April 15, 2014, 04:47:14 AM |
I love Darksend but you have to realize it will be replaced once someone starts a zero knowledge proof coin.
You're going to trust your *money* to experimental research-level cryptography? There's a reason Nakamoto only used old well-vetted crypto in the BTC protocol. Oh, and to initiate the zero-knowledge accumulator, an RSA key has to be generated that we all need to trust is simply thrown away by the creator. Knowledge of the key allows manipulation of the currency. I love anonymity, but zero-knowledge crypto is an academic novelty, not a solution.
April 15, 2014, 05:50:38 AM |
Why is no one talking about the fact the CPU miners posted on the front page are riddled with malware???
Because they're not? I love Darksend but you have to realize it will be replaced once someone starts a zero knowledge proof coin.
While I've been working on DarkSend I've been thinking about this alot. You know what the problem is with a zero knowledge proof? There's a secret key that will be attacked by governments and it will eventually be cracked. That will make every transaction that ever happened in that blockchain cleartext and allow every future transaction to also be viewed as cleartext. I'm going to venture to say the government is working on quantum computers and such crypto can be solved with shor's algorithm. When they do, they're not going to tell anyone. So it's a giant honeypot. DarkSend is immune to such attacks, all involved crypto functions could be cracked and the mixing is still done off blockchain by the masternodes. Off blockchain means that the information is lost and that's the only way to secure it, you can't do it with cryptography. I like this. Wow Great!!!
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
April 15, 2014, 06:36:31 AM |
There is a lot of crap being posted about BC here and I want to clarify. Its not being pumped on specualtion its being pumped because the multipool dumps crapcoins and buys blackcoin.
5000 BTC per day mining from the BC multipool? No. At best close to 1% of that. So >99% of the pump volume is unaccounted for.
April 15, 2014, 06:49:57 AM |
IMO BlackCoin could be serious threat to DarkCoin. As a community we should take it seriously:
1. If BC implement DarkSend, DRK could be doomed 2. BC multipool is going to use X11 (this is already happening, it is just a matter of days) 3. I think that more "average Joe" kind of people will consider DarkCoin just a copy of BC because they will firstly hear about blackcoin, which is a big hype nowdays, and they have great marketing(Apple is big copy-cat, but people find it innovative ).
Pumps (and dumps) happen in altcoin-land all the time. Stop panicking. And if BC tried to mine DRK, they wouldn't impact price much. The more hashes they contribute, the fewer total coins there will be per day. +1 Epic pump... make no mistakes, epic dump will follow. There is nothing special warranting that price. Auroracoin anyone? Pumpers have been slowly buying @ 500-1000 satoshi, then Twitter campaign for a couple weeks and careful buy support to pump slowly. Only question, is it still a greed phase, or delusion:  Result: With careful sales pumpers can get 50-100 times return. It's not all bad if the new floor ends up higher than before, just a lot of suckers loosing by buying at high prices and holding. Looks like blackcoin is following the chart. Its going down to affordable levels for those that missed out last time  And you have to remember darkcoin has a face, real person behind it...
April 15, 2014, 07:07:45 AM |
Guys what are the hash rates with an R9 290? I am getting about 2.5Mh per card but not sure if this is good or not.
"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine." -Abraham Lincoln, 1864
April 15, 2014, 08:03:58 AM |
There is a lot of crap being posted about BC here and I want to clarify. Its not being pumped on specualtion its being pumped because the multipool dumps crapcoins and buys blackcoin.
5000 BTC per day mining from the BC multipool? No. At best close to 1% of that. So >99% of the pump volume is unaccounted for. Thats unbelivable what happens to BC. That can´t have something to do with the coin itsself. It´s only playground for big BTC holders. Some people orchestrate the biggest pump and dump i´ve ever seen on cryptocoinmarket. Only standing on the sideline and watching what happens  I lost enough with some other coins i the past and learned my lessens to stay away from these trades. DRK looks like boring to this, but in the end ... People will always remember their lost with BC and stay away in future and searching for something more longtime investment.
April 15, 2014, 08:36:39 AM |
If anyone had any illusions about the BC pump... big boys have long sold, now the question where does the new floor sits. 3day chart now looks quite similar to my earlier post   P.S. I don't have anything against BC, just pointing out obvious P&D...
April 15, 2014, 09:00:22 AM |
guess who couldnt sleep tonight....  This is awesome.
April 15, 2014, 09:21:19 AM |
This is a wallpaper. It may contain traces of nuts, stupid dummy text, typos, and even stylistic devices which are not suitable for logos. This is not a logo. This is a wallpaper.
DΛRKCOIN -> is now -> DΛSH ---------- not DashCoin, not DarkDash, not anything. The Name has been / is changed the tech stays the same
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
April 15, 2014, 09:23:40 AM |
This is a wallpaper. It may contain traces of nuts, stupid dummy text, typos, and even stylistic devices which are not suitable for logos. This is not a logo. This is a wallpaper.
Im in love.... I think that should be our motto "We go dark"
April 15, 2014, 09:52:18 AM |
Ugh that wallpaper is ugly. You can learn hard to have all the best 3D and Photoshop skills in the world, but taste is something that you can't learn.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18
April 15, 2014, 09:56:43 AM |
Ugh that wallpaper is ugly. You can learn hard to have all the best 3D and Photoshop skills in the world, but taste is something that you can't learn.
Although subjectivity seems like the most foreign word to most people
April 15, 2014, 09:56:57 AM |
This is a wallpaper. It may contain traces of nuts, stupid dummy text, typos, and even stylistic devices which are not suitable for logos. This is not a logo. This is a wallpaper.
DΛRKCOIN -> is now -> DΛSH ---------- not DashCoin, not DarkDash, not anything. The Name has been / is changed the tech stays the same
Honest Tim
April 15, 2014, 10:28:31 AM |
I have just logged onto my Vault of Satoshi account and can confirm that they are live with DRK. You can now buy DRK with fiat 
April 15, 2014, 10:45:21 AM |
Regarding the DRK multipool, if anyone knows how to set it up I would like to be your partner. I can help with the coding (PHP, python, C/C++ ...), I have some servers that we could use, I could help with maintenance and promotion. Send me PM.
Why DRK multipool could be good? It could drive all at once the price up, diff down, reward up and market cap up.
April 15, 2014, 11:11:46 AM |

Activity: 105
Merit: 10
April 15, 2014, 11:43:02 AM |
guess who couldnt sleep tonight....  This is awesome. Beautiful indeed
April 15, 2014, 12:52:09 PM |
I think a multipool that auto-sells for DRK would be perfect, it'd save me a job anyway  . And it would do wonders for the price I'm sure, which right now is just too stable for my liking (which isn't a bad thing though!) +1 talking of that for so long now. where are all the pool devs??? $$$ Could it be ChaosITec secret project?  Multipool floated a few pages back. 1. DarkGravityWave release 2. Mutlipool which pays out in Darkcoin 3. Come out of DarkSend beta 4. Hackfest to try and break Darksend (zerocash will probably lead the charge) 5. Dark Wallet to confirm they are officially giving up 6. GMaxwell to acknowledge DarkSend is looking pretty close to e-cash vs. Bitcoin 7. Satoshi to move some $100m of coins through DarkSend, maybe just $1 would do it 8. Media to go to town on rights and wrongs of DarkCoin, privacy, e-cash, etc.
It would be cool to have a bounty for a Drk multipool.
Regarding the DRK multipool, if anyone knows how to set it up I would like to be your partner. I can help with the coding (PHP, python, C/C++ ...), I have some servers that we could use, I could help with maintenance and promotion. Send me PM.
Why DRK multipool could be good? It could drive all at once the price up, diff down, reward up and market cap up.
Come on, there is so much money in there, why is the pool not finished yet?  I keep coming back to this thread and doing CTRL+F "multipool" 