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Author Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency  (Read 9724232 times)
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Activity: 1456
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April 14, 2014, 08:52:52 PM


A new coin named after Kimoto's Gravity Wave.

Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?

DGW Coin?

Evan Coin?

DGW EVAN coin?
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Activity: 966
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April 14, 2014, 09:12:47 PM


A new coin named after Kimoto's Gravity Wave.

Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?

DGW Coin?

Evan Coin?

DGW EVAN coin?

I'm thinking that I forgot to buy toilet roll at Tesco earlier. I have no idea what you are thinking.
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Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049

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April 14, 2014, 09:15:33 PM

IMO BlackCoin could be serious threat to DarkCoin. As a community we should take it seriously:

1. If BC implement DarkSend, DRK could be doomed
2. BC multipool is going to use X11 (this is already happening, it is just a matter of days)
3. I think that more "average Joe" kind of people will consider DarkCoin just a copy of BC because they will firstly hear about blackcoin, which is a big hype nowdays, and they have great  marketing(Apple is big copy-cat, but people find it innovative ).

People pump BC because of speculation, not because any real value/use, and people keep buying just because they don't want to miss it, just in case.... until dump starts. Once a few big whales dump at once, people will panic, and the coin will recover from some of those panic dumps, until the hype is not enough to keep it up.

Coins without a real reason for existence end up dying, and BC doesn't have any real life feature, just speculation.

Personally I think BC is pumped as a laundry for hacked BTCs.

Cryptsy top 9 volume:

BC/BTC    BlackCoin    5558 BTC   
DOGE/BTC    Dogecoin    713 BTC   
LTC/BTC    LiteCoin    417 BTC   
ZET/BTC    ZetaCoin    312 BTC
VTC/BTC    VertCoin    118 BTC   
AUR/BTC    AuroraCoin    106 BTC   
ZEIT/LTC    ZeitCoin    45 BTC
DRK/BTC    DarkCoin    41.4 BTC
NXT/BTC    Nxt    36.3 BTC

Yeah, sure 5558 BTC, >10 times the BTC/LTC volume. Ok. Someone had a couple thousands BTCs around and said yeah let's throw them on blackcoin...

My guess is that most of these BTCs of the last few days (let's call him primary buyer) are probably "problematic" to cash out for the "owner" and is thus pumping or even trying to buy an altcoin... but not any altcoin: BC which is also prone to 51% monopoly advantage for the owner (!) - lol. But it would be somewhat irrational if the 51% controller undermined the network as he would lose himself through a blow to the currency's reliability. Unless he doesn't care.

The buying pattern is irrational with no serious periods of adjustments to buy back more for cheaper by panicking "oh it's gonna fall soon" guys...  and I kind of remember our own pump to 0.008 that exhibited similar irrational behavior, and it had ...330 stolen BTCs. You just don't spend thousands of BTCs like no tomorrow if you've earned them with mining, trading, investing etc or if you bought them with fiat, knowing full well that you are creating a bubble that you will be unable to dump to other parties. It's a sure loss (unless you know the future and it's ...BLACK Tongue)
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April 14, 2014, 09:40:15 PM

It would be cool to have a bounty for a Drk multipool.
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Activity: 11
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April 14, 2014, 09:42:43 PM

Hi All,

First post and apologies if this has already been covered. I was hoping someone could help me get to a good config for mining darkcoin.

I currently have a HIS R9 280X IceQ X2 and a Sapphire R9 280X Dual-X running on BAMT 1.6 using sgminer-sph 4.1.0. The cards combined are hashing at best at 3.2MHS and undervolted to 1.100 does this sound about right?

If anyone can advise whether I could get a better hash rate on these cards and whether they have undervolted the cards I would appreciate it.


I have two R9 280x's running in my rig @ 4.6mh (2.3mh/per card).  I undervolted my cards for scrypt but it wasn't necessary for X11 for me at least, the power savings was in the 40% range already.  

Here is my sgminer-sph.conf:

    "pools": [
   "poolname" : "P2Pool",
   "url" : "stratum+tcp://",
   "user": "",
   "pass": ""

   "poolname" : "P2Pool (backup)",
   "url" : "stratum+tcp://",
   "user": "",
   "pass": ""
    "auto-fan": true,
    "gpu-fan": "40-100",
    "temp-cutoff": "90",
    "temp-overheat": "85",
    "temp-target": "75",

    "worksize": "256",
    "xintensity": "100",
    "thread-concurrency": "8192",
    "lookup-gap" : "1",
    "expiry" : "1",
    "gpu-threads" : "1",
    "vectors" : "1",
    "shaders" : "2560",
    "gpu-dyninterval" : "7",

    "api-port": "4028",
    "api-listen": true,
    "api-allow": "W:",

    "failover-only" : true,
    "no-pool-disable": true,
    "no-submit-stale" : true,

    "queue": "0",
    "scan-time" : "1",

    "kernel" : "darkcoin",
    "kernel-path": "/usr/local/bin"

EDIT:  One other thing, my cards never get above 60C and fans run at 40% (1900rpm).

Thanks very much for those settings now hashing away nicely at 4.6mhs. Its appreciated, let me know your wallet address I'll send some coin over.
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Trading will make me rich)

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April 14, 2014, 09:48:28 PM

IMO BlackCoin could be serious threat to DarkCoin. As a community we should take it seriously:

1. If BC implement DarkSend, DRK could be doomed
2. BC multipool is going to use X11 (this is already happening, it is just a matter of days)
3. I think that more "average Joe" kind of people will consider DarkCoin just a copy of BC because they will firstly hear about blackcoin, which is a big hype nowdays, and they have great  marketing(Apple is big copy-cat, but people find it innovative ).

People pump BC because of speculation, not because any real value/use, and people keep buying just because they don't want to miss it, just in case.... until dump starts. Once a few big whales dump at once, people will panic, and the coin will recover from some of those panic dumps, until the hype is not enough to keep it up.

Coins without a real reason for existence end up dying, and BC doesn't have any real life feature, just speculation.

Isn't the pure POS faster? It's basically very energy efficient while being very fast and secure. Immune to 51% attacks etc. Or am I wrong? I don't mean that the current valuation is justified, simply that it's not a bad coin at all imo.

I prefer PoS over PoW, but damn, BC is just a shitcoin. There is good old Peercoin that was first in PoS with few clones, NXT that is not a bitcoin clone but a platform for building payment systems, decentralized internet etc, and few interesting PoS projects in development. So, when people who is now panic buying BC will realize that they are "investing" into useless clone - like DOGE without dog face))) and some big holders will decide to chashout, the fall will be huge...
Sr. Member
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Activity: 364
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Pre-sale - March 18

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April 14, 2014, 10:01:14 PM

IMO BlackCoin could be serious threat to DarkCoin. As a community we should take it seriously:

1. If BC implement DarkSend, DRK could be doomed
2. BC multipool is going to use X11 (this is already happening, it is just a matter of days)
3. I think that more "average Joe" kind of people will consider DarkCoin just a copy of BC because they will firstly hear about blackcoin, which is a big hype nowdays, and they have great  marketing(Apple is big copy-cat, but people find it innovative ).

People pump BC because of speculation, not because any real value/use, and people keep buying just because they don't want to miss it, just in case.... until dump starts. Once a few big whales dump at once, people will panic, and the coin will recover from some of those panic dumps, until the hype is not enough to keep it up.

Coins without a real reason for existence end up dying, and BC doesn't have any real life feature, just speculation.

Isn't the pure POS faster? It's basically very energy efficient while being very fast and secure. Immune to 51% attacks etc. Or am I wrong? I don't mean that the current valuation is justified, simply that it's not a bad coin at all imo.

I prefer PoS over PoW, but damn, BC is just a shitcoin. There is good old Peercoin that was first in PoS with few clones, NXT that is not a bitcoin clone but a platform for building payment systems, decentralized internet etc, and few interesting PoS projects in development. So, when people who is now panic buying BC will realize that they are "investing" into useless clone - like DOGE without dog face))) and some big holders will decide to chashout, the fall will be huge...

Well PoS clearly work.. and BC offers nothing compared to DRK. And if DRK doesn't take this approach seriously it might lack behind further and when it's in the gutter people will still just highlight the "premine" - cpu to GPU switch. 84 to 22m halvation. And then it won't be worth defending for some nickles. It will be hard to adopt it and just clone it. Well people might not be so creative in writing it but they sure are good at reading it and it thinking that it will take a "long" time to adopt it to shitclones is at best naiv. These are valid points and must be thought over even how hard it feels. More communication from DEVs to community would be nice too.

I offer 70 DRK for for Multipool DRK payout - bounty
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April 14, 2014, 10:06:17 PM

DarkCoin looks like someone who laying comfortable in the sofa on the mid floor terrace in some skyscraper with a glass in one hand and cigar in other, watching how other coins riding see trough glass elevator on another skyscraper in front of him  Grin  Tongue We know those who laugh last laughs best !
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April 14, 2014, 10:15:42 PM

Someone brought this up on reddit and I thought it was worth posting over here.  Any chance we could release a wallet compile for tails?  This is what a lot of the darknet folks use.
I have never used Tails my self but I am downloading it now and will work on building a wallet for it.

Well it looks like the creators of Tails Linux have locked down the OS so you cant run other applicatons on it to increase security.

This is the first time I have looks at it and im not that familiar with it. Its a debian based os and I can build a debian based wallet but it seems the creators would have to approve the app being included in the OS.

If there is another way that I can execute an app on it, please let me know and I will work on it.

Im building it now, and will start up Tails again when its done. You can download the main wallet at:  Im working on the Beta (Darksend) Wallet now. Try it and let me know.

DarkCoin - - DarkCoin aims to be the first privacy-centric cryptographic currency with fully encrypted transactions and anonymous block transactions.
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Activity: 658
Merit: 500

The Buck Stops Here.

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April 14, 2014, 10:16:48 PM

Website is down temporarily. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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April 14, 2014, 10:31:01 PM

Someone brought this up on reddit and I thought it was worth posting over here.  Any chance we could release a wallet compile for tails?  This is what a lot of the darknet folks use.
I have never used Tails my self but I am downloading it now and will work on building a wallet for it.

Well it looks like the creators of Tails Linux have locked down the OS so you cant run other applicatons on it to increase security.

This is the first time I have looks at it and im not that familiar with it. Its a debian based os and I can build a debian based wallet but it seems the creators would have to approve the app being included in the OS.

If there is another way that I can execute an app on it, please let me know and I will work on it.

Im building it now, and will start up Tails again when its done. You can download the main wallet at:  Im working on the Beta (Darksend) Wallet now. Try it and let me know.

So far it is syncing in Tails

Be sure to add:


DarkCoin - - DarkCoin aims to be the first privacy-centric cryptographic currency with fully encrypted transactions and anonymous block transactions.
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Activity: 137
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April 14, 2014, 10:52:59 PM

Keep your friends close, keep your enemies even closer
Pay attention to this part
4.) We have something very special coming up in May that is nothing less than epic. We are keeping it a secret until the day of the event because we will be the first cyrpto-currency in history to do what we are planning to do. By the end of May everyone; including the supporters of BTC will look at this community in awe.
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Activity: 658
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The Buck Stops Here.

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April 14, 2014, 10:53:14 PM

Someone brought this up on reddit and I thought it was worth posting over here.  Any chance we could release a wallet compile for tails?  This is what a lot of the darknet folks use.
I have never used Tails my self but I am downloading it now and will work on building a wallet for it.

Well it looks like the creators of Tails Linux have locked down the OS so you cant run other applicatons on it to increase security.

This is the first time I have looks at it and im not that familiar with it. Its a debian based os and I can build a debian based wallet but it seems the creators would have to approve the app being included in the OS.

If there is another way that I can execute an app on it, please let me know and I will work on it.

Im building it now, and will start up Tails again when its done. You can download the main wallet at:  Im working on the Beta (Darksend) Wallet now. Try it and let me know.

So far it is syncing in Tails

Be sure to add:


That's pretty cool. Good job Ape!
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April 14, 2014, 11:15:37 PM

We need more news and marketable updates to keep this coin relevant.  It would be nice to try and get Dark in the spotlight.
Hero Member
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Activity: 658
Merit: 500

The Buck Stops Here.

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April 14, 2014, 11:32:54 PM

We need more news and marketable updates to keep this coin relevant.  It would be nice to try and get Dark in the spotlight.

It's not ready yet. Stop looking at it as a penny stock. Instead look at it as a way to send money anonymously across the world.
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April 14, 2014, 11:56:33 PM

BC, meet post #14362.


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April 15, 2014, 12:15:44 AM

It's hard to watch all these other coins rise above DRK but in a couple of months, when Darksend is active and people hear about the anonymous network, the DRK rise will be extreme and April will feel like a distant memory!
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April 15, 2014, 12:23:57 AM

Hi All,

First post and apologies if this has already been covered. I was hoping someone could help me get to a good config for mining darkcoin.

I currently have a HIS R9 280X IceQ X2 and a Sapphire R9 280X Dual-X running on BAMT 1.6 using sgminer-sph 4.1.0. The cards combined are hashing at best at 3.2MHS and undervolted to 1.100 does this sound about right?

If anyone can advise whether I could get a better hash rate on these cards and whether they have undervolted the cards I would appreciate it.


I have two R9 280x's running in my rig @ 4.6mh (2.3mh/per card).  I undervolted my cards for scrypt but it wasn't necessary for X11 for me at least, the power savings was in the 40% range already.  

Here is my sgminer-sph.conf:

    "pools": [
   "poolname" : "P2Pool",
   "url" : "stratum+tcp://",
   "user": "",
   "pass": ""

   "poolname" : "P2Pool (backup)",
   "url" : "stratum+tcp://",
   "user": "",
   "pass": ""
    "auto-fan": true,
    "gpu-fan": "40-100",
    "temp-cutoff": "90",
    "temp-overheat": "85",
    "temp-target": "75",

    "worksize": "256",
    "xintensity": "100",
    "thread-concurrency": "8192",
    "lookup-gap" : "1",
    "expiry" : "1",
    "gpu-threads" : "1",
    "vectors" : "1",
    "shaders" : "2560",
    "gpu-dyninterval" : "7",

    "api-port": "4028",
    "api-listen": true,
    "api-allow": "W:",

    "failover-only" : true,
    "no-pool-disable": true,
    "no-submit-stale" : true,

    "queue": "0",
    "scan-time" : "1",

    "kernel" : "darkcoin",
    "kernel-path": "/usr/local/bin"

EDIT:  One other thing, my cards never get above 60C and fans run at 40% (1900rpm).

Thanks very much for those settings now hashing away nicely at 4.6mhs. Its appreciated, let me know your wallet address I'll send some coin over.

No problem at all, no coins needed.  If anything, direct them to the Darkcoin bounties that LimLims has put together:

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April 15, 2014, 12:26:33 AM

It's hard to watch all these other coins rise above DRK

The market isn't really kind to preserving inflated values, for a long time, with no fundamentals. See animalcoins, countrycoins (must have had at least 10 of them above DRK in the last month or so - before they crashed), pump & dump coins etc. If a coin can offer something good then by all means it may deserve to be valued appropriately. If not, it will fall after some kind of pump event, adjusting to its actual market value.
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April 15, 2014, 12:29:38 AM

Is there a way to include an encrypted name and address field with a DarkSend transaction?

It may sound like a stupid question, but retail merchants are backing off from bitcoin because it is anonymous (I know it's not).  

So you can walk into a gun shop in the USA and pay cash for the biggest gun they sell. You could have just got that cash from selling crack at the local school gate.

Cash is not seen as a problem, provided you have some ID.

Try and buy M&Ms on Amazon with Bitcoin and there is no chance in hell. That is seen is an evil money laundering no-no.

Maybe what retailers might prefer is a Darkcoin payment that includes the name and address, which matches the name and address on their account. How about a name and address that cross-checks to voter registration or a driving licence.

Where is the risk to them at this point? The whole world can't see the transaction, but the merchant has an audit trail they can show the cops. Job done. Next merchant please sign here.................

As with DarkSend having an opt-out function, adding name and address fields can be an opt-in service - for those that were wondering which bit of anonymous I didn't get.

Let's patent that and give the royalties to the darkcoin holders.

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