Activity: 23
Merit: 0
December 30, 2016, 07:56:29 AM |
Is there some pool that shows rig names?
Iam on dwarf, and cant get my rigs name show up there... tryed "1" "rig1" nothing...
How did you set your wallet/pid/worker in start.bat? This is an example: WALLET-ADDRESS.PERSONAL-PAYMENT-ID.WORKER-NAME It is ok i think, but nothing showing NsGpuCNMiner.exe -o stratum+tcp://xmr-eu.dwarfpool.com:8050 -u MyMoneroAdress.1 -p x
December 30, 2016, 08:00:37 AM |
I am having a issue with monero mining on claymore where I get "Lowdifficultyshare" I have set my -a and my -h but still get the error and I have switched pools and drivers and claymore versions and still nothing. I am mining with one 7970 and one 7950.
I was getting the same errors right after switching over from mining ETH with Core/Clock speeds set at 1150/1950 (strap-1500 modded 470s). After seeing this, I went it and changed from 1150 to 1200 and have not seen that LowDiffShare error since... over 24 hours ago. Of course, upping to 1200 sucks more wattage but also gives a bit more hashes and no errors... and still my 6-card rig is at 830 watts, but 2 of the GPUs are not strap modded yet so after that and a bit of tweaking, pretty sure I can get it back in the mid 700's wattage wise. So, bottom line... try upping your core speed a bit and that should get rid of that error.

Activity: 67
Merit: 10
December 30, 2016, 08:15:13 AM |
What is the hashrate for r9 390 and 390x should i move to xmr from zec ? I'm concerned about diff. Thx
i just tested on 390x out of the box stock settings gives me ~830h running stable for over 3h now altho evry rig with rx470 or 480 hangs whole rig between 10-60min of running on stock settings also, any tips anyone? same here my 470 & 480 rigs are unstable for monero, i tried to reduce memory clock and increase voltage but no change, they are all have modded bios for eth
December 30, 2016, 08:51:34 AM |
what hashrate for R9 480 ?
im getting 630 and i think something should be tweaked
mining XMR
im getting 700h on rx480 8gb - only mem straps copied, stock clocks, switched straight from zcash where can i find the mem straps? in the card's bios.. you can edit bios using PolarisBiosEditor and you can flash bios using ATIFlash. never forget to make backup before do any changes.
December 30, 2016, 03:12:27 PM |
What is the hashrate for r9 390 and 390x should i move to xmr from zec ? I'm concerned about diff. Thx
i just tested on 390x out of the box stock settings gives me ~830h running stable for over 3h now altho evry rig with rx470 or 480 hangs whole rig between 10-60min of running on stock settings also, any tips anyone? same here my 470 & 480 rigs are unstable for monero, i tried to reduce memory clock and increase voltage but no change, they are all have modded bios for eth hmmm... I have several rigs of rx400 modded bios, stable on XMR. same setup as ETH (1080MHz core and about 2000MHz mem), occasionally a tiny bit more voltage, still heavy UV
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1245
December 30, 2016, 08:36:39 PM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more 
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet https://www.suprnova.cc - FOLLOW us @ Twitter ! twitter.com/SuprnovaPools
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
December 30, 2016, 08:50:58 PM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1080
---- winter*juvia -----
December 30, 2016, 08:55:30 PM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things. Thanks Claymore -- glad that you will work on this. While non-RX cards was doing great on v9.6, unfortunately very unstable for RX cards. I had to temporarily use latest sgminer-gm v5.5.4 (ETH/ZEC/XMR miner) for my XMR mining rigs but lose all the Ethman features.
If I provided you good and useful info or just a smile to your day, consider sending me merit points to further validate this Bitcointalk account ~ useful for future account recovery...
December 31, 2016, 02:45:31 AM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things. Thank you!
December 31, 2016, 05:30:36 AM |
Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things.
We hope that the main focus is the optimization of a 16. *. * Driver. And according to a series of maps RX. 
I'm an idiot. I believe in Bitcoin!
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
December 31, 2016, 05:45:43 AM Last edit: December 31, 2016, 05:56:21 AM by Prelude |
Glad to hear you're working on an update, claymore! Any chance you can add auto detect in ethman so it knows what client we're running? You could have 3 speed ratings available in the rig properties, ETH/ZEC/XMR so the manager keeps up when we switch algorithms. While non-RX cards was doing great on v9.6, unfortunately very unstable for RX cards. I've got a few RX 480/470 rigs running perfectly on 9.6, think it might be something to do with your setup. Here's an example of a 6 GPU rig running for almost 3 days straight:  Rig is running W10 4GB RAM 16.11.4 with 4x 480 and 2x 470, all have modded timings.

Activity: 124
Merit: 10
December 31, 2016, 06:14:41 AM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things. and can you make a http connection for monitoring and use your software with multipoolminer on miningpoolhub. thank 
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1080
---- winter*juvia -----
December 31, 2016, 06:43:14 AM |
Glad to hear you're working on an update, claymore! Any chance you can add auto detect in ethman so it knows what client we're running? You could have 3 speed ratings available in the rig properties, ETH/ZEC/XMR so the manager keeps up when we switch algorithms. While non-RX cards was doing great on v9.6, unfortunately very unstable for RX cards. I've got a few RX 480/470 rigs running perfectly on 9.6, think it might be something to do with your setup. Here's an example of a 6 GPU rig running for almost 3 days straight:  Rig is running W10 4GB RAM 16.11.4 with 4x 480 and 2x 470, all have modded timings. Yes, its due to the Crimson drivers. I have to upgrade the drivers to 16.11.x to get it stable with v9.6 -- it will be a lot of work and downtime. Hope v9.7 will work better with my existing drivers.
If I provided you good and useful info or just a smile to your day, consider sending me merit points to further validate this Bitcointalk account ~ useful for future account recovery...
December 31, 2016, 06:45:15 AM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things. Please don't forget fixing temps/fans to show in remote manager for RX470/480 cards.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
December 31, 2016, 09:04:43 AM |
Glad to hear you're working on an update, claymore! Any chance you can add auto detect in ethman so it knows what client we're running? You could have 3 speed ratings available in the rig properties, ETH/ZEC/XMR so the manager keeps up when we switch algorithms. While non-RX cards was doing great on v9.6, unfortunately very unstable for RX cards. I've got a few RX 480/470 rigs running perfectly on 9.6, think it might be something to do with your setup. Here's an example of a 6 GPU rig running for almost 3 days straight:  Rig is running W10 4GB RAM 16.11.4 with 4x 480 and 2x 470, all have modded timings. Yes, its due to the Crimson drivers. I have to upgrade the drivers to 16.11.x to get it stable with v9.6 -- it will be a lot of work and downtime. Hope v9.7 will work better with my existing drivers. I believe you can copy the appropriate files from newer drivers into the miner's folder, and the miner will use those instead of the currently installed driver's version. That would allow you to keep your old drivers and get the benefits of the newer ones. Maybe claymore can comment. But come to think of it, your drivers can't be any older than June. I have a rig running with the RX release drivers and it's just as stable as my 16.11.4 rig that I posted. Drivers may not be your issue.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
December 31, 2016, 09:11:56 AM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things. Claymore, don't you see a possibility to make a cuda 8 version for Linux for pascal cards, and maybe apart version, for older cards ?
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
December 31, 2016, 10:31:03 AM |
whats the min. payout from dwarfpool, if using exchange address? Is it 5.0 or 0.2 xmr? Website is confusing. 5 xmr would need at least 40 480's
Full Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
December 31, 2016, 10:37:42 AM |
whats the min. payout from dwarfpool, if using exchange address? Is it 5.0 or 0.2 xmr? Website is confusing. 5 xmr would need at least 40 480's
Well i think that's pretty clear "If you mine direct to an exchange, then payment will be from 5 XMR once an hour or once every day" So if you have a very very powerfull mining farm, they will pay you 5+ XMR per hour. If you are a normal miner and generate less than 5 XMR/day , you will be paid your mined XMR once a day. to sums up +5XMR/day = payout every hour as long as you have 5XMR or more unpaid. -5XMR/day = payout every day.
Sr. Member
Activity: 372
Merit: 250
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom
December 31, 2016, 11:33:12 AM |
Like I said in an earlier post - I worry about the upgrading of this miner because of all the possible RX cards it will potentially add to the XMR network - making the difficulty skyrocket just like it did when they all appeared on the ETH network, but I guess it's inevitable and Claymore wants/needs his dev fees - he doesn't have to worry about difficulty, he just wants as many miners using his software as possible.
Anyway - I'm hopeful the upgrade will add features and improvements for those of us who have been using this already for a while on R9, R7 and even earlier cards.
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for the -a and -h settings for R9 380 (4GB) cards with this software. Right now I have them at -a 4 and the default -h and they hash at about 550h/s. I have them core underclocked to 800 (just because it always made no difference when I mined ETH and saves wattage).
Does XMR respond to memory over/underclocking much? It doesn't seem to matter if I have my 290s at 1125, 1250 or 1375. Or my 380s at 1425 or 1500.
Crypto currency enthusiast and miner since 2015. Mined approx 200 ETH during 2016 and 2017 and sold it at approximately $US40 each. Then I watched it reach $1000+ each. If anyone bothers to read this stuff pay attention to this: HODL HODL HODL HODL HODL HODL
I started mining with 1 AMD 7950 and 1 R9-280X. Then I gradually built my AMD operation into 12 R9-290s. Awesome ETH hash but ridiculous power consumption and heat. Over the last year I defected to the Nvidia team. I now use GTX 1070s. They were expensive to buy (probably a bargain now) but awesome hash rate vs. power consumption. blah blah blah blah
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
December 31, 2016, 11:44:25 AM |
Please allow workernames as username, not only wallet addresses
bumping this once more  Ok I will release new version in 2-4 days, I will update many things. Thank you Claymore!