darcoin. I have wallet.dat file and some program darkcoin-qt. How can i see the balance? Now all crypto money probably work via web interface?
Hey, here you get the information you need to migrate your Darkcoins to Dash: interface will be available later, with Dash Evolution.
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
November 11, 2016, 08:12:17 PM Last edit: November 11, 2016, 08:39:30 PM by GuitarFan |
Hello guys. About 1 or 2 years ago i was buy some the darcoin. I have wallet.dat file and some program darkcoin-qt. How can i see the balance? Now all crypto money probably work via web interface?
Hey, here you get the information you need to migrate your Darkcoins to Dash: interface will be available later, with Dash Evolution. Thank you. I did same as at video. This what i have when i run dash-qt. i have this when i run the soft: now im waiting for load but it take realy realy long time. How can i change this coins to other currency? Where ie can see dash all time chart? I have 35 dash, should i keep it or sell? What do you think? Is it grow?
November 11, 2016, 08:40:42 PM |
No need to change, your darkcoins automatically became dash. If you want to exchange to another currency, just use your favorite exchange (check dash exchanges on coinmarketcap)
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
November 11, 2016, 08:43:04 PM |
No need to change, your darkcoins automatically became dash. If you want to exchange to another currency, just use your favorite exchange (check dash exchanges on coinmarketcap)
I understand that i have dash now. But what do you think about it? Should it grow up in future?
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
November 11, 2016, 09:06:35 PM |
No need to change, your darkcoins automatically became dash. If you want to exchange to another currency, just use your favorite exchange (check dash exchanges on coinmarketcap)
I understand that i have dash now. But what do you think about it? Should it grow up in future? Honestly, I think Dash has the biggest future of any project. But if you want to cash out, there is a list of exchanges at and choose one that's best for your location. Dash's Evolution is going to seriously revolutionize the use of crypto currency. It will make it super easy to use, and hopefully we will make market inroads this upcoming year. But if we slack off, and don't keep pushing for adoption, things could wane. Thus we have to keep being creative and find users who NEED us! If you have ideas, please share here:!
Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member  My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading "You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."Sir Winston Churchill BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
November 11, 2016, 09:09:45 PM Last edit: November 11, 2016, 09:20:00 PM by Roslyn |
I understand that i have dash now. But what do you think about it? Should it grow up in future?
DASH will be the next thousand dollar coin. Give it the time bitcoin had, 5 more years.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
November 11, 2016, 09:15:05 PM |
I hope this is some kind of incentive for people actually currently working on the code, and not the situation where you have built something so complex you cannot debug it. IMHO, if the latter is the case, you might have to scale back your ambitions for governance automation in Dash. The code is pretty compartmentalized. It is ambitious though not terribly complex. The problem is competition, and the number of hours needed to get work done, therefore the core team is trying to expand. But to do so, they need to find talent. And talent that fits is not easily found :/ It's a matter of getting the product to market as fast as possible and staying ahead of the competition.
Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member  My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading "You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."Sir Winston Churchill BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d

Activity: 78
Merit: 10
November 11, 2016, 09:35:47 PM |
So this is like Cicada 3301? I like it! I wish I had the skills and time to contribute. As it stands, I can only cheer from the sidelines. I hope this is some kind of incentive for people actually currently working on the code, and not the situation where you have built something so complex you cannot debug it. IMHO, if the latter is the case, you might have to scale back your ambitions for governance automation in Dash. The code is pretty compartmentalized. It is ambitious though not terribly complex. The problem is competition, and the number of hours needed to get work done, therefore the core team is trying to expand. But to do so, they need to find talent. And talent that fits is not easily found :/ It's a matter of getting the product to market as fast as possible and staying ahead of the competition.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
November 11, 2016, 09:39:46 PM |
So this is like Cicada 3301? I like it! I wish I had the skills and time to contribute. As it stands, I can only cheer from the sidelines. I hope this is some kind of incentive for people actually currently working on the code, and not the situation where you have built something so complex you cannot debug it. IMHO, if the latter is the case, you might have to scale back your ambitions for governance automation in Dash. The code is pretty compartmentalized. It is ambitious though not terribly complex. The problem is competition, and the number of hours needed to get work done, therefore the core team is trying to expand. But to do so, they need to find talent. And talent that fits is not easily found :/ It's a matter of getting the product to market as fast as possible and staying ahead of the competition. Ditto, I don't even have the time to cheer anymore! My youngest has decided to become a very busy girl in far away places, so I'm spending all my time driving her, so my time with Dash has become limited  On the bright side, I got my first smart phone, so I can keep up a little bit. I just find it hard to type, as I'm long winded 
Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member  My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading "You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."Sir Winston Churchill BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
November 12, 2016, 01:36:16 AM Last edit: November 12, 2016, 01:58:36 AM by IMZ |
Important as well, especially if you are whale-ish, put in place some form of dead man's switch so that when you go to meet the great spirit in the ocean then your masternodes don't go with you. And leave to your loving ones what and how to do just in case... good point i recently 'signed' some paper for a crypto friend, he wrote a legal document about hist last will regarding his crypto holdings as this is so dam technical he put me in there as tech person to liquidate on behalf of family. I suggest for anybody to do the same !! (not using me) Finding somebody trusted or tech savvy enough who could advice the family in case anything 'bad' happens ! safety 1st Us IndiaMikeZulu guys, tungfa, have -- although we are only hobbyists -- taken a v. v. serious approach to this and related issues. Now, although we acknowledge that our model is not for everyone . . . we have a multi-person security model. All wallets and related data -- like the backups of the Gmail accounts necessary to get cryptos off exchanges, and the password of my laptop -- are not only on multiple back-ups, but copies are kept, in three separate physical locations, by the three members of this trial model, which even extends to exchange evaluation and exchange-exposure protocols. We have another member refining a stand-alone security model. (He's an investor. We're traders.) Both models are under constant review and update.I appointed myself -- although I am a techno-klutz -- as Security Officer several years ago. My conviction was that eventually we'd be managing laaarge amounts of cryptos. It all seemed a little anal . . . 'til we suffered, in a 14-month period, a 10-Bitcoin loss when Vircurex went down, a Gmail account hack* that neeeeeeearly saw another major loss, and a trojan attack that did cost us plenty. So, okay, you mentioned the retrieval of coin in the case of personal tragedy. Well done. My suggestion is to reach much further: 'Ordinary People's' Internet security is becoming increasingly difficult, so we'll need to be able to offer them bullet-proof basic security models as an integral aspect of them adopting cryptos into their household financial models; if you're a bullion bug; there's that security aspect (coffee can in the asparagus patch, me!); there's the woefully neglected field of exchange evaluation/exposure protocols**; etc.*The guy who got into my partner's Gmail transpired not to be a crypto geek: he got onto an exchange using current-passwords-that-should-not-have-been-in-an-email-attachment; then successfully transferred the tiny amount of Bitcoin off the exchange, then had a go at the large amount of Bytecoin, but stuffed up withdrawal process. **This has been an interesting aspect. For instance, the Gatecoin exchange of Hong Kong has a street address. Now, I'm not so naive that I think that that gives Total Security, but if a community had a member in Hong Kong, that member would take the bus down to meet the owner. Beyond this, as part of our general dev work, we maintain ties with a wide array of crypto folk. Again, no guarantees; but knowledge is power. (Amanda Johnson recently interviewed the manager of Living Room of Satoshi? We've been swapping emails with him since L.R.o.S. opened. Our conclusion? He's a diligent and reliable character.) And I no longer put coin onto a new exchange until I've sent an 'Hello' ticket to Support: is the response prompt and comprehensible? And here's a P.S.: there's a 'creep factor': you start of with a security model sufficient for a coupla Bitcoin, and when TSHTF, you realise you had 25 Bitcoin on that ad hoc model. About two years ago, a member of the U**&^%$#@m community reported that his laptop had failed, and -- notwithstanding the ad nauseum exhortations everyone had had to keep wallets backed up -- it became apparent that this member had about $US 35,000 worth of unsecured cryptos on that machine. The point is: remain, security-wise, way ahead of the $ amounts of cryptos you're dealing with!!
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
November 12, 2016, 01:52:15 AM |
Important as well, especially if you are whale-ish, put in place some form of dead man's switch so that when you go to meet the great spirit in the ocean then your masternodes don't go with you. And leave to your loving ones what and how to do just in case... good point i recently 'signed' some paper for a crypto friend, he wrote a legal document about hist last will regarding his crypto holdings as this is so dam technical he put me in there as tech person to liquidate on behalf of family. I suggest for anybody to do the same !! (not using me) Finding somebody trusted or tech savvy enough who could advice the family in case anything 'bad' happens ! safety 1st Us IndiaMikeZulu guys, tungfa, have -- although we are only hobbyists -- taken a v. v. serious approach to this and related issues. Now, although we acknowledge that our model is not for everyone . . . we have a multi-person security model. All wallets and related data -- like the backups of the Gmail accounts necessary to get cryptos off exchanges, and the password of my laptop -- are not only on multiple back-ups, but copies are kept, in three separate physical locations, by the three members of this trial model, which even extends to exchange evaluation and exchange-exposure protocols. We have another member refining a stand-alone security model. (He's an investor. We're traders.) Both models are under constant review and update.I appointed myself -- although I am a techno-klutz -- as Security Officer several years ago. My conviction was that eventually we'd be managing laaarge amounts of cryptos. It all seemed a little anal . . . 'til we suffered, in a 14-month period, a 10-Bitcoin loss when Vircurex went down, a Gmail account hack* that neeeeeeearly saw another major loss, and a trojan attack that did cost us plenty. So, okay, you mentioned the retrieval of coin in the case of personal tragedy. Well done. My suggestion is to reach much further: 'Ordinary People's' Internet security is becoming increasingly difficult, so we'll need to be able to offer them bullet-proof basic security models as an integral aspect of them adopting cryptos into their household financial models; if you're a bullion bug; there's that security aspect (coffee can in the asparagus patch, me!); there's the woefully neglected field of exchange evaluation/exposure protocols**; etc.* The guy who got into my partner's Gmail transpired not to be a crypto geek: he got onto an exchange using current-passwords-that-should-not-have-been-in-an-email-attachment; then successfully transferred the tiny amount of Bitcoin off the exchange, then had a go at the large amount of Bytecoin, but stuffed up withdrawal process. **This has been an interesting aspect. For instance, the Gatecoin exchange of Hong Kong has a street address. Now, I'm not so naive that I think that that gives Total Security, but if a community had a member in Hong Kong, that member would take the bus down to meet the owner. Beyond this, as part of our general dev work, we maintain ties with a wide array of crypto folk. Again, no guarantees; but knowledge is power. (Amanda Johnson recently interviewed the manager of Living Room of Satoshi? We've been swapping emails with him since L.R.o.S. opened. Our conclusion? He's a diligent and reliable character.) And I no longer put coin onto a new exchange until I've sent an 'Hello' ticket to Support: is the response prompt and comprehensible? My lot were all laughing at me for mining and buying bits n bytes...fuck'd if I'm leaving them anything. 12 months in Vegas, baby...then boom, lights out  @otoh, Any chance you can leave a little trading advice in your will? You know, to avoid flash crashes; drip feed sales orders, maybe try OTC first, etc...
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1181
November 12, 2016, 03:01:43 AM Last edit: November 12, 2016, 03:13:44 AM by Otoh |
Any chance you can leave a little trading advice in your will? You know, to avoid flash crashes; drip feed sales orders, maybe try OTC first, etc...
Yep, indeed, this is a crucial part of what knowledge needs to be passed on with the wallets, not to worry though they are going to someone who is used to dealing with serious amounts of plankton, a Chinese American trustafari who's grand mum left the family a shopping mall and development land, that sort of shit, she won't be dumping and has a dozen or so masternodes anyway. Edit, she also got TF out of US ages ago and is based in a tax haven where I also hang out atm. Edit, edit, the grand mum sold the shopping mall rights to the ppl who developed it, they built everything and had a thirty year lease, it's just reverted to the family (3 siblings), a bit neglected re maintenance but a full full on mall with tons of development land around it in a prime growth spot.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1023
November 12, 2016, 12:05:37 PM Last edit: November 14, 2016, 08:54:09 AM by tungfa |
**This has been an interesting aspect. For instance, the Gatecoin exchange of Hong Kong has a street address. Now, I'm not so naive that I think that that gives Total Security, but if a community had a member in Hong Kong, that member would take the bus down to meet the owner. Beyond this, as part of our general dev work, we maintain ties with a wide array of crypto folk. Again, no guarantees; but knowledge is power.........
I have been at their office many times, the owner (french guy) is very involved in the HK crypto scene, i know them well and never had a problem there (as i do not use exchanges for holdings)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
November 13, 2016, 04:24:55 AM |
**This has been an interesting aspect. For instance, the Gatecoin exchange of Hong Kong has a street address. Now, I'm not so naive that I think that that gives Total Security, but if a community had a member in Hong Kong, that member would take the bus down to meet the owner. Beyond this, as part of our general dev work, we maintain ties with a wide array of crypto folk. Again, no guarantees; but knowledge is power.........
I have been at their office many times, the owner (french guy) is very involved in the HK crypto scene, i know them well and never had a problem there (as i do not use exchanges for holdings) Wow! To go to a Hong Kong crypto-scene meetup is a dream of ours. We are waaaay in the country. Here's Eric the Emu and Uno the Chick enjoying the sunshine in my backyard: visit!
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
November 13, 2016, 04:29:01 AM |
And . . .
any opinions on Livecoin? (I know it's a DASH exchange.) Thinkin' of giving it a whirl.
November 13, 2016, 07:37:58 PM |
And . . .
any opinions on Livecoin? (I know it's a DASH exchange.) Thinkin' of giving it a whirl.
Have not heard anything negativ about them, but never used them by myself
tip me!  XtSrWch1U3BsTBFBHj7acTTzxFo1fy5BMa
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1023
November 13, 2016, 11:53:51 PM Last edit: November 14, 2016, 12:07:22 AM by tungfa |
Shopawl adds AliExpress to stores list"In addition to bitcoin, Shopawl enables shopping on the supported stores also with Ethereum/ether (ETH), litecoin (LTC), dogecoin (Dodge) and DASH with more cryptocurrencies to be added.”
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
November 14, 2016, 03:42:48 AM Last edit: November 15, 2016, 08:39:15 PM by TanteStefana2 |
Don't get me wrong, it's nice that they're including Dash, and that cryptos are being accepted at more places. But, these announcements only show that Dash is stagnating. We can do things none of these other coins can do (instant send) and yet, we make no real use of this property. It could be a game changer, but all we do is court the 3rd, 4th and 5th party apps that includes all the other "coins", and we don't even NEED them! I mean, it doesn't hurt, but it certainly isn't helping. This is starting to become Dash's big failure and I can't understand why nobody will work on merchant direct acceptance of Dash! NO, not Walmart, not McDonnalds, etc... the SMALL guy who would truly benefit from accepting Dash. We are ignoring the grass roots level, and this could very well be our downfall if someone else takes the lead there!!! edited out something written grumpily under the influence of actually being sick 
Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member  My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading "You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."Sir Winston Churchill BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d